9th Age Sals 2500 pt Monster Heavy

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Saldoravia, Jun 29, 2016.


Do I need more beasties?!

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  1. Saldoravia
    Jungle Swarm

    Saldoravia New Member

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    Hey guys so I'm getting into T9A & came up with this list, I'm trying to use as much of the models that I already have to avoid throwing more cash at this hobby.. heres my 2.5k list

    (Sorry in advance for the shorthand)

    Heavens High Skink on Tauro(Sharp Horns) - Jade Staff/StarFall Shard/D Scroll (was thinking of giving him the Spear)
    -Supposed to counter charge / Assist the Warriors / Minimise Enemy shooting with Heavens

    Skink Cpt on A.Ramph - Egg/Dragonscale Helm/Lucky charm - light lance/shield/light armour
    -Potentially Solo or with Riders
    Skink Cpt on A.Ptera - Serpernt Bow/Hardened Shield/Talisman of Sheild - Light armour
    -Pretty obvious what he does
    Vet Carno - AoD - Shield/Lance/Light armour (thought about giving him a halb instead)
    -On the fence with this guy, basically got the model = must use
    -Could be Bsb


    35 Warriors - Spear + Serpent/Piranha Warriors? FC
    -Serpent or Piranhas?
    -Will Serpent even stack with spears?
    -Blizzard -1 leadership with Piranhas might be cool (If I understand the fear rule correctly)

    3x10 Skinks - Jav - Poisoned CC?
    -Maybe just poisoned Javs would be better

    4 Ramph Riders (No Shields)
    Thyro - Sun Engine
    -Supports the Warriors when they come out to play

    Stygio - Breath Wep/Pred Roar
    -Yep, You guessed it. Supports the Warriors with the Roar and spits at other stuff
    -What's the point of a 60pt Champion??

    Tauro - Horns/Blowpipes


    -Obviously there is no BsB, I haven't played a game of 9th yet so I don't know just how crucial they are
    -Unsure about the High Skink, In my head it kinda works but still doubtful

    -Its not a HUGE monster list but 5 big dinos..

    Anyway what do ya'll think :)
  2. Rokanos

    Rokanos Well-Known Member

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    -The 60pt champion on the Styg is what actually gives you the spells (it's poorly formatted - I looked at it the exact same way), it also gives the model +1 wound.

    -You definitely need a BSB. They are just as crucial as they were in 8th ed. Making your Carno the bsb will give you an 18" bubble, but don't forget the baby carno has frenzy, and you can kit him up to have a 2+ armor save and 4+ ward save (which i highly recommend).

    -As far as I know (9th age guys, please correct me if I'm wrong here), the piranhas stacks with spears, which is a nice combo.

    -I would skip the horns upgrade on the stegs, it's...meh.

    -I'd personally take those skinks as naked groups of 10, but that's just me. If you can drop a couple of them and still hit your minimum core, i'd do it and pick up some chameleon skinks instead (they are still just as good as they were)

    - From what I've heard/seen/read (again, 9th age guys...feel free to correct me here) .. the skink characters on ptera or ramph rarely get their points back, so i'd drop those if you can.

    -What other models do you have to work with?
  3. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    It does not give the model an extra +1 wound, it is counted as monstrous cavalry; which has a combined profile. It uses the highest value among all parts.
    Still, it is worth the upgrade; because you get 2 very good spells, +1 WS (for the entire model!), and +1 BS (only for the poisoned javelin) and even 1 whole extra attack from the skink. Yeah, those last 2 don't really matter. But the wizard conclave really does matter.

    Absolutely! BSB = must-have. The suggestion of the carno-BSB is one I like. 2+, 4++ save and 18" Re-roll bubble is pretty solid.
    Just remember just because you have an awesome model, he is far from invincible o_O

    The Serpent totem stacks with the spears, yes.
    The Piranha totem stacks with Blizzard, yes.

    Piranha and spears have no particular stacking :p, but I guess that's just a typo :).

    As far as the rest goes:

    Sharp Horns is nice if you rely on the stegadon to do the killing. If you really want that, you probably want a captain with the spear of the stampede on there as well...
    Sharp Horns is nice, but not necessary IMHO.

    If you want to give them a poison upgrade, I think poisoned javs is indeed better.
    That way they can move and shoot, and stand and shoot.
    With close combat poison...well if any of them are left standing; you get 10 poisoned attacks vs 10 stand and shoot + any random other shots you take

    10 naked skinks is also fine (like Rokanos said), use them to redirect and use the points to get chameleons which are very good.

    Skink characters are (again; IMHO) solid. But not amazing. They do their job fine, but maybe you only need the one with the serpent bow. That guy is very multifunctional. 1 flying skink chief will probably get it's use, 2 is much harder to really use effectively. But it's still possible and it is still solid!

    Good luck!

    The Hunted
  4. Rokanos

    Rokanos Well-Known Member

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    Yep, definitely a typo there:oops::p

    Good catch on the +1 wound... Dang... That actually makes me rethink taking the upgrade heh. Not that I've ever had it come down to that extra wound mattering at all, but still.

    If it was classified as a monster, would it then get the +1 wound? @The Hunted just curious.
  5. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Hmm..tough question.
    I think it can never be a monster, because it has a rider (it actually says 'skink rider') and therefore it becomes a Ridden Monster. Which uses the monster's profile and therefore does not get an extra wound.

    That would be my interpretation :)

    The Hunted

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