9th Age 1.0 release out now, check the awesome art!

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Pinktaco, Apr 30, 2016.

  1. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Welcome To The 9th Age

    FantasyBattles: The 9th Age is here, ushering in a new age for Miniature Fantasy Wargaming!

    The free Rule Book, Magic Compendium and 16 Army Books are now available on http://www.the-ninth-age.com/index.php?simple-page/. These books represent the cumulative efforts of over 250 volunteer staff members and the input and playtesting from more than 5,000 fans, who were eager to help pick up the pieces after the scene crashed in summer of 2015.

    The project was launched in Q3 of 2015 by a team led by the creators of the near-universally-adopted Swe-comp and ETC-comp tournament balancing rules. With their cumulative decades of competitive wargaming experience serving as the guiding hand, and a palpable desire within the fantasy wargaming community, experienced tournament players from all over the world quickly lent their support to help create what has become a comprehensive, balanced, re-imaging of Fantasy Wargaming for a new age, if you will. This community of stalwarts persevered through a lengthy design and balancing phase, producing thousands of games worth of play-testing data that was compiled and used to inform more than seven book iterations. The result is the most balanced tournament-ready system ever created.

    Already The 9th Age has established itself as the tournament standard for competitive fantasy wargaming. As a beta, the Ninth Age has been played at innumerable games and Grand Tournaments worldwide and will be the ruleset for the European Team Competition (ETC) in August 2016. In less than a year The 9th Age has experienced staggering growth and support from all reaches of the globe, filling a void in the fantasy war gaming scene.

    Now that T9A offers a stable version, the game is increasingly accessible to gaming groups who balked at the rapid pace of updates in the early development phases.

    Complete army books include three human factions, three elven factions, two dwarven factions, two undead factions, three beast-like factions and three monster-like factions. As there are no official miniatures for the 9th Age any model you own that you feel adequately represents a unit is completely legal under these rules, and always will be. YOU the player decide what your units look like.

    Recently, The 9th Age announced ShieldWolf Miniatures would provide miniature support going forward. We are in discussion with other manufacturers and we anticipate more miniatures companies will follow their example.

    So Join us in this new Age, download The 9th Age today!

    View attachment 20880
    A3 Poster v01bENG.jpg
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2016
    n810 and Haemoglobin like this.
  2. Otzi'mandias

    Otzi'mandias Well-Known Member

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    Hey @NIGHTBRINGER, might be worth you checking out? They might have fixed some of the 0.99 issues you really didn't like....

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    I checked out the 0.994 version (which I was told was the same as the 1.0 version but still required spelling/grammar corrections). It was a step in the right direction but still left too many things I disagreed with on the table. That said, it's a good game and I applaud the effort put in by the 9th Age team. I'm sure that loads people will enjoy it for many years to come. Personally though, I simply prefer 8th edition. I just see myself having far more fun with 8th edition so there is no reason why I would make the transition.
    Otzi'mandias likes this.
  4. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Welcome To The 9th Age

    FantasyBattles: The 9th Age is here, ushering in a new age for Miniature Fantasy Wargaming!

    The free Rule Book, Magic Compendium and 16 Army Books are now available on http://www.the-ninth-age.com/index.php?simple-page/. These books represent the cumulative efforts of over 250 volunteer staff members and the input and playtesting from more than 5,000 fans, who were eager to help pick up the pieces after the scene crashed in summer of 2015.

    The project was launched in Q3 of 2015 by a team led by the creators of the near-universally-adopted Swe-comp and ETC-comp tournament balancing rules. With their cumulative decades of competitive wargaming experience serving as the guiding hand, and a palpable desire within the fantasy wargaming community, experienced tournament players from all over the world quickly lent their support to help create what has become a comprehensive, balanced, re-imaging of Fantasy Wargaming for a new age, if you will. This community of stalwarts persevered through a lengthy design and balancing phase, producing thousands of games worth of play-testing data that was compiled and used to inform more than seven book iterations. The result is the most balanced tournament-ready system ever created.

    Already The 9th Age has established itself as the tournament standard for competitive fantasy wargaming. As a beta, the Ninth Age has been played at innumerable games and Grand Tournaments worldwide and will be the ruleset for the European Team Competition (ETC) in August 2016. In less than a year The 9th Age has experienced staggering growth and support from all reaches of the globe, filling a void in the fantasy war gaming scene.

    Now that T9A offers a stable version, the game is increasingly accessible to gaming groups who balked at the rapid pace of updates in the early development phases.

    Complete army books include three human factions, three elven factions, two dwarven factions, two undead factions, three beast-like factions and three monster-like factions. As there are no official miniatures for the 9th Age any model you own that you feel adequately represents a unit is completely legal under these rules, and always will be. YOU the player decide what your units look like.

    Recently, The 9th Age announced ShieldWolf Miniatures would provide miniature support going forward. We are in discussion with other manufacturers and we anticipate more miniatures companies will follow their example.

    So Join us in this new Age, download The 9th Age today!

    Warden, n810, Crowsfoot and 1 other person like this.
  5. Haemoglobin

    Haemoglobin 9th Age Army Support

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    Damn that art turned out nicely
    Pinktaco likes this.
  6. KillerK

    KillerK Member

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    This was supposed to be a Cataphract for UD, but dit came out too good. So we decided it would make for an awesome, Saurus Warriors. A buffed up version will be provided for Krok's, wile still pondering what to do with the skinks. (this is just a sneak peek, as we don't want to spoil the surprise)

    We are currently registering the new company's head office (TMS), its sole purpose is to design and distribute models. We have 3 other companies that produce hobby stuff, but wanted a new one for miniatures. So stay tuned, first lizzie mini's will be out next year most likely. As right now by the communit's vote we will be releasing UD, and probably KoE after that. Next year most likley VC, Lizzis, Beasts,and possibly some rats ore elves, the decisions are still to be made. Along with a few other companies, we and to release the entire range for 9th, with in 4 years.
  7. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    It all looks pretty ok, a lot of improvements are made when compared to 8th, i just cannot really be enthousiastic about it because of the skink changes, whiney whiney. Great job to all the 9th age crew, you certainly did your best with this book!
  8. woogity
    Cold One

    woogity Active Member

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    great stuff, really happy with where the lizards and my WotDG landed in 1.0 as well. good sanity check on .99 shakeup.
  9. Rikard

    Rikard Well-Known Member

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    Outstanding work by so many, really shows the support given to the project!

    EDIT: Not quite sure how the art work works (if you follow my meaning), but if I have some photos of one of my more recent pieces done before the Lizardman book is finished, let me know if it's usable for art.
    SlanntaClause likes this.

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