
Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by rickie_82, Aug 18, 2009.

  1. rickie_82

    rickie_82 New Member

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    So on the comming paycheck I wanna get some paint for my little dudes. I have been looking around and GW's paint is expensive. And I have heard good things about Vallejos game paint. You get more and it is cheaper. Also like the idea with drip botels, will make blending easier. And I found a site on the net that makes it even cheaper still, like half price to GW paint bought in their store.

    Now the problem, I remeber GW's old inks made the figure look really wett. And that their new washes are the stuff off dreams. Vallejo only have ink's. Do I buy vellejo ink or do i buy GW's washes?
  2. Iggy Koopa
    Chameleon Skink

    Iggy Koopa New Member

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    Yo, I use primarily Vallejo paints and just a few GW paints. I like the Vallejo because they have a huge range of colors and you get a lot more for the price. I stick to the GW washes and inks, though, I have had nothing but good luck with them. So my suggestion would be to use Vallejo paints and GW inks and washes, but it's up to you. Try a couple and see how you feel about it. Good luck.

    Iggy Koopa
  3. hellbreaker

    hellbreaker Member

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    As I do it you don't need washes nor inks...
    Take a colour, pick up a little on a brush then make it a 90:10 water:paint ratio.

    Works great and is much cheaper than getting any of those inks or washes...

    But well, inks are nice once in while, I've had some luck with it in mouths and the like on Tyranids. Mostly red ink but oh well... (GW)

  4. asrodrig

    asrodrig New Member

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    I use only GW paints, mostly because any other brand is too hard to find (short of looking on the Inter Net, of course, but I tend to want to see the paint before I buy it), and not to toot my own horn or anything, but my minis look pretty decent. I'm not dis'ing Vallejo or any other brand, though. I just prefer GW's.
  5. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    GW is probably about the most expensive you can get, yes. I did a lot of research into different paint brands a little while ago because I was considering switching from GW particularly because I really like inks and GW have discontinued theirs. The thing I picked up from all my research is that there is some difference between the brands, but not really a lot and you would need to be a pretty professional painter to even notice, there was no ultimate brand of paint it really came down to personal preference and what people preferred. Some paints lended themselves to particular techniques better or worse, but again I imagine you need to be a fairly advanced painter to even notice.

    I have heard lots of good things from Vallejo paints and certainly they are cheaper than GW, have a lot more paint, and the bottles are designed better so they look good. I ordered some last week from Maelstrom so I am waiting for it to arrive to test it on some of my LM.

    In Aus, GW paints are up to 6 bucks a pot which is rediculous, so since I am buying all my GW needs from overseas anyway I have no trouble experimenting with different brands etc.
  6. rickie_82

    rickie_82 New Member

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    I'll buy the GW purple and devlan mud wash. And try vallejos yellow and smoke ink.
    Just discoverd the Malestorm site. I had planned to buy for like a hundred dollars or so. Buying from them I get two times the paint and a extra box of saurus. from my original buy, thats just sick, should have found em earlier ^^
  7. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Yep, I have been using Maelstrom for the past year or two and they are fantastic. I get something like 30-40% off Aus prices and free first class postage plus all their rewards makes it just impossible for me to justify buying anything at my local GW.
  8. Elmquasmash

    Elmquasmash New Member

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    I find the vallejo paints to be better in color selection. GW paints just always seem a little bit more cartoony colors to me while vallejo has a bit more earth tones and they offer the GW colors as well

    GW paints arnt widely used by my house so they are the cheaper ones while vallejo costs about 3 cents extra but is a slightly larger container

    Paints are more of a trial/personal choice really. If you take your time, you can get good results with anything (almost ;) )
  9. rickie_82

    rickie_82 New Member

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    Honest I dont think I paint good enough to notice a diffrence between paints. Heck I could prolly use water paint that kindergrtners use with the same result. For me it's all about it being cheaper ^^

    I'll post some pics when I have gotten my stuff and hopefully you more artisan super painters can give me a pointer or two.
  10. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Well, I realise there was some exageration and humour there, but you will find that a lot of paints that aren't designed for miniatures either will be a really poor consistency or not stick to the model well. Child's paint won't work. :p I imagine oils would be way too thick as well, but anything you buy that is designed for miniatures you won't notice too much difference so if price is the main issue (not the worry of ordering online or whatever) then shop around a bit, pick vallejo over GW for the price I haven't really looked at the price of some of the others.
  11. commonman
    Jungle Swarm

    commonman New Member

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    Head to the local craft store and pick up Delta's Creamcoat. They mix well (they are for painters) come in 2 fl. oz bottles for $1.50, thin well for washes and have more shades than you can imagine.

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