AoS A few 2000pt order army's for tournament

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Joeg, Aug 10, 2016.

  1. Joeg
    Jungle Swarm

    Joeg New Member

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    been lurking on here a while and thought I'd post some list ideas

    Some of these have been taken/adjusted from beanies list emporium thread.

    What do you guys think?
    These are built with tournaments in mind.

    List one (shooty/survival list):

    Heavens watch star host
    Star seer (the re rolls for imitative is too good to not have)
    Skink priest
    Star priest
    2 X bastilladon
    3x10 Saurus
    2x 5 chamos
    Jade wizard
    Gryphon hound


    List two (assault list)
    Blood claw star host
    Old blood on carno
    Scar vet on carno
    Vet on cold one
    Sun blood
    3x 10 warriors

    Celestial hurricanum (mortal wounds and +1 to hit)
    Star seer
    2 x5 chamos
    2x gryphon hound


    List three (balanced)
    3 X 10 Saurus
    2 X bastilladon
    Standard bearer
    Star seer
    Jade wizard
    Scar vet on carno
    Skink priest
    Gryphon hound
    2 X 5 chamos


    List four (alternative/dread suarian)

    Scar vet on carno
    Dread Saurian
    Star seer
    Skink priest
    Jade wizard
    Gryphon hound
    3 X 10 Saurus

    1960 pts

    Obviously haven't gone into too many tactics but think each list is obvious in its style - I try and go for a lot of synergies between units (dread Saurian -2 bravery and carno roar for example).

    What you guys think?

    Bowser and InfamousBeany like this.
  2. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Those are all interesting lists.

    Personally I would go for something totally different.

    I need to think on points, but my idea would involve an Eternal Starhost with Starseer, defending and buffing 3-4 dwarfs warmachines with engineer , and some fast units (surely some chama) to take objectives.
    Not so many synergies , but you threaten and hit hard the whole battlefield since turn 1
    Bowser likes this.
  3. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    These look pretty good, if you play test them let us know, if I play test one I will let you know how it did.
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2016
  4. InfamousBeany
    Cold One

    InfamousBeany Well-Known Member

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    @Joeg Great to see someone starting to splash in those Jade mages!

    Some very interesting lists, my pick for favourite is probably List 2- through my own experience, I played a very similar list a short while back and it is a hell of a lot of fun to play. You've made some really cool little changes, I especially like the Hurricanum addition- so many mortal wounds! Having a Gryph hound nearby is absolutely brutal for any fast deploying army, and the fact that the Hurricanum also buffs all your nearby units as well is just the icing on the cake.

    The only real change I would consider would be to drop the starseer and one of the Gryph hounds, this would give you 200 points to spend on something like a Jade wizard (especially good with your high quantity of heroes- that healing is just too awesome) or perhaps a skink starpriest, and my new favourite tech unit: Sylvaneth Tree Revenants. These can pop up in either a sylvaneth wildwood or 3" from a battlefield edge, and have rend on their combat attacks. Really really nice for supporting your Chamo skinks with a combat unit, and are pretty decent at hunting warmachines Don't forget that the Hurricanum will also add 1 to the casting rolls of all your empire battlemages (including itself), so it would be remiss to pass up using an ability like that a bit more. One last note would be to remember that a Hurricanum is a Hero, so can take an artefact- a Phoenix stone would be amazing, as it keeps you in the highest damage bracket for longer (especially with that Jade mage!).

    @Killer Angel I really find myself struggling to actually want to use the Eternal Starhost right now, especially as glorified body guards. Mobility and flexibility are absolutely key right now, and the release of the Beastclaw Raiders has rather diminished Guards' survivability. Ironically, I think that the Hurricanum would almost singlehandedly counter the concept you proposed, as it can nice and easily snipe off warmachine crew and then go to work taking chunks out of the surrounding Guard- not to mention that poor Camo Skinks will get mulched if they try and get near your HVT's as the gryph hound will direct a mortal wound bombardment at them. Then you're facing down some rather mobile killy Heroes with your battleline, yikes.

    Great stuff @Joeg , I look forward to seeing some news on how these perform!
    Bowser likes this.
  5. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Frankly, without support, i don't see how. Cannons have superior range and i am not going to place my crews within your 28" first turn range.
    Hurricanum is strong, 2 of them would be a problem, but a single one is not the definitive weapon.
    Bowser likes this.
  6. Joeg
    Jungle Swarm

    Joeg New Member

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    List two is indeed one of my favourites also, however I couldn't drop the star seer

    The re rolls are far to valuable, along with curse of fate.

    Rerolls on initiative are massive - imagine a double turn with this army!
    And curse of fate is amazing, I'm thinking on the hurricanum

    Reroll in that hero phase (failed casting of comet, rerolls damage),
    the shooting phase - rerolls of the 3d6 for damage - curse of fate here to turn a 5 (d3 damage) into a 6 (d6 damage)
    The combat phase (if it's in combat)
    The enemy's hero phase for dispelling
    The enemy's shooting phase for armour saves (rerolls and potentially +1)
    Rerolls in combat phase (save or attacks)

    I could easily drop a hound, but had the 40 points so thought I'd put it in, maybe not worth it with triumph stuff and what not, not sure.

    Would love to add a jade wizard to the list, but would have to drop likely some chamos - might be worth it, again not sure at the minute.

    Thanks for all the thoughts / input. I'm going to be using one of these lists this weekend - just trying to figure out which one. I'll post a little write up after tournament this Sunday.

    Bowser likes this.
  7. InfamousBeany
    Cold One

    InfamousBeany Well-Known Member

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    @Joeg Great points, fully agree with that reasoning. Dropping one unit of Camo skinks and one Gryph hound lets you take a Jade wizard amd a Salamander, but not sure if that is worth the drop in versatility. Tough one!

    @Killer Angel Hurricanum is absolutely not a definitive weapon, but I cringe internally at the thought of saurus guard being subjected to it. I think the local meta of Beast Claw Riders may be getting to me :eek: I may also be biased in that I have never really seen cannons and the like pay off that well. If you're using a bunch of scenery (which the game excels with) or any mobile attackers like camo skinks or Shadowstrike rippers, they tend to be less than satisfactory. May try using some for myself, see how they work. Thats what I love about this game, always something new to test out!
    Bowser likes this.

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