Hi guys. Im new and Building u Seraphon army for AOS

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by MattyN, Jul 27, 2016.

  1. MattyN
    Jungle Swarm

    MattyN New Member

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    Hi guys

    I recently got into AOS and had a few lizardmen lying around, namely 20 odd saurus and 30 odd skinks. I am looking at expanding my collection with the following.

    Another 30 odd saurus
    around 10 to 20 temple guard
    3 to 6 terragon/ripperdactyls
    1 stegadon
    1 slaan
    1 to 2 saurus oldbloods
    1 to 3 salamander3 to 6 skink handlers
    and maybe 5 to 10 knights
    and lord kroak potentially.

    What your guys thoughts, competitive ? Anything else I should def be adding?
    How good are chameleon skinks ?
  2. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Chameleon skinks are brilliant, you definitely want some of those. Go with the slann first but budget for a Kroak.
  3. spess
    Cold One

    spess Well-Known Member

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    Hey welcome to the forums!

    Judging from what you already have, it looks like you have a great start to the Sunclaw Starhost:

    Sunclaw Starhost
    • 1 Saurus Sunblood
    • 3 units of Saurus Warriors
    • Warriors gain +1 attacks with Jaws
    • Celestite Clubs/Spears become Rend -1. When attacking Chaos Daemons weapons also have a damage characteristic of 2 rather than 1
    I'm not even close to experienced building lists, or judging how competitive they might be as a disclaimer. It's my impression though that it might be best to start with a Battletome battallion that looks cool to you, playtest, and evolve your army from there!

    Here's a list of current battletome battallions: http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/battletome-battallions.17032/
    Bowser likes this.
  4. MattyN
    Jungle Swarm

    MattyN New Member

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    Hi guys

    Thanks for feed back.

    As I said, I have 20 odd saurus warriors and 30 odd skinks. I am to be definitely adding the following!

    15 Temple guard
    1 Stegadon
    2 Salamanders and handlers
    1 maybe 2 saurus oldbloods, 1 to lead temple guard, another the saurus.
    Chameleon skinks too prob since you say they so good.

    Down line I will prob add the start collecting box and a bastilodon.

    These are to go with my stormcast and prob a sylvaneth detachment.
    Bowser and Crowsfoot like this.
  5. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    You want an Eternity Warden to lead your Saurus Guard
  6. MattyN
    Jungle Swarm

    MattyN New Member

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    Ok guys, So this is to be my army so far.

    Lord Kroak
    1 oldblood on foot
    15 Temple guard (plan on eternity warden and astrolith bearer)
    25 saurus warriors, gonna try up to 30.
    30 old skinks with bows
    2 salamanders and handlers
    3 ripperdactyls
    2 stegadon, 1 possibly with sunfire and other engine of gods (thoughts?)
    5 chameleons

    Thoughts guys? Plan on adding a bastilodon for the thunderbeast formation and then a starter box for the carnosaur.
    SlanntaClause and Bowser like this.
  7. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Welcome to the forums!

    I've been a playing for years but I am only a recent convert to Age of Sigmar. That's why we have a forum, to feed off the wisdom of others. Whatever your needs are, we got you covered.

    Painting and converting. We got you covered. Tips and techniques, honest but polite critiques and models to inspire you. We got it.

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    We have fiction, aka fluff pieces. It's mostly 8th Edition/Age of Sigmar but we welcome all fluff. It doesn't have to be reptilian, it doesn't even need to be gaming.

    And We got forums to talk about memes, Star Wars, and whatnot.

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