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Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Otzi'mandias, Feb 21, 2016.


Is my story any good?

Poll closed Feb 22, 2016.
  1. Good

    3 vote(s)
  2. Ok

    0 vote(s)
  3. so bad it made me smash all my warhammer and leave my wife

    1 vote(s)
  1. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Liking this Marv so far! A bit of a con artist, but not too good at it, working with some con artists who are good at it, this should be funny!
    Otzi'mandias likes this.
  2. Otzi'mandias

    Otzi'mandias Well-Known Member

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    That's what I was hoping for! Cheers @Bowser!
    Bowser likes this.
  3. Otzi'mandias

    Otzi'mandias Well-Known Member

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    Back to Emilys perspective this time.

    She stood in front of the grimy mirror in her bedroom, looking at the red dress she was wearing. Emily had used to wear dresses very similar before she'd been kicked out of her palace. It was a great present from Bralterakus, and she appreciated how much it must have cost, but that was the problem. How had he got hold of the money for the dress? He had said he only had a couple of hundred ur-gold left.
    I hope he hasn't robbed anyone. I couldn't wear this if he had.

    "Oi, Emily! We need to go!"
    Bralterakus was loud and demanding and sounded irritated.
    "I know, I know, I'm almost ready!"
    She snatched a quick glance at the door - locked, excellent. She snook to the mirror, and pulled it away from the wall. Behind it was a secret cupboard, and inside it were two bundles of 20ur notes.
    It's not stealing really, she told herself, it's repayment. This BnB is incredibly overpriced for what its actually worth-
    "Emily? Are you coming or not?"
    Aletea wasn't even shouting, but her voice held a kind of authority that was hard to ignore.
    Looks like Queenspeech is starting to form in Aletea, finally. It took a while.
    She stashed the money in her bag - a battered knapsack - and unlocked the door and strutted out.

    Bralterakus looked at her, unimpressed. Zlaqua looked at her, worried.
    "Zlaqua, what are you worried about?"
    He was so innocent, and so very very awful at hiding his emotions.
    "You look very thin. We should stop and get you something to eat,"

    They climbed into the coach that the Emperor had sent for them, and Bralterakus had the decency to turn away to hide his grin as Emma explained that, no, it was deliberate. All three dresses was quite tight.
    "But doesn't it feel really uncomfortable?"
    "Uh, a little, but it is the height of fashion in the Empire."
    Zlaqua looked puzzled.
    "What is this 'fashion' and how tall is it ?"
    "It's a- Never mind. Its complicated."
    Bralterakus turned back around. He was in a suit. Rapping his knuckles against the roof of the coach, he spoke loudly.
    "Driver! Let's take this coach for a spin!"
    "A spin?" Zlaqua was so... new to metaphors and the idea of sarcasm. It was almost sweet how he misunderstood everything.
    "A turn of phrase,"
    "Your obsession with revolving concerns me."
    Emily and Aletea had to smile.

    The rest of the journey passed without incident, and they arrived at the country estate in a little less than 2 hours. It was huge, with miles of fields and forest surrounding it. It was lush, but all Emily could think of were the titanic gardens that she had lost.
    The chauffeur was beginning to slow as the yellowstone path drew close to the huge stone mansion. Large tents surrounded much of it, presumably for the party.
    Emily turned to Bralterakus, who was shifting uncomfortably in his chair.
    "Don't drink anything other than water. And whatever you do, don't start a fight. The guards would slice all three of us to pieces. Oh my god, how have you got mud on your cheek?"
    She pulled a silk handkerchief out of her "lady bag" and dipped it in her bottle of water. One quick scrub later, and he looked presentable.
    Both of them looked anxious, and with a quick pep talk - "Be nice! It'll end well!" - the coach chuntered to a stop. The chauffeur rapped twice on the roof and the three of them left.

    The atmosphere was one of forced cheer. The sight of Bralterakus caused one old woman to spit her drink out over the general sat next to her. Ever courteous, he forgave her and the conversations carried on, but a bit more subdued. Two gold-armoured giants - what had Zlaqua said Kroak had called them, swegmarines or something? -followed a really small blonde man around the tent. Emma excused herself, and went over to the bar. Zlaqua went to follow, but Emily caught his arm.
    "I thought you said not to drink?"
    At least he had the good sense to whisper.
    "Yeah, Zlaqua? Emmas not going to drink. She's going to... socialise with a few male friends."
    Zlaqua still looked a bit confused, but with a glance at Bralterakus (oh no, note to self, stop Bralterakus talking to Zlaqua about that) he gave up and wandered over to the short man.
    "Hello, who are you?"
    The golden swegmarines tensed and raised their weapons, but relaxed at a gesture from the man.
    "I am... Simon. Tell me, where do you come from? I don't believe I've ever had the pleasure of meeting one of your species. A saurus, isn't it?"
    "Close. A good guess, but I'm a skink. Saurus are larger, and much more violent. And they don't have frills. They're kind of like what you humans would call indoctrinated, because they have no thoughts outside of war. I am from Lustria, a land across the seas and I came in an attempt to spread our religion."
    Simon winced.
    " An attempt? It didn't work?"
    "I had a falling out with my boss on a... theological issue. I'm not sure he liked it much and I would rather not talk about it. I like your guards armour - where did you get it?"
    Simon shrugged.
    "I was just walking around the top floor of my tower and lightening hit it. Next thing I know, these two and one other had appeared and were protecting me."

    Zlaqua didn't seem to realise who he was casually chatting to.

    "Why do you need them? I mean, why would anyone make an attempt on your life? Or is it a status thing?"
    Simon laughed.
    "A bit of both, I suppose. People tend to worry about me when I have no obvious guard. You should be glad that they're here to reassure people, otherwise there would be chaos-"
    The word boomed around the room, causing several knives to flip up and try to impale their wielders. One sank deep into its owners throat and the others missed, or inflicted glancing blows.
    Bralterakus automatically took two steps towards Emily and Zlaqua - he had drifted a couple of meters away.

    The handsome young man Emma was talking to stood in front of her, sword drawn.

    The swegmarines closed ranks around 'Simon'.

    And the space in the middle of the room tore and two monsters emerged.

    Edit - changed it from 4 monsters to two. I mean, come on, how are a bunch of toffs going to kill four Chaos beasts? Even with two Stormcast and Bralterakus, it's just not going to happen. And Bralterakus has a very important part in the next part.
    Last edited: May 21, 2016
    spawning of Bob, tom ndege and Bowser like this.
  4. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Well that was unexpected. Although I normally don't expect my knife to attack me, so it should be unexpected!
    Rednax and Otzi'mandias like this.
  5. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    This world of yours is messed up. Keep going.
    Otzi'mandias and Bowser like this.
  6. Otzi'mandias

    Otzi'mandias Well-Known Member

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    Bralterakus deserves a bit from his viewpoint now, I think. And, @spawning of Bob, you think that that was messed up? It might take a couple of hours to get this straight in your head.

    Bralterakus looked at the monsters. They were aberrations of twisted flesh and conjoined humans. His immediate response was to kill it. But this was an upper class party and he had been warned that they might bring out unusual pets. This was pushing the limit a bit, but-

    One of the beasts tried to spit a stream of yellow liquid into the face of one of the stigmarines. He (She? Did it even have a gender?) stepped out the way and the liquid burnt a streak in the lush carpet.
    Emily snatched a nearby glass off its startled owner and threw it at Bralterakus. The glass itself stopped midair, the clear liquid inside fell slowly as orbs and as they hit the floor they turned into marbles and they flew in different directions, bouncing off walls and glasses. One hit an elderly gentleman - he keeled over as his spleen suddenly decided to burst out his body and strangle him.

    Emily narrowly dodged a marble by slipping on raw egg that had decided to appear behind her. Bralterakus was so distracted by all the random and unexpected events happening around them, that he nearly missed the llama that used to be Emily shouting in passable sign language
    "Kill the things! When they're dead-"
    A skeleton toddler on a small burning tricycle pedalled quickly inbetween them, followed by a white-suited human with a white helmet but a black visor on a unicycle.
    Then Llama-Emily got picked up by a huge metal angular arm and was put in a huge pinball machine.
    Bralterakus stepped slowly towards the pair of creatures - luckily they were focusing most of their attention on trying to kill Simon's two Stigmarines. He put one foot on the thick rug that covered the center of the tent, and sank to his waist.
    I wish that that bear wasn't that awful shade of purple. I can't bear to look at it.
    The bear - bizzarely puppet-like - changed into an equally horrific shade of green.
    Wait, is this what Wizards see? Do they only allow the random events that they want to happen? If so, I want my armour back. And a million ur-gold.
    His bronze armour settled on him - Hah, I missed you - and with a boosted leapt he landed inbetween the two malformed human-creatures. Bumping the back of one giant metal gauntlet against one flung it the length of twenty villages, but somehow it also only travelled to the man protecting Emma. The abomination was impaled on his sword, leaking rainbows as blood, and with a monstrous slurping noise, reality wobbled and restored some of itself.

    The man whooped as about half the strange things vanished, and then a huge black xenomorph dropped onto him and clawed its way to his heart. It then shot a little thing out of its mouth that wrapped around Emmas face, and watched her asphyxiate. A small alien burst out of Emmas dress and enough flesh was left to tell Bralterakus that she was dead. Then a huge yellow woman in a walking machine dived out of thin air and dragged the xenomorph to the floor, beating it up with a huge inflatable banana.

    Emily-Llama was in the process of being tied up by a bunch of fat men in togas and about to be sacrificed to a huge giraffe with fish for teeth, so Bralterakus was pretty sure she hadn't seen her sister die.
    Hang on, I've forgotten something. Did I lock the door? Yes almost certainly. Did I pay the landlady before we left? No, almost certainly. What have I forgotten?
    The answer hit him like a sledgehammer, and then almost dropped a double-decker red carriage-thing on him but Bralterakus slapped the activation rune for his jump-pack and skittered along the floor. A sudden cold pain in his head - like the world worst brainfreeze - and he stopped.He had driven his head into a metal spike by mistake. Bralterakus died.

    With a gasp, Bralterakus opened his eyes again. He was in the same place as he had been before he had stabbed his head into a pole. Then the remaining abomination hammered into his side, and with a mad screech of power, the bus - how did he know that? - fell towards him again, so this time he caught it, and thumped the abomination with it. It yelped and ran.
    One of the Stormcast stuck out a foot and it tripped. Bralterakus pictured a huge, iron statue with a point - for some reason the word Eiffel pops into his head - and a huge metal structure dropps point-first onto the shameful failure of evolution.
    Knowing that only seconds remained of his sorcery, he nodded at the Stormcast.
    "Your service is appreciated," he told them and he sucks them both into a blue portal back to when and where they had come from.
    Bralterakus wheezed, suddenly out of breath. Magic was harder than it looked. And then a huge green fiddle formed out of the air directly over Aletea (who has ended up in full pirate costume).
    There was not enough magic left to stop it. Not even enough to drag her the extra ten meters to safety. He was barely able to heal the wounds in the guests that hadn't already died, and he had nothing left to save her.

    Zlaqua was in a nappy (magic could be amusing sometimes) and he ran to help her but was too far away. The few posh survivors turned away as she looked up to see what was causing the shadow and screamed briefly.

    Emily saw that for sure, and she stood trembling, looking at where the huge green fiddle lay. Bralterakus had to approach her - some rich and clueless sympathy was not what she needed, and Zlaqua wasn't emotionally equipped to deal with a sibling in mourning.
    He walked to next to her, and waited for her to speak.
    A single tear trickled down her cheek as she said her sisters names.
    "How many people have you killed?"
    Her voice was steady, but her arms were prickling with goosebumbs and her shoulders were starting to shake.
    "You what?"
    Shut up, sarcastic me.
    Simon looked over as Emily raised her voice.
    "How many people have you killed, Bralterakus?"
    "I lost count.
    "How many people have you killed in cold blood?"
    Queenspeech is really starting to grate on my nerves.

    "Eight. Not that many."
    Emily lifted her head and looked at Bralterakus like she was going to cut his head off if she didn't like his answer.
    "Eight total? Or just eight in cold blood?"
    This was repression. She could blow at any moment. He decided to be truthful and see where it took them.
    "Eight in cold-blooded murders. For money, you see. More than a hundred - you won't believe me, but I stopped counting - on the battlefield in warm blood."
    Emily let out a sob, and covered her mouth.
    "You.. you... you let my sisters die!"
    "No. I did everything I could to save them."
    Her face twisted, and all Bralterakus could compare it to were the twisted, insane faces that made up part of the bodies of the two monsters he had killed.
    "Take a blade and kill yourself slowly!" She spat, and hunched over as the tears really began to flow. Zlaqua edged over, and placed a claw on her shoulder - she shifted away.
    Bralterakus felt his hands move towards a knife on the floor.
    Bowser likes this.
  7. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    That's all fine and well, but would you call her Llamaly or Emillama? I am torn here. Both roll off the tongue just fine. Zlaqua in a nappy? Crazy! Just crazy.
  8. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    Hey Otzi, do you remember when you PMd me in March:
    And I probably replied, "don't sweat it, just keep writing forwards and your ideas will start to make sense."

    I was wrong.

    And now I want to draw a Stigmarine.
    Otzi'mandias and Bowser like this.
  9. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    I have searched the internet. The Stig has never been portrayed as a Stormcast. Therefore the internet is useless.
    Rednax and Bowser like this.
  10. Otzi'mandias

    Otzi'mandias Well-Known Member

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    Sounds like this is a job for
    <superhero theme tune>
    Photoshop man!
    Or his secret alter ego, @n810
    Last edited: May 22, 2016
    Rednax likes this.
  11. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    n810 may be Stig-naive.
  12. Otzi'mandias

    Otzi'mandias Well-Known Member

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    But, but how? How does someone live their life and not know about the Stig?

    <Skink rushes up and whispers in ear>

    What? Not watch top gear? INSANE! YOU SKAVEN! KILL-KILL THE TRAITOR!

    <skink carried off by mob of saurus and burnt>

    Right, no more mercy. I'm gonna have a character called Nathan who is completely oblivious to everything. The gloves are off.
    Bowser likes this.
  13. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    I didn't say he wasn't Stig aware and that we should Sacrifice him to Old One Jere'my, I just posited the idea that pockets of the universe could get along fine without Top Gear.
    Bowser likes this.
  14. Otzi'mandias

    Otzi'mandias Well-Known Member

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    Aaauuggh!!! The Skaven are everywhere! KILL! KILL FOR SOTEK! MAKE YOUR GODS PROUD!
    Bowser likes this.
  15. Otzi'mandias

    Otzi'mandias Well-Known Member

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    Kroak has changed side, and things are getting a bit edgy back in Lustria. So I thought we'd have a look at what's happening

    Kroak shifted slightly in his palanquin, moving his head out of the path of the beam of sunlight. He was sat in a small room in the center of a slanns burial chamber. It sounded bad, but Kroak just needed to be alone to watch Bralterakus' death.
    Ok, maybe it was quite bad. Desecrating the tomb of a fellow first was a bit edgy, but watching a human die in a slann tomb-pyramid was likely to give the skink priests a heart attack. Ah well, they're only skinks.
    The large magical screen in front of Kroak rippled as it tried to home in on Bralterakus. It found him just as Emily asked him to stab himself.
    Bralterakus lifted the knife to throat height, and slowly began to draw it towards his jugular. Then, just as the knife touched his skin, his lips parted and a wave of red magic blew Kroak out of his palanquin and into the arms of the mummified slann behind him.
    "Ow. What was - Aaauuugghh!!"
    The venerable Lord Kroak screamed as the mummified slann head appeared to lean towards him. Then the ancient arms crunched away, and dumped him on his face. He lifted off the ground with his magic, and did his best to repair the corpse.
    One arm was now upside down, but hopefully no-one important would notice.

    His palanquin was listing badly, and leaking green smoke out of one side. He stabilised it by force of will, and floated back in. Parts of the screen had faded away to nothing, and the parts that did still exist were badly damaged.
    "What did he say?"
    The screen flicked back, and Kroak got a good look at the first part of the word.
    "Cha-an? No. Cha-something. Cha-riot? Cha-os? Choteks scaly beard, it can't be. Not now. Not this early."

    Kroak disassembled his body, and reassembled inside the Old Ones Webway Gate in the south. He broadcasted an SOS to the Old Ones - he heard one response.
    The last remaining Old One formed in front of him.
    "But, what about the other Old Ones? Are they dead?"
    The Old One shimmered and vanished as a resounding boom echoed rhrough the chamber. Kroak felt real fear course through his body - what could make an Old One run? Who had been the Khorne that the Old Ones had mentioned?- and he crumbled away into dust....
    ...reformed in Hexoatl in the middle of the street. He drifted over to a skink that wasn't busy trying to trade- "Tell Mazdamundi that we need to focus on the threat at hand. The Old Ones have left us, and daemons are massing to take our planet for themselves. We must defend it."
    The skinks voice shook.
    "Yes, Lord Kroak, your will be done."
    The other skinks began to slowly notice the slann amongst them, and started bowing profusely. This is how it should be done, he mused. Not with the arrogance of Zlaqua, but with the modesty that every lesser species had around the slann.
    spawning of Bob, Bowser and tom ndege like this.
  16. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Oh that mischievous Kroak! Cool way of transportation! Now that Bralterakus has died off screen (literally), I am sure we can write him off.
    Otzi'mandias likes this.
  17. Otzi'mandias

    Otzi'mandias Well-Known Member

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    But has he?
    Hah, you'll have to wait till tomorrow evening to find out.
    Bowser likes this.
  18. tom ndege

    tom ndege Well-Known Member

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    So f*** long...
    Otzi'mandias and Bowser like this.
  19. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Wait you mean the character that died off screen, may not be confirmed dead? Colour me shocked!
    Otzi'mandias likes this.
  20. Otzi'mandias

    Otzi'mandias Well-Known Member

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    Well, @tom ndege, @Bowser, the time has come to find out what happened to Bralterakus. This next segment of story is set during Kroaks tomb violation, and covers it from Zlaqua's viewpoint.

    Zlaqua stood next to Emily. She was shouting at Bralterakus and asking him about his kill-count. Humans really are strange creatures.
    The strange magic that had killed Emma and Aletea was not gone entirely, faint traces of it lingering above the churned-up mud, and it was disorientating him, and making him queasy. Also, as night was drawing in - a quite spectacular sunset was happening - he was tired.
    Simon was closing in, and Zlaqua stepped over a headless body to block him.
    "Zlaqua, let me past. I can help."
    Zlaqua shook his head.
    "No, you don't know either of them. They need to have space."
    "Zlaqua, Emily's using Queenspeech to get Bralterakus to stab himself. That's murder. Let me past, and I can stop it."
    Zlaqua glanced behind him - it was true. Despite the internal klaxons that had started blaring as soon as Simon had mentioned Queenspeech, he let him past and darted to Bralterakus, grasping his wrists and pulling to try to hold back the knife.
    It worked a little bit, and Bralterakus nodded at a log lying nearby. Zlaqua scooped it up with one hand and desperately lodged it inbetween the knife and Bralterakus chest.
    "Cheers," Bralterakus wheezed. Then the log split cleanly down the sides. The few stars already visible seemed to shift, into the shape of a grinning frogs head. Kroak was going to die.
    Bralterakus spoke shallowly, using all his strength to slow the knife.
    "Zlaqua, tell the others to run."
    The knife was so, so close to his neck. Zlaqua decided to honour the seemingly last wish of his friend, and barreled over to where Simon and Emily were talking. Every word seemed to be charged with power, but when Zlaqua shouted at them to run, they didn't listen.
    "Guys, run! I'm not joking!"
    No response. Really?
    Zlaqua shrugged and walked to Bralterakus.
    "They won't listen,"
    "Then make them," Bralterakus gurgled. The knife had started to dig into his throat, and a thin trail of blood ran down under his suit, which was battered and muddy.

    Zlaqua saw urgency on Bralterakus face as he murmured "Chao-ursghly,". The knife had finally penetrated his neck, and Bralterakus died. Zlaqua could see it in his eyes.
    A orb of red energy flew from the wound, about a meter into the air and vanished. That might have been what the humans called the soul.
    Zlaqua tried to stay calm, amd failed.
    Hurt her. Make her scream.
    He walked stiffly towards Emily, who was composing a retort to Simon, and slashed his claws across her cheek. The claws had actually gone through into her mouth, and she howled in pain.
    Emily opened her mouth to use Queenspeech - a nicely timed uppercut from Simon shut it on her tongue.
    Then, when Zlaqua swung at her neck - intending to do to her what she had done to Bralterakus - Simon blocked him and shoved him back a step. Zlaqua went to kick Simon - Make them all hurt, all scream - and Bralterakus' corpse lifted slowly into the air, surrounded by a nimbus of red energy.
    This distracted Zlaqua enough for Simon to lock handcuffs over his claws.
    What kind of person carried handcuffs on him?
    Zlaqua dropped his handcuffed hands and then smashed Simon under the chin with a brutal double-fisted punch. It was fueled by rage, and actually knocked Simon onto his back. Zlaqua tried to spit on his unconscious body, but he didn't have enough moisture in his mouth.
    "Stand still."
    Zlaqua wasn't able to disobey.
    "You should have saved them."
    Zlaqua tried to see through the red, to the mourning woman behind the killer, but he couldn't. She had killed Bralterakus, and he would hurt her. If that meant emotionally, rather than physically, then he would have to do his best.
    "You failed Aletea and... that other one. You didn't save Emma. You didn't even notice she had died until after the battle. Emma said to me that she didn't trust you, and no wonder. You let them both die, you cold hearted human. You shame your 'royal' blood, and you tarnish the reputations of your fellow humans just by being near them. You deserve no kingdom, and taking one off you was probably the wisest thing that old baron ever did. You would disgust your siblings and parents if they could see you now."
    Emily stepped forwards, right into Zlaqua's face. She opened her mouth, and roared "No!" as loud as she could, for as long as she could. The edges of the devastation - barely visible from the piles of corpses and improbable creations, ecoed the word back at them both.
    Wait, I can reach her.
    Zlaqua's two-handed swing was too late, she stepped back out of range. Her face filled with hate, her eyes screaming murder, she pointed at the knife dropped by the still-floating corpse, and opened her mouth.
    A croaky rasp came out. She'd lost her voice.
    "Stop right there, the pair of you." Simon had recovered. Drawing a gplden whistle out of a pocket, he gave a quick pheeep! and a carriage formed out of golden magic. Emily tried to run, but a golden rope coiled around her legs out of nowhere and she tumbled into the churned-up mud. Walking briskly over, Simon locked her in another pair of handcuffs - also magic and golden, which explained where his handcuffs had come from - and lifted her into the back of the carriage. Zlaqua nearly laughed, until he remembered what he had done to Simon.
    As Simon walked over and lifted Zlaqua by his tail, he whispered something to him.
    As Zlaqua was dumped in the front next to Simon, he pondered what was going to happen to him. And also, why had Simon lied about his name? After all, Sigmar didn't sound too awful.
    spawning of Bob and Bowser like this.

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