AoS 2000pts General's Handbook Skinky List

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Des_DS, Jul 23, 2016.

  1. Des_DS

    Des_DS Member

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    Heya Everybody,

    I have a 2000pts event I am going to this weekend(july 23-24 2016) and I throught laying out my first list with the general's handbook might be useful.

    Slann Starmaster
    Skink Starpriest
    Engine of the Gods(Also counts Behemoth)
    ether a skink chief or Tehenhauin, the Prophet of Sotek*


    Bastiladon(with laser beams)

    10 man skink
    10 man skink

    3 man Skink Handlers
    3 man Skink Handlers*
    3 man Kroxigor
    3 man Ripperdactyls

    Thunderquake Starhost

    *These items might change when I see there vaules and if i can play them in this event

    So lets go over Advantages
    +Pretty Fast
    +Good magical support/defence
    +Good high damage range attacks
    +I get to use fun stompy monsters that heal themselves
    +Some good rend value

    -Large percent of my guys die to stiff breezes
    -magic isn't game winning anymore
    -low model count(40 models)
    -no good melee models other then the stegadon
    -From what I have scene of the competitive battleplans, you need to hold objectives, which this list isn't good at.

    The idea is to get on the objective quick with my good movement. I will use the skinks as a living shield for the rest of the army(its a hard life for a skink in my army). The ultimate goal is to blunt there force so that when they get into melee combat it will be smaller/weaker.

    If I remember and/or have time I will put how my matches went. Any comments.advice would be appreciated and thanks for reading!
    Bowser, TMTMTPoS and InfamousBeany like this.
  2. InfamousBeany
    Cold One

    InfamousBeany Well-Known Member

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    Quick points:

    • Skink chief is 60, Tehan is 80
    • You need 3 battleline, I believe you currently only have 2
    • I really like the look of this list- a lot of damage output and staying power for your big guns
    • Not sure if the Rippers fit here. They work best in the Shadow starhost as it lets them drop in next to key targets. Maybe consider a bit of points shuffling (drop the chief and rippers, replace with a unit of skinks (3rd battleline) and a unit of camo skinks) to offer you more flexibility? Totally a matter of choice though.
    All in all, nice write up. In objective games, I would focus on taking one objective,then denying your opponent the others with skinks and shooting from your big guns.

    Best of luck!
    Bowser and Des_DS like this.
  3. Des_DS

    Des_DS Member

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    Dang your right I do need 3. Thank you for noticing.

    I agree the rippers don't really fit, I was just need ways to fill out points8D haha.

    um I guess we will see how fast i can paint haha! I will put a new list up when i get it figure out. This might get janky.
    Bowser likes this.
  4. Des_DS

    Des_DS Member

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    Hey Everybody!

    So it turns out i can't paint that fast.....

    So I did mass changes to the list kinda....

    Slann Starmaster
    Skink Starpriest
    engine of the gods
    Tehenheuin, Prophet of Sotek(general)

    10 man skink
    10 man skink
    10 man saurus warriors




    Thunderquake Starhost

    I pretty much used the skinks as a living shield as I said. The saurus I wrapped around my slann as a personal guard for him. The rippers were kinda useful for there high movement value but not really for there combat ability. The bite only able to get one extra attack each made them nothing special without buffing or being by toad(NOTE:surprisingly I never managed to have them attack something close to the toad, I am assuming if i did it would have made them put out more wounds). The Thunderquake Starhost made my monsters and kroxigor very tough and made them much more effective in combat(NOTE:I kept them them in savage mode the whole time, but all my enemies had almost no range combat). If you have a choice in-between putting the bastiladon into combat or the engine of the gods, put in the bastiladon, it is a super tank in thunderquake starhost. Now magic time! If you use the slann and any other wizard, you will have to use the other wizard's unique spell unless you have reserve units or your getting a spell from like a time of war or something. This is only if you want to make use of all the slann's spells per turn.

    1st Game
    Battleplan: Take and Hold
    Horde Undead

    List: 2x units of 30 skeletons, 1 unit of 30 zombies, 20 tomb guard, corpse cart, 5 dire wolves, vampire on foot(general, cursed book, ruler of night), necromancer, mortis engine, 5 hexwraiths, 3 spirit host and 3 vargheists and I think thats it.

    I got rid of almost all the smaller units, the general and the mortis engine just to end up getting overwhelmed by the big units late game and the hexwraith got into my back line but before he got me off my objective the time ran out. I had a minor lost by about 400 kill points. A big thing I learned is the undead battle trait makes them surprisingly more durable.

    2nd Game
    Battleplan: Blood and Glory
    Calvary Undead

    List: vampire on nightmare(general, red fury and tomb blade), vampire on foot, necromancer, 30 zombies, 20 skeleton, 20 skeleton, 15 grave guard, 10 black knights, 5 blood knights, terrorghiest

    Both of us end up setting up heavily on the right hand side. I ended up tanking the terrorghiest with my rippers(they had both starlight and mystic shield), the skinks took a black knight charge and held them up for a bit. My starpriest ended up dying to a blood knight attack but my saurus ended up sticking them into combat so that my stegadon can murder them. This was all on the right side. On the left side I mange to lure his grave guard over to me and my kroxigors made quick work out of them. This game also timed out but I got minor victory from kill points(we both had two objectives) by 640pts(820 to 180)

    3rd Game
    Battleplan: From the heavens
    Seraphon, Khorne Demons and Archaon(AKA Seraphon are demons too)

    List: 10 Blood Letters, Archaon, 20 saurs warriors, 10 skinks, 5 temple guard, skink priest, skink starpriest, Lord Kroak and I think this is it.
    NOTE: This list isn't legal in matched play but they let him play because we only had 6 people show up and he had no other order units with him.

    Archeon was place on the right hand side and most of my army was on the left side. In the first couple rounds I murder the temple guard(the only left hand side unit he had) and thinned the saurus unit. Both objectives turned out to be on the left hand side(thank sotek). So my rippers went up to claim the enemies and I ended up hold my sides. On the top of 3 he got my slann with Archaon but got stuck in combat with the saurus. Then my turn(bottom of 3) I roll triple sixes on the engine, Extra turn time! I beat on Archaon with my stegadon, bastiladon, saurus and salmander for those turns and I scored both objectives those turns(I talked to the guy running it and he said yes you score on the extra turn) and we then rolled off and I won, TRIPLE TURN. So I finally killed Archaon that turn. I ended up wiping the saurus and priest too. He ended up clearing the rippers off his objective and started score on it bottom of 4. He really didn't have enough left to take my objective and he couldn't match my score so I got a major victory(27 victory points to 9 and 1100 kill points to 520).

    Thanks for reading all this! Any comment or advice would be much appreciated8) Thanks again!
    m0gstar, PartyFoul, Bowser and 2 others like this.

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