Hi guys, I'm new to Warhammer and in a couple of months i have a tournament. I'm going to pair with my friend, who uses dwarfs. And have a rough idea so far of what i would like to use. Cuati Lord, path of nature Saurian Ancient - Carnosaur 25 Saurian Warriors - Musician, banner, champion 20 Skink Braves 15 Temple Guard Salamander Any help would be greater appreciated!
Hey mate, sorry for late reply. Do you have more models? At the moment, you are taking way more core than what is needed. Our core is not that flash. I would also look at taking some smaller units of skinks, especially if your mate is playing dwarf infantry blocks. You can help control who charges who, which could really help the dwarfs. I will have to check the rules, but if you can cast on the dwarfs, White Magic maybe really helpful. It has a couple of spells that can get those dearfs moving much quicker. Give us as much info as you can. This will let us help you more.
hi, thanks for the reply! At the moment i only have a couple of extra models, more saurian warriors and some saurian knights. What about this change- 1 X Cuati Lord - Path of White light magic, Ancient knowledge, well spring of power. - 320 pts 1 X Saurian ancient - Carnosaur, light armour, shield, halberd - 245 pts 1 X 25 Saurian Warriors - Musician, Banner, Champion - 280 pts 2 X 10 skink Braves - 100 pts 1 X 15 Temple Guard - Musician, Banner, Champion - 235 pts total - 1190 pts Thanks for the help!
I think you might have too many points in Lords (I could be wrong), so you may want to drop the Ancient to a Vet (hero) and then you could probably make your Cuatl the BSB with the points you save...and might even have room for a magic item or two. (trust me the BSB is definitely worth it). Also - 10 skink braves is 60pts each, so you are actually at 1210 currently. I'd also (and this is personal preference) probably drop the upgrades on the Cuatl so that you can fit more models into your units or give your carno character a 2+ armor save and 4+ ward (50 pts for the armor of destiny along with the 5pt shield would cover it - at this point level I wouldn't worry too much about the extra pip of strength from the halberd for the 15pts, but again, personal preference).
Hi, Sorry for the mix up with the skinks, it is at 110 pts, I'm using battle script and so far I think it is legal. I have changed the list so at the moment I have: 1 x cuati Lord - 295 pts Army general (0pts) Path of white magic (0pts) State of higher mind (25pts) 1 x saurian champion - 280 pts Carnosaur (130pts) Magical armour of destiny (50pts) Halberd (10 pts) Shield (5pts) 1 x 25 Saurian Warriors - 280 pts Campion, musician and standard bearer (30 pts) 2 x 10 Skink braves - 110 pts 1 x 15 temple guard - 225 pts Champion, musician and standard bearer (30 pts) Thanks for the help guys!
My suggestion would be to look at dropping to 20 saurus warriors (55). Make your carnosaur the bsb, as he can move/charge around and still has the 18' range on the re-rolls. Now you could spend (30) on a Duskstone for the Veteran. Or drop the Higher State upgrade, grab a dispell scroll, or change it to Wellspring of Power. Then spend whats left on your Veteran.
Make sure you double check your numbers on different units. On the current draft 2x 10 skink braves is a total of 120pts not 110pts. and 1 x 15 temple guard is 235pts not 225 pts. Some of your earlier drafts have some problems to example: 1 X Cuati Lord - Path of White light magic, Ancient knowledge, well spring of power is 370pts not 320pts Just be careful running the numbers and double check them.