AoS Seraphon Kroak Squad

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Jackers87, Aug 4, 2016.

  1. Jackers87
    Jungle Swarm

    Jackers87 New Member

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    Hey guys, new Seraphon player looking for advice

    First time playing AoS, old 8th gen player and looking for some feedback on a list I'm planning to run for AoS. I was intrigued by these defensive Lord Kroak Temple Guard Seraphon armies and wanted to build around that defensive element. I've tried to squeeze this in at 1500 points, happy to switch things around or fit stuff for 2000 points.

    The idea I have come up with is Lord Kroak + the Astrolith Bearer applying nice magical pressure with a nice nice set of Temple Guard + the Bastiladon with the Chameleon Skinks doing their thing. I chucked in a random Salamander because I didnt know what else to do with the remaining points.

    I read a few different variations, I liked the basic concept in that you start in an defensive position to maximize Lord Kroak with the Astrolith early to give rerolls + magical dominance). The Saurus guard stay healthy with Kroak and provide a defensive wall of sorts.and between comets, summoning from Kroak, Chameleons and the Bastiladon applying pressure from afar.

    The lists I am thinking is:

    Heroes -

    Lord Kroak - 540 points

    Saurus Astrolith Bearer - 160 points

    Units -

    5 X Saurus Temple Guard - 100 points

    5 X Saurus Temple Guard - 100 points

    5 X Saurus Temple Guard - 100 points

    5 X Chameleon Skinks 120 points

    1 X Salamanders - 60 points

    Monsters -

    1 X Bastiladon - 300 points

    Total - 1480 points

    Looking for any advice to make this a better defensive Lord Kroak army :)
    Appreciate the help and assistance !
    Bowser likes this.
  2. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Only thing I can see is no Eternity Warden he will make your guards beasts, I would try to fit him in some how.

    Heroes -

    Lord Kroak - 540 points

    Eternity Warden 140

    Units -

    5 X Saurus Temple Guard - 100 points

    5 X Saurus Temple Guard - 100 points

    5 X Saurus Temple Guard - 100 points

    5 X Chameleon Skinks 120 points

    1 X Salamanders - 60 points

    Monsters -

    1 X Bastiladon - 300 points

    Total - 1460 points
    Bowser likes this.
  3. dwarfepic
    Chameleon Skink

    dwarfepic Active Member

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    kroak is very hard to use well if you are new to the game or playing small points games. here he is taking up 1/3 of the army and you will not be able to get a good army core . he can spit out many mortal wounds, but you don't have enough to buff the temple guard with because you took kroak. the small number of infantry limits mobility a lot, and in almost all scenarios for pitched battle (matched play) you need to be able to take objectives. kroak may be able to sit on one, but five temple guard will melt when not buffed well. you are much better of taking stormcast liberators instead as the are two wound infantry, and do not need to be buffed. another alternative to the sarus guard is saurus wariors. they can provide twice the amount of wounds as tample guard and will have mor models in a unit to surround objectives with. also you will nedd something fast in the list. without being able to get int the enemy deployment zone and snag objectives, you cant get points in some of the scenearios. the generals handbook has almost destroyed the viability of taking builds wich just let you camp on a hill by putting the scenarios in. a bastilidon is generaly a good take, as it has long range, and very high firepower. the slamanders work as a points fille quite nicely, but it would probably be best too switch them out for some more infantry. If you want to leave kroak in, the you need more infanry and more heroes to buff the infanty. really I think you need to make the ist 2k points to make it work.

    if you replece the salamander with 5 more guard and make a unit of ten, and replce the two fivs with saurus warriors, the that is 1500. for 2k put in an eternity warden, make the saurus warriors in ints of 20 and put in some terradons. also take out the chameleons and place in a sunblood. the sunblood will be the general and will lead the infantry. keep the eternity warden next to the temple guard and use them to push forward, and hold key points. the basi can laser important enemy heroes and kroak himself can whitle down monsters.

    this list still probably not going to work as kroak is taking up 1/4 of the army, and not realy deling enough damage for the points you pay. in a 2k game it would be you with around 1600 points vs 2k points essentialy, as kroak is not going to make a game changing impact.
    Wazz likes this.
  4. Buldi

    Buldi Active Member

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    For 40 points that left you can add some skink handlers.
  5. Jackers87
    Jungle Swarm

    Jackers87 New Member

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    Would building around a more balanced offensive Army with a Slann and more room for units would that be an easier and more competitive approach to building ? Is there a specific army building guideline in regards to what units I should take for the best overall approach for Sereaphon armies ? Cheers for the help btw :)
  6. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Slann, warriors, Sunblood, are all offensive while Kroak, guards and warden are defensive, you want a good amount of warriors but you also need something to close gaps, @dwarfepic is spot on with his suggestions, maybe add a skink starseer.
    Wazz and Bowser like this.
  7. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Seems solid but for 1500 I would drop the Bastiladon and salamander, take the eternity warden and eternal star host. Add in two units of skinks. When you scale up to 2000 put the bastiladon in and add a starpriest and a saurus oldblood so that your temple guard reroll wound rolls of 1.
    Wazz and Crowsfoot like this.
  8. dwarfepic
    Chameleon Skink

    dwarfepic Active Member

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    For me saurus guard work very well at moving forward to key positions with objectives and holding them. Though you dont have to do this i normaly have two or three units of guard, and two or three eternity wardens respectivly, depending on the game size. Then to balance out the list to have a good sized unit of infantry, normaly twenty saurus warriors. More than twenty makes the unit to big and is suceptable to being charged easisly and locked down by other, cheaper tarpits. The mobility of the bigger units is detremental as they have a wider area, and so cannot move through spaces as fast as other units.

    I am not saying not to take warriors in big units of thirty, it is that they are harder to manouver. If you used to play eight edition then you may be used to bigger units. However in AoS units are much more flexible and mobile around the table, but that is beside the point.

    One of the best heroes for competitive lists is either the sunblood or the scar vet carnosaur. With abiltys to give rerolls or extra attacks to your allready solid infantry is great. Considering saurus warriors to other inits aroun their points and they are very good. Add on re rolls or more attacks, and you get a tank of a unit. With these command abilitys, dont allways put them on the units that are in combat with the most feadly stuff. Buff the omea who are in a better tactical position, and also not the ones who dont need it. If a unit of saurus guard is winning a fight, then they dont need rerolls to help them. Put the buffs onto the units on objectives to deter the enemy from charging that spot.

    As for the slann, he works like a charm at half of kroaks price. With only one less spell and his ability to make constellations, his support capabiltiys are amazing. In my oppinion his support may cause more damage than kroak can if kroak is misused. Dont get me wrong, kroak is a BOSS but he is rather situational and very hard to use effectivly against a good player. With new missions in the generals handbook, kroak camping is allmost useless as mobility is virtualy zero.
    Seraphage and Bowser like this.
  9. Wazz

    Wazz Well-Known Member

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    Just wondering if this is worth revisiting now that we have allegiance abilities. Ive been wanting to use my Kroak model for a bit now but I am struggling to find a good place for him lol.
  10. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    Kroaks works fine, our top tier players do it at least :p
    And he is 450p in GH2, don't forget !
    Paul Beenis and Wazz like this.
  11. Wazz

    Wazz Well-Known Member

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    I'm trying to figure out how to run him in that 2k tournament you've been helping me with hahaha!
    Seraphage likes this.

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