Absolute noob

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by MarcC, Jul 28, 2016.

  1. MarcC
    Jungle Swarm

    MarcC New Member

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    Hi all. I'm a two day old noob in the world of AOS and came across the forum when looking for colour scheme ideas for my still in the box Seraphon contingent.

    I have been aware of Warhammer and GW for a long time, at one point buying the white dwarf magazines and marvelling at the painting of the models. I didn't really understand the battle reports but still found them interesting, and the catalogue at the back with all the models always had me wishing I had three things

    1. Some money
    2. A credit card
    3. Someone else to share my enthusiasm and to battle against

    To give these wishes some context this was around 20 years ago, I was a teenager (hence no money and credit card) and living in the far north of Scotland meant there were no Games workshop stores nearby and no clubs that I knew of. Side note : I have subsequently found out that there was in fact a club that met once a week in a local community centre but in the age before the internet these things were not as well advertised. As with all things that lack fuel, my interest waned in favour of activities that were more readily available.

    Fast forward to the release of the Lord of the Rings magazines and figure accompaniements and my interest was rekindled. By now a local Toymaster branch was stocking a limited supply of GW models and through the magazines and some purchases I built up a nice wee collection of Fellowship models as well as some Moria Goblins for them to go against. I also had a grass mat, some trees and some walls to create rudimentary battlefields and my then wife even tried to enjoy some skirmishes. I had a fair bit of practice with the painting and tried my best to create some reasonable standard looks but it was amateur level.

    As married life took over and my daughter was born the models were packed in a box in the loft and lived there for a while until one spring cleaning day I decided to take them out and pass them on. I worked in a retail store so met lots of people, and one lady had GW models in her shopping whilst in my store one day. When I asked about them, they were for her son who was quite into it all so I offered her my LOTR models and accessories in order for them to go to someone who would have more time and appreciation for them than I could.

    Then a GW store opened in the town so the flames flickered still, although never growing enough to push me into buying again. I would tease myself by popping in and looking, windows shopping and wishing but never succumbing to the urge.

    A move to a larger city, a separation (and soon divorce), a 9-5 Mon -Fri job and an older daughter have resulted in the opportunity to revisit a long held interest. So after a few months of "Will I? Won't I?" and discussions with GW staff I decided to go for one of the "Start Collecting" sets this week.

    I have never felt drawn to 40K for some strange reason. I cannot say why, however I have always liked Fantasy and Myth which seems to align me more with Warhammer and AOS. So after all these deliberations the only choice left was which set to go for.

    I knew that the Stormcast were coming out in a start collecting set and they will likely be my second purchase down the line but the Seraphon kept attracting my eye. Nobody can ignore the Carnosaur, but I also liked the examples of the colour schemes on the box and the striking vibrance that can seemingly be achieved.

    I know nothing of the AOS Lore at this moment in time, and just as little about the Seraphon themselves. That will come in time, the drive at the moment is the design of my troops and learning about the building and painting. I have an appointment tonight in my local GW to go over some of the basics hence why the Serpahon are still in the box and my beginners set of clippers, paints and glue is still sealed too.

    There's a quick (?) introduction to myself and my GW history. Looking forward to learning more about the Seraphon and AOS as time goes on.

    Scalenex, Warden, spess and 2 others like this.
  2. Freddy25

    Freddy25 Well-Known Member

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    This post is beautiful!
    I don't know if you write for some magazines or journals, but reading all of this has been simply amazing!
    I mean, there are parts of it which obviously don't sound too pleasant (the separation related ones, in particular) but the rest has given me the impression that an old hope of a boy has finally the chance to come true... and this is fantastic! :)

    By the way, we are happy to have you here in Lustria, @MarcC .
    I myself cannot say much about AoS recent fluff 'cause I don't know it properly, but this site is full of amazing painters, players, strategists and many more who I'm sure will be able to answer all of your questions!

    See you in other threads and happy gaming/painting/collecting! ;)
    MarcC, spess and Bowser like this.
  3. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Welcome aboard,

    I started in the 80ies then left the hobby for a good 20 years so very much like yourself, I found Lustria after browsing for colour schemes and I can't get out of the damn place.

    No matter what game system you play there is someone on here that will play it and help you out with answers, I'm more of a painter but only this week have I purchased my first 40k model (gulp) never thought I would do that as I am a fantasy guy as well!

    Once you start assembling your models get a blog started in the painting section, we don't care if you can't paint because you will be able to paint and having a blog is a great way to track your progress.

    Welcome from sunny Lancashire! (pissing down again) ;)
    MarcC, Warden, Bowser and 1 other person like this.
  4. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Welcome to the amazing world if AOS and the incredible community of Lustria online! Looking forward to your designs and seeing your army pics. We should be able to help you with strategies once you get into the game itself.
    MarcC likes this.
  5. spess
    Cold One

    spess Well-Known Member

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    Haha I have to agree with @Freddy25 -- the post was great and easy to read! Maybe down the line you'll consider visiting the fluff forums here and give your hand at storytelling?

    It seems like both you and I were drawn to the lizards for the same reason. The ferocity of the carnosaur is unparalleled, and is balanced by the cool calmness of the core units. Looking forward to hearing how the hobby works out for you, and hope to see some pictures of your army when the time comes!

    Welcome to Lustria!
    MarcC and Bowser like this.
  6. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Welcome MarcC.
    MarcC likes this.
  7. MarcC
    Jungle Swarm

    MarcC New Member

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    Thanks for the welcome and messages of support and advice. @Freddy25 @Crowsfoot @Bowser @spess @n810

    Over a four hour period last night I built all of my Saurus warriors and with the help of the Games workshop staff had them all base painted and shaded. The same for all the shields. I'll work on putting everything into a blog or something once I have figured out how to do so :D:D

    Definitely have caught a bug though and will be back in the workshop next Thursday to work more on the warriors. I may take a stab at finishing the shields earlier in the week however.
    Warden, Bowser, spess and 1 other person like this.
  8. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Welcome to the forums!

    I too rejoined the hobby after a long hiatus. Whatever your needs are, we got you covered.

    Painting and converting. We got you covered. Tips and techniques, honest but polite critiques and models to inspire you. We got it.

    Gameplay. We cover tactics, list building and battle reports for 8th Edition Warhammer, 9th Age Warhammer, Age of Sigmar Warhammer, and Kings of War.

    We have fiction, aka fluff pieces. It's mostly 8th Edition/Age of Sigmar but we welcome all fluff. It doesn't have to be reptilian, it doesn't even need to be gaming.

    And We got forums to talk about memes, Star Wars, and whatnot.

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