Greetings Lustria

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Skorp, Jun 10, 2016.

  1. Skorp

    Skorp Active Member

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    Hi All,

    I come to Lustria from the state of Michigan within the US. I recently discovered warhammer having a mild interest for years and never seeking deeper. Somehow a store popped up near where I get groceries, I was offered a space marine to paint, and here I am with much much less in my wallet, but rich in plastic and finecast and resin.

    My first purchase about 3 months ago was a seraphon getting started box. I picked up some dark angels and some sisters and due to a sigmar escalation league at my local store, recently have been deeply contemplating little lizards for a majority of my work day.

    I currently have the following, in order of purchase:

    - Carnosaur with Oldblood (Seraphon Getting Started)
    - 8 Saurus Knights (Seraphon Getting Started)
    - 12 Saurus Warriors (Seraphon Getting Started)
    - Converted Skink Priest (Seraphon Getting Started + Stegadon Sprue Parts)
    - Unbuilt 15 Temple Guard
    - Slann
    - Lord Kroak
    - Unbuilt Astrolith Bearer
    - Unbuilt Sunblood
    - Unbuilt Eternity Warden
    - Magnetized Stegadon (Thunderbeast Host)
    - Magnetized Stegadon/Engine of the Gods (Thunderbeast Host)
    - Unbuilt Carnasaur/Troglodon (Thunderbeast Host)
    - Unbuilt Ripperdactyls (Thunderbeast Host)
    - Unbuilt 24 Skinks

    I'm kind of torn between getting more saurus warriors or another getting started box, or going heavily in the skink direction (they're so darn cute!). I will probably be converting some of my skinks into chameleon skinks. I know I want a bastiladon but that is a reward for after I get more things painted.

    Right now my saurus warriors are 95% painted. My knights are 50% painted. I'm struggling to curb my appetite for models and am always putting stuff together without much time to paint. I'll post some pics of the painted guys when I get home from work.

    I humbly ask the following questions:

    1. What tips do you have for a new seraphon//sigmar player?
    2. Would you suggest getting more saurus or going in the skink direction?
    3. What is your favorite seraphon unit? And why? (other than ripperdactyls) (my favorite is the engine of the gods, it's so damn beautiful and I can't wait to paint mine)
    4. If I was to add a slann or lord kroak to my escalation league army (getting started box in the list above), which would you choose?
    5. What other armies do you have and what do you like about them that lizards don't satisfy?
    Warden, n810, Bracnos and 5 others like this.
  2. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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  3. Phoedinn

    Phoedinn Well-Known Member

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    You have a pretty nice collection already!

    1: The main tip for Seraphon is probably that synergy is EVERYTHING! Most armies can cobble together anything and be good, but we have a major handicap in that our base units are weak without heros giving out buffs. At that point they can become FAR better :D
    2: The above being said, I would go saurus. You already have the heros to make them great! Skinks are really nice though if you already have some good melee. Just know you will need around 40 per-unit to really make them work.
    3:probably Kroxigors. They look awesome and hit like a truck! A great compliment to a skink army.
    4:It's been said that the main difference between a normal slann and Kroak is the role they support. If you want a full on attack army, go Kroak. Otherwise a slann is a far better general support with its constellation ability.
    5:I couldn't possibly say...if people here knew.

    Hopefully those answers help! Enjoy your stay :)
    Warden and Bowser like this.
  4. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Welcome aboard!
    1. We have lots of tips and tricks for tou in the seraphon section.

    2. I prefer saurus but as you so far have a fairly aggressive army get enough skinks for a killer shooting phase! And get those chameleon skinks converted.

    3. My favourite is Lord Kroak, but that's purely tactical. But from modelling probably the Bastiladon

    4. As you have an aggressive army so far take the slann, if you plan on getting a bunch of temple guard use Kroak, for a defensive army. Get a skink star priest and starseer at sone point as well.
    honestly if your league goes up high enough, I can teach you to play a split offense and defense army that is devastating.

    5. Currently no other armies, but have played with Dwarfs and am about to use some storm cast eternals. But the Seraphon just about fill all he roles I need.
    Warden and Phoedinn like this.
  5. Phoedinn

    Phoedinn Well-Known Member

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    I'm probably running on outdated info it seams...Listen to @Bowser, not me XD
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  6. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    @Phoedinn is correct, Kroak mixed with the shadowstrike host (using chameleons not regular skinks) and a strong defensive army gives you a brilliant set of deep strikes before the enemy comes in to get slaughtered.
  7. Skorp

    Skorp Active Member

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    Thanks for the welcome guys! I'm excited for the future!

    My understanding from reading the tactics sections was that skinks are a more defensive unit no? I'm very excited to make my skinks, been slacking cause I don't have extra bases. The GW ones seem expensive compared to what else is out there, but its hard for me to get something different than what all my other stuff is based on. Any thoughts on where to get cheap equivalent to GW bases?

    Well we're playing a special league where there are gold piles on the board and your units need to pick them up, piles of gold have various values, but your unit takes wounds to hold the gold (if your unit of skinks picks up a pile of 5 gold, 5 skinks are "encumbered" and can't attack).

    I figured Kroak would be good to knock off wounds to other units, making it harder for them to hold gold. The slann vs kroak decision is important because whatever I pick I have to keep for the rest of the league and more units get added by vote of everyone playing in the league. One new type of unit a week that was voted for. The league lasts six weeks. Saturday will be the start of week 2, we get to add a clamshell/hero. Unit for week 3 will be announced Sunday night. Right now I'm hoping to add a stegadon with sunfire throwers for week 3 if the vote goes that way as lots of people are playing rats/horde armies.

    What makes the slann a better choice? The constellation bonus? Reroll hit rolls of 1? I guess I'd make my skink priest into a skink star priest if I went with the slann.

    I'd love to learn the split offense/defense army. That is really what I'm kind of going for cause I love all the units and want a bit of everything.
    Phoedinn and Bowser like this.
  8. Skorp

    Skorp Active Member

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    I'd love to do this but I need to have the league vote for 2 troops units and the ripperdactyl unit equivalent for this to happen. Not out of the realm of possibility, but I didn't start right for this I think.

    Anyone have any thoughts on jungle swarms?
  9. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Alright to split offense and defense then use Kroak. His defensive capabilities are amazing and his usefulness in the offensive portion is great.
    The slann a combination of the constellation and the command ability is what makes it great.
    Starpriest definitely get that your rippers and chameleons. Regular skinks will work for now. You don't want to split too defensively until you have the ability to field a lot of units.

    But for right now, Start with Kroak. Add in Astrolith when you can, and Engine of the gods when you can. Any summoning restrictions?
  10. Skorp

    Skorp Active Member

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    I was going to make the troglodon oracle into a skink priest but I guess it sounds like skink starpriest is better. Serpent staff (double damage on 6s), summon starlight (+1 to hit or -1 to hit), and casting on the starpriest vs priestly trappings + celestial rights (8" reroll saves) and 18" ranged attack on the priest. Either way I really like how the conversion turned out and I'll try and post a WIP picture soon.

    If I go with a slann the above would be a vassal for spell casting as would the engine of the gods. Shooting save rerolls, better battleshock, and constellations. Kroak seems like it would be a lot of fun though with less synergy. Think I'll go with Kroak for the fun of it.

    I believe the way summoning works is that they have to be part of your army based on the army size for that week. They just start off the table and come in like deep strike when summoned.
    Warden and Bowser like this.
  11. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Belated welcome to the forums.

    Note, I have been playing Warhammer for years, but I am a newbie in Age of Sigmar

    I would experiment with both and figure out which suits your playstyle better.

    Salamanders are my favorite Seraphon unit because they were my favorite Lizardmen unit so I put more effort into painting them then my other models. I also here they are pretty good at killing tough enemies. Wasted firepower on chaff enemies

    I didn't care about playstyle when I started the game. I saw Aztec dinosaurs and I had to have them.

    I bought Empire/Free Peoples much later because I found a bunch on sale and I bought it on impulse. I rationalized that Empire would let me incorporate my vintage Dogs of Wars models into a legal army. Kind of silly reasons, but I do like playing an army with cannons.

    I wrote a fluff piece about a vampire count in exile hiding in Lustria and scheming to gain mystic power by drinking a Slann's blood. I converted four Skinks into Skink Zombies as lark and I really enjoyed how it came out. I swore I would create an undead army based primarily on converted models with a jungle theme.

    Basically Lizardmen/Seraphon are my favorite army for playing games. Vampire Counts/Death is my favorite army for painting and modeling. And my Empire/Free Peoples are my favorite army for wondering why I don't put them on e-bay.
    Warden and PurpleandGold like this.
  12. Skorp

    Skorp Active Member

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    Hi Scalenex,

    Belated is better than not at all most certainly. Hence I am here many days after your wonderful reply to do the same.

    Funny cause I just started playing 40k a bit. I ended up getting some saurus and some skinks long ago that need to be built still, they are awaiting their turn when my local store finishes the 40k campaign its doing and starts one for Sigmar so I hope to be around these parts a great deal again in the near future.

    I still haven't got any salamanders or razordons despite really wanting them. They are a reward for getting more of my seraphon painted at the moment. Hopefully that starts happening when the Sigmar games start up. Partly also I can't ever decide between the two.

    I love my engine of the gods and it isn't even painted yet. I just stare at it sometimes in delight. Looking forward to getting back to my little lizards.

    Also I must express my joy that the blessings of Woogity are upon me. It is very splendid timing.
    Warden, Scalenex and Bowser like this.

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