7th Ed. 2500 Points Magic versus High Elves

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Llywynn, Sep 6, 2009.

  1. Llywynn
    Jungle Swarm

    Llywynn New Member

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    Greetings everyone,

    I am going to play against our local GW Shop Seargent as part of our Mighty Empires Campaign.
    While having the biggest empire I will get 100 points more for free.
    He will play his 2500 list he is going to use at a local tournament without restrictions.

    What I know is that he will play very magic-heavy with 4 mages. Also he will use 3 boltthrowers and an eagle as rare choices. He told me that he will use many chariots and swordmasters and probably 2 units of archers.

    I have to tell you that I have never played before against High Elves und had only 2 games at 2000 points.

    Here comes the list I managed to produce so far:(I will use the english names as far as i know them; in the other cases I will describe the item by his function)

    -knows one lore
    -reroll miscasts!!!(had 5 of them in the last game with the slann)
    -may use 1 more dice
    Cupped hands of the Old
    AST with +1 CR

    Skink Priest
    Lvl 2
    -one more spell

    Skink Priest
    Lvl 2
    Staff of Storms

    Saurus Veteran
    light Armour
    Cold One
    -->suggestions for a weapon?
    -Enchanted shield

    10 Skink Skirmisher

    10 Skink Skirmisher

    10 Skink Skirmisher

    3 Teradons

    5 ColdoneRiders
    + Huanchi

    16 Templeguards
    Bloodtotem of Xapati

    3 Kroxigore

    The big Stegadon

    That are 2646 points all in all. I get 100 points extra and have some gold to get the 46 more points.
    It would be very nice if you could tell me what you think of it and probably make some suggestions, because I have got the fellling I do not know what to do.

    Thank you so far,

    P.S. Please excuse my not so perfect english and sentences that might be kind of hard to get through. :rolleyes:
  2. asrodrig

    asrodrig New Member

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    Basically, you should be peppering everything of his with Skink darts and fleeing if he tries to get you. You've got a pretty good magic phase as well, so don't let up on the Uranon's Thunder Bolt from the Skink Priests and whatever lore your Slann takes (there are better or worse ones, depending on his army). Also, if you give your Scar-Vet a Piranha Blade, he'll be good for taking out enemy wizards/independant characters. The only thing to worry about is that High Elves always strike first, but a Scar Vet on a Cold One is pretty tough, especially with the Enchanted shield, so I don't think you'll run into any serious trouble.
    I'm also curious about your tactics concerning the Blood Statuette of Spite (or Bloodtotem of Xapati, as you call it).
  3. Llywynn
    Jungle Swarm

    Llywynn New Member

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    Thank you.
    Well, the Blood Statuette of Spite, I just put it in so that I can sursprise him if he runs out of dispelling possibilities. Probably I overestimate the item and it will do no harm. I guess the ini of the elves may be too high to do some serious damage.

    Do you think that the 30 Skinks are enough? Sounds to me like there could be some more of them, instead of the Statuette and maybe the Huanchi Standard?

    And I am getting kind of nervous when I think about the many bolts from his warmachines. Any suggestions how to handle these? Put the stegadons together and use the ward save of the machine till I am close enough to do some damage?

    And concerning the lore the only thing I know is not to take the fire one because of the dragonarmor. Lore of metal won't be very good either, will it?
    I do not have the rulebook with me so right now I can't look up which would be best.
  4. thesecondman
    Temple Guard

    thesecondman New Member

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    Wtf is with people taking such cheesy lists. If I were you, i'd tell him to take his third bolt thrower and swivel on it.

    3 Bolt throwers
    Great eagle
    4 mages
    And probably some msu units of swordmasters.
    -->Tell him you won't play him until he makes a real army.
    Thats all the advice i've got, other than the obvious, which is,
    -Lots of dispel dice
    -Good amount of skirmishers
    -Terradons for bolt throwers, and chameleons too
    -Give slann a huge unit of temple guard, and throw at him all the things that crap on enemy magic.
    -Make sure you have an eotg and make good use of the 5+ 12" radius ward.

    Gw Sargeant, lol.
  5. lupercal

    lupercal New Member

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  6. Llywynn
    Jungle Swarm

    Llywynn New Member

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    Again thank you so far for your recommondations.

    I think he is playing such a "cheesy" list because of the city championship he takes part in.
    And cause of the missing restrictions at that tournament he puts in what he can get.
    There will be many players who will maximise their lists at all costs.

    But back to my way of victory against him...

    The flying skink chief seems to be a good choice to me. But then again I have to cut one priest or the saurus and if I kick the saurus out of the list the skink without the EotG will not be flying.

    Perhaps I should switch the big stegadon for some Salamanders, because he cannot make all his units immune. And perchance I get him to fail a panic test.

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