Looking at 40k

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Crowsfoot, Jul 27, 2016.

  1. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    So I think it is time to sell off the stuff I won't paint/use and get a small 40k force, I have found a few guys local that play 40k and thought it would be a good time to start.

    I'm looking at starting a Grey Knight force because the models look fantastic, no other reason and tbh I don't care if they are good, crap etc.

    First rule is all battles most be with painted models, I believe the Grey Knights have a small model count (another plus) so which unit would you buy and paint first? (already bidding on the codex)
    Warden, Bowser and n810 like this.
  2. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    Yeah, I have been diving to the deep end of 40k and it, together with my regular game mates all but abandoning Fantasy/AoS, has taken all my miniature time. But it is a great system, and I really like the miniatures.

    My friend has a Grey Knight force, and there are two things I hate. Dreadknights are awesome, definitely get at least one. Fast good armour, good shooting and great in close combat. Paladins are one of the few good Terminators, two wounds, 2+ Armour and 5+ invulnerability and more weapons than in your average Texas gun cabinet.

    Also, all units are psykers, so you should do well psychic phase. And you are right in that it's an elite army with only few units. They can be tricky to paint interestingly, though. I saw someone using the new blue gemstone paint into the recesses to give it a pretty good blue hue.

    That's the info I can offer. Maybe someone can divulge more.
    Warden, Bowser and Crowsfoot like this.
  3. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Sounds like a fun army and the Gemstone paint is one I have being playing around with, I've painted the Knight quester from the Silver tower using the blue and red over silver looks ok so far, for a fast paint job 1hr so far so I reckon 2 tops for him finished.

    I really want to paint a white/grey army as I think it will be a challenge.
    Bowser likes this.
  4. Tinyskinkhands

    Tinyskinkhands Member

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    Imperial Guard all day long. Waves of Tanks, infantry and artillery raining down on the enemy. :p:Do_O
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  5. Fhanados

    Fhanados Well-Known Member

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    I have a heck of a lot of experience facing off against Grey Knights - they've been my main opponent for the past 5 years and they definitely have some really potent units. Let my failure be your success as I share my wisdom of what has been consistently stomping my army into the dust for half a decade.

    To start with no matter whether you use a Combined Arms Detachment (from the main rulebook) or a Nemesis Strike Force (from the Codex) you'll need at least 1 HQ choice. The most popular choice by far seems to be the Librarian. He's one of few Psykers in the army that can use anything other than the pre-set powers and can really capitalize on the excess of Warp Charge dice your army will generate. The Brother Captain/Grand Master seems pretty good too, if not slightly points heavy.

    You'll also need at least 1 troops choice (2 for a Combined Arms Detachment), so either a Strike Squad (your "regular" troops), or a Terminator squad. Both are good choices. In fact the only difference between them is that the Terminators have a 2+ save and Relentless, while the Strike Squad have a 3+ save and are a bit cheaper. Terminators get more use out of some of the weapons options but the Strike Squad is still excellent value for points.

    Most infantry units are a variation of the Strike Squad. Interceptors move faster, Purgation Squads have more heavy weapons, Purifiers have more attacks and have strong offensive psychic ability. Which ones you choose to use (if any) really depends on preference and how the rest of your army is structured. On the plus side it makes the Grey Knights squad kit very flexible - with a few nice conversions to make certain units stand out you can have a very diverse army with only one or two kits as a backbone.

    I love Dreadnoughts and would not hesitate to use them but they are a bit more expensive (in points) than normal Space Marines for minimal benefit and don't have access to drop pods. They're Elites so they don't compete with Dreadknights for Heavy Support slots. They're one of few units that can't Deep Strike but appropriately equipped they can cause headaches from a distance. From a modelling perspective Dreadnought kits don't come with all the options presented in the codex so that's something to keep in mind.

    Dreadknights are good. I don't care much for the model but they have a very impressive stat line, are durable and have access to some very powerful ranged weapons that don't diminish their combat effectiveness. They can be pricey when loaded up with upgrades but I'd recommend a Personal Teleporter and at least one ranged weapons.

    I couldn't comment on the effectiveness of the vehicles because I never see them anymore! I used to face Razorbacks a lot - with Grey Knights the reduced transport capacity compared to Rhinos isn't too much of a hindrance because the more expensive units like Purifiers and Purgation Squads are usually small anyway.

    You're right to say Grey Knights have a small model count (compared to most armies anyway). Their basic trooper is more expensive than a standard Space Marine by about 5pt but man you get a lot of gear for those points! They do suffer a little in hyper competitive environments due to lack of formations, few fast units, and narrow unit selection, but a lot of the "holes" can be plugged with other Imperial forces as allies.
    Warden likes this.
  6. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Thanks for the info, were starting at 1000 points and it will be friendly games, I have got so far.

    Battle Captain, will look at a Lib
    Terminator squad 5
    Interceptors squad 5
    Dreadknights 1
  7. Fhanados

    Fhanados Well-Known Member

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    Pretty solid choices if you ask me. The cool thing about the Brother Captain/Grand Master is that they have access to the same Special Weapons as a unit of terminators do - so he can be a powerhouse at range as well as in combat. It's easy to go overboard if you load him up with everything, but with the right role in mind you can pretty reliably equip him to take on whatever you need him to.
    Warden and Crowsfoot like this.
  8. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Black Templars! Burn the witches.

    Grey Knights are pretty awesome though, despite the last codex having "issues." They seem to be a very powerful force. Very chivalrous. Good at burning the witches. I personally think that Grey Knight terminators look WAY better than the standard box-faced terminator armor marines. Except when they are painted like space sharks with teeth on their helmets.

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