No update the next half year, at least. Time to test weird things Me? Something like 2-3 Caiman units. The original idea was: Cuatl, BSB, scroll, path of nature Skrox + chaff in core 3 x 7 Caiman units 2 x 1 Salamanders 1 Godly Engine Taurosaur The sane thing would probably be to not have s Skrox unit and just fill up core with chaff. Currently I'm considering: Cuatl, BSB, +1 to cast discipline, reroll 1s arcane item, path of nature Warlord, +1 to hit sword, heavy armour, hardened shield, 1 time use rerollable armour Scroll caddy 29 saurus, spear, relentless march banner, FiER banner Chaff 2 x 8 Caimans 2 x 1 Salamanders Godly Engine Taurosaur Basically just "smash face" lists. Unfortunately I don't have time to test then atm. I'll be moving in 3 weeks time and can't really play. -.- Eventually I'm going to try 2 x 40 skinks with poison and poison ark. Just because.
Lots of Saurians. Warriors, Temple Guard and Raptor Riders. I will figure out what makes them work or not. With the nerfs to the Cloud, I feel like a Saurian-based army is finally something other than idiotic.
Warriors are not super bad. Especially not when buffed by Mr snake wagon I think I've done 10 wounds to a unit of longhorns once with spears and poison. Btw a unit of warrior, 5 wide, spears and fier totem can do 10 wounds against any elven elites that only have a heavy armour and no ward. That's not counting poison
I will probably try a Cuatl lord with +1 to cast and plus one spell in white magic and tome of arcane lore (6 spells in total) and jade staff. aplha carnosaur, taurosaurs, one with engine and a thyroscutus. The idea is that I can heal the monsters, and every time I cast a spell, I will also get a shield counter to protect them.
Shield doesn't work on large targets anymore :/ It was otherwise a wonderful counter measure to artillery..
whoops, seems like I missed that part. oh well, then it is not as useful in that type of army, even though it might save me some troops, and that might help in combat, effectively giving me another war banner.
No command 10x Saurus spam. Not even a standard. Lots of small Skrox spam (something like 20skinks +1 cam). CoR to fill in the gaps. Eventually a Skrox deathstar (hatred, Lore of Light, poison, extra poison, extra extra poison, ect.) Quick question on this. If our lame Ws2 skinks are hitting on a 5+ against, well, a lot of things. Could we still actually poison on a 4+ assuming we have the proper setup?
I'd assume so, buuut... You'd need poison upgrade + thyroscutus + snake swarms. I mean.. it could in theory happen and when it does it's all sorts of magical, but also kinda tricky. if you're going with saurus spam I'd definately take a few banners. They're decent scoring units and even getting just a single unit to the back line (if that's the objective) will be worth it.
is the quartermaster app broken or is it really a skirmish OR poison javs situation for our core skinks? not being able to march and fire in ranks or not having poison shots, really tactically removes skink skirmishers i think. maybe need to get some snake swarms for chaff as they are cheaper? o yea nvm its totally broken cant add more skinks to the unit, do you know who was making the Quartermaster templates for previous versions? they worked really well till 1.0.
yep woogity, the community decided that skinks were too op. Meanwhile we still cannot field monsters thanks to the artillery Well, that sounds interesting. I'm not really into it because the price starts raising too much, plus casualties will reduce the number of attacks): if spears were 1ppm and the mark gave +1attack instead of fight in extra rank i'd definetly like it more. The real question is, tho: how many wounds will the elven elites do to our warriors? And still before them
Yes it is a choice we had to make and the only way we could get Poisoned Shots into core. We tried to get our trusty Skink Skirmishers Poisoned shots again but we were blocked by the RT. They told us that there will never be Skink Skirmishers with Poisoned shots in Core ever again sadly. We are fully aware of issues with the book; I just hope that we will be able to fix some of them with the September release.
I really want to try out MSU krox+saurus but I actually think that small groups are fairly priced given their initiative. Instead I'm starting to lean towards going all out on a big saurus block for core. Spears, totem and all. It might well be a waste of points but really it feels like all core for all races are a big waste of points. I'm also coming to terms with raptors not being a good choice. I really want them to be good and I keep taking them as I painted some up but compared to temple guard and kroxigor, they just don't bring anything to the table. On the plus side I've got some great krox models. Time to convert some into a command group!
So are they going to get WS3, T3, Ld6? Because without poison there really isn't a single reason to have such a terrible statline. sorry if i sound a bit bitter, i swear i don't want to attack the SA staff. I just don't like at all what T9A is doing to the army that should be my favourite
I am going to try and convince the guys that make changes that a WS3 T2 Unit is not a CC unit. For some odd reason they still think that having the (pretty expensive option) for Hatred and a 5+ Poison in CC (with the Thyroscutus) makes for a viable CC unit... I hope I can get them to reconsider, and that we could at least get a unit of Skinks that is a bit more fighty. Something like Red Crested Skinks with no shooting options but access to Paired Weapons and CC poison. Not sure if it is going to happen though. There really isn't a lot of discussion about changes atm. But I am sure that will happen soon. I will keep you guys up to date when I can.
@Niarg I have been trying out just cheap units of 5 raptors, mainly to use my Tichi Huichi unit. They are a little better than what they look on paper imo. It is sad that we can make a big unit more viable though. Also, I know people are sad about core, but nobody mentions the fact that chameleons are cheaper now after the first five. It is a four point drop each extra one you take. And they are just as good as before.
@Haemoglobin Just wanted to say that overall I'm happy with the direction of the SA book. In the greater context of all T9A books I've looked at - this one appears to fit well. I've definitely been having to make tough choices in army building, and that's a good thing. On core, the only things I've seen are: Not sure Saurian Warriors should be 11ppm - would have thought 10ppm, or that spears would only be 1ppm Needing 10 Skink Braves per Caiman - would think the number should be fewer, but I haven't played with the unit - so I can't say for certain. I'm definitely excited to give this book a go - thanks for the hard work!