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Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by TheMalteseMisfit, May 4, 2016.

  1. TheMalteseMisfit
    Jungle Swarm

    TheMalteseMisfit Member

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    So, I finally decided to upload some pictures of my army, but first, a small description/inventory of said army. I'd first bought my Lizardmen battalion before AoS came out, so I started out with the whole Mayan/Aztec theme, and have decided to keep it to a certain degree.

    Currently I have 12 skinks that have been primed and layered, along with 10 temple guard and 20 saurus, all of whom lack decorated bases. Then I have a Skink Starpriest which is pretty much done; still needs some more touch ups before I'd call it truly ready, but anyways. There's also my sunblood who's fully painted, but alas, also lacks a decorated base (shame on me). Unfortunately basing will probably be the last thing I start trying out. I also have 8 CoC which I'm putting together, 2 metal skink chiefs, and some jungle swarms which are still in their blisters. I also purchased some Hounds of Chaos which I'm going to try to convert into Razors and Sallies (I'll eventually get round to those, someday). Without further ado, here are my reptiles! Comments and constructive criticism are more than welcome!


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    So that's my Skink Starpriest. All the feather blending and detail was such a pain, yet somehow still enjoyable. At some point I'll convert the square base into a round base, but until then, this is how it'll stay. The feathers all represent american birds of prey. Probably more Navajo than Aztec, but there ya go! I also thought about trying some fluorescent/glow-in-the-dark paint for the gem parts of the staff, but for now I'm just using regular paint.

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    And there's my sunblood! Bought him while he was still Gor-Rok, and I loved the albino fluff and wanted to keep it, but I wasn't sold on the traditional colour he was represented in. So, to make him distinct from my infantry, but still being tied in with them, I decided to go with a very faint blue. Still looks pale, at least when compared to the rest of my army. As for his shield, I tried to go with an obsidian-like gem. In thick/deep areas it's meant to look dark/black, whereas the higher areas give off a purple hue (I tried to go for actual obsidian colours/effects, but being a total newbie in reality I need more experience before I can actually get it to look how I pictured it in my mind, like my obsidian knife).

    I've yet to come up with fluff behind the army, as in, which Old One are they faithful to most, what city did they fight for back in the Old World, how many skaven pelts my sunblood has hanging up in his hut...etc. Hopefully I'll come up with something!
    n810, NIGHTBRINGER, Bowser and 2 others like this.
  2. TheMalteseMisfit
    Jungle Swarm

    TheMalteseMisfit Member

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    DSC00060.JPG DSC00061.JPG DSC00062.JPG DSC00063.JPG

    This is basically the theme for my TG. Most of them have brass/bronze armour, kept the leader in gold though. This was because back in 8th they could wear some magical armour or something and figured I would represent said armour with it being gold. They still all need highlights and washes though. Sad face.

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    So that's basically a taster of my warriors. Only the iconbearer, alphamale (something like that?) and drummer have a been washed, which I never went over, because I then realised I'd left the flash mold on the models and facepalmed myself. So these guys are basically staying like this for now. Even sadderface.

    Attached Files:

    n810, NIGHTBRINGER, Bowser and 3 others like this.
  3. TheMalteseMisfit
    Jungle Swarm

    TheMalteseMisfit Member

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    Nock! Draw! Release!

    So these are my regular skinks. Not much to be said about them. They've been layered, and some still need an armband to be painted (as is evident in one of the pictures), and they all need washes and highlights doing.

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    Run Forrest! Ruuuun!
    Crowsfoot, n810, NIGHTBRINGER and 3 others like this.
  4. Phoedinn

    Phoedinn Well-Known Member

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    look sweet so far! I'm looking forward to what you do with the Razerdons/Salimanders. I tried to convert some myself a little while ago with no real luck XD
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  5. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    These guys look amazing! Sunblood in particular looks so cool with his light blue colour! Absolutely gorgeous!
    Crowsfoot likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Lots of great stuff in here! Excellent work!
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  7. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Very good so far but I think your models would benefit from a wash or a glaze to help bring out more definition, I would use a blue glaze and apply one coat over all the model, don't apply too much you only want to bring out detail not flood it.
    Bowser and n810 like this.
  8. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    ^ I second this. ;)
    Crowsfoot likes this.

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