AoS Beany's List Emporium

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by InfamousBeany, Jul 15, 2016.

  1. InfamousBeany
    Cold One

    InfamousBeany Well-Known Member

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    Hey guys, been furiously brainstorming lists now that I have finally had some quality time to pore over the leaks and rules, here is what I'm starting with- 3 rather different lists. Gimme your thoughts on viablity, coolness, dumbness, cheesiness, changes etc.

    List 1: Heal-o-tron [2000]

    Heavenswatch Starhost 100
    Starseer 100
    Starpriest 100
    Priest 100
    Bastiladon 300
    Stegadon 260
    Ripperdactyls (3) 140

    Scar-vet on Carno 260
    3x Saurus Warriors (10) 300

    Kurnoth Hunters (3) 180
    Battlemage (Jade) 100

    So the plan here is a slow but steady advance up the table or towards objectives, pumping out ranged damage with the hunters, basi and steg. The point of interest with this list is healing- Jade battlemage, Heavenswatch starhost and a Phoenix Stone will keep all my heavy hitters in play. Carno and Rippers offer faster answers to objective taking or troublesome units, priest can potentially give my large healing blob re-rolls to saves. Nasty stuff, hard to shift off the table. Nice all round/ all-comers list, won't have an awful matchup against anything off the top of my head. Does lack in specialisation however, and model count is low.

    List 2: Hunting Party [2000]

    Shadowstrike Starhost 120
    Starpriest 100
    2x Chameleon Skinks (5) 240
    Ripperdactyls (3) 140

    Bloodclaw Starhost 100
    Oldblood on Carno 320
    Scar Vet on Carno 260
    Scar Vet on Cold One 100
    Sunblood 120
    3x Warriors (10) 300

    Battlemage (Jade) 100
    Battlemage (Amber) 100

    I really really like this list- 3 key components:

    • "Hunting Party" The 3 mounted Heroes. The starhost lets them maintain a net of command abilities that affect each other, they all move at the same speed (fast), they are very very killy and best of all, each one can take an artefact. Absolutely awesome.
    • "Screw yo warmachines" The Cham skinks and Rippers. These guys have unrivalled ability to kill off stray wizards, soft generals, priests, banners, warmachines etc. Even better when buffed with the starhost, and they can work well independently of my other units.
    • "Base of Operations" The warrior blob, Sunblood and wizards. These guys will constantly be running/marching forward, handing out buffs like candy. Sunblood can babysit the warriors, letting them shred a unit he chooses. The wizards can heal, buff and shield whatever they need. Worthy of note, the Amber wizard's +1 to wound affects the Starpriests Serpent staff ability, which you can use on a carnosaur, which can be making 7 of those jaw attacks...eeyup. Also decent ranged healing too, because staying power is always nice, and keeping these beasties at maximum killing potential is imperative.
    So as you can see, this army has insane amounts of natural buffs, synergies and strategies- so many that I can't even begin to think how to condense them into a single post. The gist is that in lieu of a lot of shooting, you play hyper aggressively. May get overwhelmed by swarm based armies and can struggle with tarpits, but good god is it hilarious listing off how many effects are active on any given unit. Maybe when I'm a bit more awake I'll go into more detail :rolleyes:

    List 3: Get Off My Lawn! (aka The Cheese Board) [2000]

    Please be aware, if you're lactose intolerant, this list may kill you. You have been warned.

    2x Bastiladons 600
    2x Kurnoth Hunters (3) 360
    3x Salamanders 180
    Skink Handlers (3) 40
    Gryph Hound 40

    Starpriest 100
    Astrolith Bearer 160
    Sunblood 120
    3x Saurus Warriors (10) 300

    Battlemage (Jade) 100

    Wooooooo that is a LOT of shots. Let's take a look:

    4D6 / 20" / 4+ / 3+ / -1 / 2
    3 / 12" / 3+ / 3+ / -2 / D6
    All the above can re-roll to hit.

    8 / 30" / 4+ / 3+ / -1 / D3
    4 / 30" / 3+ / 3+ / -1 / D3

    So, on average, 29 shots. Or around 61 damage (very very rough averages). Per turn.

    Above and beyond that, you can re-roll hits with basi and the salamanders, and any deep striking units get absolutely nuked off the board thanks to the Gryph hound. And the Jade wizard can heal up damaged hunters or basi's. And we have some of the best tarpit infantry in the game backed up with the Sunblood to slowly march forward.

    Make no mistake, this is a "I really want to get rid of my friends" list. Gameplan turn one would be to cast starlight on one basi, and shield on another, then march slightly forward, fire. Its definitely not a refined list. Point at what you want wiped off the board each turn and do so. Please be careful though, your opponents' salty tears may damage your nice paintjobs.

    So gents, what do we think? I'd love to hear any and all thoughts/recommendations/insults you have for me. Hopefully I can answer any questions you have about playstyles/tactics. For those just getting into AoS or Matched Play, let me know if anything needs clarification, I'll be more than happy to help.

  2. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    I think get off my lawn is my favourite just for the title alone. Old ones indeed.
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  3. InfamousBeany
    Cold One

    InfamousBeany Well-Known Member

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    I have to say, I am struggling a little bit with smaller points size armies.

    Anyone have any tips on synergy based 1000 points lists?
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  4. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Point me too the leaks I have not seen anything as yet!
  5. InfamousBeany
    Cold One

    InfamousBeany Well-Known Member

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  6. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    I really love your list. These tactic threads were in need of a new angle and a fresh approach! :)

    Just an idea I was working on. It was seraphon only, but can be developed to include other order units.

    2 razordon + 2 salamanders (you could do 3 and 1, at your pleasure) + 3 handlers (280 pts)
    2 x 10 skinks (160)
    1 battlemage jade (100)
    1 Starseer (160)
    1 Steam Tank (or Basti) 300

    you'll have 3 groups:
    - razor / sallies
    - skinks with Starseer and battlemage
    - skinks with Tank

    skinks are there just to give screen to the units behind against unwanted charges, give some minimal shooting support and help in controlling objectives

    1st and 3rd Group good movement, and really nice threatening range, and the casters will buff / heal the shooting.

    Razors/sallies and tank give heavy shooting, and the razordons with their good save and Stand and Shoot are a solid protection for the sallies: the two shooting of the dinosaurs will wipe away troops, and so the Tank.
    Starseer will give re-rolls and bonuses with curse of fate and cosmic herald, the Tank can heal itself, and the battlemage will heal the Tank, the dinosaurs and possible shooting damage to the starseer.

    The "seraphon only" army could be something ala:
    3 razor + 3 sallies + 3 handlers (400)
    2 x 10 skinks (160)
    1 Starseer (160)
    1 Stegadon (260)
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2016
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  7. InfamousBeany
    Cold One

    InfamousBeany Well-Known Member

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    So, got round to playing a game against my mate over the weekend (Stormcast Eternal), and I used List #2 (Hunting Party).

    Oh. My. God.

    It works boys. It really works. The group of 3 mounted characters is ridiculously effective, tearing through elite troops and characters like a hot knife through butter. I have never seen better linebreakers. The ability to have total board control between Rippers, Cham skinks and the mounted heroes is obscene. In addition- balewind vortexes. USE THEM. Being able to buff/de-buff/snipe/heal from around 36" away is...bonkers.

    I would have to say that I really didn't play the list particularly well- my blob of wizards, sunblood and warriors remained almost entirely static, contributing nothing of worth sometimes. I treated them like a tax, and I very easily could have been marching them onto potential objectives or screening for my characters. instead, they were lunch for an inbound Celestant Prime. Big mistake.

    Having the ability to have 7 jaw attacks with the carnosaur, inflicting 6 damage on 5's is just too good. And the combination of the Carnosaurs' Bloodroar and their ability to run and charge makes them effective at killing everything. I would urge anyone to try out a similar list to this, it is incredible amounts of fun.

    Weaknesses include:

    • Mass shooting hurts
    • Protectors hurt even more (Holy s*** do not underestimate these guys)
    • Over-extending
    • Reliance on a few key models
    • Minimal ability to inflict mortal wounds
    Strengths include:

    • Fast, and gets faster
    • Obscene damage output in combat coupled with good rend
    • Flexibility
    • Board Coverage
    • Healing
    • Each "component" can work effectively by themselves
    I will be coming back with some more smaller lists soon (Cheers @Killer Angel for the input and ideas), and maybe even a larger one that promises to completely and irreparably damage some friendships.

  8. Thor0298

    Thor0298 Member

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    neverMind figured it out
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2016
  9. InfamousBeany
    Cold One

    InfamousBeany Well-Known Member

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    After a brief hiatus, I'm back in the list building mood.

    New cool things I'm considering on working in to future lists:

    • Loremaster [100pts] - Unique spell lets target model re-roll all failed Hit and Wound rolls until your next hero phase. Potentially a lot of value from this- thinking of targetting a Steg, Basti or Oldblood for sweet, sweet carnage.
    • Drakesworn Templar [500pts] - Cheaper (and after the FAQ, arguably better) than Kroak, it still gives you the ranged Mortal Wounds option, but on a combat monster body. It can also outright murder elite models with a single dice roll, is a monster hunter, and that sweet +1/-1 to all nearby casting attempts is pretty sweet. No command ability, though, so would need a competent, cost effective general.
    • Carmine Dragon (Forge World) [460pts] - This is what the troglodon dreams it can be one day- combat monster, potential for mortal wounds at range, -1 Bravery bubble and coolest of all- it can unbind enemy spells (and heals if it succeeds!). Very exciting prospect, but super pricey.
    • Drycha Hamadreth [280pts] - We lack mortal wound output. Drycha spits out mortal wounds. Drycha is also very cost-efficient. I like Drycha.
    • Sisters of the Thorn [220pts for 5] - I really like this unit. Great speed, solid range options, and they can cast a spell. Their unique spell is particularly exciting, as it lets you re-roll saves for target unit. In addition, any saves of 6 or more in the combat phase from the target unit inflict a mortal wound on the attacker. Gets crazy with Saurus guard and their formation.
    • Glade guard [120pts for 10, Battleline] - Pretty rubbish ranged troops, but they have really strong potential for an Alpha Strike. Once per game, they can have their shots be at -3 Rend. That is devastating to high save elite units and monsters, and could be a great answer to some of the scarier behemoths waltzing around.
    • Eternal guard [80pts for 10] - Average spear infantry, until you put them in cover. Then you're hitting, wounding and saving on 3's, with re-rolls to saves. For 80 points/10. Nice list filler if you're under limit, and great for guarding objectives or your ranged troops.
    • Celestial Hurricanum [320pts] - Two words: Mortal. Wounds. Also it gives all order units +1 to hit (Bastiladons, Stegadons, Salamanders at +1 to hit? Yes. Oh god yes.). It also adds +1 to casting rolls for Battlemages (So those Jade and Amber wizards I like using get even better? Aw yeah). However, costly, and takes up a Behemoth slot, not sure if worth for essentially a giant Force multiplier machine.

    So, thats some of the things I've been looking at, let me know what you think, any other ideas you have etc. I should hopefully be writing up some more proper lists and evaluations soon [tm], as well as some pretty awesome BatReps, and I look forward to hearing from you guys.
    Seraphage, dwarfepic and PartyFoul like this.
  10. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    I think I may start using Luigi as a jade Battlemage! These lists are definitely looking better and better all the time!
  11. azazek
    Jungle Swarm

    azazek New Member

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    in the second list you have 7 leader and the max is 6. Btw good lists. I like a lot the number 3, only change that i would make is a hurricanum instead of salamander and astrolith. good work
    InfamousBeany likes this.
  12. InfamousBeany
    Cold One

    InfamousBeany Well-Known Member

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    You are absolutely correct, I always forget about the leader limits!

    I shall edit the list in due course, probably just drop one of the mages for a unit of either Stormcast Liberators or Prosecutors.

    I was actually toying with dropping the mages entirely and replacing with a high elf Loremaster for maximum killyness, but I'll have to play test that.

    Back to the List Lab!
    Bowser likes this.
  13. InfamousBeany
    Cold One

    InfamousBeany Well-Known Member

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    This makes for interesting reading- the lists from Bad Dice's Alliance event:

    Just look at the cheese in the first list! Looks like others are catching on to the insane Gryph Hound Defence Network (tm) and the Celestial hurricanum. One thing should also be noted about the hurricanum- I had for some reason assumed that its +1 to hit only applied in the combat phase; nope! Works for every to hit roll. By God...

    Also interesting (but not surprising) is the prevalence of Beastclaw raiders. Looks like mortal wounds are high up in the meta boys, hide your poor Saurus guard away.

    Good to see some diversity in the meta for the moment, exciting stuff!

    Seraphage and Bowser like this.
  14. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    I am really happy that others are really starting to branch out in the metas. When it first started it was playing all the same armies, then playing against a pestilens/nurgle army now playing all sorts of fascinating combinations and trying some myself. Adds all new dimensions to the game, and from a sales standpoint was brilliant for GW to push in this direction!
    Killer Angel and InfamousBeany like this.
  15. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Absolutely yes. The various allegiances are giving a boost to list buildings, pushing people to experiment new ideas.
    I think that GW really gave some new blood to fantasy.
    Bowser and InfamousBeany like this.
  16. Killer Croc

    Killer Croc Member

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    Im so happy that the hurricanum isnt useless. Just finished the painting of mine. Im so in love with the modell and the rules
    Bradifer, Bowser and InfamousBeany like this.
  17. InfamousBeany
    Cold One

    InfamousBeany Well-Known Member

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    Thread Necromancy Engaged

    Aight, rather than clutter up the new threads area with my dumb ideas, I'll try and comtain them here for the near future.

    I've been hit with newfound list building enthusiasm, so brace yourselves for some fairly out there lists soon.

    First up:

    3K Time Stop

    The Stop:
    Engine of the Gods 240
    Engine of the Gods 240
    Slann 260
    Skink Starseer 160

    The Tax:
    Skinks 80
    Skinks 80
    Skinks 80
    Skinks 80

    The Payoff:
    Bastiladon 300
    Bastiladon 300
    Kurnoth Hunters 180
    Kurnoth Hunters 180
    Kurnoth Hunters 180
    Kurnoth Hunters 180
    Hurricanum 320

    The Utility:
    Skink Chief 60
    Gryph Hound 40
    Gryph Hound 40

    Total: 3000
    Leaders: 5/8
    Battleline: 4/4
    Artillery: 0/5
    Behemoths: 5/5

    This may be some progress towards my cheesy magnum opus.

    The goal, as should be evident, is to try and go for the double turn on the engines. You use the Slann dice manipulation and the Starseers Curse of Fates and re-rolls to try and hit that elusive triple 6 on one of the EotGs. Even if that isn't possible, you can manipulate the result enough to find the most profitable outcome at the time.

    Above and beyond that, we have some of Order's fiercest shooting, with 4D6/-1 rend/2 damage shots, 24/-1 rend/D3 damage shots and the Hurricanums onslaught of mortal wounds.

    Finally we have a utility package that consists of a chief to buff a Basti's shooting, and Gryph hounds to counter deep striking armies.

    You could potentially drop one Basti for another Eotg and either a Razordon or another Gryph hound. This would give you a better chance to Time Stop, but decreases the strength of the contingency plan and payoff.

    Most worthy of note is that there is no rule of one pertaining to extra turns, so you could potentially chain together multiple extra turns in a row. Yes, that is filthy.

    I'll probably go through a more in depth explanation when I'm not quite so tired.

    More to come soon!
  18. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    This is low down dirty and vile. I love it.
    Oh the rage quits!
    Seraphage likes this.
  19. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    Yes please !
    DeadlyRecluse and Bowser like this.
  20. I love dinosaurs

    I love dinosaurs Member

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    Luckily there is no lists like that around here otherwise I would be in trouble big time
    Bowser likes this.

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