Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Cristhian MLR, Jan 23, 2016.

  1. Bracnos

    Bracnos Well-Known Member

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    that's what happens when no one is really buying a product (in numbers that matter) you get rid of it and sell something new like it or not you have to appreciate the new game for attracting so many new faces to the wargaming stage. My self included...look at it like a 'gate way drug' because of this age of sigmar it made me get into the hobby and now im looking at other wargames so in the end it was a good step at lest to me, with out it we never would have talked.:);):p
    Warden, Slanputin, Bowser and 2 others like this.
  2. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    Ok Bloodbounds. That was a misread.

    Whatsa Bloodbound?

    (See I was hoping for a mess of those gryphon headed dogs...those are called something else though, right?)
  3. Cristhian MLR

    Cristhian MLR Well-Known Member

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    Don't you even know the very AoS Starter box? Who names all of his forces with words related to blood, skulls, rage and gore?

    See, I will show you if you didn't get it anyway
    Bowser likes this.
  4. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    I do not.
    Khorne obviously, but I was hoping for somehing I would like better... the eagle-dogs. Those I like.
    Jorgik likes this.
  5. Cristhian MLR

    Cristhian MLR Well-Known Member

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    C'mon, for this community that knowledge is almost as basic to know that we breath to stay alive.

    Anyway, just checked what are the new reboxes, and, once again, they are basically models with round bases and more models per box.

    And this time they actually doubled the miniatures per box for troops: 10 Savage Boarboys and 20 Savage Orcs. The price? 30 pounds. I'm bad at maths, but they are like 40% more expensive than buying two of the original square based at standard price. Don't miss your chance to buy one of each one new rebox without any discount whatsoever with the bundle GW just released for them too, is just one click buy! (Take this last senteces as sarcasm or not if you are into Savage Orcs and you don't really mind about the)

    Now, Storm of Sigmar. There are additional boxes with exactly the same type of troop as in SoS (that was Storm of Sigmar. Coincidence?) for 10 pounds each, and uses exactly the same mark "Easy to build" as Battle for Vedros setes, however this sets are in GW stores and not in like 3 stores around Canada and USA. That's good if you are collecting one of those armies, and don't care about have tons of boxes just because you don't want to pay for the overpriced, standard boxes. There are also new paints bundles for them, but I don't think they worth the price (again, 10 pounds), just 6/7 6ml paints and a brush. There is one additional paint set, Easy to Build: Citadel Essentials. Except for 3-5 paints, its exactly the same as Citadel Build + Paint Set. why would you want to have two sutter on perfect conditions? nothig, but thats again a quite decent deal (and once again, this new set has the "Easy to Build" icon).

    Oh, and I don't know how I forgot this, but there are tons of one click-no saves bundles, that like always, its almost for sure that they won't last, so check them on GW store page, all of them based on the new General's Handbook: The Fate of Shyish (Nagash and Mortach editions) open play for Destruction and Aelves, and matched for Daemons and Sigmarines. And yet another 6 bundles for Sylvaneth armies, based upon the battalions from their Battletome, one of them even featuring a starring guest force of Sigmarines!

    And yes, that's all for now, folks.
    Crowsfoot and Bowser like this.
  6. Cristhian MLR

    Cristhian MLR Well-Known Member

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    First and foremost, I tried to link you directly to the source page, yet that Facebook has a metric ton of pics, so I'll stay with BolS's compilation:

    And, oh boy, its huge, and since we are on a Fantasy foum, I'll link you two of this new stuff:
    1. More Blood Bowl miniatures. (
    2. Not Warhammer, but NEW HOBBIT MINIATURES. SAID WHAT? (
    BolS also speculates about having new AoS bases being release within one or two weeks, basing on WD teaser: "Shattered Dominions, Magical Circles and Golden Demons". I hope this is true, just because I want to see what kind of bases will be. I could use some jungle bases quite well...

    Have a great one!
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2016
  7. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Wrong link for the Hobbit,
    NIGHTBRINGER likes this.
  8. Cristhian MLR

    Cristhian MLR Well-Known Member

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    Ty, my bad.

    And, via Scanner, we have a tease to some juicy releases: we have the confirmation for both new bases and a new gameboard, and also FIVE NEW START COLLECTING! SETS (yes, FIVE).

    Original post:

    The new board seems good IMO, its plain but I really like the tiles.

    The bases? Ah, feels bad to say that, but they would look amazing with certain Tomb Kings armies... Yet, the bases will look good with Sigmarines, Chaos forces and maybe som Aelves. But if we are Lizzies/Seraphon players, they are not quite fitting. Anyway, manual basing is usually more fun.

    Edited: Just checked on (por fin, habla hispana tiene la exclusiva :p) and, DAAAAMN, look at those SC! Boxes, every single one look awesome, althought I'd prefer a Citadel Wood instead 6 extra Dryads for the Sylvaneth box, but its good enough.

    Oh boy, the second year planted his right foot firmly.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2016
    Bowser, Bracnos and Freddy25 like this.
  9. Cristhian MLR

    Cristhian MLR Well-Known Member

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  10. Cristhian MLR

    Cristhian MLR Well-Known Member

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    Probably you already know it at this point, but Ogors (not a bad replacement for the word "Ogres" IMO) are returning in round bases, the first of them are the Beastclaws Raiders.

    But no new sculpts...

    BUT! Now Mourfang Cavalry comes in packages of 4 instead of two, at 40 GBP (two buy two boxes used to costs 50 GBP), and Yehtees are now just 1.50 cheaper, considering that they are still resin models.

    Also they will be launching a new army bundle, giving you one box of each current models of the range (except Sabretusks, you will get two) for 135 British Pounds, almost enough savings to afford an extra SC! box.

    Fluff-wise, apparently the now Ogors worships Morkagorka (or Gorkamorka?), and in Beastclaw Raiders case, they work for spreading out the "Everwinter", which is a cool (no pun inteded) concept; those new tundra-hunters colour schemes looks pretty well on them.

    You can check all of this here:

    Finally, AoS official Facebook is uploading new paint tutorials for Shattered Dominion through this week, uploaded one day later on Warhammer TV on YouTube. I'd like to share you the whole of them rather than daily, but of course you can go and check them on Facebook, today Duncan painted the chasm tile of this board with a Realm of Life theme that works wonder for Sylvaneth and, of course, Seraphon armies.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2016
    Warden, Bowser and Bracnos like this.
  11. Cristhian MLR

    Cristhian MLR Well-Known Member

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    Well, something strange happened:

    AoS's Facebook page uploaded daily videos for this week showing five different themes to paint your Shattered Dominion Battle Board, however, yesterday they left a link to a video showing how to paint a Tzeentchian board. But today they showed how to paint a blighted tundra theme.

    Thanks to that, I can post the five videos here, conveniently for you!

    By far my favourite scheme is the Sylvaneth Glade, making wonders for recreate the old Lustrian jungles, yet every tile painted here looks so good that it hurts to remind how expensive the whole board is, particularly, both Nurgle and Tzeentch themes will look great on the new Shattered Dominion bases.

    What is a real shame is the Cursed Wastes, since you know... they... *Tomb Kings flashbacks*.
    Yet this video is technically my favourite, because the extremely hard technique used to paint the liquid parts of the tile. Truly Duncan has surpased himself this time.

    Also, a suggestion: check the Tzeentchian board as fast as you can, and look for typos. Giggles ensured. (Edit, they realized that just today, so I've updated it here too).

    One last thing: if you are playing with your armies on the summer campaing, remember to check out AoS' Facebook, there will be temporal buffs for every Alliance, and I have to say that GW is actually doing an amazing job for the campaing, I've never knew about a campaing with such a heavy support from them.

    I'll see you soon, have fun!
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2016
    n810, Bowser, Warden and 1 other person like this.
  12. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    How is this campaign working?

    Based on the "updates" from the GW website, Team Order has been winning from the start.

    Is anyone actually playing this campaign? Do the other teams even have a chance?

    I can't be sure if this website is actually getting updated or not, but at the moment it almost looks like the old Storm of Chaos campaign when chaos got orc-stomped. Except this time, Chaos, Orcs, and Death are all getting stomped by the "good guys."
  13. Cristhian MLR

    Cristhian MLR Well-Known Member

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    Well, I'm half day away from the nearest retailer where they play it, but the campaing is actually updated on Facebook, giving temporal buffs to different Aliances, first was Chaos, and until yesterday was Death. Right now there is a Destruction buff, "First WAAAAGH! of a New Age", that improves charge distances.

    And until now Order is freaking destroying everyone else, yet it can vary on each store. I've readed that Destruction is the dominating force on many different places, and then Death has taken one or two. Chaos seems to be the weakest here.

    I can't say is not a surprise since both Order and Destruction got important updates recently, including the new old-model factions and some actual new armies. Chaos haven't got an actual update since Bloodbounds (Everchosen armies? Is that even affordable without selling your soul?) and Death is just there. It seems that the Order buff will be the last one, that if it happens at all anyway. Understable, buffing the other armies because the win ratio is absurd for Order.
    Warden, Bowser and Bracnos like this.
  14. Cristhian MLR

    Cristhian MLR Well-Known Member

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    Well, this week there are no actual rumors for AoS, aside the ever persistent Stampunk Dwarfs release, so today I'm just gonna share two things with you:

    First, How to paint Beastclaw Raiders - Thundertusk

    Warhammer TV always have great tutorials, and this one is no exception, not only Duncan shows us how to paint white fur, but it also shows you good tips for painting tusks and leather, which are always welcomed.

    Then, this week GW released the five new Start Collecting! boxes of which I posted the last week, and I'll do some pesky math for you, so you can see the savings from them.

    - Stormcast Eternals: or Lighting' Ladz, this guys are the reason for why I didn't did the estimates last week, do the Liberators (base Sigmarines) are the new push-fit models? no, they aren't, they are from the 5 man boxes already on stores, so you can equip them with two weapons or a two handed weapon, either swords or hammers, yet the Retributors (bigger Sigmarines) are indeed the ones from the new Easy to Build sprue.

    This box saves you 45 pounds, 90% of its actual price, which is the highest savings from a single SC! box of AoS at this moment.

    - Sylvaneth, the new expanded army that its still selling well, gives you a 52% discount; the Treelord and Branchwych already costs 51 pounds, and get a Dryad box for free, pretty good.

    - Khorne Bloodbounds: You get half of the Skullcrushers box and the new Slaughterpriest at 48 pounds, and the 10 Blood Warriors costs 37.50, you save 35.50 pounds, 71% in savings.

    - Flesh-Eater Courts: You get half of the Ghouls box (12.5 pounds), a full Crypt monster box (29) and a giant, flying zombie monster (36). You save 27.5 pounds, saving 55% .

    Now, we can compare it to the King Vlagorescu's Ghoulish Host, the bundle already launched with the re-release of the models that now forms the faction: a Terrorgheist/Dragon Zombie, 20 Crypt Ghouls, 6 Crypt Horrors and 3 Crypt Flayers (same box anyway) and a Varghulf Courtier: it should costs costs 170.5 pounds, but the bundle costs 135; you save 35.5 pounds, 26.29% in savings.

    The choice between this boxes and how many of them buy is quite significant. Should you want one of each configuration of the Crypt monsters and giant zombies (both of them have 5), you are better up buying 5 SC! boxes: you will get a massive horde of 50 Ghouls, 15 Crypt monsters and 5 giant zombies, meanwhile if you buy two Ghoulish Hosts boxes, you will get 40 Ghouls, 12 Crypt monsters, 2 giants zombies and 2 Varghulfs, costing you 270 pounds, 20 more than 5 SC! boxes.

    - Ironjawz: this is almost the only way you will buy Gore-gruntas at a reasonable price. They costs 48 pounds, quite overpriced, yet you get an Warchanter, costing 18.50 alone, and 10 'Ardboys (the separate box actually comes with 15 at 32) at 21.33. You save up to 37.83 pounds, an having a nice total of 75.66666667%.

    And even while is not out of pre-orders until this August 6th, I'd like to check the new Beastclaw Raiders' Icewind Assault box: this box contains two Stonehorn/Thundertusk boses (36 pounds each), a 4-man Mournfang Pack (which now comes in packages of 4 instead of two at 40 GBP), one Icebrow Hunter (22.50), three Icefall Yhetees (30, used to be 31.50) and four Frost Sabres (two boxes, each at 10).

    This bundle costs 135 pounds, while buying the models separately costs 184.5 pounds, saving you 49.5 pounds, almost enough to afford a Start Collecting! box. That's great, yet, shoul dyou buy it now? maybe, but seeing what happened to the Ghoulsh Hosts, you might consider to wait until November or December, just in case that there is a new Start Collecting! Beastclaw Raiders on the way. Yet, this box is quite good, personally I see it even better than the Flesh-Eater Courts one; it has more diverse models, and you always have massive beasts as your front line: there is only one of those in the other box (Crypt monster and Varghulfs are medium sized for me), and that's why I'd preffer to buy multiple Flesh-Eater Courts rather than two Ghoulish Hosts.

    Just before end this post, I'd like to point out the cavalry since we've got the reboxing: Chaos Horsemen Marauders and Knights are currently on boxes of 10, instead 5 like it was on WHFB, Skullcrushers are now in packages of 6 instead 3, and althought I can't remember their prices before, they are now at 60 pounds, each one costing 10, and I'm quite sure that the box used to cost between 40 and 50, then we've got the Savage Orcs/Bonesplitterz, they got their unit models doubled too, and its prices increased at least 30%. And now, Mourfangs comes in boxes of 4 instead 2, and even while the box now costs 40 pounds, the models themselves are actually 1.5 pounds more cheap. It's good to see that GW is finally decreasing the prices of their older models, hopefully we'll see the Demigryphs getting the same treatment in some time.

    If there are any news related to AoS, I will come to share them with you as soon as I can. Have a great one!
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2016
    Warden, Bracnos, Bowser and 1 other person like this.
  15. Cristhian MLR

    Cristhian MLR Well-Known Member

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    Well, didn't even noticed this, but since August 4th, GW created a new Warhammer TV page on Facebook. And looking for the introduction video, this could be just great:

    The video does not only says that, just like YouTube, they'll show painting tutorials and new releases, but they will also cover their events and even show battle reports. Yes, battle reports. And given that this is an open Facebook page, you can freely ask the to show something

    We all know that GW is a bussiness company, but showing them to openly accept community opinions on public platforms its always good.
    Bowser likes this.
  16. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    I do not like the new term Beastclaw Raiders for the Ogres reboot. I feel like there could have been something a bit less... lazy... chosen? Nothing comes to mind at the moment though so I will have to think of something later.

    This is very interesting to me. Never saw chaos knights so cheap before! And ten in a box? It must be a trap. :shifty:

    I never considered going the chaos route because of how ungodly (pun intended) expensive the models were, even though the idea of using massed units of chaos knights in a gloriously evil charge was very appealing. Couldn't justify the expense. This is WAY cheaper than they used to be. And a box of 10 instead of 5? Pretty sure the box set used to be at least $45 for a group of 5 of those dudes. Times have changed, I wonder how well they are selling now.

    Wish they had done something like that with the Bretonnians. If their prices had been cheaper I wouldn't have taught myself how to cast my own Bretonnian horses.

    On the dwarf front, this is what BOLS had to say:

    [Steamhead] Duardin have a completely different aesthetic than the Fyreslayers
    • They are also somewhat different from the aesthetic of the old WFB Dwarfs.
    • They are heavily steampunk inspired (even more than some earlier designs such as the newer Gyrocopters), so look for lots of pipes and gears.
    • A Metal Golem has been consistently described as part of the range.
    • Duardin units are described as wearing a “space suit/diving suit”.
    • Weapons are described as “sci-fi rayguns” in appearance.
    • As with Fyreslayers look for a handful of new kits accompanied by a large set of round based repacks of the renamed Dispossessed.

    Not necessarily reliable, but it sounds like they are going to look more like the long lost Squats than WFB dwarfs... personally the "steamhead" makes their name too unwieldy for me.
    Bowser likes this.
  17. Cristhian MLR

    Cristhian MLR Well-Known Member

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    This aren't just Ogres, remember that many factions got divided during AoS shift. Fluff-wise this guys are permanente nomads, because they are somehow cursed, so they are always chased by a snowstorm. The other factions are Maneaters, Firebellies, and Ironguts, but we haven't got many more details for them.

    Don't believe me? check at your local GW store, or just the official page.

    Also, one sentence: Lord Heldrath's Chaos Deathtide.

    It was labeled as "last chance to buy" at the moment (back to March-April) but it returned two week later. I guess it was pretty successful.

    The actual cost is 155 pounds, it costs 110, you can almost buy a Start Collecting with that, and the Slaves to Darkness/Chaos Warriors on its own saves you yet another 20.25 pounds.

    It includes 10 Horsemen Marauders (one box), 5 Chaos Knights (half box), two Chariots, 16 Warriors (BTW thas is actually the whole box now, on WHFB it was 12) and a Manticore. The Start Collecting box come with one chariot, one Sorcerer, and the original Warriors and Knights numbers per boxes, and you still save 20 pounds.

    Both Start Collecting and Deathtide combined can make an army of up to 1500 points (considering that you assembled thre Gorebeasts and you have a Chaos Lord on the Manticore) at 160 pounds, and they can align with other armies with the "Mortal" keyword, like Khorne Bloodbound and Nurgle Rotbringers.

    The ruinous powers of Chaos are quite tempting since the Age of Sigmar began.

    Anyway, I'd like to share you the Warhammer Fest new models, the reutrn of the Warhammer Tournament and stuff, but I'd prefer to wait until everything is said and done.

    See ya!
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2016
    Warden, Bracnos and Bowser like this.
  18. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Had to recheck twice, but the price change and new box-structure is true.

    But its definitely still a trap... :shifty::shifty::shifty:

    Still don't like the name, but that makes more sense than what I was thinking before. A couple different "factions," all ogres. Makes for several mini army "books" instead of just one big one. Interesting marketing racket...

    Also the curse of being chased by a snowstorm reminds me of that truck-driver guy in Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy who lived in England, and no matter where he drove or made deliveries it was always raining. It was only a tiny little chapter in one of the books, but it was hilarious. Kind of like these guys, always on the run because "winter is coming" behind them all the time.
    Bracnos and Bowser like this.
  19. Cristhian MLR

    Cristhian MLR Well-Known Member

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    Of course it is! Chaos taint is trying to seduce everyone on its path!

    Now, remember that there is a new Warhammer TV page on Facebook? Well, now they are uploading tip videos regulary; this week they showed small videos showing how to paint Chaos Spaces Marines Nightlords and how to paint white Sylvaneth trees. But not only that, they also promised reports and events coverage, and this is the first one, Golden Demon Awards 2016:

    You can also check more of the Open Day here:

    'Tis time of year to share again. On the last 11 days left of August! The AoS (also 40K) Facebook's page also revealed some new Christmas bundles:

    I'm having a positive feeling about this. Remember, this is Rountree's rule, long past are those days under that insane pink ball named Kirby.

    I don't see any reason for why this bundles will be at full price, more when you are promising them for Christmas (althought is winter on the south pole...).

    I mean, as uncomfortable as those cans look, they easily be prices just like the regular cans are right now.

    Now, that box with every paint 189 is tempting for a whole club or that crackpot collectionist. I might missed one pot, but I've counted 186 different paints on their catalog. Either I missed three or there will be three more paints on the way.

    Also, those new tints looks interesing, new range?

    Second half of this year and we might finally see a new GW.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2016
    Bowser and Jorgik like this.
  20. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    The tints are likely an attempt to replace their old inks (now sold by Coat D'Arms).

    I want to know what the dimensions of the rattle-cans are. Are they the normal 25-30cm tall, but much narrower? Are they the usual 5-6cm diameter width, but much taller?

    I suppose the Demon Head on the paint boxes is the "Golden Demon"? I dislike the design. Big demon head good.
    Warden likes this.

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