Contest Golden Serpent 2016

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by The Red Devil, May 31, 2016.

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  1. The Red Devil

    The Red Devil Defender of Hexoatl Staff Member

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    Welcome to the first Lustria Online's Golden Serpent 2016 Competition.


    The entries have been released in their own threads, one per category/tier.
    Please note that the tiers in the Open - Painting category was combined due to few Master entries.

    The voting is open until August 30th.

    You can view the different categories from the links below:

    Painting: Lizardmen / Seraphon / Saurian Ancients / Salamanders - Apprentice
    Painting: Lizardmen / Seraphon / Saurian Ancients / Salamanders - Master

    Painting: Open

    Conversion: Open - Apprentice
    Conversion: Open - Master

    Remember you are not allowed to vote for yourself. We will review the votes, and in the event of suspicious activity we retrain the right to remove votes, and disqualify entries.


    Note. The deadline for submitting your entry have been extended with three days!

    I am pleased to welcome you to participate in our painting competition. I am certain you will find a category that will fit your entry.

    Also, don't be shy and make certain to check out our sponsors that made this possible!

    So, now the small print. I will warn you all now, the following is a hefty read, but only because we wanted to try and make things as crystal clear as possible. Please be advised that anyone who enters the competition automatically agrees to have read and understood these rules, and as such will be subject to them. Ignorance of these rules is not a valid argument!

    If there are any questions please let us know. Each section is numbered, so please reference this with your question.


    We recommend that you check out our sponsors below, each will have a external link under their description that will take you to their website. Please note we only allow sponsors that provide a product that we are able to personally endorse, so you can be sure that they deliver good products.
    1. Privater Press
      They have several game systems like Warmachine, Hordes and others.
      The popular Formula P3 paint range is also their product, with the extended drying time it is a perfect choice when you want to be blending the paint, or even paint wet on wet.

      Click here to learn more.
    2. WolfsBane
      An indie game development company, they also do concept/illustration artwork for clients. An example of their work is the illustrations we have here on Lustria Online. Make sure to check out their illustrated story about Fenrir.

      Click here to learn more.

    3. The Army Painter
      They have a complete line of products you need to assemble and paint your models. Including Colored Primers, Paint, Quickshade, Basing Materials, Brushes and Tools.
      Together with their Colored Primers and their famous and ground-breaking Quickshade creating an awesome looking army has never been easier.

      Click here to learn more.

    4. KR Multi Case
      If you are looking for a perfect companion for storing and transporting your valuable models, you do not need to look further. They have the worlds largest range of custom trays, containing soft foam ensuring that there will be no damage to your models.

      Click here to learn more.
    Sorted in the order of prizes received.

    Our members neveroddoreven, xlanax_lot and Crowsfoot has generously agreed to submit a painted model each. In addition woogity has generously donated two sets of his "Lizard Tribe: Colossus" models.


    1. Painting - Lizardmen / Seraphon / Saurian Ancients / Salamanders
    2. Painting - Open
    3. Conversion - Open

    • Entry Opens on June 1st 2016
    • Entry Closes on August 3rd (PDT (Pacific Standard Time)
    • Voting Opens on August 5th 2016
    • Voting Closes on August 30th 2016

    1. How to Enter and Requirements
      • a) Post Requirement:
        - Members who wish to enter the Lizardmen / Seraphon / Saurian Ancients / Salamanders category must have at least 25 posts at the time the entry process closes.

        - Members who wish to be eligible for the random prize draw must have at least 50 posts at the time the entry process closes.

        - An exception is made for lurker accounts, if it is over a year since registration. In this case the requirement is 5 posts to enter the category, and 30 posts for the random prize draw.

        Any members who do not meet this requirement will be refused entry. Any members who spam or make posts that do not conform to the spirit of the forum, in order to reach the designated post limit, will be refused entry.

        The above requirement are to ensure entrants are contributing members of LO and have not just come along for the prizes!

      • b) Random Prize Draw
        If you are eligible to join in on the random prize draw (look above for rules) you can get up to two entries, entering in either of the two Painting categories will give you one entry, and the Conversion category will also give one entry.

      • c) To enter, please send your entry as a PM to the Contest Entry account. To do so, click on "Inbox" in top right corner, and then "Start a new conversation". Here you enter "Contest Entry" as the receiver.

      • d) Your entry must contain the following information:

        - Name of your model. This can simply be “Saurus Oldblood” if you wish, but if we receive, multiple entries with such a name, then your entry could end up being called “Saurus Oldblood 1” or “Saurus Oldblood 5” etc. It is better to come up with a special name.

        - Requested Category and Tier

        - Three to six images of the model (minimum three), where one is WIP. Together with the WIP model, you need to have a paper with the text “Lustria-Online Golden Serpent 2016“.

        -WIP picture requirements. For the "Painting" categories, it can be the model before or after priming. For the "Conversion" category, it has to be made during the conversion process, and clearly show that this is not a finished model.

      • e) Pictures will be limited by LO’s attachment system which will resize pictures which are too large, however it should not impact the quality of your picture. Standard acceptable formats are .jpg or .png.

      • f) Images must not be touched up or edited in any photo editing software. We will review entries to ensure fair play. The only acceptable editing is as follows:

        - Sharpening the image.

        - Resize photo, if the photo is too large.

        That said, it is possible that any of the above could affect the photo and give the impression it has been enhanced. Therefore we highly recommend that you keep the original unedited photo, so if there are any queries we can compare. If there is any doubt over your image and you cannot satisfy our inquiries, your entry will be refused.

      • g) To make certain everyone has an equal chance and that voting will not be biased, the different entries will be shown anonymous during voting. Due to this you are not allowed to post pictures of your entry(s), or mention that you created it during voting period.

      • h) All entries will be subject to review, and will be reviewed by selected LO Staff.

        This is to ensure all entries meet the criteria and guidelines. Entries may be refused or queried, in which case they will advise via PM here on LO.
    2. Categories
      • a) The categories are open to all current members of LO (excluding banned members), although there are additional requirements for the Lizardmen / Seraphon / Saurian Ancients / Salamanders categories as stated in 1 a).

      • b) Members may only enter once in each category.

      • c) Members may enter in multiple categories, with the same model if they wish, as long as it applies to the category guidelines. For example they could convert a model to enter in the Conversion / Sculpting category, and then paint it to enter in the Painting Category. Or they can enter different models in different categories.

      • d) Categories
        -Lizardmen / Seraphon / Saurian Ancients / Salamanders – Painting and Converting: Must be Lizardmen / Seraphon / Saurian Ancients / Salamanders related models. You may enter models that were not produced as that model, but were converted or painted accordingly.

        -The Open Category – Painting and Converting: May be any model from any gaming system except Lizardmen / Seraphon / Saurian Ancients / Salamanders which must be entered in the Lizardmen / Seraphon / Saurian Ancients / Salamanders category.

      • e) Painting Categories: Models in the painting category must be fully painted and based.

      • f) Conversion Category: Models in this category should be unpainted and unprimed.
    3. Tiers
      • a) There is no point denying that some people are masters of the art, and for those who have not yet achieved that level of skill, it can be disheartening to compete against them. To ensure that everyone stands a fair chance, we will use a tier system.

      • b) The tiers are as follows:
        - Apprentice: This covers most members from beginners to those who have turned out a full army. Basically your skills are around tabletop standard.

        - Master: You are using more advanced skills. You have progressed to such skills as NMM, seamless blending etc. You want to really pit your skills against your peers.

      • c) When entering your model, you should state which tier you would like to compete in. Now you have to be honest with yourself when submitting. We are trying to create the competition as fair as possible, so if you are someone who dabbles in NMM, OSL and smooth blending, then submitting in the Apprentice tier is not going to work.

      • d) Once all entries are received the team will review each model and confirm it is suitable for the category that is being entered. Now following this, what will happen next is the one area that we have concerns about, but we feel it is the best way to go about things.

        -You will be advised via PM if the model is not suitable to the tier due to the skill level, it will be moved to the higher tier to be fair to others. If this is not agreed to, the model cannot be entered.

        -You will be advised via PM if we recommend that the model is moved to the lower tier. We don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings, but we do want to give you a fair chance. If we think your model will not be fairly judged against the others in the same tier, it is only right we let you know, and we will do so as tactfully as possible. You then have the choice to accept our recommendation, or remain in the tier you applied for understanding your chances of winning will be impaired.

      • e) The only hard and fast rule, is that all previous winners must enter into the Master’s category. So whoever wins the general category this year, will be in the Master’s next year, and will hopefully encourage them to develop their skill further.

      • f) Minimum Category Entries. To ensure fair and valid competition, there must be a minimum of four entries in each tier in a category. In the event that there are not enough entries the tiers for that category will be removed.

        If once the tiers have been removed there are still not enough entries that specific category will be cancelled. Please note however that this it is very unlikely to happen.
    4. Model Criteria
      • a) Models for any categories may be from any manufacturer, they do not have to be just from Games Workshop. However they must be suitable for the category they are being entered in. If there is any doubt in this aspect, LO staff will make a decision.

      • b) Any models entered has to be created for the competition. To ensure this, each entry will need a WIP picture alongside a paper with the text "Lustria Online - Golden Serpent 2016".

      • c) Models that have been entered in previous Lustria Online Competitions cannot be entered again, with the exception that conversion entries from previous competitions may be entered in the Painting categories.
    5. Voting
      • a) Members can vote once in each category.

      • b) Entrants can vote, however they cannot vote for themselves. This will be checked on, and anyone voting for themselves will have the vote discounted.

      • c) Votes are valid until the poll is actually closed. Every effort will be made to close the poll on time, however if for any reason it is closed late, votes after the period will still count.

      • d) Votes by new members may be checked on to ensure there is no foul play. In the event LO staff has evidence to doubt votes being cast, LO reserves the right to discount said votes.
    6. Prizes
      • a) Members may win multiple categories, and as such receive multiple prizes or awards as detailed below.
      • b) Monetary prizes will be awarded as follows:
        • Painting - Lizardmen
          • Apprentice:
            1. A set of woogity's - Lizard Tribe: Colossus *6
            2. Army Painter Collection *
            3. Hordes or Warmachine Collection *2
          • Master
            1. £ 50 Gift Voucher for Games Workshop *4
            2. Hordes or Warmachine starter set, starter paint set and a pin *2
            3. Hordes or Warmachine starter set, starter paint set and a pin *2
        • Painting - Open
          • Apprentice:
            1. A carrying/transport case *5
            2. Hordes or Warmachine starter set, starter paint set and a pin *2
            3. A starter paint set *3
          • Master:
            1. £ 50 Gift Vocher for Games Workshop *4
            2. Hordes or Warmachine starter set, starter paint set and a pin *2
            3. Hordes or Warmachine starter set, starter paint set and a pin *2
        • Conversion - Open
          • Apprentice:
            1. А painted model from Xlanax_lot *7
            2. A painted model from Crowsfoot *8
            3. A starter paint set *3
          • Master:
            1. A painted model from neveroddoreven *9
            2. Hordes or Warmachine starter set, starter paint set and a pin *2
            3. A starter paint set *3
        • Random Draw
          1. A set of woogity's - Lizard Tribe: Colossus *6
          2. £ 50 Gift Voucher for Games Workshop *4
          3. A starter paint set *3
          4. A starter paint set *3

        * Courtesy of The Army Painter. Contains: Warpaints Starter Paint Set, Quick Shade - Strong Tone, Wargamer Most Wanted Brush Set.

        *2 Courtesy of Privater Press. Contains: Hordes or Warmachine starter set, a starter paint set and a pin. Note. We have limited number of the different armies, this means we will allow the winners to pick their choice from the list, according to their prize position.

        *3 Courtesy of Privater Press. Contains: A Hordes or Warmachine starter paint set. Note. We have a limited number of the different armies starter paint set, this means we will allow the winners to pick their choice from the list, according to their prize position.

        *4 Courtesy of WolfsBane.

        *5 Courtesy of KR Multi Case. Contains: A standard Aluminium Case, filled with your choice of trays.

        *6 Courtesy of woogity

        *7 Courtesy of Xlanax_lot

        *8 Courtesy of Crowsfoot

        *9 Courtesy of neveroddoreven
    7. Complaints and Changes
      • All effort will be made to make this competition as fair and fun as possible.

        However all entrants accept that be entering this competition that the rules and/or timeline may be changed without notice where deemed necessary.

        The final decision for any changes, complaints or other issue is fully reserved to The Red Devil.
    Parts of the rules has been borrowed from Carpe Noctem's Golden Bat Competition
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2016
  2. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    I am excited! Maybe this will get me to actually start my Lord Kroak!
    Crowsfoot, tom ndege and NIGHTBRINGER like this.
  3. The Red Devil

    The Red Devil Defender of Hexoatl Staff Member

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    Please spread the information to other communities and websites you visit, letting them know about the competition.

    That is the spirit!

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Oh wow!! This is AMAZING!

    Thank you to EVERYONE involved in setting this up, running the comp and prize support. :):):)

    50 posts you say... I think I might have that covered. :D
  5. Bracnos

    Bracnos Well-Known Member

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    Yaaa now I can get off my butt and Finnish my bastiladon, and others (ooohh nervous first ever contest hope my painting is up to snuff)
  6. tom ndege

    tom ndege Well-Known Member

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    Might be entering this one... Uh! I'm so excited! ... Sounds really cool! I'm going out spreading the news! *choir of angels on* A new contest is born! *choir of angels off*
  7. Bluefire
    Cold One

    Bluefire Well-Known Member

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    *Grabs brushes and green stuff*

    So, I'm going to give it a shot. Worth a go.
  8. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    The real question is, which one do I write in my paper?
  9. heksagon

    heksagon Active Member

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    Yay, great idea :) aaaaand I bought Lord Kroak yesterday :D it's a sign.
    NIGHTBRINGER and Crowsfoot like this.
  10. Bracnos

    Bracnos Well-Known Member

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    :angelic:@The Red Devil did not see this is there a limit of one model per category or can we post all we have :spam::spam::spam:
    dwarfepic likes this.
  11. tom ndege

    tom ndege Well-Known Member

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    One per category...that's how I got it...
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  12. Slanputin

    Slanputin Well-Known Member

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    My days. On the one hand this excites me to no end (painted prizes! Woogity colossus! Sponsors?!), on the other hand I am somewhat trepidatious to enter such a competition with such stellar rivals, and on my other third hand my models are three counties away. Hopefully I'll be able to get some time to trek back.
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  13. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    That is why we decided on a tier system, I just hope people try to get an entry in as my painted model needs a new home (yes you have seen it)
    NIGHTBRINGER likes this.

    ASSASSIN_NR_1 Well-Known Member

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    Dang, that was my idea
    Crowsfoot and Bowser like this.
  15. Slanputin

    Slanputin Well-Known Member

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    My mind stretches to think which one it could be.

    I'm not saying you should have favourites before the entries are even submitted, I'm just saying think on the P&P costs when selecting a winner ;p
  16. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Haha, good point.
  17. SlanntaClause

    SlanntaClause Well-Known Member

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    I may be blind but what was the deadline on this competition? I have yet to buy paints for the hobby is there any recommendations people can make - GW paints tend to be expensive for small pots or is this just industry standard?
  18. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    GW are expensive but the system does work and cuts out a lot of hassle in my view, don't buy the starter sets as you end up with colours you won't use.

    Have you got a budget? if so I can try and help you buy a good selection of paints that will do the job.
  19. SlanntaClause

    SlanntaClause Well-Known Member

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    I'll get a quote on a budget soon I borrowed some money from my brother to afford my last Ebay addiction purchases so am currently looking at a small amount of money :p - I'll select some models soon as entries I have one idea but I'm not sure what category to put it in yet :D
  20. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    We do have two sponsors with their own paint lines you should check out!
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