AoS "Accidentally" Getting Started! (Twice)

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by spess, Jul 16, 2016.

  1. spess
    Cold One

    spess Well-Known Member

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    Hey Guys,

    A newer 'spawn' here -- just started to collect the Seraphon! So the story is that I bought a getting started kit from amazon, and then decided I couldn't wait for shipping and went ahead and bought another from a FLGS! I'm not sure where to progress from here, and apologies in advance in that this is a similar topic to other threads on the board.

    Most of what I've read said that it's worth to keep about 2-3 units of knights, and a large block of warriors (20+) for a starting army for the sunfire formation. From this it seems like the best choice might actually be to keep the second box of lizards instead of returning them. Would there possibly be better value in returning a box to buy other troops to fill out an army?

    I've also got a slann on the way in the mail along with a skink priest. I think there might be an option here to keep one box to build and assemble, and exchange the other for a box of skinks and possibly some temple guard? It would also be possible I guess to build a Trog from the remaining carnosaur bits as well from a single box.

    The general consensus seems to be that more troops of the same type is better. Is this right more or less? Ideally I'd like to build a nice well rounded 1000pt list -- some shooting, some stabbing, and some monsters.

    What do you guys think? Would love some feedback!
    Bowser likes this.
  2. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    I think you're good with the two boxes. You will have the firelance starhost which is great, get yourself a sunblood and get the sunclaw starhost, those two combine well together for a 2000 point game.

    For a 1000 point game though you would be better off getting some skinks. And a skink star priest or an eternity warden.

    Just a quick build
    3×5 knights
    Scarvet on cold one
    Eternity warden
    1×10 skinks
    Firelance starhost

    Star priest
    1×10 skinks
    3×10 Saurus warriors
    Oldblood on Carno
    Sunclaw starhost

    Or just with what you currently have
    2× Oldblood on Carnosaur
    3× 5 knights
    Slightly less effective though!

    Or go for this, it's pretty solid

    1st Attempt - 1000 pts General's Handbook
    spess and Freddy25 like this.
  3. Freddy25

    Freddy25 Well-Known Member

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    Pretty solid? This is DA BEST OF DA BEST, you mean!!! :hilarious:
    I'm joking!

    As @Bowser said, @Wesley , two boxes are perfect. I'd give away one of them only in the case you are sure you will play a not-Saurus army (or you just want 1 big dino... But that would be madness, lol).

    Speaking on what to buy next:
    you say you've also bought a Slann and a Priest. Now, if I were you, I'd try to understand what kind of army you may want to play: if you want to go full magic, probably an Eternity Warden and some Guards could be your future buy, but in all honesty I suggest a couple of Salamanders (or Razordons, if you prefer). Some armies have saurus, some others have skinks, but almost EVERYONE has at least a couple of Sallies! ;)
    spess and Bowser like this.
  4. spess
    Cold One

    spess Well-Known Member

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    Wanted to say thank you for the lists here. I'm given the impression that with the addition of some skinks, there are actually a few different variants to run with. For someone who is new to making Seraphon lists, I think it's probably worth trying all of them out to see what type of playstyle I'd prefer.

    Taking a look at your list I do like the inclusion of salamanders! After reading into them a little more in the battletome, they seem like a good way to burn in a couple extra wounds.

    Thanks for the ideas here guys -- almost now seems like a crime to even considering sending lizards back! In reading more into this for others reading along maybe, there's a great thread on battletome battalions that might be able to help guide army building:

    I do have a question on the battletomes. When an army is fielded and they meet the requirements, does the battletome last all game? For example, the Firelance Starhost requires 3 units of knights. If a unit dies, does the starhost bonus go away?
    Bowser likes this.
  5. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    I am pretty sure the starhost/battalion bonus stays to the last model. That's how I have been playing anyway.
    spess likes this.
  6. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    I play it the other way.

    No idea which way is correct but If your playing a friendly game talk to your opponent and agree which way your playing it after all GW have said that the rules can be tweaked by players to suit their own requirements.
    Bowser likes this.
  7. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Pretty much yes, but you must be careful:
    Example 1: Eternal starhost, a warden and 3 guards' units
    If 2 guards unit dies, the remaining ones still takes the full bonuses.
    If the Warden dies, the bonus ends, because, even if you summon another warden, guards must be near "their" warden to have the formation's bonuses.

    Example 2: Thunderquake.
    Some bonuses are given by the EotG (or troglodon). If it dies, those bonuses go away, and you'll have only the ones not expressly tied to the EotG.

    It all depends on how the thing is expressed in the starhost's description.
    spess and Bowser like this.

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