AoS New player looking for a competitive list

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Notaskaven, Jul 26, 2016.

  1. Notaskaven
    Jungle Swarm

    Notaskaven New Member

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    I am a new age of sigmar player been playing for about a month. Extensive play in 40k though. I've been playing skaven pestilin/skyre and having a blast. Wanted to branch out to a new army I was origanlly ton between dark elves and seraphon. I decided on the latter because cool models and what seems like really fun units and abilities. I like the idea of an elite unit army but I'm fine with anything looking for any ideas between 1000-2000 points. Thanks a bunch will do my best to reply and ask questions!
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  2. Bodestig93

    Bodestig93 Member

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    as you know, the armylists depend heavily on your playstyle. I myself consider the defense orientet seraphon army to be the most effective (atleast top 3 over all armies in WH IMO). The main idea with is setup is to use your Lord Kroak and chameleon skinks så "snipe" the opponents most valuable units, while your Templeguards does the heavy work in he combat phase.

    i dont play by AOS Points rules because i find them quite unbalanced, but here is my army that i play and by sigmar rules it looks fairly similiar.

    1x Lordkroak
    1x astrolith bearer
    1x Eternity Warden
    1x EOTG
    1x skink starpriest (summoned in round 1)

    30x templeguards
    15x chameleon skinks
    3x salamanders
    2x skink handlers
    1x bastiladon
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  3. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Nice list but I would have some rippers in there were enough points.
    Bowser likes this.
  4. Notaskaven
    Jungle Swarm

    Notaskaven New Member

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    Thank you for posting your list it seems very stong . I'll point cost the entire thing and see how much it is. Do you know a good starting point to go with?
  5. dwarfepic
    Chameleon Skink

    dwarfepic Active Member

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    for a really competitive list you want a bit of almost every thing. while you shouldnt go over the top and use lots of things from allover the roster, you should give a good variety to your list. temple guard spam lists work at entry level, but lord kroak i find rarely makes his points back, and chameleon skinks are very situational and hard to pull off. my tournament list is as follows.

    • slann 260
    • eternity warden 140
    • eternity warden 140
    • oldblood on carno 320
    • 10 temple guard 200
    • 10 temple guard 200
    • skink starpriest 100
    • 6x kroxigor 360
    • 3 terradons 140
    • 3 terradons 140
    This list is not the full on eternal starhost cheese list, and does not use them in the typical kroak campsite style used by many.
    The tempe guard still form the core of the army, but are used with an eternity warden each to push forward and lock down enemy units, making way for other things to come in or to hold a key enmy unit in place.
    The carno, paired with the skink starpriest is almost unstopable. With the slann using the re roll hit rolls of 1 constellation, and the starpriest subtracting one from hit rolls against the carno it realy can eliminate most units in the game with relative ease.
    Aiding him in the main assault is the kroxigor, who can be a tanking force to punch into enemy units. The bulk of attacks dealing multiple wounds will cause most infantry to buckle. Also the kroxigor are able to tank out most damage sent into them, with five wounds each and a four plus save.
    As for the terradons, they are not essential, but can be used to harass enemy units and drop rocks on them or fly to key areas of the board and take them. Also dropping rocks on things is one of my the most satisfying things to do.
    Bowser and Notaskaven like this.
  6. Notaskaven
    Jungle Swarm

    Notaskaven New Member

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    I really like this list because kroxigars look pretty cool. If I had to edit it maybe adding in rippers instead of 3 terradons. But this seems neat. Would me buying the starter box set me off on a good start? Or is there a better starting point.
    Bowser likes this.
  7. Tozon

    Tozon Active Member

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    Can I ask the logic behind double eternity warden? Have you tried running just the one and instead having 3 Ripperdactyls (a bit more raw offense) or 5 Chameleon Skinks (objective control - though I know you said you weren't a fan)?
  8. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    I imagine he's fielding a warden with each guards unit, probably as "pincers", flanking a strong center with the slann and the Kroxies
    dwarfepic likes this.
  9. Tozon

    Tozon Active Member

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    You know what, I totally forgot about the "Alpha Warden" rule.......makes more sense when you remember that!
    Bowser likes this.

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