AoS Summer Campaign

Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by Padre, Jul 2, 2016.

  1. Moc-Tzen

    Moc-Tzen Active Member

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    Well got another win with Loard Kroak yesterday, I allied with some sylvaneth but my friend didnt know the new warscrolls so he was in a pretty tight spot the whole game. He did his part tanking some big hitters and gave me enough timeto set a proper control over the center of our table.
    Byt turn 5 we won because we had more points left "it was a capture the relic of each side"

    We fought vs a guy with beastman and some big ass spawn with tentacles on its mouth that casted spells and vs TANQUOL!
    Lord Kroak killed tanquol by spamming mortal wounds and finally by close combat. Seriously just get a chakax/ eternity guardian around, following him and watch Kroak turn everything and everyone asunder!

    Unfortunately It seems I wont be able to spam celestial deliverance no more, oh well well. I guess I will have to be more careful this time around then when choosing spells.
    Kor-Lot-Ko and Bowser like this.

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