Newbie needs help

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Stribe, Aug 28, 2009.

  1. Stribe

    Stribe New Member

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    Hi there all,
    As I'm fairly new in warhammer and I'm not very good at painting. So far I've painted about 20 models. Most of them turned out fairly well, but I'm feeling very insecure of which colors/techniques to use for basecoating, highlighting etc. So far, I've only been painting skinks and sauruses which I've been spraying chaos black. For the skin I've been using a mixture of Enchanted Blue and Hawk Turquoise and for the scales, a mixture of Skull White and Enchanted Blue. I've been using a wash consisting of a mixture of water, Chaos Black and Enchanted Blue and I've been dry brushing with a mixture of Hawk Turquoise and Skull White; both for the entire model. For teeth, weapon, eyes etc I have no idea what colors to use. By the way, I'm not interested in trying to become a pro, I just want my models to look decent with not too much effort.
    So I was wondering if anybody would be so kind to give me some advice on which colors and techniques to use for all the parts of an ordinary Lizardman. I know it's quite a bit to ask for, but I'd really appreciate it. The colors I have at the moment is: Blood Red, Bleached Bone, Shining Gold, Snakebite Leather, Chaos Black, Hawk Turquoise and Enchanted Blue. Of course I am willing to buy new ones, but it'd be better if I had the majority of paints needed:)

    Thanks in Advance,

    P.S. You might need to spell things out since I'm an idiot when it comes to painting (some might say that I shouldn't bother trying to paint warhammer then, but I like it even cause of that)
    P.P.S English isn't my main language, but I hope you understand what I wrote anyway.
  2. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    First off I would like to point you toward the GW website, they have a great illustrated step by step article on skinks, saurus and TG for assembly and painting. Go to the warhammer article section, or try these links:

    You might need to select country first (which will take you to their main page) then click the links again. The website is weird like that.

    Bleached bone is the common colour for teeth and claws, darkened with black/brown ink or basecoated with scorched brown. Anyway, I encourage you to take a few photos and post them then we can have a look at what you have done and give more specific advice. Your question is extremely broad and open. :p
  3. Stribe

    Stribe New Member

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    That guide looks cool. But do you by any chance know if I can replace any of the blue colors used in the guide with Enchanted Blue? I'm kinda on a tight budget:p Anyway I'm gonna try the guide when I get my hands on some new paints. Btw, I'm curious what kind of highlighting he does. Is he dry brushing or just painting the edges with a lighter tone of color?

    Actualy I tried to get some photos of my painted models, but my camera isn't that great so the pictures were very blurry.
    Thanks for your quick answer :)
  4. rickie_82

    rickie_82 New Member

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    I'm not someone who should give advise when it comes to painting. In a similar situation myself.
    Have the battalion all ready to be painted just havent gotten my paint yet (orderd yesterday).

    What I'm gonna try (hope it works) is purple LM. I will make skinks brighter then the sauruses.
    So I will undercoat black, drybrush the scales with a very dark violet and then a black wash on.
    The rest of the skink body will be a bright purple highlighted with pink and then a leviathan purple wash to try and bring the colors together. Pick out gold and other details and hopefully a quick and not ugly painted model is achieved.
    What wories me is to finish with the wash, I might need to do a secound highlighting, and then it would be faster to wash before highlithing, but I know what to do when I finnaly get my paint. Hope my beutiful skink dosent become to pink, like a pink skink :)

    And as I said I really shouldent be giving advice, havent hold a paintbrush for 5+ years and never were any good to begin with. Just trying to offer some diffrent angel. And my english sucks to ^^
  5. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    I forgot to mention that actually, the main problem with the GW articles is they claim to use so many different colours. Clearly the more paint shades they can get you to buy, the better for business. I will more often than not have 7 or more layers of highlight and only use 2-3 different paints, just with various mixtures. It looks like from your first post that you have already started mixing paints, you can probably get away with just enchanted blue if you mix carefully. The only real problem with mixing is it is very hard to get exactly the same shade next time so you might find a bit of inconsistancy between your models, but it usually works out not very noticable.

    Looking at the GW guide, enchanted blue is a good enough colour if you are looking to emulate their scheme. Remember you don't need to follow their models, you can come up with your own colours or even just your own shades to make them look a little bit more unique.

    GW almost exclusively paint by highlighting, drybrushing is the very fast version that works on finer things like fur cloaks but not so well on larger details like big muscles. Highlighting is a lot more time consuming, but most people seem to find that drybrushing really doesn't look good on LM and gives a chalky finish, so it is worth the time highlighting and pushing your painting skills is the best way to improve them.
  6. Stribe

    Stribe New Member

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    Pink skinks sounds terrifying :D However, I'm gonna stick with the blue color scheme since I already have 22 models painted that way and I'm not too fond of the idea of redoing them all :oops:
    I was wondering if there's some paints from the GW site that can be left out without changing the outcome too much, afterall, he's using like 15 different paints and I only got 3 of them :(
  7. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    See my last post. Just stick with what you have and you should be able to get it fairly close, in my experience a darker blue would probably be more valuable to you since it is easier to lighten blue to get something like ice blue than it is to darken blue.
  8. Stribe

    Stribe New Member

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    I could swear you hadn't posted when I posted my last answer :O
    Anyway, since I've already painted 20+ models, I'm gonna have to stick to a color scheme looking just a little like the ones I've already painted. Can you by any chance tell me what kind of mix I should use for scale/body etc, both for highlighting, basing and washing? As I said before, I'm quite an idiot to painting, so I need you to spell it out for me :p

    P.S. my color scheme is looking quite a bit like the one from the GW article.
  9. thesecondman
    Temple Guard

    thesecondman New Member

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    If you want to paint blue, get Regal Blue. This is because its utterly badass.
    List the paints that you own please.
    I could tell you how i'd do it and we can see if it helps.
  10. Eternity_Warden

    Eternity_Warden New Member

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    They're listed in his first post.

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