Blog Cris'... Jobs? (For Lack of a Better Name)

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Cristhian MLR, May 16, 2016.

  1. Cristhian MLR

    Cristhian MLR Well-Known Member

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    Hello guys, so, finally, last 12th of May, I got my Start Collecting! Seraphon box (also a Tau one) and I'm making some progress with my miniatures, but first, I want to consult you some things:

    1.- What paint should I use to prime? I want to use a regular spay white paint, because I want shiny lizards, but, I want to paint my Tau troops like Farsight Enclaves (red), and I'm building a Grymloq, so I want him to be red. Should I use a black undercoat for them instead? I'm looking foward and I will get some Chaos, and Space Wolves on the "far" future, so I will use a black undercoat for them, and also some Tyranids, and I would like to use a white undercoat for them.

    2.- I didn't noticed until the next morning (yesterday) that I cutted the tiny plastic square under my Kroq-Gar, the one that fit on the saddle-throne. What should I do now? I'm getting a second box for a Trog anyway, so I could cut carefully that square from the next Saurus body, because he will be a Saurus Oldblood. I've tried with some bits from the sprues, but its way too hard.

    3.- As I commented on the second question, I will grab another Start Collecting box, So I will have 16 Knights, so I will have enough bits to make three 5-Saurus squads, so I will work on a Scar Veteran, instead buying the miniature aside; the only real difference is the Skaven fur saddle, and the Cold One don't have a helmet. Is there any problem if I use a helmet for my Cold One? because I want to make a fluffy army, I don't think there is any problem, but I just want to confirm.

    For now that would be all, until the next time!
    Last edited: May 16, 2016
    Lizards of Renown and Bowser like this.
  2. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Well for point 2 I would either convert this one into either an astrolith or a Scarvet for a cold one, or even just oldblood on foot. Might take a bit of shaping and greenstuff but it's doable!
  3. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    (#1) Spray white underneath bright colors especially yellow, also reds, creams, bright greens etc. If you lean on black primer to get the shadows dark, use a brush-on black primer after the white spray primer, to paint over selected shadow areas.

    Just drill it and pin it (#2)

    (#3) The "rule of cool" should explicitly allow the ScarVet's ride to have a helm.
    Bowser likes this.
  4. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    1- If it is for tabletop it doesn´t really matter which you use, but it will be easier and faster to paint bright red (like wazdakka red or evil sunz scarlet) or any other bright colour on white. If you are going for a more dark tone use black spray.
    And if you are going to next level painting (and have both black and white spray) you can do what is called zenithal lights (I think that´s how you spell it :D). To do this just prime your model entirely with black as you would normally, and make sure it is completely dried before continuing. Then use a brush to colour with black any spots you have missed and wait for that to dry. Then use the white primer and spray it from above where you want the sun to be striking the model from, and just spray it form there. This should leave white areas on the top of the model and black on the bottom (where the white paint didn´t hit it). This is an easy form of doing highlights, then just paint the model with the colour (applied thin but consistent) with only one coat. When the basecoat is dry you should have perfect highlight with absolutely no effort. But agin this is for a much better quality and if you just want tabletop quality (to play games) better go simpler and prime it entirely with white.
    2- There is no need to worry! You can just glue him in place and it will be fine, but if you want him removable you can do two things: one is magnetize it, and the easier one is just use the piece of the other kit that you´ll use to build the troglodon.
    3-These are minis, you can do whatever you want. (Look at bowser´s army, that is for sure supposed to be illegal) :p

    Again I wrote too much. Hope it helps :)
    n810 and Bowser like this.
  5. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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  6. Cristhian MLR

    Cristhian MLR Well-Known Member

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    Many thanks for your replies.

    I'm thinking about making a tiny square to fit the gap betwwen the saddle and Kroq-Gar... butt. But for now that should wait, I'm making three sub ensembles: Grymloq, Kroq-Gar, and the saddle, but I just noticed that one of Kroq's legs its "floating" when he sits, how could I bend my model? whici could be a bit difficult, I already glued him and I don't want to bend his lance.

    Once again, thanks for you comments, I really appreciate them.
    Lizards of Renown and Bowser like this.
  7. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    Maybe if you post some pictures, because I don´t really understand what do you mean ;)
  8. Cristhian MLR

    Cristhian MLR Well-Known Member

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    Ok so I finally got time to take a photo, but since its a "house" camera it didn't went well...

    As I said, one of the Kroq-Gar feet ends up "floating".

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    Last edited: May 29, 2016
    Lizards of Renown and oldblood62 like this.
  9. Cristhian MLR

    Cristhian MLR Well-Known Member

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    Ok, nobody answered befor, so I got depressed.

    Anyway, as I said, I'm also building up an Farsight Enclave Tau army. This are just some miniatures.

    My plan next is to save as many primers as I can: I don't really want to use a can just for 30 miniatures.

    I've heard lots of recommendations about Krylon, maybe a Black Ultra Flat, because I want a crimson scheme for my Tau, and White Primer can, for my Lizards, because I want them to be light blue with shiny colours overall.

    I'd really like to hear your opinions, see you!

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    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  10. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    I would recommend white primer for both then, red is difficult over black.
    Cristhian MLR likes this.
  11. Cristhian MLR

    Cristhian MLR Well-Known Member

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    Okay, but, why is it difficult paint red over black?
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  12. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    Because some pigments cover better than others over color coats under them (black being an example). Red and yellow are some of the worse covering pigments. That´s why it is harder to achieve a nice coat with red.
    Cristhian MLR and tom ndege like this.
  13. tom ndege

    tom ndege Well-Known Member

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    Oh yes... Painting yellow over black usually ends up in a real mess... Same with red... I'd also recommend white primer!
    Cristhian MLR likes this.
  14. BeardyGecko

    BeardyGecko Well-Known Member

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    I paint red over black, but I use a very dark red as a base over the black (scab red) and when the model isn't primarily red. Otherwise the army painter primer red is very good.
    Cristhian MLR likes this.
  15. Cristhian MLR

    Cristhian MLR Well-Known Member

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    Yeah, I've already knew that overall shiny armies needs a shiny primer, althought it seems that black is more "standard".

    I could definitevely use white for my lizards: Grym-Loq will be shiny red and I'll use the traditional colors anyway.

    Then, for my next two starter boxes I'll get some Warriors of Chaos and Tyranids, black priming is almost mandatory for Chaos Warriors and I'll paint my Tyranids with red carapaces and white, yellowish skin, so I'll use a white primer.

    The only "problem" I have are the Tau, I will use Khorne Red as base anyway, but I don't want it to be as dark as Khorne armies, so I would use white primer, but I have seen that Khorne red over white starts to look more like wine red.

    Lastly, lets talk about paints: I have access to both Citadel and Vallejo paints, even Tamiya and Zeropaints, which I absolutely don't know.

    I also have tons of traditional acrylics, but I don't know how good are they for modelling.

    I'd use Kyrlon because its cheaper than a primer can, but here the rest of the paints are almost at the same price, Vallejo almost 10-15% cheaper than Citadel (althought I've read wonders about Tamiya). I don't really know the differences, and it seems that Vallejo have almost exactly the same color range as Citadel except by 5 or so paints.

    I had planned to use mainly Vallejo and Citadel washes and some layers that Vallejo don't have.

    I really thank you for all your help guys, I'll see you soon.
    Lizards of Renown and Bowser like this.
  16. Fhanados

    Fhanados Well-Known Member

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    Here's something to consider - grey primer.

    I always find working with white primer difficult for some reason so I avoid using it, even for red. I normally prime black but have found grey to be a nice medium - it's not as tough to get good coverage with red and other light colours. Can't comment on yellow though, I've never been good at painting it!

    Being the lazy sod that I am, I rarely prime things properly these days. 1 rough basecoat with the airbrush followed by a more careful spray after it dries does the trick for me. I should mention at this point that I am NOT a fantastic painter and have no ambitions for anything beyond tabletop quality!
    tom ndege, Cristhian MLR and Bowser like this.
  17. tom ndege

    tom ndege Well-Known Member

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    Yes. Grey primer is a good option! Had some good experience with it, too.
  18. Cristhian MLR

    Cristhian MLR Well-Known Member

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    Thanks for your support guys.

    Now, I have troubles gluing my Carno to the base, everyone else is glued but the big guy, should I use PVC/white glue?

    And I want to share you something, I've got an additional Start Collecting Seraphon and Tau boxes; the original order arrived two and a half months later, and I asked for a replacement order a month after of waiting the original (which didn't arrived by the time). I asked to GW via e-mail, and they let me stay with those boxes without additional charges.

    Something is sure: now they have a guaranteed costumer and supporter.

    See you later!
  19. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    I would use some sort of "super glue".
  20. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    I think the pastil glue will do perfectly fine, but don´t you dare glue it with PVA as you risk having your carnosaur jump off the base.
    I also hoped I could do that, the double order thing. In Poland all orders arrive late, so I hoped that my start collecting seraphon would not arrive in time so I could legally claim another one. But the order arrived only 1 day late and I didn´t consider one day to be enough to ask for another one :p. But anyways I don´t know how they check if the customer is not lying, because he/she could just be saying that the order didn´t arrive to get another one.

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