8th Ed. Making lists for YOU! (8th and 9th)

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by airjamy, Nov 30, 2015.

  1. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Dear fellow lizards,

    The place i mostly visit here is the Army List section as i love to mill over lists, perfecting them and keeping up to date with the meta in a competitive and a non-competitive way. I feel that this sub section of the forum is mostly focused on improving existing lists, but i do feel that lately the wind has slightly changed into people asking people on this list to write entire lists for them. I would like to start obliging them in this thread so that people who want something different, something new or something competitive can get a list from scratch.

    I am mostly a tournament player making the switch from 8th to 9th, but i also just play a lot of games for fun. If you want a list written for you giving as much detail as possible is handy. The more details you give, the bigger the chance that you will like the list and that you actually have the models to field the list. As a minimum, i would like a point value and some sort of an idea for the list. Par example, if you would write to me:

    I want a 2400 point list with a weird and whacky Slann, mostly for fun play.

    Something i could come up with is:


    Fatigue Slann: Lore of Life, Transcendent Healing, Crown of Command, Egg of Quano, BSB, General.


    40 Saurus Warriors. Spears and Shields. Banner, Musician.
    40 Saurus Warriors. Spears and Shields. Banner, Musician.
    10 Skink Skirmishers
    10 Skink Skirmishers


    5 Chameleons
    5 Chameleons


    Ancient Stegadon. Engine of the Gods.
    Salamader. Snack

    Total: 2399

    The idea of this list is to have a really tough, even though a not competitive, force. Dependent on your opponents force you might want to run your Slann solo. Certain S3 blocks you could hold indefinitely with your Slann due to your Lore of Life healing and the Transcendent Healing. If combat starts going bad, pop your egg and get some points in your favor and thus get some more time to heal. He should not run due to Stubborn LD9 with Coldblood and rerolls :). Always challenge with your Slann if possible if he is solo, this either puts an enemy character out of the action or it makes it so you have to endure less hits. The Engine is there to make Lore of Life spells easier to cast, to kill chaff and to make the rest of your list slightly more durable. He is the reason your Sauri have Spears, they got the wardsave of him, deploy him in the middle of your Sauri blocks to give them their 6++. This list has a lot of monsters to heal with your Lore of Life if your Slann is not in the thick of things. The list is somewhat vulnerable against warmachines, this is where the Skinks come in and where the Chameleons shine. The Sally is there because he is great and good against hordes.

    Hope i can fill a hole via this thread in the army section, and i take 9th requests as well as i have more experience in that game now!
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2016
  2. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Slann. BSB. Banner of discipline. Harmonic Convergence. Soul of Stone. Channeling Staff. Lore of Light. Decent army center in any list, and as your list will be built around Sauri, the Lore of Light has great buffs for them. The +1 attack and ASF one and the WS10 and I10 ones should be the highest priority. He also LD10, is the BSB, and he has the channeling combo.


    Saurus Scar Veteran. Cold One. GW. Light Armor. Dragonhelm. Dawnstone. 1+ rerollable armor save, 4 attacks at S7 with PF, 2++ against flaming attacks, this guy is budget but strong. Try converting one of your Knights into him, you mentioned you had 6.


    40 Saurus Warriors. Sword and Board. Banner. Music. Standard fighting block that will do a lot of the dirty work. Should be the main focus of the buffs of your Slann. No champion, as the unit has no chars in them, then champions are not worth it.

    10 Skink Skirmishers. Javelins and Shields. Skink Skirmishers are a great investment, use them for screening, harassment, chaff killing and redirecting. If you want a decent list, you sortoff need at least 30 or 40 of these guys. Skinks with bows are illegal with this book, so that will not help you at all. People often don;t mind if you proxy the old models, as else you have no use for them..

    10 Skink Skirmishers. Javelins and Shields.

    10 Skink Skirmishers. Javelins and Shields.

    10 Skink Skirmishers. Javelins and Shields.


    5 Cold One Knights. Music. Bodyguard for your Scarvet. Do not expect them to do massive damage, but they do fine against S3 infantry and they can soak up wounds for the Scarvet so he can do the serious chopping.

    26 Temple Guard. Full Command. Banner of Swiftness. Know that you only have 15, but making some Sauri into these guys will really help you in the long run. Your Slann goes in here, and a lot of missiles will be directed at this unit because it is pretty scary. It is Stubborn with the Slann in it at LD 10 with rerollable LD, so they won't be going anywhere in a hurry. The champion is there to catch challanges directed at your Slann.

    2 Jungle Swarms Use these guys against chaff and to multi charge with with your Sauri, this gives your Sauri poisoned attacks!

    2 Jungle Swarms

    Total is 1999

    Simple list, grind the enemy down with superior magic and your massive CC blocks. The Swarms buff your Sauri even more. The Skinks are general problem solvers who will also do the main warmachine hunting, which is not super important as you have no monsters. Your Scarvet is your answer to enemy monsters, and it is also the main hammer of the list. This list is not super competitive, if you want to really be competitive you have to practice and then in the end you will come up with your own strong list, but you should do more then fine against most opponents with this list.
    Lizards of Renown and Vygoth like this.
  3. Vygoth
    Jungle Swarm

    Vygoth New Member

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    thank you for the reply what would you recommend as first purchases to make this more competitive thanks again
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  4. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Well, you have the bases for an infantry focussed list. Monsters only start being good if you have multiple ones, this saturates the targets for enemy warmachines. One monster is no monster, so i would not go in that path. Salamanders and Razordons are really good guardians of your flanks. If you are going into the path of being dependent on your Sauri and thus your heavy core, consider investing in 2 Sallies, run them in seperate units with an extra Skink (A Snack) to make sure the missfire is not that bad. Sallies are really cheap for what they do, they often get their points back in a single gppd shot and around 10 casualties in an enemy unit tends to swing combats. For the rest, maybe another massive Saurus block (think around 40) would make your center even stronger, maybe get another box of TG so you can just run your 80 Sauri in 2 massive blocks. LM are a strong list in 8e, there is not just one really strong option you have to take to be competitive, but
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  5. themuffinman873
    Chameleon Skink

    themuffinman873 Member

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    I would like to see a fun yet usable 9th age list that uses CoR
    I have no particular feelings on magic
    Something around 2000 points against skaven.

    My collection is somewhat limited, I have at my disposal:
    14 CoR, 1 carno, 2 stegs, 1 bastilladon, 70 skinks, 3 krox, 70 saurus, 20 TG, Slann, teto, 2 preists, 3 terradons, 3 rippers, 17 chameleons, 3 sallies (or spike lizards), 2 OB on foot, 2 swarms.
    I can swap saurus as TG or vice versa. I think I have another 10 TG models I could put together too.
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  6. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    A list that uses COR against Skaven, well that is hard. COR are not our strongest units, even though the 2 attacks on the Raptors do help a lot. Skaven often just have big blocks of infantry against which you will die due to static combat rez, and their heavy hitters often have high S and armour piercing, so your COR will be nice pickings. Raptors work really well as chaff disposal in our list, and they should be seen as a dual charge unit, their extra power can swing a combat. I will thus be making an infantry focussed list with the Raptors as main support, and light magic to buff the Saurians even more. Sallies will help chopping down hordes (IMHO, they were strong in 8th, they are even stronger and cheaper in 9th). This list should do fine, but COR are just not the best against Skaven, i did with them what i could i think, but do not expect miracles from them. Also, your collection is far from small, more then enough space to play with for me ;). Hope you have fun with the list, let me know how any battles with it or a variation of it went!


    Slann. Funnel the Winds. Protected Soul. Scroll. BSB. Lore of Light. 440. An expensive anti magic Slann that will also buff your Saurians a lot. Skaven always bring a lot of magic, think about putting him on the defensive setting with Funnel the Winds. Scrolls became even stronger in 9th IMHO, as you can now dispell Irrisitable Force. Priority is on buff spells. Soul of Stone is still needed to protect your TG from miscasts.


    30 Saurians. Pteradon Spawning. HWS. Banner. Music. 370. One of your ways to buffer and control the board early. WIth your Raptors, you should be able to get a presence out quickly, these guys in the center will assist with that. Do be carefull to not vanguard to calliously, as you do not want to be caught out.

    13 Skink Hunters. Blowpipes. 98 Your anti monster squad. +1 to hit against large targets is huge. I feel that 13 is the perfect ammount of Skinks in one unit now, your opponent needs to do 4 casualties for panic, and the 3 extra skinks cost 6 points in stead of 8.

    13 Skink Hunters. Javelins. 98. Your general purpose anti chaff and warmachine hunting unit.

    13 Skink Hunters. Javelins. 98


    30 TG. Full Command. Icon of the Relentless Company 420. Your Slann bunker. No weaponmaster, as you will always want to chop with your Halberds. Full command to catch challanges to your Slann and for even more grinding power. They have the standard to use in turn one to be used in cojunction with the Pteradon spawning to get into that sweet center of the board, if wanted.

    5 Raptor Riders. 160 As i said, chaff hunters and warmachine hunters. If they get stuck in a unit of slaves, they will stay there for the rest of the game or die, so avoid that.

    5 Raptor Riders. 160.


    Salamander. 70. This guy got insane. Lost the crew, but gained a wound so that is fine in my book. The misfire has also become better, no longer D3 dead skinks and terrible LD tests if they are all dead, but just a single suffered wound. His shooting got more long ranged, and one good hit will get you his points back. Will die to most magic missiles, and they will be targets, so dispell those. Knowing that they die quickly to Magic Missiles can even be used to your advantage if you really want to stop another spell, and due to the 4 wounds they may even survive like D6 S5 hits if your opponent rolls poorly. Very cheap, must kill for your opponent, auto include. They can even stand and shoot now! It is crazy.

    Salamander. 70

    1999 total.
  7. skink chief

    skink chief Active Member

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    Hi there.

    So I made a list 2000pts 9th Age vs O&G. Don't look at it if you haven't before! ;)
    ( I want to see the differences in lists, and just purely your build :cool:)

    What I know:
    It's vs a player I do not know, so he could bring any variation of Orc and gobbo's to the table.

    What should (not) be included ( personal):
    1) I don't want to take a Slann.
    2) I want some monsters in the list: I got 2 Carno's, 2Steggies, 2 Bastilladons, (Troglodon(s) could be proxied by a Carno), 3 sallies, 2 spike lizzies, 3 Pteranodons, 9 Pterodactyls.
    3) I normally play with big blocks of infantry, I don't want to go all skink cloud, but I do want some more speed in the list, with possibilities for flanking.

    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand GO! :p
  8. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Hi Skink Chief! On the holy plaques left by the Old Ones i do hereby solemnly swear that i have not seen your other list, this page is the one i am loggin into anyways nowadays. Now, onto your list.

    The description you give screams Monster Mash to me, but as you do not want to go full Skink Cloud, i will not completely indulge in that. With all their Greenskin Race specific rules and the fact that they fight in multiple ranks if they are of the same Race, i expect many Orc players to bring a lot of infantry. The big trick against them will be the fact that they will only be S4 in the first rounds of combat, after you win against them. they are S3. Orc Brutes will be very scary, with their S5 they will punch trough your Monsters. This does mean that his list will most likely be slow, so even with our somewhat slow monsters, you will be able to outflank them. Also, i finally got a list to use my slightly dirty Tyrannosaurus trick on :).

    Your list gave me a lot of options to put my more competitive combinations in, so i think it became pretty hard in that respect, hope you do not dislike that. It is not cheesy (i think, all cheesyness is relative), but it should give your opponents something to think about, as long as they do not have that much artillery. You also mentioned that you have never played against this opponent. I personally Always like bringing very strong lists against new opponents, not because i desperately want to win, but because strong lists give me oppertunity to scale with my opponent. If he ahs a strong list, we will be able to go blow for blow and have fun in that way. If he brings a weaker list, i can scale down on my playstyle, and not make the most strong moves in the game itself. In that way you can get close games against any opponent, which are the most fun IMHO. If you take an intentionally weak list and your opponent brings a strong list andif he does not play to this style, you will get crushed, with is not really fun for both of you. I have had my games that i won in the first turns, and they more often then not are slightly a waste of time, as you did not really have fun.


    Saurian Ancient. Tyrannosaurus Rex. Triceratops Warspear. Triceratops Helm. General. 450. 1+D6 S7 impact hits with D3 multiple wounds coming right up. This should delete most monsters even before the attacks of the Ancient and the Tyrannosaur even rain down upon them. This guy will crush basically any flank your opponent presents to you, after that, use its speed to get it into the thick of the figth. OG lack artillery, and they have no characters who will beat him, so i think he will do fine. No real prolonged CC power though, due to the S5 on the Ancient, he will want to crush stuff on the charge. He has high I, but only 6 W on T6 with a 3+ save is really not all that good for a 450 point model. Also, Ancients have LD9 in 9th, making them even better generals! As a last reminder, do not forget the Apex Predator rule, that +2 on charges against flyers or Large Targets will pack a punch. Funny note, chars on Monsters should now be made completely and only Killy based, as their own defensive stats are completely dirrived from the monster, this can only be improved by things that effect the whole model, and there are not a lot of items that do that.


    Saurian Veteran. BSB. Gamblers Armor. Dusk Stone. Shield. 155. One of the more durable Veterans around due to his distracting HWS combination combined with 2+ rerrolable and 6++. Think this guy will be a mainstay for no Slann lists, as he is a cheap BSB that will not die quickly. Do not be afraid to give challenges to the unit champion, this is where the chamion is around for, he will not be able to stand up to most big bad Orcs in challanges, even though he should survive mosthits from normal units as he is being hit on 5's with T5 and then the saves.

    Skink Ritual Priest. Wilderness. Dispell Scroll. 95. Standard issue scrollcaddy, You might even get Wildform off if you role like double 2 for the magic phase. As i have said earlier in this thread, having a scroll is super important in this edition, as you can now scroll spells cast with irrisitable force.You should not be afraid to use your Scroll early, as a strong early game spell can dominate a game, and after that you can use his units of skinks for harrasment, if he is alive, you will have to be carefull with them.


    40 Saurian Warriors. HWS. Spawning of the Triceratops God. Full Command. 540. Your big beefy unit that will have to take lots of hits. I do not think that the Trike spawning is very good, but the 3+ save will do wonders against the many big Orc units, especially after they start losing combats. The fact that they cannot overrun and persue might even help them, as they can be the eternal anchor of the battleline where you can depend on. Should most often be deployed in a Horde, but not always, as they should hold the enemy at bay, not just simply kill them. 3+ with distracting on often WS 4 is pretty damn good.

    13 Skink Hunters. Blowpipes. 98. Obligatory Monster Hunters. Your Tyrrannosaurus will eat monsters for breakfast, but even he only has the limited time of 6 turns to reap a tally. 13, because every model after 10 is cheap, and they only panic after 4 casualties.

    13 Skink Hunters. Javelins. 98. The place where your Skink Priest will hang out, harassing and shooting all the way.


    Maceosaurus. Sun Engine. 130. Some more magical power, and the +1 WS will help out your Saurians a lot. Multiple sun engines do not stack, but..

    Maceosaurus. Altar of the Snake God. 120. .. The Sun Engine and the Altar do stack! Keep these at the flanks of your Saurians for an even harder center.


    Triceratops. 175. Another big stompie monster to ad to the collection. Do not think you will need sharpened horns, and i actually think that the GIant Bow is better then the Blowpipes so we will also not need that upgrade. Might go around in tandem with your biggest Stompie, or might get a flank for himself.

    Salamander. Spout Flames. 70. Obligatory in my oppinion in every LM list, even more reliable then the old times, even more wounds then in the old times, and you can even stand and shoot with this bastard now :). And he got even cheaper!

    Salamander 70

    Total: 2001

    Hope you will have fun with the list, let me know how your exploits were! Will now go check your own creation ;)
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2015
  9. skink chief

    skink chief Active Member

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    Im at a sint nicolas thingy right now, I will take a better look at this list tonight, but from first glance it def looks good. If I like it, wich I think I will, I will probably ask opponent to do 2 games and take my list and yours to see the outcome. They both look fun to play :) thank you!
  10. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    You are welcome! I am also at St Nicolas festivities myself, live in Holland. Have fun tonight!
  11. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Wow wow wow wait. You never use the Riders save for anything anymore with the new rules, you just use the innate save of the Tyrannosaurus. Will change the list accordingly, Light Armor and the likes of this are simply useless with these rules. Your mount also cannot be slaughtered out from under you with these rules.
  12. skink chief

    skink chief Active Member

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    Haha antwerp Belgium here :). Here the zwarte piete* are still zwart* :D.

    Oh yeah they did change that indeed... pff always something that makes me not want to bring my rexies :'(. Never used them yet...
  13. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Yeah well, that is a massive issue here it seems. Do not want to get into that particular can of worms, just think that it does not really matter for the kids (for whom the whole festivities are meant for) what colour the Black Petes are, so if some people have trouble with their current colour, change it i guess.

    And well, you can make them insanely killy, a lot more then you could in my perpective, especially with the Impact Hits combo, so i think he can still be competitive IMHO.
  14. Khelandros
    Cold One

    Khelandros Active Member

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    Hi there,
    I am looking to build an army for an upcoming tournament and was wondering if you -- or anyone else -- could create an all-comers, 2000-point list(s) for 8th edition. Up to 50% of the total points can be spent on lords/heroes. I have the following models available and am curious as to what I would need to round-out a competitive list.

    Built and ready-to-go
    Skinks with javelins/shield (24)
    Salamander kit (1)
    Razordon kit (1)
    Slann Mage-Priest (1)
    Kroxigors (3)
    Ripperdactyls (3)
    Skink Priest (1)
    Bastiladon w/Solar Engine (1)
    Skink Chief w/sword (1)

    New in Box

    Skinks Core (36)
    Saurus Warriors (60)
    Temple Guard (20)
    Cold One Cavalry (8)
    Skink Priest (2)
    Ripperdactyl/Terradon kits (3)
    Carnosaur/Troglodon kits (2)
    Kroxigors (9)
    Stegadon kits (2)
    Razordon kits (3)
    Salamander kits (3)
    Chameleons (10)

    Lord Kroak
    Saurus Oldblood on foot (1)
    Saurus Scar-Veteran on Cold One (1)
    Saurus Scar-Veteran BSB on foot (1)
    Skink chief with blowpipe (1)

    I would also consider forming a Skaven army if the models below could be used to form a more competitive list:

    New in Box
    Rats from Island of Blood
    Skaven Battallion
    Grey Seer (1)
    Stormfiends kit (1)
  15. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    looks like you need to build some Saurus and temple guard.
  16. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Hello there! Sorry for the somewhat late reaction, i have been very busy lately. Will look at your list now though! :). First off, you have more then enough models to form a competitive LM list, so i should really consider playing that.

    The list i built has a pretty strong core with your wizard, monsters and blocks of infantry. It controlls the rest of the board using Skinks, Chameleons to kill of warmachines, regular Skirmishers to kill monsters, other chaff and other things and the Salamanders are there to fix any problems you might have with big blocks of infantry that outclass ours like Chaos Warriors and Swordmasters. This list should make any game winnable if you play well, a poor matchup would be against Chaos Warriors with a Nurgleprince, but hell, nobody has a good matchup against that so you will just have to deal with that if you happen to meet them. At 2K, they also do not have all their tricks, so that should be a bit of a reprive.

    On my lord choices, 2K lists are always a bit of a quandry in 8th edition, the big question is wether or not to get a Slann. In tournaments, even at 2K, i really like to play with a High Slann because the outplay potential is really big if you know what you are doing when swapping out spells, it really surprises people at what such a big spellbook can do even if you explain the rules to them beforehand. It is however pretty expensive, so i choose for a pretty standard magic phase controlling Slann that should be good in any game. This Slann is cheap, you do not really need the (imho extremely strong and underrated) Soul of Stone due to Wandering Deliberations, you should have more PD and DD then your opponents due to the channeling combo and he gives that nice bubble to your army.

    On my core choices, you lack the magic number of 70 skink skirmishers plus a patrol leader to get 500 points so you can have your core tax payed by Skinks, so we will have to take a unit of Sauri. Never take those in unit sizes below 30, so we have done that. Also, never take champions as they are expensive, just take another body for a few points more. Skinks are OP in 8th, you always want at least 4 units of them in 8th, skink skirmisher swarm is by far the best thing you can do with your core choices in 8th.

    On my special choices, you ofcouse need some TG with your Slann. I personally never run a Slann with less then 25 TG as everything and their mother will be shooting at them if your opponent knows what he is doing, 90% of the time, of your frog is dead, the game is lost. Seeing as you only have 20, i made it that, but it is definitely the weak point in the list, i would consider maybe converting like 5 Saurus warriors to TG to get that magic number of 25, that's what i did to get 25. Normally i also give them a musician, but points were tight. A Bastiladon is strong in combination with all your Sauri, and it is a generally powerfull monster that really benefits from the LD10 coldblood rerolls from your Slann. A Steg combos even better with your Slann due to Stubborn, and it brings at least some long range shooting to pick off something like a lone hero on a pegasus. The Chameleon Skinks are your warmachine hunters.

    On my rare choices, Salamanders are just really good against the bunches of infantry you almost always have against you. Never run one, always run two and focus them on one unit to get that almost 100% juicy shot that gets their points worth, everything after that is just gravy. Also, always take snacks for the low low price of 4 points so they it's impossible for them to have to test after one particulary bad missfire.

    I hope i have explained the list enough for you to be able to play it at your tourney, let us know how it went and if you have any more questions i am happy to answer them!


    Slann. BSB. Banner of Discipline. Channeling Staff. Harmonic Convergence. Wandering Deliberations.


    30 Saurus Warriors. HWS. Banner. Music.
    10 Skink Skirmishers. Javelins and Shields.
    10 Skink Skirmishers. Javelins and Shields.
    10 Skink Skirmishers. Javelins and Shields.
    10 Skink Skirmishers. Javelins and Shields.


    20 TG. Banner.
    Bastiladon. Solar Engine.
    5 Chameleon Skinks.
    5 Chameleon Skinks.


    Salamander. Snack.
    Salamander. Snack.

    Total: 1998
    Lord_Itzi-Bitzi and Khelandros like this.
  17. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Also, even though i have not been very active lately, i have been playing some 9th so i am more then ready to receive requests for that now :)
  18. Khelandros
    Cold One

    Khelandros Active Member

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    Thanks for the in-depth and well-written reply. I have been primarily playing skirmish-sized games or AoS, so I do have a few questions regarding your list and larger games in general:
    1. How do Lizardmen deal with 1+ armor saves and high Toughness targets? Would the massed poisoned javelins and Strength 5 hits be sufficient for these scenarios, or should I be relying on the Slann to tip the scales?
    2. From what I have seen, it seems that Lizardmen armies tend to lean towards playing offensively and use large screens of skinks to close the gap/keep enemies at bay. Do you have any advice against playing against opponents with heavy artillery or avoidance lists?
    3. How would your list change if the model limits above were not an issue? It seems the Saurus block/Bastiladon might be removed for more skirmishers and Temple Guard, but what would you spend the remaining points on? Would squeezing in a Scar-vet cowboy w/great weapon be useful for this list?
    4. Does the expanded allowance on lords/heroes (50% for this tournament) change army lists in general? Should I expect to see more Vampire blender lords or Nurgle Daemon princes?
    5. Is it ever a good idea to flank/rear charge with skirmishers? I have always been baffled about what to do once the real fighting begins. It feels like they would just die in droves and give away CR.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2016
  19. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    I will sure answer those questions!

    1. High T and bad save is often dealt with using Poisoned Javelins, the Tomb Kings Sphinxes (T8 5+) are a great example of monsters meant to die by Skink fire. Good saves are often dealt with using either buffed up Sauri (Wyssans helps here) or even better: Searing Doom. The signature spell from the lore of Metal is really strong, especially if you cast the boosted version. In most games where i play with High Magic, i either directly start switching to Wyssans or to Searing Doom depending on the matchup, Searing Doom just squishes expensive targets like Demigryph Knights etc. It is ofcourse hard to depend on single spells, so monsters and Sauri that get buffed also work, just bait out DD from your opponent with Searing Doom and then finish it of with regular troops, or if you are really in total control of the Magic Phase simply casting Searing Doom will work.

    2. Dark Elves have right now the best combination of artillery/avoidance in the game, so i will answer this question on the back of tactics i use against them. Point for point, Skink Skirmishers almost always win out against other avoidance units. The -1 to hit, the always stand and shoot and the fact that they are so cheap makes them great at their role, there is a reason they got nerfed so extremely in 9th. The only thing that can really get them is their leidership, always try to keep your units of Skinks at least 6.1'' apart from eachother to not have them panic on mass. Against the Dark Riders and the Warlocks your opponent fields, if you simply have enough Skinks, you win out the grind purely on quailty of troops as long as you can stop them from casting to many Doombolts. Their artillery is the bigger problem and a real weakness of the LM. Using the terrain, putting Chameleon Skinks in front of their artillery to grant your own troops Hard Cover and hunting their warmachines in other ways is how you deal with it, but against DE, their really strong heroes on Pegasi and the Bolt Throwers are just hard to beat, and only really beaten when you control the board and outplay your opponent, silly as it sounds. Playing with a lot of chaff/avoidance/artillery requires a lot of skill to do right, so often in these games, the more experienced players tends to win.

    3. The Saurus block would be removed for more Skinks so you have 60 in total. Then i would not neccesarily cut the Bastiladon as that would make it so that you only have one monster in your list, target saturation is another way to counter enemy cannons, so having only one is pretty bad. In these small ammounts of points you barely do not have any space for a Scarvet, even though the GW 1+ rerollable Scarvet is really strong, also when going solo. I would just get some more TG from the points you get from cutting the Sauri, and say your list is pretty well optmized.

    4. In my experience it has had very little influence on games, most armies want to field one expensive lord (or Slann, a blender lord, a Nurgleprince, a Grey Seer, a Highborn on a Stardragon) that already fits in the 600 points you get for lords in standard 2.4K games. Getting multiple of those is often not possible due to singular item restrictions and they often give diminishing returns.. This would ofcourse not be true if you would be playing with the End Times rules (where the 50% rule actually originated from) because it gives you the option to run ridiculous models like Nagash, but as you are not playing with those rules, it should not matter in your tournament.

    5. To win combat, no. A combat where Skinks are involved should always be one your are completely ready to lose, because Skinks are utter shit in CC. So do not side charge them, even against really shitty enemies like Skeletons you will still bleed CR. Salamanders are better fitted for that job, they actually have decent toughness, some wounds and they do pack a punch with S5, so use them to support CC, and just see your Skink Skirmishers as a job wel done VP saved kind of deal when there is just CC on the table, they will not be contributing to combat anyway if they get involved.
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2022
    Khelandros likes this.
  20. sotek1tepok11
    Jungle Swarm

    sotek1tepok11 New Member

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    2250 tournament looking for super competitive I own no Krox chameleons or terradons. I have only 26 temple guard but on plus side 100s of skinks and saurus 2 bastadons 5 Stegs 2 ancient Stegs many cav 2 carnosaurs (1 old metal one lol) 12 rippers all kinds of swarm bases loads of characters... expecting alot of chaos and elf thanks I'm advance if I posted this correctly lol
    airjamy likes this.

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