8th Ed. Conquest of Lustria updated - campaign adventure in Lustria!

Discussion in 'House Rules' started by MoopyMorkyfeet, Jul 6, 2013.

  1. MoopyMorkyfeet
    Jungle Swarm

    MoopyMorkyfeet New Member

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    Hey guys, I've updated a Conquest of Lustria campaign I wrote up last year and wanted to share it again with the community as a resource to run or base a campaign on. It's been pretty cool hearing the odd mention of the campaign on podcasts and being contacted by play groups who are using the rules, and this version smooths out the system for everyone. :)

    You can browse the full campaign here


    and download it here:


    Comments and feedback are always appreciated. have fun! ;)
    Cristian Lozano, n810 and hardyworld like this.
  2. MoopyMorkyfeet
    Jungle Swarm

    MoopyMorkyfeet New Member

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    Re: Conquest of Lustria updated - campaign adventure in Lust

    Going through a lot of the threads, there seems to be a huge number of new players thanks to the LM 8th ed update. :)

    If anyone is interested in running a Lustria campaign with their playgroup, im still looking for feedback :)

    And if anyone wants to check out a playgroup that is running the previous version of the campaign, Lizardman Jeff's group has an awesome blog at http://lustriaclog.wordpress.com/
    n810 likes this.
  3. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Re: Conquest of Lustria updated - campaign adventure in Lust

    I like your campaign a lot. My gaming circle isn't as pro-Lustrian as I, but your work has inspired me to create me to create a map campaign not biased towards any particular army.

    Armies are battling for control of a small island where a mad wizard once experimented with ways of creating and controlling monsters. (Also I really want to try the Monstrous scenarios in the new Forge World book and it seemed like a good excuse). I'll post what I have at some point when I organize my notes.
  4. MoopyMorkyfeet
    Jungle Swarm

    MoopyMorkyfeet New Member

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    Re: Conquest of Lustria updated - campaign adventure in Lust

    The Lustria/LM angle is just a theme for the map and scenarios, but the campaign is not actually Lizardmen-specific or biased. In fact prior to the 8th ed book every time ive played the campaign, we didn't even include a Lizardmen army because we agreed they were a bit too strong and would steamroll everyone else. :)

    I like your campaign idea (i AM biased towards map based systems!! lol) the idea of a "Monster Island" is super cool and i can see a lot of potential. I think the closest to this in Conquest of Lustria is the Vale of the Sleeping Titan scenario but I havent checked out the Monstrous Arcana book. (if thats where the monstrous scenarios are)

    Ive heard very mixed reviews about it, how many scenarios are there?
  5. hardyworld

    hardyworld Active Member

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    Stumbled upon this old thread to give the campaign a read....this was VERY well put together. Bravo!

    There are a lot of interesting elements put together in this campaign with the 4 armies moving across Lustrian map, raiding mines, fighting battles, building defenses, buying items, etc. etc. I hope the creator and all who this was made for had a lot of fun playing through this.

    I have to ask, 1 piece of art I see in the booklet...I don't think I've ever seen it before. The Lustrian Coast image by a "MF." on page 10. Where can I get a high quality digital version of that image, it's really nice and would love it for a desktop background.

    I don't think I'll ever end up using it, but I appreciate what was put together here very much. I'll have to add this pdf to my collection (hopefully I'll eventually at least be able to use a piece of it for some campaign down the road).
    Warden likes this.
  6. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    thanks for pulling this up, I will be saving this as well. Looks like a very professional campaign!
  7. DrrrL

    DrrrL Active Member

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    Hi @MoopyMorkyfeet, I'm seriously thinking about pitching this campaign to my local group (we're all 8th ed players). What size armies would you suggest to keep the game from getting too bulky?
  8. DrrrL

    DrrrL Active Member

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    Ah, just found your Pirate Princes campaign, I think I'll pitch this first!

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