Discussion GAME OF SCALES(part 1)

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Xholankha the lost one, May 7, 2016.

  1. Xholankha the lost one
    Chameleon Skink

    Xholankha the lost one Well-Known Member

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    The City of Eternal Judgement plays host to the Celestial Council of the Old Ones whenever the threat of Chaos looms. Within the gold inlaid council chamber, powerful lords and others, from the most influential temple cities assemble to debate how best to respond to looming threats to the Great Plan.

    Scalenex spoke up in a voice as dry as a Nehekharan Crypt. "Are we ready to-”



    En-Aten was the first to reply, as usual, followed by most of his brother skinks. Pendra’iq, Hyperborean and Y’ttar joined him with a firm "Yes."

    N’Dege replied with a coughing fit.

    "Priest N’Dege,” chided Scalenex. “We cannot allow those drowsy fumes and that infernal device to cloud our thoughts. This is not a Tiki bar."

    N'Dege sheepishly pulled the smouldering incense stick out of his mouth and stubbed it out on the arm of Tlac'natai the Observer's palanquin.

    Hey!the slann projected a powerful telepathic outburst.

    Lord Da'rk-IV of Shoadn'tezl recoiled as if he had been struck a physical blow. His bulbous eyes bulged even further out of his skull than usual. His breathing, which was usually slow and steady, started to come in ragged, wheezing gasps and his skin paled to a sickly green, like the colour of a fresh-raised zombie.

    Lord Bow’xa said “Ow.”

    If you are going to speak here, don't do it telepathically." suggested Lord Warden, ending in normal speech. All of the non-telepaths in the room were left to wonder what forbidden acts a slann could do telepathically. Minds boggled, except for those of the saurus champions. Their minds were implacably unboggleable.

    “And N’dege,” added Lord Che’khov. “You needn’t have done that for I have an ash tray right here.”

    The saurus champions, Qupakoco and Bo’b, having only just processed Scalenex's original question they made their own collective reply, "Uh. Yeah?"

    Discomute, who had left more glory on the Bloodbowl field than any saurus alive, and who had received more head knocks in return, drooled a bit to indicate his assent.

    There was but one in the chamber who had not yet responded. With agonising slowness Cro’sfoot cupped his wizened hand to his ear hole. "What was that, young fellow?"

    Scalenex, who had an uncommon obsession with having everything in its right place squinted around the room. No kidding, his obsession was really uncommon, bordering on rare. "Where are the others?"




    "Late as usual....?" replied B'oB timidly.

    Suddenly the gold lacquered doors of the council room burst open, letting in a huge gust of drizzle, sleet, and fog, followed by a pale, bloated and moist slann mage priest. “How dare you, a slann arrives exactly when he means to,” Tzlanputin declared to the audience at large. Then he glanced at Warden. "Do what telepathically?"

    "Be silent or I will moderate you," Scalenex warned. "What of the..." he suppressed a shudder, "... the other one?"

    Tlac’natai spoke (normally) "I have observed." and closed his eyes.

    After a long pause, B'ob gave him a poke. "You have observed...?"

    The slann’s eyes popped open again. "Yes. Yes, I have."


    "Hmm? I observe. That's all. I was just saying that's what I do. It's kind of my M.O."

    "Tlac'natai," Warden said gently. "Don't do it out loud either, please."

    “Brothers, please, you are off topic. We will begin without..." Scalenex shuddered again. "We will begin."


    "AH, HERE WE GO." An overly muscled saurus demi-god tied his Baabed Sheepadon mount to a column and tried to shake the worst of the blood and chunks of skaven flesh off his well defined arms. "I WONDER IF THEY REMEMBER ME AND MY COMRADES, IT HAS BEEN SO LONG. I SHOULD WRITE ANOTHER LIST."

    He gently thrust the doors open so firmly that they almost exploded from their hinges.


    “As I was saying….” said Scalenex, "What the Mahrlect!?"

    The over powered saurus stomped in, "DID YOU MISS ME?"

    "I heard that!" Cro’sfoot seemed happy. "Who are you?"

    "I can't tell you how much I missed you, Kcibrihp-Esurc. Now please take your place in the corner and don't shout so much." Scalenex was developing a headache.

    "I think you are being too hard on the spawnling," remarked Tzlanputin.

    "Yeah. I like Kcibrihp-Esurc." said Bowser.

    "You like everyone," noted Qupakoco.

    "I like Adaris," said Bob.

    Kcibrihp-Esurc clutched his well muscled chest. "THE PAAAIIIN!! AAAAAH!!! THE PAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!" he murmured softly.

    "Sorry, Kcibrihp-Esurc, I spelled her name wrong - "Ardaris" is the correct spelling," apologised Bob.


    "Shouting like that doesn't help much if you aren't specific of what your difficulty is." Scalenex developed a facial tic to go with his headache.

    "Difficulty? There is no difficulty," Kcibrihp-Esurc replied in a normal voice. That is to say, normal for him Even his whispers had a deep timbre to them. "I was just late because there was a huge skaven invasion over all of Lustria and I just tore through the lot of them unaided and unarmed and with my bare claws, but Ratty Gnawtail the detestable member of the Council of Thirteen who leads them escaped my righteous and very firm grasp."

    Y'ttar burst out with an unusual oath, "By the Great Horned One's furry balls, no!"

    "What was that, sonny?" somehow only Cro’sfoot heard him, maybe because his voice was high pitched.

    "Oh, ah, I was just squeak-hissing, 'praise be to the Lizardman god-things,especially the... the one with the… ah… big hat’. You've got one with a hat, right?"

    Scalenex alone remained on topic. "As I was about to say, there is a great disturbance in the north and south. I fear that The Enemy is growing, we must be on full alert for any incursions, and we must scour the jungles and eliminate any threats. There is also another pressing matte-“

    “Do speak up,” croaked Cro’sfoot


    “Thank you,” replied Cro’sfoot happily. “Who are you?”

    A vein began to pulse on Scalenex's forehead, and a red mist began to cloud his vision.
    Last edited: May 7, 2016
  2. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    I can't wait to see what this Ashtray does! Haha! This is pretty great so far! My favourite Lizardman god-thing is the one with the hat! I like it so far! Can't wait for more!
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  3. Slanputin

    Slanputin Well-Known Member

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    "Implacably unboggleable"is my current favourite phrase.
  4. The Sauric Ace

    The Sauric Ace Well-Known Member

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    I like how this mannish to both seem like it's own thing and be a satire (parody...?) on a television/Books series, GW fluff and this forum at the same time :D
    Paradoxical Pacifism and Bowser like this.
  5. Y'ttar Scaletail

    Y'ttar Scaletail Well-Known Member

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    Hats for the Hat God! Bonnets for the Bonnet Throne!

    But yes, I hope they catch that horrible Ratty fellow. He sounds very devilishly handsome and a master tactician. We have to stop him!
  6. tom ndege

    tom ndege Well-Known Member

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    Very well done! But how do you know my typical behaviour in college? ;)
  7. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    So much boggling

    I feel like this happens a lot.
  8. thedarkfourth

    thedarkfourth Well-Known Member

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    ...this is the single greatest thing that's ever been done.
  9. Xholankha the lost one
    Chameleon Skink

    Xholankha the lost one Well-Known Member

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    Ohh that's tough one
    There is bacon
    Smoky bacon
    Assorted bacon
    Bacon ice cream
    Bacon coffee
    More bacon
    Streaky bacon
    Maple bacon
    Treacle bacon
    Smoky rindless bacon
    Smoky rinded bacon
    Maple streaky bacon
    Smoked maple and treacle Christmas limited edition streaky bacon from the The royal animals that were ceremoniously killed with a good story and a ridiculously, one could say deadly good back massage, the pigs are then wrapped in gold leaf and marinaded in Henry VIII brandy(actual brandy reserved for Henry VIII, not to be confused with the brand name) and gently left in applewood fumes for that extra smudge of flavour. I could give a recipient to all you fabulous lizards that is tasty but would clog arteries or at least harden them.

    In short grab a beverage grab yourself some bacon(MOARRR BACON!) and get a massage while drinking your beverage and eating your bacon and perhaps light up a cigar with your own eyes... And th-
    The story is good, but thank me not only, please do thank my partner in literary crime SoB.
  10. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    SoB?. That's what I did when you mentioned so much bacon.

    Anyhow, I haven't been writing a lot myself recently, an anonymous ghost writer has been hogging the keyboard.

    And despite what some believe / confirming what some believe- I have no idea what is going on. I only get to see the actual story about a day before anyone else does.
  11. Rednax
    Cold One

    Rednax Active Member

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    did somebody say bacon? ;)
    Bowser and Slanputin like this.
  12. Xholankha the lost one
    Chameleon Skink

    Xholankha the lost one Well-Known Member

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    This forum doesn't have enough bacon for the two of us @Rednax
  13. Xholankha the lost one
    Chameleon Skink

    Xholankha the lost one Well-Known Member

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    Your too modest bob, this mysterious ectoplasmic person who writes cannot work without you.
  14. discomute

    discomute Well-Known Member

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    Paradoxical Pacifism and Bowser like this.
  15. Xholankha the lost one
    Chameleon Skink

    Xholankha the lost one Well-Known Member

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      1. “There is another pressing matter,” Priest Scalenex insisted. “My scouts have returned with reports of a previously unknown city in the Southlands. I have consulted the plaques of the Pyramid Vault, and I believe…..”


        “…. I believe that this is one of the last strongholds of the Old Ones before they departed."

        “umm, hello”

        “An intruder!" En-Aten was the first to react. Again.

        All of the lizard lords sprang up with a growl and unsheathed their hand weapons and spears. The mages among them summoned energies which swirled around them like globes of multi-coloured fire. Lustria's greatest warriors formed an invincible battle line and faced the open door.

        "Umm, I'm actually over here." The voice was coming from behind them.

        "Get him!!!!" screamed En-Aten.

        “Really?, I’ve fought my way through dark elves, helped a man retrieve a magic sword and toasted a skaven, and now I’m being assaulted by the most powerful beings in most of the old world? Not fair guys” the newcomer muttered to himself.

        He didn't get to say anything else because he was suddenly piled on by several scaly bodies, including Discomute, the most successful tackler in Blood Bowl for five years running. He had also developed some useful unarmed combat techniques during his off-season sojourn on "Dancing with Star-Priests".

        Within seconds the intruder was pinned to the floor, and if he had been a daemon, he would have been torn to shreds. But he wasn't a daemon. No one knew what he was.

        “Okay, that’s enough guys come on.” requested the newcomer.

        Pendra'iq framed a careful question. "What are you?"

        “oh, haha very funny. You don't recognise me? Don't you people read plaques? And then I come all the way from my city, one which is far away in the deserts of Araby and it was a massive slog to get here, and then you jump me." complained the newcomer

        “Reply-answer the question.” Y’tarr' voice was squeaky.

        “My name is Xholankha, I come to share insight with your council.”

        “Still, what are you?” repeated scalenex.

        “A servant of the great plan.” replied Xholankha.

        "But you aren't like us. You don't have a face," noted Bo’b.

        "And you seem to be a freak-mutant made of matter-stuff and ethereal-stuff at the same time." Y'ttar really did have a high pitched voice.

        “Hey, that’s a bit harsh. He looks like a failed saurus omelette, and you look like a Skaven.” replied Xholankha.

        “Eeeeek, kill-slay it before it squeak-reveals more secrets...." everyone looked carefully at Y'ttar, "...secret… lies. Yes, lies. Not secrets. There aren’t any of those."

        “Let’s not be rash, Y’ttar.” Hyperborean said soothingly.

        “What kind of creature could penetrate my… I mean confuse-mistake me for a beautiful... I mean vile, disgusting skaven.” Y’ttar darted his eyes towards the exit.

        “He has got a minor point about your looks, Y’ttar” said Qupakoco.

        “No more squeak, Qupakoco! Slurp-drink your bedtime hot stegadon milk quietly or the stuff-padded bear might have an accident-disembowelling."

        “Why, you little….” Begins Qupakoco.

        Scalenex, Lord of the City of Judgement decided to exert his authority. "Silence! Anyone who throws weapons or magic will be disqualified from the quarterly plaque competition!"

        "When are the entries due," asked Xholanka.

        "About a week ago."


        Things seemed to be calming down, and Xholanka’s captors relaxed a little.

        “What did you say about helping a human retrieve a magic sword?” asked Lord Warden cautiously.

        “I’ve got a magic sword, too,” exclaimed Lord Che’khov, who proved the veracity of his words by pulling out a jewel hilted two hander and waving it around. “Do you like it? It glows whenever there is a threat from Orcs and Goblins.”

        “ ‘Greenskins’ is the appropriate collective noun,” corrected Bo’b.

        Warden still looked worried. “But about this human with the sword. Were you planning for him to survive much?”

        “Well, yes. A bit,” Xholanka replied.

        “If you would excuse me a moment…” Warden steered his throne to the gaping dooray. “Would you mind getting a message to the High Priest of Sotec in Mutal?” he shouted in the direction of the nearest skink attendant. “Tell him to reschedule the “Big Bascillious Beheading Bash” and find a new main attraction for Friday night.”

        Skink Chief Hyperborean was intrigued by the visitor. “Do you find it awkward, having no face?”

        Xholanka was becoming impatient with being pinned on the floor. “Do you find it awkward to have no pants?”

        Hyperborean looked around at the others in the room like she was seeing them in a new light, or possibly from a new angle. “Yer. Awkward.”

        Scalenex gestured for the lizards to allow Xholanka to stand. “Now why are you here? Is it to plunder the secrets of my 8th Edition Tactica index? It is very comprehensive.”

        “Well, no.”

        “Aha! You mean to pillage my almost partially complete index of reverse tacticas!”

        “No, I just-“

        “I have a list of BRB magic weapons and banners you could, you know, rapaciously peruse.”

        “It’s not exactly what I am here for.”

        Bo’b gently put his hand on Scalenex’s arm. “I think he might be here for … Age of Sigmar.”

        At those words, Discomute flew into an incoherent rage and began gnawing on a nearby column.

        Xholanka was keen to settle things down again, “Please, as I said I am here as a servant of the Great Plan.”

        “Oh really,” Scalenex sneered, “I think that you are really here to fan the flames of the Great Debate about the Great Plan.”

        Xholanka, looked as confused as a faceless glowy thing can manage. “Great Debate?”

        “Yes, the Great Debate about the Great Plan.” Scalenex began to pace as he fervently stated his position. “I say that our energies should not be wasted on forcing the younger races back into their ancestral lands while the forces of Chaos are ascendant. We should rather support and empower the younger races and use them as crude weapons to harry the servants of Chaos’ flanks and sap their strength. Then the glorious First will strike a decisive blow and expunge the Enemy from this world, and the beautiful Order imagined by the Old Ones shall be achievable.” His eyes flashed a challenge. “There are those who would disagree.”

        Kcibrihp-Esurc stomped up to the much smaller priest and poked him in the chest. “Well, I wouldn’t,” he declared.

        Lord Warden added, “That’s right. The warmbloods make a handy buffer around the coast and they can be easily manipulated to fight our true enemies. I totally agree with your point of view, Scalenex.”

        Scalenex looked a little crest fallen, “but there are others who would subjugate the younger races, before moving on Chaos.”

        “That’s a bit silly,” said Hyperborean. “Even the new spawnlings are taught that the greater evil must brought down first. It’s in the curriculum these days.”

        “But-” Scalenex looked like he was struggling to hold his end of the argument up.

        "Heck," said Lord Bow’xa, "even dwarfs will suspend a grudge to coordinate their efforts against a numerically superior foe. Isn't that right, Y'ttar?"

        "Unfortunately the dwarf-things often do. But the noble skaven will unite under one mighty overlord. Yes-yes, too long have they gnawed at the roots of the world. As their supreme leader, I shall will lead them forth from the empire below and they shall rise like a furry-grey tide and overwhelm the surface dwellers. All shall fall beneath the reach of my whip - all working together as slaves to my mighty will!"

        "What was that, sonny?"

        "I mean, all working together for the common good, yes-yes. Each with their part to play in destroying the daemon-things."

        “Everyone in this chamber agrees with you on this, dear Scalenex,” remarked Tzlanputin. “It’s hardly a Great Debate.”

        “I have a suggestion,” said Bo’b. "Rather than have this happen every time someone mentions the Great Plan, let’s call it The Great Consensus from now on. Then we can get on with the rest of the meeting. Scalenex?”

        “That was pretty much the main agenda item-“

        “Early break for lunch then?” asked Bo’b hopefully.

        Kcibrihp-Esurc scoffed. “I only have an appetite for defeating Chaos.”

        “There will probably be fire daemons,” squeaked Y’ttar, “so I hope you like spicy food.”

        Lord Bow’xa looked delighted, “I would like a curried daemon right now myself!”

        Lord Tzlanputin added, “You like everything, but my stomach is getting impatient just at the thought of a Khorne Korma. Or should it be a Tzeentchian Masala?”

        Y’ttar’s nose twitched. “Or a Nurgle Bhaji, just make sure you pick out all the green bits.”

        Bow’xa liked the sound of that, too. “Those both sound delicious! Or even a nice slaanesh gosht. Oh and a Bloodletter Biriyani, that's always good!”

        Scalenex looked like his spirit had been completely broken. “Honestly. We start talking about one thing and then this happens, every time. Thank goodness you aren’t joining in with this nonsense, Da'rk-IV.”

        Lord Da'rk-IV conjured a napkin out of the air and then he tucked it into his golden collar. Golden cutlery appeared in his hands. Saliva began spurting into his mouth from his oversized parotid glands and his stomach rumbled loudly.

        “I’ll be first to the buffet!” declared En’aten and he dashed through the broken doors with many pursuers.

        Scalenex and Xholanka were left alone in the council chamber.

        "Some debate...." Murmured Xholankha.

        "Shut up!" Yelled Scalenex.
    1. "Hey hey, just because your a bad orator" Xholankha said defensively"

      With a movement faster than human eyes could follow, Scalenex had drawn his blade and had brought it round in a lethal ark that would cleave away the torso of the recipient, leaving only a streak of entrails and a body with nicks and ruptures split in half spouting blood, this was only met with a loud clang that sent a ringing through his arm.

      Standing there, in a half crouch was Xholankha, holding a spectral spear.

      "What!?, I have always strikes first, oh wait no that is En-Aten, but I have the blade of eternities, you should be dead" whined Scalenex

      "Well no, not reall- look!, just take your weapon and have freebie, it's on me."

      " A free hit?, with no 6+ parry?, alright!, with pleasure."

      "You take pleasure in inflicting pain?" Questioned Xholankha.

      "No I don-" began Scalenex

      "You sick, sick, lizard" tutted Xholankha.

      With a garbled shout, the skink swung the sword round and caught the glowing thing right between the head and the lower abdomen.

      "Aaaaand that's why I'm not dead yet." Said Xholankha with a hint of smugness.

      "but my sword kills everything on every material plane, it says so in the plagues." Squealed Scalenex in rage.

      "I don't exsistence on an plane at all material or immaterial" answered Xholankha, at this point scalenex looked pretty deflated.
    2. "You sem bored, depressed and stressed if you like I could give you my crossover plagues future saga to cheer you u-." Exclaimed Xholankha
    3. "Hold up!, did you say crossover?" Said Scalenex with a gleam in his eyes.


      "Show me!" Screamed Scalenex with excitement

      With a touch of grace Xholankha placed the plagues on the floor

      It envelopes all, it's embrace cold, it swallows the hopes and dreams and even the light of men and mortals.

      Though not all light is always lost...

      Huinetuinichi sat upon his palaquin, one of the 23 still left in existence, crafted by the old ones back in the golden age, a now distant memory that drifted in the minds of the last slann.

      They drifted through the void; implacable, surround by glistening fields of magic that shrouded the temple cities like a fine mist. Still the streets were full of skinks and kroxigors, working tirelessly to reconstruct the shattered cities, on and on they went, years went by, the lizardmen took little notice of their surroundings, unfazed by their endless task.

      The slann all sat in the council room thinking and rarely speaking, the silence would've driven a human to madness, it was so quiet that the sound of astral dust flowing around the shields were the only noise present, a silent roar of tranquility, until a skink chief burst into the chamber, clearly estatic and shocked. Glowering at the chief, Huinetuinichi moved the palaquin to follow the skink and see what the disturbance was for.

      It is very rare for a slann to be surprised, and rare to have a different expression, lord huinetuinichi's expression was that of a historical moment his eyes widened and his jaw opened up like a cave. Above the floating orbs was a ship of magnificence, it span was enormous, nearly as long as lustria itself. It was a sprawling object, pearlescent white arches covered the structure, and between them the micro thin sheen of a force field could be seen.

      The slann did not know what it was but it was worthy of chotec himself, the inside was covered in verdant green trees and luscious mangroves steaming gently like the ones of the swirling swamps in lustria long ago.

      Willing themselves forward the slann moved the cities into the ship, their force fields unwittingly cancelling out theirs, and so they drifted down into this new paradise. Lord huinetuinichi breathed in the air; fresh and ripe, he breathed out and lifted his hands and the ground moved, huinetuinichi invoked a series of spells causing the cities and take root into the fertile soil, and soon the temples looked as though they hadn't moved from lustria.

      Prince yriesor awoke in the early hours of what would be the morning , and proceeded to walk out onto the royal balcony only to see in the distance a golden spike with a mellow light resonating off of it protruding from the top of the the branches of the jungle of tranquility. Curious he descended the jade steps onto a jet bike and rode out to see what it was.

      Lord huinetuinichi gawped at what he saw; the spawning pools began to glow. This meant they were active, they could continue the work of the old ones amongst the stars. journeying up to the surface he sensed something, something old but he also felt the familiar tang of magic surrounding them, probably the residue of of the spell he cast.

      Prince Yriesor peered through the branches, with shock; moving around like ants, these creatures worked, heaving chunks of stone into place. Standing around the walls of the temples were larger creatures almost identical to their younger cousins but much more heavily muscled and bedecked in golden plates, carrying what would be a primitive shield and a dark purple sword covered in gold with cruel jagged spikes sticking out of it. Then he saw it a creature sat on a floating throne of stone, mottled brown with flecks of yellow it also seemed incapable of walking due to its size explaining what the floating throne was for. This he thought must be their leader or one of them, a nimbus of energy surrounded the creature, clearly marking it out as a powerful payment of some origin. Brushing aside his robe, the prince picked up his shruiken pistol and went out to meet these creatures, but not before sending a transmission pulse to alert the royal gaurd, and with that he walked into the clearing.

      Lord huinetuinichi sat with a puzzled look on his face, he could detect the essence of magic much more strongly now but couldn't see anything, that is until a figure walked gracefully into the clearing, not disturbing a single leaf, immediately the saurus' heads snapped toward the newcomer and roared but then abruptly stopped, huinetuinichi had silenced them with a thought and proceeded to float towards this character. It was elegant and tall, it wore a sort of purple armour and over its right shoulder was draped a fine pale blue cape that caressed the ground it's ears were pointed and it's skin finely toned but also quite pale, huinetuinichi pondered then proceeded to greet the figure by projecting a polite greeting to the figure through its mind, and was shocked when it got back a response a split second later.

      The prince smiled, being a man of diplomacy over violence he was glad he could at least communicate with the toad-thing. After a long conversation spanning about an hour, the prince and slann were both in a state of shock, the slann seeing no other way decided to explain what they were by simply throwing his entire life into the eldars head, this of course was severely traumatizing for the prince as he had just been taught the history of the lizardmen In the time taken to blink, falling to the ground the eldar then returned the favour by sending his life and all the history about their race to the slann, who handled the load of memories much better than the eldar but was surprised and incredibly curious as to one fragment of their history, going into a mediative state, Lord huinetuinichi looked with wonder at the figures in the eldars' memories and then realised who the figures were, coming out of his trance the slann bowed to the eldar, and like a set of dominoes all of the lizardmen repeated the action.

      The prince had been looking at the throne for a while and saw a symbol on it that made him go white with shock, that was the sign of urisian, the father of light, better known to the lizardmen as chotec. Immediately the prince grabbed a key-slate from his silk pocket and punched in a number of symbols, hit a small green glowing button on the slate with a colour close to that of warp-stone. This was possibly the most significant part of the slanns exsistence since he was brought into this parody they called life, to most this was a cruel puppet show that played for years, giving the the impression of being truly in control, but alas the sad truth is that the puppet is an extent of the true master, the puppeteer , lord huinetuinichi remembered a roving bad of barbaric primitives that would praise the fell gods and in their own tongue scream they were free from the tyranny of their superiors , and perform obscene rituals and other felonies to draw their attention, how can you be free of one tyrant by stepping under the rule of four others.

      Prince Yriesor beckoned the slann forward into the jungle, signalling his temple gaurd forward they formed up around the slann, hissing at the eldar as they came around their beloved master, with a sweep of his hands the prince commanded the jungle apart and a brown dusty path led on with the jungle on each side, the guard of the slann picking up every scent, permanently on gaurd in this foreign land, prince Yriesor smiled as he saw a Uloa elk stride out of the jungle and walk towards them, it's one eye light purple and it's fur white like the blizzards of Norsca, it's antlers were a pale, grainy yellow similar to the scorched sands of Nehekara, it was the most venerated animal on the craft world; very rare and incredibly shy most of the time, although it seemed to have a sudden interest in lord huinetuinichi , bending its neck over the saurus gaurd to sniff and lick the slann, this was too far for the Tempe gaurd, who bellowed and began to tear it to pieces, Gor-Rok the scar veteran of the temple gaurd, clove it's head in with a single strike of his mace, while two others cleaved open its stomach with spilt hot viscera all over the path, its intestines pumping out half digested gem-grass, the temple gaurd then proceeded to grab either side of the rib cage and pull, with a few sinuous snaps the body split in half with a wet slap and sagged on the ground. The prince at this point had stopped himself throwing up and stared in horror as one of the most prized creatures of the craftworld was torn asunder by these bipedal lizards or as they would later be known again as the lizardmen.

      After a particularly uneventful walk , they arrived at the main city complex, it's buildings were elegant and thin, arches hung everywhere decorated with symbols of power, however one structure stood out amongst the rest, the grand palace, it was enormous,it's was covered in Lavish decoration:it was very similar to the elven strongholds that had covered Uluthan, guards could be seen patrolling the walls, fusion rifles slung over their backs, spires and beautiful white towers of purest White were indented with gold decorations, it hummed with power, arcs of eldritch energy played over the spires, gently caressing them as mothers would caress their child.

      After moving through the endless halls, they stopped at a rough stone door draped with ivory, the prince pressed his hand to the door, it was about as tall as a kroxigors and twice as wide, the prince activated the runes, which glowed with a golden light with a likeness to a rising sun .

      What happened next was possibly the most significant thing in lord huinetuinichi life so far; through the doors was a landscape of verdant jungle, thick with life, it was a new world, literally a new dimension in which . The melodies sang by the quango could be heard gently resounding over the buzz of the blood-flies that were hovering over a scrap of bloodied flesh nearby, their droning monotone was feared by many explorers in long gone lustria. Lord huinetuinichi nearly died of a heart-attack and was left in a stunned silence for many minutes, his guard on the other hand were not shocked at all and stood motionless, ahed of them was a grand temple city which looked suspiciously like the fabled temple city of the old ones, it was lost in a great flood as the island, sending a message back to the other slann, relaying instructions as to where to go and what to do with the temple city,lord huinetuinichi set off into this city, curious as to what it was.

      Chotec, lord of light and master of the sun sat on a throne of solid gold, the light radiating off of him flowed off the throne like thick syrup and eventually dissipated completely, the old one was very hard to describe as his entire form was swathed in pure light, but there were a few features that were discernible: it was bipedal but it's lower section of its body was draped in the light of a thousand newborn stars, it had four arms that would look fairly normal if not slightly thin and ended in thin long fingers,this of course was deceptive as the old one had enough strength to sunder a continent in two with its physical strength, its torso was well hidden under and fine chest plate of pure azyr; the physical form of light itself, the heart of a star, its head was truly remarkable; it had two sets of two eyes, amber in colour, one on each side of its head, its mouth was shrouded by a priceless ornamental piece of gromril scales and around its bulbous head arcs of energy were blanketing over its dark blue skin was the very source of light, the raw being from which light was made.

      Lord huinetuinichi, for the first time in 4,000 years dismounted his palaquin and prostrated himself before the legendary being, the gaurd of huinetuinichi went lower than the slann, and felt for the first time in their life; fear and awe, this was their salvation.

      " 'O' supreme gaurdian of light..." Lord huinetuinichi began

      " ɨ Ꮶռօա աɦʏ ʏօʊ ɦǟʋɛ ƈօʍɛ, ʏօʊ ɦǟʋɛ ʍǟɖɛ Ꮖɦɛ քɨʟɢʀɨʍǟɢɛ ʄʀօʍ ʏօʊʀ ɖօօʍ ʟǟɖɛռ աօʀʟɖ Ꮖօ, ֆɛɛᏦ ǟռօᏆɦɛʀ ǟռɖ ֆᏆǟʀᏆ ǟռɛա, ɦǟʋɛ ʏօʊ ռօᏆ?" Chotec spoke.

      "Yes venerated one, we have many..." Lord huinetuinichi mumbled.

      "զʊɛֆᏆɨօռֆ, ʏɛֆ օʊʀ ʟɛɢǟƈʏ աǟֆ ɮɛʄօʊʟɛɖ ɮʏ Ꮖɦօֆɛ ʄօʊʀ աɦօ ֆɦǟʟʟ ռօᏆ ɮɛ ֆքօᏦɛռ, ɨ Ꮶռɛա օʄ ʏօʊʀ ƈօʍɨռɢ ʄօʀ ʍɨʟʟɛռɨǟ, ֆօ i ɦǟʋɛ ƈʀɛǟᏆɛɖ ǟ ɦǟʋɛռ ʄօʀ ʏօʊ Ꮖօ ƈօռᏆɨռʊɛ օʊʀ ʟɛɢǟƈʏ ǟռɖ Ꮖɦɛ ɢʀɛǟᏆ քʟǟռ, ǟʟʟ օʄ աɦǟᏆ ʏօʊ ռɛɛɖ ɨֆ ɦɛʀɛ, աɛ ɦǟʋɛ ʟɛʄᏆ ʏօʊ ʏօʊʀ ᏆǟֆᏦֆ ɨռ Ꮖɦɛ ɛᏆɛʀռɨᏆʏ ֆǟռƈᏆʊʍ; Ꮖաօ ɦʊռɖʀɛɖ ǟռɖ Ꮖաօ ֆᏆɛքֆ ɖօառ օռ Ꮖɦɛ Ꮖɦɨʀɖ ʟɛʋɛʟ, ᏆɦɨʀᏆɛɛռ ֆᏆɛքֆ ʄօʀաǟʀɖ, Ꮖաօ ʀɨɢɦᏆ, Ꮖɦɛռ ʄօʟʟօա Ꮖɦɛ ֆᏆɛքֆ ɖօառ ǟռɖ Ꮖօʊ աɨʟʟ ɖɨռɖ աɦǟᏆ ʏօʊ ֆɛɛᏦ. ǟռɖ ɖɨռǟʟʟʏ i hǟʋɛ ɛռɢɨռɛɛʀɛɖ ʍօʀɛ օʄ ʏօɨʀ Ꮶɨռɖ, ʏօʊ ǟʀɛ ɛxքɛxᏆɛɖ ɨռ Ꮖɦɛ ƈօʊռƈɨʟ, ǟֆ Ꮖօʊ Ꮶռօա ɨᏆ ɨֆ ɨռ Ꮖɦɛ Ꮖʀǟռզʊɨʟ ɖɨֆᏆʀɨƈᏆ. ɨ ʍʊֆᏆ ɢօ, աɛ ɦǟʋɛ ֆɛᏆ ɨռ ʍօtɨօռ Ꮖɦɛ ֆքǟառɨռɢֆ օʄ ǟ Ꮖɦօʊֆǟռɖ աօʀʟɖֆ, ɢɨʋɛռ Ꮖօʊ ƈօʊռᏆʟɛֆֆ ʀɛʟɨƈֆ օʄ օʊʀ օառ ʀǟƈɛ Ꮖօ ǟɨɖ Ꮖօʊ, ռօա ɨ ᏆǟᏦɛ ʍʏ ǟֆƈɛռֆɨօռ, աɛ ֆɦǟʟʟ ʍɛɛᏆ ֆօօռ օռƈɛ Ꮖɦɛ ɢʀɛǟᏆ plan ɨֆ ƈօʍքʟɛᏆɛ,ǟʟֆօ Ꮖɦɛʀɛ ɨֆ ǟ ɦʊʍǟռ, ɦɛ ɨֆ օռ ǟ ʋօʏǟɢɛ Ꮖօ ʀɛƈʟǟɨʍ ǟ աɛǟքօռ օʄ օʟɖ, ƈʀɛǟᏆɛɖ ɮʏ ʊֆ, Ꮶɛɛք ɦɨʍ ǟʟɨʋɛ ɦɛ ɨֆ ɨʍքɛʀɨᏆɨʋɛ Ꮖօ Ꮖɦɛ ɢʀɛǟᏆ քʟǟռ.

      And with that, in a beam of light he ascended into a mercurial ship that slowly vanished out of existence.

      Climbing back upon his palanquin, countless thoughts progressed their way through his mind. After contemplation he rallied his gaurd and made way to the tranquil district floating through the streets, now filling with patrols, skink attendants and lumbering kroxigors hefting slabs of gold, he wasted no time in gazing at the architecture.

      There was a council waiting........
    "Hmm, could've done with a proof read" Scalenex said in a scholarly tone
    Last edited: May 9, 2016
  16. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Crossover over crossover! This is so good! Also good use of our off topic discussion bringing it right back to on topic! Taking chaos and making it order. Truly you are the greatest of the old ones!
  17. Slanputin

    Slanputin Well-Known Member

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    A story within a story, eh? I settled down expecting a relatively quick read, but found it unexpectedly doubling in size o_O
    Paradoxical Pacifism and Bowser like this.
  18. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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  19. Y'ttar Scaletail

    Y'ttar Scaletail Well-Known Member

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    Probably just the poison i've been slipping into the council water coolant...I mean...er...Maybe some more water might clear things up for you?
  20. Xholankha the lost one
    Chameleon Skink

    Xholankha the lost one Well-Known Member

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    Is that a bad confusion of "wtf?, why did he add a second story, it ruins it" I'll change it right now
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.

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