Announcement Need help creating content for splash pages

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by The Red Devil, Apr 21, 2016.

  1. The Red Devil

    The Red Devil Defender of Hexoatl Staff Member

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    I would like to ask for some help to create some proper content.

    We have three additional domains, that I would like to setup splash pages on, allowing players to easier locate their race and game, and then be directed over to our main forum domain.

    The domains we have is: (AoS) (Kings Of War) (9th Age)

    What we need is unique content for each three that is focused on that game, allowing us to be indexed higher in the search engines than we currently is on

    If anyone have a question, just let me know.

    n810 likes this.
  2. thedarkfourth

    thedarkfourth Well-Known Member

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    Bad news! You are currently trapped as a figment of a Starmaster's imagination! The plane of existence you are looking for does not yet exist, but if you would like to be conjured into a physical realm where you can discuss all things Seraphon and Lizardmen, click HERE.


    Bad news! Your blood has turned hot and you are losing your temper! You have recently discovered your species is known for its mastery of fire rather than for its complete lack of emotions. If you would like to cool down in a place where you can discuss all things Salamanders and Lizardmen, click HERE.

    9th Age:

    Bad news! The background of the world in which you currently exist is completely unknown! We have been promised that it will be revealed soon, but until then, why not return to the steaming jungles that we all know and love? To discuss all things Saurian and Lizardmen from the comfort of Lustria, click HERE.
    The Red Devil, Slanputin and n810 like this.
  3. Slanputin

    Slanputin Well-Known Member

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    I'm not so interested in tactics and have little time to paint . What content I could produce could be a) transcribing fluff - I guess in this case it could be like a wiki entry you find, but I'm always for an indexing of current (and past) official fluff as a lot of the online resources are lacking , or b) fan art shenanigans.

    I'm not sure if the above would be useful however
  4. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    Would these splash pages all lead back to this single unified forum?
    (Edit: well if I would just read closer...nvrmnd. )

    Would pencil sketches / thumbnails for artwork be in order or does your illustrator (or team of illustrators) have that well under control ?
  5. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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  6. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    I think I get it - a flashy page which links back to the L-O subforum of relevance.

    The word content could be a straight lift / very similar to the promotional guff from the game systems

    Eg. In a world wracked by pointless conflict, an inexplicable force of reptilian warriors bother to leave their secure version of heaven just to make everyone else miserable. (Not a real GW quote)

    Given a little bit of background info, I can generate a draft version of promo words if the existing GW / KoW words are copyrighted.

    So, questions for @The Red Devil -
    • Do you have some sample flash pages you like already?
    • How many buttons linked to what subforums would you want?
    • Would you be willing to revise the names / heading blurbs / introductory words to match the flash page words?
    • How long is too long for an introduction to a subforum?
    • How factual should an intro be?

    Eg Aos discussion forum could be
    1. A vibrant community of dedicated players who are pushing the envelope of Seraphon combat effectiveness
    2. A pack of whiners who have all but given up trying to compensate for the deficiencies of the AoS ruleset and are now learning to numbly accept that this is their new reality. Oh and we also have Bainbow, Killer Angel an Ixt. The Are more like example 1.
    Jorgik, Crowsfoot and The Red Devil like this.
  7. The Red Devil

    The Red Devil Defender of Hexoatl Staff Member

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    Sorry guys, I should have explained it better.

    When I say, "unique content" I am thinking on text content. Similar to what @thedarkfourth created above, though perhaps with more content.

    Basically something that allow us to target more genre specific searches on Google etc. from the splash pages.

    We can put multiple paragraphs on the splash page, linking to different sub forums. That is all up to you guys.

    The content should be directed to the game version in question, and can also contain some fluff if it make sense.

    For the design of the pages, I have a handle on that. I just suck at writing content, especially in English :) so will appreciate any help on this part!
  8. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Ah ok, so a giant list of keywords, related to each set of army rules and our faction in those rule sets ?
  9. Slanputin

    Slanputin Well-Known Member

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    Once they develop the internet they'll realise they won't even need to leave their chair/palanquin to make others miserable. By then they'd have to rename AoS Troll V. Troll (or Troggoth V. Troggtoh?)

    Well I spend my days writing abstracts saturated with keywords and abbreviated concepts, plus I can English pretty well, so I'm all up for creating content.

    I'm guessing it'll be more of a protracted advert for the site as much, filled with relevant and novel keywords?
  10. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    I excel at taking Manglish content (Mangled English) and turning it into English that sounds like it was composed by a native speaker. I am pretty good at holding on to the meaning and I can even preserve British/Australian spellings and idioms without Americanizing them (if that is preferred).

    So if somebody writes something but it is a little iffy I will gladly take a pass at it and attempt to smooth it out.
    The Red Devil and Bowser like this.
  11. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    (@anyone - feel free to use these, incorporate, expand or improve on them) I am just going to make an overall suggestion that each splash page have about three paragraphs. The first one explains briefly which game is involved, explains that it is a tabletop wargame (assuming someone unfamiliar with this hobby), and has 3-10 important keywords. Next is a specifics paragraph which could contain direct links to the specific (5) sub-forums for the particular game, the final paragraph covers site features common to all three games (therefore general); it mentions the eye-candy first, stories second and finally invites the reader to join the site and introduce themselves (3 links).

    Goal length for each paragraph 50 to 100 words. (Fewer words is better.) (AoS)
    First Explanatory Paragraph

    Specifics Paragraph
    Sub-forum link: Discussion
    Sub-forum link: Army Lists
    Sub-forum link: Tactics
    Sub-forum link: Battle Reports
    Sub-forum link: Rules Help
    General Paragraph
    Sub-forum link: Painting, Conversions, Sculpting and Terrain
    Sub-forum link: Background and Fiction
    Sub-forum link: Players Introductions (Kings Of War)
    First Explanatory Paragraph

    Specifics Paragraph
    Sub-forum link: Discussion
    Sub-forum link: Army Lists
    Sub-forum link: Tactics
    Sub-forum link: Battle Reports
    Sub-forum link: Rules Help
    General Paragraph
    Sub-forum link: Painting, Conversions, Sculpting and Terrain
    Sub-forum link: Background and Fiction
    Sub-forum link: Players Introductions (9th Age)
    First Explanatory Paragraph

    Specifics Paragraph
    Sub-forum link: Discussion
    Sub-forum link: Army Lists
    Sub-forum link: Tactics
    Sub-forum link: Battle Reports
    Sub-forum link: Rules Help
    General Paragraph
    Sub-forum link: Painting, Conversions, Sculpting and Terrain
    Sub-forum link: Background and Fiction
    Sub-forum link: Players Introductions​
    Last edited: May 8, 2016
    The Red Devil and Bowser like this.
  12. The Red Devil

    The Red Devil Defender of Hexoatl Staff Member

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    The outlines pendrake have provided looks very good.

    If someone have the time to help out with the paragraphs, it would be appreciated.

    Yes, that is basically it.

    The content should be easy to read, so we cannot just throw keywords into it, they have to fit the content.

    In the past, you could throw a bunch of keywords only, and rank high in the search engines, but they are "too intelligent" for that today, with lexers running on the content to give it relevance scores etc.
    pendrake likes this.
  13. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    We have the latest Seraphon Tactics and army builds. With an ever expanding reverse tactica for any Age of Sigmar Army list tactics.

    Learn to paint Seraphon/Lizardmen in AOS. Warhammer Age of Sigmar painting tips and tricks as well conversion ideas.
    We also have one of the largest collections of Seraphon paint schemes, conversions, and army colours.

    Come join the discussions on AOS fluff, including Seraphon stories and how to write for lizardmen in the age of sigmar.

    Note: Not sure if any of this is helpful or not, but feel free to use my army pics to promote conversions.
  14. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    2016-04-30 11.02.45.jpg
    Crazy Lizardmen/Seraphon Mario conversion. If you want to use it.
  15. SlanntaClause

    SlanntaClause Well-Known Member

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    love your conversions bowser
  16. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    Thanks Bowser, Good concept draft.

    You also bring up the point that @The Red Devil doesn't have an Itza gallery of fine arts for conversions.

    Just to be methodical (which helps sometimes), a table with headings like these will help all contributors to solidify the entire project.

    Paragraph content................Links to this L-O page.......... Suggested L-O page title.......Suggested L-O page description

    Dive into the simmering spawning pool.....fluff................... Fiction, Fluff and Art............. Read below
    of Lizardmen fiction and art. Maybe you
    would like to create your own work of art
    or Lustrian literature, or enter one of the
    regular fluff writing or art competitions.
    This is the place to go for reading, writing, viewing
    and illustrating original forum made fluff and art,
    and discussing the official stuff. Join the
    discussions or one of the regular competitions,
    contribute your own masterpiece, or just plain enjoy.

    Got the idea?. @The Red Devil of you just attach an excel spreadsheet with the list of pages you want to link to in one column, we can start filling in the front end and back end blanks. Seeing it all side by side will help to get a consistency of style. (Let us know if there are word limits in each category)
    Bowser likes this.
  17. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    Salamanders in Kings of War

    Kings of War is a tabletop wargame published by Mantic Games. It is a fast paced mass-battle wargame where units of fantasy creatures are represented by figures organized in trays or on stands to represent organized, ranked fighting units of a large army. The Salamanders are one of more than a dozen factions and nations which field such armies as described in the Kings of War rules.

    Salamanders represent three kinds of interrelated bipedal reptilians. Their armies field a wide variety of reptilian and dinosaur-like creatures as well as elemental creatures based on fire. Their homeland is a set of islands dominated by three active volcanoes that rise from the sea.

    Collectors of figures for this army faction will find specific sub-forums at devoted to: discussing all aspects of the Salamander faction and its territories, posting army lists for the Salamanders, considering tactics, posting battle reports, and help with rules questions.

    Players will also find related forums hosted by Lustria Onine devoted to Painting, Conversions, Sculpting and Terrain, and Army Backgrounds and Player Generated Fiction. New players or gamers returning to the hobby are invited to join the boards as members. There is a sub-forum dedicated to new member introductions here.

    Mantic, Mantica, Kings of War, Mantic Games, are ™ and © Mantic Entertainment, LTD and mention on this page does not constitute any challenge to that status.
    Last edited: May 3, 2016
  18. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    The previous post is the first draft for the KOW splash page based on the outline I did earlier.

    @The Red Devil, @Crowsfoot, @n810, @spawning of Bob,, (everybody else) how does that sound, what did I miss, anything need adding??

    I put a little disclaimer at the very bottom because it is a perfectly good excuse to do a list of Kings of War specific keywords in a grammatically proper sentence. What others could be added?

    @Scalenex what do you link about Initial Caps for links? I did a bit more of that in the Seraphon draft, which follows this post.

    @Bowser - I did my best to incorporate the material you wrote for the Seraphon page. What do you think?

    Also, guys some style guide questions: wargame -or- war game? tabletop, table-top, -or- table top ??
    Last edited: May 3, 2016
    Crowsfoot and Bowser like this.
  19. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    Seraphon in Warhammer: Age of Sigmar

    Age of Sigmar is a tabletop wargame published by Games Workshop. It is a skirmish game where models of fantasy creatures represent forces engaged in combat in The Age of Sigmar setting, which is Games Workshop's successor to its Warhammer Fantasy Battles (WFB) game setting. Figures are deployed in units but may move and attack individually during the course of a game. The Seraphon are the new, re-imagined version of the Lizardmen Army from WFB. has the latest Seraphon Tactics and Army Builds. With an ever expanding reverse tactica for any opposing Age of Sigmar Army list. Learn to paint Seraphon/Lizardmen for AOS (Warhammer Age of Sigmar) find painting tips and tricks as well conversion ideas. Come join the discussions on AOS fluff, including Seraphon stories and how to write for Lizardmen in the Age of Sigmar. Battle Reports and Rules Help forums are available as well.

    Warhammer enthusiasts will also find sister forums hosted by Lustria Onine devoted to Painting, Conversions, Sculpting and Terrain, and Army Backgrounds and Player Generated Fiction. We also have one of the largest collections of Seraphon/Lizardmen paint schemes, conversions, and army colours in the Itza Gallery of Fine Arts. New players or gamers returning to the hobby are invited to join the boards as members. There is a sub-forum dedicated to new member introductions here.

    Seraphon, Lizardmen, Warhammer: Age of Sigmar, Games Workshop, Warhammer Fantasy Battles are or may be ™ or © of Games Workshop, LTD and mention on this web page does not constitute any kind of challenge to their status.
    Last edited: May 8, 2016
  20. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    Thank you RD. I have taken a crack at filling out the outlines for KoW and the Seraphon one. Two down, one to go. Kinda wondering how much to mix-in mention of WH8 with 9thA on the last one (since they are united in the forums).
    Last edited: May 3, 2016
    Bowser likes this.

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