AoS Seraphon vs Ogiers 2,000pts, Season of War, scenario 3

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Gorgerak, Jul 30, 2016.

  1. Gorgerak
    Cold One

    Gorgerak Active Member

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    Ok guys i need your help - On monday I am facing an ogier army in scenario 3 of Season of War - I've attached the scenario if you havent seen it.

    Scenario sum up - its a monster mash, the winner is the player who detroys the opposing force's monsters first.

    So, I'm expecting to face thundertusks and stonehorns - maybe mournfang cav - most likely sabres - I know he likes to use them for squishy character hunting - probably lots of bulls and ironguts

    My list currently sits at:

    thunderquake starhost
    engine of the gods
    3x skink handlers
    dread saurian
    +540 pts of other stuff not yet decided

    i need help because im struggling too fit the battle line units in and i dont yet have a proper general - although i could just make the EOTG the general...

    What are your suggestions guys?

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  2. Dhol

    Dhol New Member

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    I don't think that you are forced to pick 3x skink handler, 2 may be enough here, specially considering the rules (targets are monster) and your opponnent - He will probably not waste his attacks on weak sking handlers.

    540 pts is the exact count for Kroak, that may be useful in this scenario since he can deal free mortal wounds to any monster on the table. That said, adding a bastilladon instead and adding a Starseer to reroll you salamanders shot sounds like a decent idea to my eyes.

    That said, I am kinda new to the game, so don't listen to what I say :p
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  3. Gorgerak
    Cold One

    Gorgerak Active Member

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    Thanks for your feedback. Yes the points gap being the same as Kroaks cost isn't just coincidence. I originally had kroak in the list but then realized there were no battle line units so it was technically illegal :(

    The skink handlers come in a minimum unit of 3 so they can't be dropped to two.
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  4. Teheloqtec

    Teheloqtec Active Member

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    I'd suggest considering a Scar Veteran on Carnosaur (which will help a lot bringing down those monsters) and since you're playing Seraphon only you could use 2 units of Saurus Guard and a unit of Skinks as Battleline. The guard will be able to take a few hits before going down (more than a few if they stay close to your heroes) and even though the Skinks are squishy they may serve as meat shields while you get everyone else into position.
    Scar vet on carno + 2 Guard X 5 + Skinks X 10 = 540
    Hope that helps you bring honor to... the Old Ones? Lustria? Dracothion? Who do we fight for again? :p
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  5. Buldi

    Buldi Active Member

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    Well, maybe im reading it wron, but for Thunderquke starhost you need a unit of kroxigors. Additionaly i would take a slann starmaster- a good constelation can make you reroll hits of 1, so you can take the savage configuration of the EotG. Plus your starhost will heal d3 instead of 1.
  6. Gorgerak
    Cold One

    Gorgerak Active Member

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    I did want to put a slann in, along with an astrolith bearer - rerolling hits wounds and saves on the bastiladons - with an extra dice for the EOTG - should be a brutal combo! - only problem is that wont leave me enough points to get the battleline units - which incidentally my opponent wont agree to leave out...
  7. Tozon

    Tozon Active Member

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    I would not take Guard if you are expecting to play multiple Thundertusks.....

    I also think you may want to take the Order allegiance not the Seraphon one as otherwise you are missing out on 2 artifacts which are REALLY strong on mounted leaders. You have an EoTG in there but I'd be tempted to trade squeeze an Old Blood on Carno in too as with Quiksilver Potion or one of the magical blades he really puts out the hurt.
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  8. Dhol

    Dhol New Member

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    Would it make sens to replace guard with skinks then ? They can be a good suicide option to slow down one of the few units your opponent will put on the table.

    And just in case you are Order alliegance, you can maybe add some Paladin Protector, deadly agaisnt monster (but costly ofc)
  9. Gorgerak
    Cold One

    Gorgerak Active Member

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    I do want to avoid putting too many points into saurus and saurus guard - mainly because they are pricey and ogre bulls do 2 damage each which will simply rip through my one wound saurus guard.

    i have no been informed we are fighting with 3 monsters each - to balance out the scenario. So its back to the drawing board....

    With this new limit, it actually makes life a little easier as i wont be taking the formation which does free up many points. Meaning I could take the following:

    Dread Saurian
    Skink priest
    skink starpriest
    Saurus Astrolith Bearer
    Skink Starseer
    10x Skinks
    10x Skinks
    2x Salamanders
    10x Saurus Guard

    Its a very compact army as the bastiladon and salamanders will be wanting to stay within 10" of the battle standard. The casters will be using the saurus guard as a bunker to hide away from any wondering sabres although they will be vulnerable to any castings of Maw - which will likely as not kill either caster with a single blow (or chomp!)

    The dread saurian will seek out thundertusks and stonehorns, If i can keep the skink priest near him i may be able to give him save re-rolls which would certianly help in his cause - however if he gets too far away from the covering fire of the bastiladon he will likely succumb to ogor wrath... The skinks could be useful here if I can use them to draw a stonehorn out of position. (unlikely though, my opponent is too good to fall for that)

    So, I'm thinking a central bastion of bastiladon and salamanders, boosted by battle standard. Casters and guard to one side and dread Saurian to the other, a unit of skinks bridging each gap. What do you guys reckon to that?
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