
Discussion in 'Introductions' started by SlanntaClause, Apr 23, 2016.

  1. SlanntaClause

    SlanntaClause Well-Known Member

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    Greetings all I am Slanntaclause (Formerly know as Adam Wilson),

    I am new to collecting Lizardmen though it is not my first dabbling with Warhammers back in my early teens I collected Lord of the rings models and participated in in-store battles with and against my brother for mini tournaments for which he won a Treebeard model and I came second place the prize too unworthy to recall.

    Eventually we moved country ahem to wales :p and we stopped playing the game and our models got sold, broken, misplaced, cast to the annals of history. Next I went to university for a short time where I spent a considerable sum on collecting a Cadian army for the 40k Universe. I didn't play with these models save for one battle in the games workshop where I took my army in to test it. The games workshop guy obliterated them by getting Ork jet packers to flank my general and with a few unlucky roles he met his grizzly fate and then all that was left was one of my sentinel thingies the two legged robot walker style model. It led a merry chase around the battlefield stomping on many almost seeing victory until it tripped and fell or so it felt. I lost in short. This army I still have some off but some got sold to my friend and others sold at bootsale and some given to my brother which I will reclaim. OH oooh...I also bought some apposing Necrons who I subsequently gifted to another friend.

    Then one entirely coincidental day I decided to get my brother some dice for Christmas so we went to the games workshop to look for any unique releases. When me and my fiancé entered the shop we saw two boys hunched over a table in discussions with the store assistant. I commented to my fiancé that they looked like my brothers little did I know that it was my brothers xD. They spotted us and called us over and my brother convinced me to pay half for a starter kit of AOS so I have the Khorne? from that and he has the angel Templar looking people. Not content with that I wanted to have some big scary models so I bought a Glotkin and the chaos beast with the magic orb on its back or slaughter beast but I made the magic one. Then looking more into the armies at home I was pulled towards lizardmen so have begun ebaying them with what little money I have left.

    That brings us to where we are now I was looking up lore etc online and found this forum through a discussion on Lord Mazdamundi because I wanted to make one :)

    Thanks for listening/reading.
    spawning of Bob, Jorgik and Bowser like this.
  2. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Welcome aboard officially! The name change is hilarious! The Disney version of it makes it even better! Keep posting!
    SlanntaClause likes this.

    ASSASSIN_NR_1 Well-Known Member

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    Welcome SlanntaClause

    You must have been a very nice deamon, to become an angelic being, granted, a scaly, violent and scary angel, but still an angel.
    Bowser and SlanntaClause like this.
  4. dwarfepic
    Chameleon Skink

    dwarfepic Active Member

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    Ha! slaanta clause has been gifting his friends with models! I like it! welcome to lustria!
    Bowser and SlanntaClause like this.
  5. SlanntaClause

    SlanntaClause Well-Known Member

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    Thanks for welcomes :)
    Bowser likes this.
  6. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    He's know when Skaven are sleeping.
    He's know when they're awake
    He's know the only good rats are dead
    So kill rats for Sotek's sake!

    The Skaven will rout, the Skaven will die
    Slanta Claus is coming to town!

    Welcome to the forums!

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