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Blog Warden's Other Paint Log

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by Warden, Aug 17, 2016.

  1. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    I have already posted the majority of my Lizardmen army and terrain over at my first paint log, so here are my other Warhammer painting projects that occasionally distract me from our jungle-bound home.

    other paint blog_scroll.png
    Big highlights include:
    • Kingdom of Jeruga- Lustrian Bretonnians (full army photos as of JUN19)
    • The Remnant- Space Marines/Black Templars
    • Luftwaaaagh- Flying Orks (full army photos as of SEP20)
    • Ryza Forgeworld- Adeptus Mechanicus (full army photos as of OCT20)
    • Sekiaghara Project- Samurai Army/Test of Honour (full army photos as of JUN19)
    • Necromunda- aliens and samurai jack

    Page 1
    • Lustrian Bretonnians:
      • Foot Knights
      • Knights of the Realm
      • Knights of the Temple
      • Men-at-Arms
      • Peasant Bowmen
      • Hedge Wizards of Lustria
      • Jungle Trebuchets
      • Lone Pegasus Knight
    Page 2
    • Lustrian Bretonnians:
      • Grail and Questing Knights (WIP)
      • Custom Grail Reliaque (WIP)
      • Lore on army characters
      • Heraldry of the Royal Family
      • Foot Knight/Golden Serpent 2016 entry
    • Black Templars:

    Page 3

    Page 4
    • Bretonnian movement Trays
    • Fixing jungle trebuchets

    Page 5
    • Undead: casting wings and assembling a DRAGON
    • Lustrian Bretonnians:
      • Casting jungle trebuchets
      • Jousting terrain and tents

    Page 6
    • Lustrian Bretonnians:
      • Jousting terrain
      • Casting Men-at-arms
      • Knights of the Temple (based)
      • Men-at-arms movement trays
    Page 7
    • Lustrian Bretonnians:
      • Men-at-arms
      • Jungle Trebuchets with crews
      • Merry-Men
      • Peasant Archers
      • The Leper King (custom Grail Reliaque) and grail pilgrims
    Page 8
    • Ork Flying Circus: triplanes WIP
    • Rebasing my Knights of the Realm/Templars
    • Foot Knights
    • Some group Lustrian Bretonnian photos
    Page 9
    • Painting an Amazon (Freebooter Miniatures)
    • Fright Knights: painting Undead
      • Skeletons (Kings of War)
      • Wight King
      • Zombie Dragon
    • Aku and Samurai Jack
    • Ork Flying Circus: painting Triplanes
    • Star Wars- X-Wing: Star Destroyer Project WIP
    Page 10
    • Ork Flying Circus:
      • painting Triplanes
      • painting Ork Nobs
      • mini-tutorial: painting ork checkers
    Page 11
    Page 12
    • Ork Flying Circus:
      • Ork Boyz and flame tokens
      • Snoopy Ork
      • Savage Ork Weirdboy WIP
      • Savage Ork Lootas
    Page 13
    • Ork Flying Circus:
      • Savage Ork Weirdboy
      • Savage Orcs
      • Casting x5 more Triplanes
    • Bretonnian Treeman: WIP
    Page 14
    Page 15
    Page 16
    • Necromunda
      • Aku-bots
      • Monkar (samurai jack bounty hunter)
      • Alien Scum complete
      • Futuristic scatter terrain
    • Ironskull Boyz
    • Samurai Army Project
      • Bandits complete
      • Ii clan ashigaru
      • Samurai commanders painted
    Page 17
    • Samurai Army Project- completed as of JAN19
      • Basing materials
    • Necromunda
      • Futuristic scatter terrain
      • Samurai jack- double based
      • Aku
    • Samurai Army Project
      • Terrain basing project
      • Ashigaru
    Page 18
    Page 19
    Page 20
    Page 21
    • Samurai Army Project
      • Tokugawa Ashigaru and samurai on foot
      • Samurai Board and terrain pieces WIP
      • Complete Samurai Board photos along with completed Samurai heroes/Tokugawa Ashigaru
    • Orks
      • Rebased Lootas
      • Burna Boyz WIP/Complete
    Page 22
    • Orks
      • Lootas
      • Ork Zeppelin WIP
      • Ork Zeppelin Hindenbork complete
      • Tankbustas
      • Savage Ork Burnas WIP
      • Next two ork zeppelins WIP
    Page 23
    • Orks
      • Ork weirdboy with wings WIP
      • Ork Zeppelins WIP
      • Orc Tribals (Mordheim) complete
      • 24-hr painting challenge complete
      • Ork Zeppelins Orkron and the Morkon complete
      • Savage Ork Burnas and Flying weirdboy complete
      • Luftwaaaagh- Ork Army Photos
    • Adeptus Mechanicus- Ryza Forgeworld
      • Sicarian Infiltrators
      • Skitarii Rangers
    Page 24
    • Adeptus Mechanicus- Ryza Forgeworld
      • Sydonian Dragoon complete
      • Skitarii Rangers complete
      • Techpriest Dominus complete
      • Archaeoraptor (WIP)
      • Skitarii Vanguard complete
      • Onager Dunecrawler WIP/complete
    • Samurai Project- Cherry Tree Bases
    • Adeptus Mechanicus- Ryza Forgeworld
      • Archaeoraptor Complete
      • Dunecrawler Complete
      • Admech Army Photos
    Page 25
    • Adeptus Mechanicus- Archaeoraptor Cockpit
    Other Warhammer Fantasy:

    Lustrian Bretonnians (more pics over on the Round Table; edit: sadly this link no longer works :( Long Live Bretonnia!!!)

    1 x Bretonnian Lord on warhorse (hand weapon, shield)
    1 x Paladin on warhorse (battle standard bearer)
    4 x Wizards on foot
    10 x Bretonnian Knights on Foot

    16 x Knights of the Realm (two units of 8; full command)
    18 x Knights of the Temple (Knights Errant; two units of 9; full command)
    9 x Questing Knights (WIP)
    6 x Grail Knights (WIP)
    3 x Pegasus Knights (WIP)

    80 x Men-at-Arms (four units of 20; full command)
    40 x Peasant Bowmen (four units of 10; partial command)
    18 x Grail Pilgrims (plus Grail Reliquae/Leper King)
    4 x Trebuchets (each with 4 x crewmembers)

    Orcs and Goblins

    6x Orc Savages
    1x Goblin Pirate and 1x Powder Monkey


    1 x dwarf pirate (WIP)
    [insert future pirate dwarf army here]


    1x Wight Lord
    20x Skeleton Warriors
    1x zombie dragon (WIP)

    Warhammer 40K:

    Black Templars

    1 x Crusade Marshal
    1 x Emperor's Champion
    1 x Chaplain (and his chaplain's assistant)

    28 x Combat Marines (close combat weapons and bolt pistols, four units of 7)
    12 x Ranged Marines (bolters/ranged weapons, two units of 6)
    20 x Neophytes (close combat weapons, four groups of 5 in close combat marine squads)

    2 x Dreadnoughts
    7 x Tanks (Scratch Built Rhino chassis, can be numerous combinations of x6 razorbacks, x3 vindicators, x3 annihilators, or x3 destructors)


    1 x Ork Warboss (and his pet attack squig and cybork sidekick)
    8 x Nobz
    2 x Weirdboyz (signaller and the flyer)
    1 x Snoopy Ork (on doghouse)

    42 x Ork Boyz (four units of 10, two extra Big Shootas)
    20 x Storm Boyz (each with a Nob)
    15 x Lootas
    10 x Burnas
    2 x Tankbustas

    5 x Ork Triplanes
    5 x Ork Triplanes (WIP)
    3 x Ork Zeppelins (chinork warkoptas)

    Adeptus Mechanicus

    1x Techpriest Dominus (magnetized)

    10x Skitarii Rangers (2x arquebusiers)
    10x Skitarii Vanguard (2x Plasma)
    5x Sicarian Infiltrators (w/ powerswords magnetized)
    1x Sydonian Dragoon (magnetized to also be an ironstrider)
    1x Onager Dunecrawler (magnetized for all weapon options)
    1x Archaeoraptor (magnetized as either fighter or bomber)

    Other Games:

    1x Amazon Chieftess (Freebooter Minis)
    20x Native American Indians (WIP- Blood and Plunder)
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2020
  2. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Sig 1 Take Pride in your Colors.jpg

    Lustrian Bretonnians

    All started with a box-set of knights of the realm that my brother gave me, which sat on the shelf for years until I thought of a good color scheme.

    Kingdom of Jeruga, a Bretonnian colony in the New World


    Some of my knights on foot:

    Sir Baldwin the Mud Knight

    This guy was my test knight, first heraldry I ever painted on a Bretonnian shield. He is based now but I cant find a picture...

    Knights of the Temple (On foot)
    Mordheim 1.jpg

    Just a couple more test minis that I made much later into my Lustrian Bretonnian project. The intent is to use them for Mordheim games. Each one is mostly resin-cast that I produced myself. I am particularly proud of the great-sword wielding knight.

    Mordheim 2.jpg

    Most of my WIP pictures for my Lustrian Bretonnians are located over at the Round Table, my other Warhammer home.
  3. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Knights of the Realm

    My favorite units! And the most classically Bretonnian. Currently I have two units of Knights of the Realm and two Knights of the Temple, which are just Errants by another name (they are zealous or something)

    Lance of Prince Godfrey

    KOTR 2.jpg

    KOTR 5.jpg

    KOTR 10.jpg

    Lance of Count Raymond
    KOTR 6.jpg

    KOTR 7.jpg

    KOTR 8.jpg
  4. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Knights of the Temple

    My count-as Knights Errant. Cool thing about these guys is aside from their lances, standard, and some of the heads they are almost entirely resin-cast, including the horses.

    Lance of Prince Robert the Templar

    KT 3.jpg

    KT 4.jpg

    Lance of Sir Bohemund the Evangelist

    KT 8.jpg

    KT 10.jpg

    KT 11.jpg

    KT 7.jpg

    Standard Bearer
    KT 9.jpg
    Crowsfoot, tom ndege, Jorgik and 3 others like this.
  5. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Group Templar shot!

    KT 13.jpg

    Most of these guys haven't been based yet, they will be someday!
  6. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    These all look great! Amazing work on the heraldry, and my favourite is Sir Baldwin the Mud Knight!
    Warden likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Awesome stuff @Warden ! Long live the Bretonnians.
    Warden likes this.
  8. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    They look excellent! One fast advice; I don´t know it you thin down the paint you use but if you don´t you should give it a try. That would help you get a smoother pain coat on you models, remember that 2 thin coats are always better than a thick one ;)
    Warden, tom ndege and NIGHTBRINGER like this.
  9. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    The downtrodden masses of the Bretonnian kingdoms. A lot of people miss the older peasant models, but personally I loved how characterful and gritty they look. Thanks to my casting projects I have been able to churn out quite a few of them, I have a lot still to do!

    Currently have two units of trusty Men-at-Arms (both based!), the first in the employ of Count Raymond of Luon, the second in the employ of the Knights of the Temple.
    Men at Arms based 2.jpg

    Men at Arms based 3.jpg
    Men at Arms based 1.jpg

    Peasant Bowmen
    I have broken the archers up into four units of ten, each dedicated to a different lord/faction. Not completely finished yet of course, but I have put together some characterful mantlets for use during siege scenarios!
    Yellow Archers 1.jpg

    Archers 4.jpg
    Yellow Archers 2.jpg

    Archers 3.jpg
  10. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Heroes on Foot

    Some more pictures of my knights on foot (I found the based pictures...) and my hedge wizards!
    Foot Knights based.jpg

    Sir Baldwin (Third son of the King of Jeruga), and the Knights of the Temple Sir Edward (with ax), Sir Hoenheim (sword), and Sir Alphonse (greatsword).

    Quick picture of the Templars leading an example Mordheim band!

    And here are the Hedge Wizards of Lustria. I originally bought a single box of Empire Wizards because it was MUCH cheaper than buying a single Bretonnian damsel at the time (they were all metal models). They were what started me casting my own models; after casting the wizard's robes I was able to make four instead of just two. After some creative bits use I was able to make four very different wizards!

    Wizards 7 based.jpg

    From left to right:
    Rufus the Good, Tim the Bad, Mathus the Ugly, and Bathasar the Weird.
  11. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Oh so sweet! I do enjoy seeing the models of the characters I am reading about! And the rest are just so awesome! The 4 wizards out of two os amazing! You wouldn't even know those weren't bought that way! So much great stuff here!
    Warden and Jorgik like this.
  12. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    Love the siege archers!! And your Mordheim warband!! And you wizards!! Really want to see an army shot on your terrain!! Love your army all the models are painted, mine barely get to be 40% of the army :joyful::joyful:
    Warden and Bowser like this.
  13. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Thanks for the compliments! I don't have a full army shot with my terrain as it is, the closest thing I have is the wide shot of my knights charging down next to my (unfinished at the time) fortress walls. I liked the pictures, they reminded me out of something from the old White Dwarf magazines!

  14. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    I love that kind of pictures!!
    Warden likes this.
  15. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Very nice @Warden I love them all, good work on the wizards.

    Side note: before I went on holiday my mother-in-law had me clear out her loft and I found a carry bag full of my old models, all metal from the 80ies and most are painted badly, will put some pics up when I get time.
    BeardyGecko, Bowser, Warden and 2 others like this.
  16. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    More pics of the wizards, plus the fluff blurb I created for them.

    Wizard 3.jpg
    Rufus the Good- a wandering hermit-wizard long marooned on the shores of Lustria; travels the New World from Jeruga to Swamp Town to Skeggi, offering his services as a bounty hunter, jungle pathfinder, and general wizard-for-hire.

    Tim the Bad.jpg
    Tim the Bad- deadly and terrifying wizard assassin who uses his spells to slay with impunity. Is hired by local warlords and merchants because once he is paid, he always gets the job done.
    - Definitely my favorite creation of the four (for obvious reasons) shown here with one of my jungle catapults, raining down fire from above!

    WIzards 5.jpg
    Mathus the Ugly- hideously scarred wizard who works closely with the black market and secret underbelly of Lustrian-town society. In these circles he is well known as a tomb robber and procurer of rare New World jungle artifacts of great power. Is known to have recently embarked upon an expedition to the Lost Temple of Kopan, his whereabouts are yet to be disclosed...

    Bathasar the Weird.jpg
    Bathasar the Weird- an exiled Astrologist of the Celestial order of Wizards. Since his banishment from the Empire and the Old World, he has taken up residence in the royal court of Jeruga, as well as working closely with the Order of the Temple as seer, advisor, and court chronicler.
  17. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    These wizards are all fantastic. The fluff blurbs are brilliant. A small amount of background detail like that goes a long way!
    Jorgik likes this.
  18. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Jungle Trebuchets

    I never could justify buying the Bretonnian trebuchet when it was still in production due to its cost... $50 plus bucks... So when it came time for me to fill out the rare slots of my Bretonnian ranks I decided to create my own!

    Trebuchet WIP 6.jpg

    They are all based on the same clay model, which I cast with resin and duplicated four times. Nice and cheap, cost me about $20 for the materials to build all four with tons of resin left over to manufacture ranks of men-at-arms, archers, and knights.

    Trebuchet WIP 3.jpg

    In the previous one you can see the base trays at an earlier stage of construction. They are not done yet, due to me being unable to decide exactly how they should look.

    Trebuchet WIP 4.jpg

    Trebuchet WIP 5.jpg

    Really loved how they turned out, even if they are a bit frumpy. They were so much fun to put together and paint, knowing that I had created them all from scratch! Now I just need to make the crews... :shifty: dirty peasants.
    Trebuchet WIP 1.5.jpg

    Trebuchet WIP 1.jpg

    Trebuchet WIP 2.jpg
    Crowsfoot, Wolfwerty33, n810 and 2 others like this.
  19. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Also here is a quick one of my Pegasus knight, still needs some work of course. And a base!

    Pegasus Knight 1.jpg
    Crowsfoot, kubapj, n810 and 2 others like this.
  20. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    I like the trebuchet´s counter-weights!! :D
    Bowser likes this.

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