7th Ed. Saurus Scar-Vet Tactica (updated 9/27/09)

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Celticfire, Aug 28, 2009.

  1. Celticfire
    Chameleon Skink

    Celticfire New Member

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    As the index seems to be dying off I will try to revive it. This tactica will be set up a bit differently because each different build has a different purpose.
    The scar-vet is the lizardmen choice for a combat hero. He is one of the best heroes at this point in Warhammer with his 4 attacks, where most only have 3. He also makes a good BSB as he has a good AS. All builds are assumed to have Light armor and a shield unless it is stated otherwise



    JSOD-Jaguar Saurus of Death
    • flying
      str 7
    • average armor save
      bound item
    This build giving the Scar-Vet a GW and the Jaguar charm as well as light armor and shield. The shield is mainly for the extra save against ranged attacks. This build allows him to go mage hunting, or take out War Machines. It also makes it possible for him to charge into combat on his own challenge a character and on the next turn fly out. With the str 7 attacks the JSOD can hunt chariots with impunity. Unfortunately they only have an average armor save of 3+, with a str 5 hit this boy only has a 5+ armor save. He is only a hero and only has 2 wounds, as you will be challenging people a lot if you don't kill your enemy in 1 turn, he may start wounding you pretty bad. Avoid units with characters and champions in the same unit! The champion can take the challenge and then you are in trouble. You did not get the right guy that you came for and you may not be able to get enough combat res to hold. Another thing to note is that this setup will not work without a little bit of magic. The Jaguar charm is a bound item and can easily be dispelled if not thrown in with other magic.

    Troop killer
    • 6 attacks
      medium armor save troops
    • average armor save
      high armor save troops
    The magic item in question here is the Scimitar of the Sun Resplendent. This gives your hero 6 attacks at str 5. This makes the Scar-vet a wonder for killing most core and special troop choices. You will want to place him in a large unit of Saurus and have this guy rack up the points for combat res. if possible set this unit across from a lot of medium infantry, around 4+ AS is a good place for you to target, because the 4+ becomes a 6+ which he is more likely than not to fail. As with the JSOD the build also suffers from the 4+ armor save. So you want to be careful of the very high quality troops that can inflict high Str attacks.

    Basic BSB
    • Good saves
    • Less killing power
    This build involves spending all you magic item points on defensive items; the enchanted shield, and the Glyph necklace then making him a BSB. This makes your BSB neigh impossible to kill (but remember you are rolling dice). This saurus has a 1+ armor save and a 5+ ward save. Set this Scar-vet in the middle of a good block of troops and then in the middle of you battle line and watch most troops wash off this unit. You get a re-roll able, cold-blooded break test. When I say less killing power I mean in respect to a saurus. They still are one of the best killers in the Warhammer world.

    All-Comers Killer
    • good armor save
      good power
    • not many
    Equip your scar-vet with the burning blade, the enchanted shield and the glyph necklace. Sound a lot like the Basic BSB? It is, but the reason you don't want to make this character a BSB is because then he becomes a bigger target. as it is you have already spent all the item points, so have made him as expensive as he can get, if you make him a bigger target you risk running putting a sign on his head that says "100 VP here" especially against armies that have things like assassins.

    • toughness 6
      causes fear
      possible 1+ AS
    • stupid

    So, give this guy the Hide of the Cold One, and either an additional hand weapon, or a GW, that way you can tailor you list to make it a heavy troop killer or light troop killer. The Hide makes it possible to stand up to a lot of punishment. T6 is hard to get through and even if they do, then you still have a possible 1+ save is you went with a hw/shield at the beginning of combat. You want to stick this guy in a big block of Saurus and have it act as a anvil.

    A character mounted on a Cold One has many advantages; they can move 7” which is one of the fastest things in the Lizardmen list. They also cause fear and give their rider a +2 AS due to the thick-skinned rule. Unfortunately they suffer from stupidity, but you should pass this test about 90% of the time. Assume that each of the following lists include Cold ones, and have all of the Strengths and weaknesses. They will not be repeated. Basic strategies with these are to either put one in a unit of CoR that is knitted out to be a full-flrged hammer unit. The other is to put one in a unit of Saurus warriors to make them immune to fear.
    Hellbreaker’s Scar-vet
    • 0+save

    • "Only" S5

    Equip this guy with the Sword of the Hornet for ASF and give him the enchanted shield to get down to that 0+ AS. He works well alone and I prove that as he have gone foot to foot with Khorne heroes(Mortals) and even Units of bloodletters and kept a good steady fight for several rounds of combat.
    He's fairly cheap too and his greatest strength is his sword, the sword of the hornet which gives him Always strike first, it's self-explanatory of what it does... ASF is gold to a Lizard due to their relatively low initiative, even though he does have an I3 base you want that ASF, having to roll and possibly striking after Empire state troops is not the most fun of things.
    AS mentioned before this guy can work well alone, but on higher points values you want a unit for him.
    Preferably Cold one riders. It does bring the unit to an expensive bunch but they will crush everything they touch, even if they go without the charge(See the hero). If not destroy they will break most about anything except daemons and undead... And of course unbreakable units. Or if the opponent rolls snake eyes on the break test.
    Deploy the unit on the flank and march forward, preferably on the other side of the table where flank charges aren't present to give them a clear march. If there is flank marchers, ignore them and pounce forward onto your original target. Keep a smaller unit of skinks or saurus to deal with the flankers when they get to your side.(This build curtsey of Hellbreaker, is included for completeness sake)

    Basic Mounted(Carlo Max)
    • good troop killer
      Str 6
      5 attacks
      1+ AS
    • not many
    This build is composed of the Sword of Might and the Maiming shield. This gives the Scar-vet 5 Str 6 attacks. This will tear though most things whether it is troops or characters. It is a very generic build with no real flare, but most times simple things work best. You will hit most times on 3’s and wound most on 2’s. Because the maiming shield actually counts as a shield in addition to giving +1 attacks it allows you to have a 1+ AS, which is going to be sufficient in most cases. Because this is a basic build, try to follow the basic strategies outlined above.

    • double wounds
      not reliant on magic
      good AS
    • average troop killing power
      Str 5

    Give this guy a piranha blade and an enchanted shield. This makes it possible to kill heroes even if you only inflict one wound. This build fill much the same role as a JSOD, but it is not reliant on magic to move a guy around. This means that the gut will not move as fast as the “flyer, but you do not have to worry about your opponent dispelling your flight.” Again, this guy only has str 5 and most troops are only 1 wound models, so try to maximize this guy’s potential by always challenging, and trying to keep out of rank and file fights. A good way to move this guy around is to keep moving him from unit to unit to avoid shooting and finally charge him out of a unit to take out characters. And then follow up with the unit you just came up out of in the next turn. Be careful, this can be risky as lone characters were not meant to take out entire units, make sure to maximize your Static res when using this method.

    Edit:(9/3/09) mounted builds
    Edit:(9/27/09)more foot builds
    Edit:(1/14/10)removed illegal build
  2. slannfrog
    Cold One

    slannfrog Member

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    Re: Sarus Scar-Vet Tactica


  3. kroxigor01

    kroxigor01 Member

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    Re: Sarus Scar-Vet Tactica

    Don't forget toughness 5 and a 5+ scaly skin save! To me these are the most important advantages in my characters (though I run a very unique army with Horn of Kygor and 4 mounted stubborn Saurus characters).

    I'd like to say that all combat characters NEED mounts with few exeptions (high elf characters with great weapons are one). The ability to suddenly move 14' in any direction gives so many options (like suddenly moving 4 characters who were spread out over 3" suddenlt threaten the same unit). Also, the risk of having a 130 point character never reach combat due to his low movement is always there if you don't invest in a mount. Add in the +2 to armour save and mounting characters is an obvious choice.
  4. Celticfire
    Chameleon Skink

    Celticfire New Member

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    Re: Sarus Scar-Vet Tactica

    I have never used a mounted Scar-vet before so was the reason that i posted foot sloggers first. unfortunatly work has gotten in the way of posting, but i will be posting some mounted builds soon.
  5. thesecondman
    Temple Guard

    thesecondman New Member

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    Re: Sarus Scar-Vet Tactica

    Give him a great weapon. Unless he's on a cold one. You can give him ward save or enchanted shield if you want, but just give him a great weapon. You want him on foot LOTS more than you want him to be mounted.
  6. Revered_Guardian

    Revered_Guardian New Member

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    Re: Sarus Scar-Vet Tactica

    Nah, I LOVE my cold one mounted scar-veteran, leading the charge against the enemy with his burning blade and 1+ save!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Carlo Marx
    Cold One

    Carlo Marx New Member

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    Re: Sarus Scar-Vet Tactica

    Some character builds from when the book first came out. Scar-vet, Old Bloods and skinks for your viewing pleasure.

  8. hellbreaker

    hellbreaker Member

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    Re: Sarus Scar-Vet Tactica

    May I list one of my personal builds?

    I don't care, I'll do it anyway! :smug:

    Mounted saurus of in yo face!

    Cold one
    Light armour
    Enchanted shield
    Sword of the hornet

    Total: 150pt

    0+save (5+ scaly + Light armour + Ench shield + Cold one=-0+

    "Only" S5

    So, this guy is quite mean.
    He works well alone and I prove that as he have gone foot to foot with Khorne heroes(Mortals) and even Units of bloodletters and kept a good steady fight for several rounds of combat.
    He's fairly cheap too and his greatest strength is his sword, the sword of the hornet which gives him Always strike first, it's self-explanatory of what it does... ASF is gold to a Lizard due to their relatively low initiative, even though he does have an I3 base you want that ASF, having to roll and possibly striking after Empire state troops is not the most fun of things.
    AS mentioned before this guy can work well alone, but on higher points values you want a unit for him.
    Preferably Cold one riders. It does bring the unit to an expensive bunch but they will crush everything they touch, even if they go without the charge(See the hero). If not destroy they will break most about anything except daemons and undead... And of course unbreakable units. Or if the opponent rolls snake eyes on the break test.
    Deploy the unit on the flank and march forward, preferably on the other side of the table where flank charges aren't present to give them a clear march. If there is flank marchers, ignore them and pounce forward onto your original target. Keep a smaller unit of skinks or saurus to deal with the flankers when they get to your side.

    Yup, that's my saurus build.

  9. Barotok

    Barotok New Member

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    Re: Sarus Scar-Vet Tactica

    Wouldn't the save be 1+?

    Scaly Skin 5+
    Shield 4+
    Armor from enchanted sheild 3+
    Thick Skinned (Mount) 1+

    What am I missing to bring you down to 0+?
  10. Carlo Marx
    Cold One

    Carlo Marx New Member

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    No it's a 0+.
    scaly skin 5+
    light armor 4+
    enchanted shield 2+
    thick skined 0+
  11. Revered_Guardian

    Revered_Guardian New Member

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    Re: Sarus Scar-Vet Tactica

    The only thing that ever stops my cold ones is when they lose 3 guys to shooting before they hit...........................and even then they go through almost anything!

    I was completely masacred (although it was a solid loss) one game, and all that I had left was my trusty scar-vet mounted general, who ran down 20 plague monks all by himself, even though he WAS wounded, and THEN he got charged by night runners, which he promptly slaughtered!

    He was amazing as Always!
  12. Barotok

    Barotok New Member

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    Re: Sarus Scar-Vet Tactica

    I don't see Light armor listed his build, which is why I was asking.
  13. hellbreaker

    hellbreaker Member

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    I had a shield, Enchanted shield is surprisingly armour and not a shield. However, regardless of if it would or wouldn't have been a shield and I would or wouldn't have LA or shield it will always be 0+ with the build I'm running(And other builds with the same protective gear and mount).

    Once again, Enchanted shield isn't a shield, but armour so you can't have LA but rather a shield.
    GW uses confusing wording once again(And have for several editions)

    And well... Shield is cheaper than LA anyway... Which reminds me, need to fix the points cost, it's currently wrong. o_O

  14. Revered_Guardian

    Revered_Guardian New Member

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    :jawdrop: Doesn't Enchanted SHIELD imply that the shield is a shield?
  15. Barotok

    Barotok New Member

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    Re: Sarus Scar-Vet Tactica

    Hellbreaker, you seem to be attempting to take advantage of a loophole in the rules, that I can't see or understand.

    Characters may not carry a magical version of an item and also a mundane one (barring a handweapon). The build is 100% illegal because a Scar Veteran may not be equipped with a mundane shield and an Enchanted Shield. Period, end of story.

    The reason that you say the army book lists it as 'surprisingly armour' is not because it counts as a suit of magic armor. GW isn't confusing the wording at all, you're not reading the rulebook.

    I'm not in the habit of quoting large blocks of the BRB but it may be hard to explain without in this case. I"ll say that by listing the Enchanted Shield under Magic Armour, GW wants to clarify that you can not take the Enchanted Shield and an item like Hide of the Cold Ones. These are both considered magic armour and a character may only have one item that is considered Magical Armour. If you try to say that some wording in GW books says "Shield." and then proceeds with the item description while others such as the Enchanted Shield do not, I would ask you to plead your case to any player who plays by the spirit of the ruiles even just a little. I can guaruntee that a very large percentage of players will consider this build illegal, despite what may or may not be listed in a rule book.

    The Enchanted Shield is still a shield. Period.

    Magic Armour is an Item Category and does not refer to a specific type of armour.

    For the sake of discussion I'll provide the BRB's description of the Enchanted Shield.

    The page before this in the BRB explains the Magic Armour category quite well if you take a look.

    I realize that this post bears very little weight relative to the subject at hand. I read the post at work this morning and was thinking about it all day trying to remember what the rules were. Now that I've taken a look at them I've hopefully constructed a decent post as to why this build is illegal, considering my last was just a question.
  16. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Umm... I don't know where you got that idea from but I have never seen someone try to use enchanted shield and a normal shield on the same model. That is just silly. There is no problem with combining the enchanted shield with mundane armour, or combining magic armour with a mundane shield, it is when you try to have two magic 'armour's where the problem arises. Magic armour and magic shield for example.

    BTW, I intentionally haven't added this thread tothe sticky yet because I was waiting for it to get a bit more complete and have some solid discussion. It will definitely make it though.

    Edit: Beaten to it by Barotok with a better explanation with a quote. I think just one line of that quote is the important bit:

    This can be combined with other mundane armour.....

    Spirit of the rules isn't even needed, it is right there hard. But yes spirit of the rules most definitely says the enchanted shield is a shield.
  17. Carlo Marx
    Cold One

    Carlo Marx New Member

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    I agree with the two previous posts, the Enchanted Shield is most defiantly a shield and NOT a suit of armor and con not be combined with a mundane shield.

    Any wasys a couple builds I like:

    Scar-Vet- Light Armor, Maiming shield, sword of Battle- 140

    Scar-Vet- Light Armor, Shield, Simitar of the Sun- 144

    +2 attacks bringing the total attacks they can dish out up to 6 str 5 attacks. Which will decimate low toughness troops and make a good dent in those hig toughness troops (Orcs, Grail Relaque (SP), etc). Also decent against medium to light armor troops as the -2 AS will either kill their armor or bring it up to a 5 or 6+.

    But Prolly my favorite aspect of these builds is since they different magical items they can both be fielded in the same army :spiderman:

    Average AS of 3+ means that they can't go up against many other characters and should shy away from high strength units, though this can be averted by mounting them on Cold Ones if the points are available (then the +1 AS is a strength).

    Heavily armored enemy units: Enemy units with an AS of +2 or better will still have at least a +4 AS after you smack 'em up a bit which gives them a pretty good chance of not dieing.
  18. Barotok

    Barotok New Member

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    One of the builds that I enjoy running in smaller games is the following:

    Maiming Shield

    Given, this is a simple build, but in smaller games you're less likely to find kitted out heros that can squash him easily. If there is one, you will most likely have more troops with which the crush the unit he's with, or deal with him on a turn by turn basis.

    You don't have to add that to the tactica, but for the sake of discussion I felt like including it.
  19. hellbreaker

    hellbreaker Member

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    @Ench shield thingy.
    It was however the 3 guys at my LGC who pointed it out, and since it doesn't say shield anywhere in the army book... o_O My mates' bad then... I've never considered it armour, but I've seen well enough what wording can do to my own builds... Having them invalidated some times due to some odd word in the book... I'll change the build to LA and 150pt as it should then...

    @The above builds.
    I think they're bound to units actually, making it a very viable target, but so isn't all units with any kind of hero a unit with a bull's eye on?

    Could be good, but why no Light armour for a 2+save?

  20. Barotok

    Barotok New Member

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    The reason that it does say "shield" in the LMAB is because that whole section is from the BRB that they port over to each army book because they are 'common magic items' that any army is allowed to take (BRB pg 122, for a list of all the common magic item descriptions). All the descriptions are found in the BRB along with their individual rules. GW doesn't want to print redundant information and it really isn't needed anyways, if you use your resources.

    As far as your question about light armour, it looks to me like all of the builds in the above posts have it. At least mine and Carlos are both carrying light armour (LA = Light Armour).

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