Thanks @Jorgik! I'm really glad you guys like them! They are old but I remember putting a lot of work into them
They look great! One of the best things about all those books was the great artwork that went with them. Thanks for posting!
I completely agree @Warden. If I ever get around to painting some more I will surely post them aswell
Wow fantastic work with the coloring it's unbelivebly good, I think I will follow your lead even tho I am way to old for coloring books
Hello Lustria! It's been a long time since I posted anything. I've been very bussy with work and I've just been on two long vacations resulting in even more work when I got back home So I've had very little time to paint and to my deep regrets I wasn't able to finish an entry for The Golden Serpent competition I've checked all the entries and voted and – wow! - there are some talented people on this forum! Congratulations to those who won and equal respect to those that didn't. Every entry was really cool to look at and every one who participated can be proud of themselves for sure. I just hope I can get my act together and participate next year!!! With that out of the way - I'm back again now with decent spare time and I will post pictures of my recently finished salamanders (I painted the second – yay!) and the rest of my army as it is now in the coming days. I have very few old units left that I haven't already posted pictures of but you can look forward to seeing some Terradon Riders, some Saurus Old Bloods and Kroq-Gar himself on his favourite pet dinosaur. Besides that I've started several small new projects (and some big!) since I really feel I've found my theme and rythem with painting. I will of cause be posting pictures of any new projects I finish, but I will probably just post the final results (rather than my previous step-by-step-theme) since the amount of pictures from different WIP-projects could become very confusing very fast
As promised here are pictures of my finished Sallies! I've painted them the same theme with the brown scales though I tried painting them different tones of orange (one a little lighter, one a little darker - it might be difficult to see on the pictures). I also painted three handlers. I know they are supposed to have three each but I simply can't find the rest. Maybe I'll just use some regular skirmishers as stand ins I was still experimenting with how to do the skin of the skinks so the handlers vary a bit concerning shades and highlights. Also for this project I used a thin micro pen which I was recommended to use here on this site and it is just a great tool! It really helped me doing the pupils of the skinks' eyes. And I can see now as I upload the pictures that I've actually forgotten to do the pupils of the one salamander. That will of cause be fixed Besides this I've gone mad playing with my plastic plants for the bases - I really think they add something cool so this is something you'll probably see on my future bases aswell Anyway here are pictures! Let me know what you think
The bases look great! The handlers look awesome, great detail! And those salamanders are flipping amazing! Great details. Fantastic colour scheme. Brilliant.