AoS New Seraphon player - help with skink list

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Agentp, Aug 19, 2016.

  1. Agentp
    Jungle Swarm

    Agentp New Member

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    Hi folks. I'm a long time warhammer player, and have been playing AoS since release. At the end of 8th, I traded for a large (then lizardmen) army. I'm now toying with the idea of breaking that out of storage and painting it up for a tournament. The tournament will be using the GH matched play scenarios. I'm motivated mostly by the looks of the models, which have always been great, and the new Shattered Dominion bases which just scream out Seraphon to me.

    I've always been more of a fan of the skink, than the saurus. And of course, I love the big dinos. So with that in mind, I've eyeballed a list. But having yet to play a single game with, or against, Seraphon in AoS, I have no idea if this is remotely viable. I'm hoping people here can help.

    Skink Starpriest (100)
    Engine of the Gods (240)

    Skinks x 20 (160)
    Skinks x 20 (160)
    Skinks x 20 (160)
    Ripperdactyl Riders x 9 (420)

    Bastiladon (300)
    Stegadon (260)
    Troglodon (200)

    Total: 2000/2000
    dwarfepic and Bowser like this.
  2. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    This is pretty decent, but if you're playing matched play, I would take out the engine. I would leave it in for free play or if you had a Slann in this list, but as you don't I would free those points up for other things.
    I would take the Shadowstrike Starhost and two skink chiefs. One as your general.
    dwarfepic likes this.
  3. Agentp
    Jungle Swarm

    Agentp New Member

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    I can definitely do that, thanks!
  4. Agentp
    Jungle Swarm

    Agentp New Member

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    Out of curiosity, what artifacts of order do people recommend?
  5. dwarfepic
    Chameleon Skink

    dwarfepic Active Member

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    I would make the skinks as one unit of thirty and then have two of ten. That way you get a main core unit and two to stay back and hold objectives.

    Then, what is the troglodon for? With no slann for arcane vassal then three kroxigor would be a much better melee option.

    Next, nine rippers in a unit is rather excesive. It would be better to do two units of three, as you have more flexibility and more blot toads. then with your spare points (240 from all cut units) put in a salamender and a unit of handlers, to compensate for the loss of the trog and its spit. I also dont think you have enough magic so a starpriest/seer would be a welcome addition.

    Or do as bowser said by removing the EoTG and place a slann in. The instead of the starpriest/seer, put in more handlers and sallies.

    All in all, the strong monster contingent with basi and stego, will be a real pain to deal with. Kroxigor, even in small units are horrendous, and rippers can do nice board control.
    Bowser likes this.
  6. Agentp
    Jungle Swarm

    Agentp New Member

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    The problem with small units, like 3 razors, as well as all the monsters, is that in 4 of the 6 GH scenarios they cannot contest objectives, as it requires 5+ models. That's why I made the razor unit at 9. That would also be why I'm concerned with skink units at 10, as a stiff breeze can drop them below 5 and render them useless for objectives.

    The trog, I agree is inefficient points. I do love the model though.
    Bowser likes this.

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