AoS 2K newbie seraphon list

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Killyox, Aug 6, 2016.

  1. Killyox
    Jungle Swarm

    Killyox New Member

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    Hi all, I am an 40k player that turned it sights towards AOS, got myself the starterbox + bastiladon, guards and starpriest atm.

    Played some testgames against my friends death army and had a blast.

    For my 2k list I was thinking of

    Eternal starhost.

    Eternity warden
    10 saurus guard
    10 saurus guard
    10 saurus guard

    Skink starpriest

    Oldblood on carnosaur

    5 chameleon skinks

    5 chameleon skinks

    3 salamanders (guess best as separate units)

    3 skink handlers

    bastiladon with solar engine.

    2000 points exact with mostly models that I really like.

    Idea would be to have a defensive force with the priest, warden, guard, bastiladon and salamanders

    And a flanking team with carnosaur and chameleon skinks.

    Is this a legal list? don't got the generals handbook yet.

    If I would expand it to 2500 points I will probably ad a slann starmaster, astrolith bearer and 10 skinks

    any advice would be really appreciated

    Thx in advance , Killyox
    Bowser likes this.
  2. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    This is a great list, I run mine fairly similarly. Solid build with a lot of options on play style.
  3. dwarfepic
    Chameleon Skink

    dwarfepic Active Member

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    If you want to run temple guard now in AoS then i think that multiple eternity wardens is the way to go. Without multiple castings of mystic shield they need heroes nearby. The eternity warden is the best choice for that. The eternity starhost i think is not worth it as you need to keep on moving and stay mobile in aos now. To help the guatd out then you should have a sunblood if possible, to help you focus down key targets with rerolls. I would cut 10 temple guard and place in another eternity warden so each guard squad has one. Then a sunblood inbetween them for those sweet sweet re rolls. The other downside to this list is limited casting. As a personal rule i say being able to cast one spell for every 1000 points is a bare minimum. Generaly three spells for 2000 is just right. Thus a slann fits nicely in 2k. Chameleons are not very points effective as they do not have a high enough damage output to do what they need to do. Bastilidon is allways solid, carnosaur is a bit unsupported, but the sunblood can help with re rolls. Salies are nice for rend and mortal wounds, so keep those, but dont overestimate what they can do and do not let them get tarpited.

    Btw i play 40k as well. What army do you play?
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  4. Killyox
    Jungle Swarm

    Killyox New Member

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    thx for the great advice :) yeah this might be abit defensive if objectives are involved.

    In 40k I play mainly dark elder with eldar trown in for support.

    Will rethink my list abit then. :p are knights a decent option to support the carnosaur since I got those from the starter box.

    I just cant see the slann being really good? with summoning nerfed, the constellations aren't that great imo. I would rather use a skink starseer and starpriest?
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2016
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