Fiction Bowser's Fluff and Stuff: Mostly About Princesses and Fighting Plumbers

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Bowser, Apr 16, 2016.

  1. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Here is an index of fluff I have written. It surprises me to even have as much fluff as I do, as before I joined this site I had no interest in warhammer fluff.
    I had a few laughs with the 8th edition rulebook. Then got to the Lizardman army book.
    Road to El Dorado? Don't care, okay badass lizards that are designed by aliens to be perfect killing machines. Alright saurus what have you got for stats?
    Okay let me go check out the timeline.
    Lord Hua Hua is the only likable character. Going to do something with that guy. (And I will)
    Then boredom struck with 8th edition. The army was put on the shelf.
    Then there was AOS. Simple, intuitive rules, and I can bring all my cool stuff? Time to look at warhammer again. Also Lustria online.
    Then I started reading the fluff by the authors here. Suddenly I cared abiut the fluff and wanted to get in on it. Perfect timing, a competition was coming up!
    Anyway here is something to make Scalenex job easier.

    Rat Poison. My only old world fluff, and first short story contest entry. Actually my first time writing anything warhammer fiction.

    The Constellation. My first attempt at exploring AOS Seraphon. What do they do in their off time? Do they have a personality beyond the memories of the Slann? I doubt this answers your questions, but some pretty good action sequences.

    The Seraphon Legend. Showing off my ignorance to fluff and trying to write for three races I had barely an idea about, I would enter another contest. It was a fun poke at how there isn't much to go off of with AOS fluff, so we can just make up our own.

    Valentines Day 2016. For all you romantics out there.

    The Extermination. Something bigger. Working my way to a novel level of writing, but technique is still not where it should be. Anyway this explores a different possible universe from The Constellation. Because exploring Seraphon and what I can do and get away with is quite a bit of fun to write. Basicallly a blank slate to do as I please.

    Army Pics.
    If you care to see The Mighty Army Of Bowser it's all right there, needs updating though.

    Visual Media Contest Memories
    Here is how I put together my entry into the first visual media competition. With a splash of what my inspirations were.

    The Bounty
    A fun little western style short story. The theme of anti heroes brought out some new ideas.

    Space Opera Skaven or S.O.S an AOS story in 3 acts.

    A fun little romp through space and music with the best space agency skaven have to offer. The mission to explode an asteroid, that someone once speculated may or may not have slann on it, is action packed and will get an old song stuck in your head.

    High Noon Hijinx
    This is what happens when short story characters collaborate. Put on your best western duds and saddle up, there's 3 short stories in that thread, and possibly more incoming. The talented @Y'ttar Scaletail and @spawning of Bob bring tsome characters from The Bounty back into action, with a few guest appearances from @Warden 's brilliant "Da Toad Lickas"

    The Rat And The Serpent
    Some big ideas to further explore the memory mechanic of the Seraphon. A bit long for a short story. What would happen if a great hero met several different interpretations of his/herself. It's never a guarantee how different people will remember a legacy.

    The Slaves Name
    Another short story contest entry, which poorly attempts to explore free will among the Seraphon.

    The Blood Bowl Teams
    Big Hatted Chaotic Dwarfs and Werewolves and Frankensteins and such.

    BB2020 Lizardmen Tactics

    A bit of a work in progress, but a much needed Lizardmen Tactics for Blood Bowl 2020.

    The Rising Star A short Blood Bowl story written over on Chaos Dwarfs Online for Scribes Contest XIII.
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2022
    Scalenex, tom ndege, Warden and 2 others like this.
  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Okay @Bowser and @Kcibrihp-Esurc have done this. Which egg shell wearing writer/artist/pain in the tail are we missing?
    Bowser likes this.
  3. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    You let him get to you? It just makes it harder for me to resist his passive / aggressive approach to making me do my own index. Neither of you have considered the consequences -

    When everything is indexed what
    will happen to Scalenex?
    Rednax, thedarkfourth and Bowser like this.
  4. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    He will focus on writing and filling in his own index. We will get more heroic deaths!
    Scalenex likes this.
  5. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    His index is the forum index. We are characters in it. We are screwed.
    Scalenex and Bowser like this.
  6. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Oh crap! Hadn't thought of that! Quick stop being interesting and become a secondary character!
    thedarkfourth likes this.
  7. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I kill plenty of secondary characters. If made some death/survival tallies. Besides being a Slann, your best bet to live through one of my stories is to 1) be a Skink Priest and 2) avoid any story where Renliss makes an camera appearance. Of all my dead Skink Priests, only Yarshen died without Renliss' involvement.

    but this thread is to talk about Bowser's pieces. I'd like to see your take on the never ending Chaos/Lizardmen war in the Chaos/Serhapon era.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2016
    Bowser likes this.
  8. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Oh there will be blood and stardust! Working on my army fluff, but it will have to wait for after the short story contest.
  9. Otzi'mandias

    Otzi'mandias Well-Known Member

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    Or maybe Scalenex will use his pointy stick more out of boredom... you didn't see me here.
    Bowser likes this.
  10. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Finally up to date! Now to remember to update this once this latest contest is finished.
    Warden likes this.

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