Is there a list anywhere of which armies have had army books released since 7th edition came out and which have not? My brother keeps asking me and I don't know. Thanks
Nah I don't think there is a proper list anywhere. You can tell from the design of the army books, 7th ed ones have a red/brown border around them while 6th ed have the picture going right to the edge. Off the top of my head; Wood Elves and Ogres came out during 6th but were partially designed for 7th so they are half updated. Dwarfs were also right on the borderline just before 7th. New books include: Empire Orcs & Goblins High Elves Vampire Counts Daemons Warriors of Chaos Dark Elves Lizardmen Are the 7th edition books, Skaven are coming out in November this year, Tomb Kings are rumoured for after that. So Bretonnians, Beast of Chaos, Ogre Kingdoms and Wood Elves will still be awaiting an update around this time next year, maybe one extra will get a release around mid next year.
I have been hearing Beasts of Chaos before Tomb Kings, hope so.. I want plastic Dragon Ogres for my WoC
Thanks! When they update TK I hope they don't switch to these abominable 10-man boxes, I play Tomb Kings as well as Lizards and skeletons need to come in large groups!
Word is that ogres will not be done this edition. this is coming for a reliable source, the manager of the local GW endorsed store.
I would buy up your skeletons now then if I were you. The VC already have 10 man boxes for skeletons, and VC arguably need more than TK since they can raise more than the army started with while TK can only 'heal'. Beasts or TK... Both are being worked on and both should be pretty cool when released. Beasts probably need it more since the rest of chaos have been done and beasts copped a hit in 7th ed with skirmishers no longer able to negate ranks. Thats not a reliable source I'm afraid. Not even GW store managers are in the design team loop and often know even less rumours than the average forum surfing fan. Plus GW has been getting very tight with rumours, only White Dwarf and the odd small leak are giving info now, plus the GW website. No one could really confirm the recent Space Hulk until it was actually available for preorder, though there were unconfirmed rumours, as an example.
Here's the deal... GW remakes the more popular armies first.. because it earns them more money.. The more popular armies are the sucessful armies. So therefore, the unpopular armies are the ones that need an update more than the others.. However, GW won't update the bad armies before the popular armies, so the bad armies become worse and worse with every release and fewer and fewer people play them. Which means Ogres will be awful for a long time.. which is unfortunate because I have a full Ogre army, 80% painted.
Oh, he is one of those surfing fans you talk about. just hit one of the Dwarf fourums and look for boldo. you will find him. so far he has been consitantly correct with what he has said.