AoS 2K tourney list

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by kaintxu, Aug 25, 2016.

  1. kaintxu

    kaintxu New Member

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    Hi guys,

    Just got back into the game and played just a 1k game. I'm trying to figure out my Seraphon army and this poped into mind.

    Eternity guardian (140)

    Skink Starseer (160)

    Loremaster (100)

    2x 10 Saurus warriors (200)

    15 Saurus guard (300)

    Bastilodon (300)

    10 chameleon Skinks (240)

    10 Skinks (80)

    1 Skink Priest (100)

    6 ripperdactil (280)

    Shadowstrike Starhost

    TOTAL 2020

    So the biggest problem here is those extra 20 points. How could I get rid of them without nerfing the list too much? an idea is removing the Bastilodon for 3 salamnders which can output as much damage as the bastilodon, but any other idea is wellcome.

    So the Loremaster is there to give to the Bastilodon rerolls to both hit and wound. That couple with using some rerolls from the Starseer will probably make a good number of shots with plenty of rerolls.

    Saurus guard are my main units, which with the Eternity guardian and maybe rerolls from the skink priest, should be able to hold their ground.

    Ryperdactils and Chameleon are my "alpha Strike". Ryperdactils with the benefits from the host, even with the rule of one, can still be pretty nasty at 18 attacks with +1 to hit and rerolls to hit and wound that generate extra attacks, plus and another 18 claws and 6 spears, should be enough to get rid of anything but the tankiest units. They average 40 wounds before saving rolls.

    Chameleon, can also go hunting soft pieces or start puting rolls on big monsters.

    Skinks and warriors are my "chaff" or objective holders.

    Any comments?
    Bowser likes this.
  2. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Great list, I can think of 3 ways to drop the 20 points, but of course it changes the army quite a bit.

    First would be to drop the warden in favour of a sunblood. It takes away the extra attack, but as your general would give your guard rerolls of failed hits.

    Or pull 5 Chameleons in favour of 5 more guard for a big group of 10 flanked by two groups of 5.

    Or pull the skink priest and take the eternal starhost instead.
    kaintxu likes this.
  3. kaintxu

    kaintxu New Member

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    Hi Bowser,

    Thanks for the advice, it looks great.

    I think I would go for the Sunblood instead of warder. As I have no Slann all the warden does is give the extra attack, which is offset by the rerolls the sunblood can give, and can also affect other units in case of the guard not being enough. Actually the more I think of it, without a Slann or multiple Saurus units, I think the snuggled is way better. Can anyone correct me?

    I would love 20 guards, but don´t you think dropping 5 skinks would leave the units very weak? I don´t see 5 skinks doing match to be honest. If it was not because of the lore master that makes the list not be seraphon, I could drop 1 unit of warriors for another 5 guards for the 2x 5 flanking units.

    If I pull the skink priest my ryperdactils lose the flying high rule which is very handy to keep them alive and tackle vital parts of the opponent, and the +1 to wound which is very handy for champ.

    Bowser likes this.
  4. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Oh you're right, need the priest for the Shadowstrike. So you can disregard that.
    I think the Sunblood is the best option for this army. The Warden is effective, but moreso with a slann and the eternal starhost.
    Pulling the 5 Chameleons is actually quite a difference to your shooting phase, so that one is an option but it depends on what you are going for.
    Are your chameleons all one big group or 2 small groups in the formation?
    kaintxu likes this.
  5. kaintxu

    kaintxu New Member

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    The chameleons are just 1 big group so that all 10 get the +1 to wound to whatever the priest points out, though I see the benefits of splitting them too, what do you think is better?

    Could you give some more detail about your opinion if the lore master is worth it?

    Also which one do you guys think is better? The Skink Priest for the preroll to save, run and charge, or the starriest for the spells?
    Bowser likes this.
  6. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    The loremaster is a brilliant addition. I wouldn't change that. Having 2 units of 5 makes them harder to kill all at once, and can get last minute objectives if you're playing with any. The only reason I can see to keep them in a big group is so your skinks can be in the starhost with them.

    I take the Starpriest for the spells. And the ability to give the guards or warriors extra damage on their bites. And the summon starlight can be game changing.
    kaintxu likes this.
  7. kaintxu

    kaintxu New Member

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    All this has been of great help, I just wish the benefit of the lore master to the bastiladon was not so good so I could drop him for a Seraphon allegiance
    Bowser likes this.
  8. Bradifer

    Bradifer Member

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    Based on your interest in Eternal Starhost and Shadowstrike Starthost I came up with this list:
    Saurus Eternity Warden (140)
    Skink Priest (100)

    Saurus Guard x 10 (200)
    Saurus Guard x 10 (200)
    Saurus Guard x 5 (100)
    Ripperdactyl Riders x 6 (280)
    Chameleon Skinks x 10 (240)

    Bastiladon (300)

    Eternal Starhost (80)
    Shadowstrike Starhost (120)

    Total: 1760/2000

    Some leftover points for customization and I guess to pick a named General?

    Or second Skink Priest.

    Or Starseer for dice rerolls i.e. turn order.

    Or Guard/Skinks for objective holding.

    If you include a Loremaster, I think it removes Seraphon battle line, so you would need normal warriors/skinks in this list.

    Currently Guard are your battle line. (If you are all in on the Loremaster, this list is not for you.)

    This gives you a tanky bubble you can walk towards the enemy/main objective with.

    Use bastiladon to line of sight your priest so he doesn't get sniped.

    Guards lose HARD to mortal wounds. ALL IN your opponent's mortal wound source with 6 rippers w/toad and 10 Chamo skinks.

    They might all die, but if your opponent doesn't have mortal wounds, how do they beat buffed guard? They don't.

    Leftover Chamo Skinks can just teleport onto objectives/terrain and harass the edge of units.

    The unit of 5 Guard can be sent on distant objectives and hold decently well if you have a 3rd hero in the list to sit near/buff them.

    Push Bastiladon into melee range to continue tanking enemies and holding them up, but always be ready to block LOS for that skink priest. Remember Bastiladon is good at shooting enemy heroes, mortal wound sources, or anything with -2/3 rend. Skink priest can dish out a few ranged dps too, but don't sacrifice its own survivability for mediocre shots.

    If enemy doesn't come to your wall, just run the guards up the field for 1-2 turns until it becomes objective capture time.

    Shadowstrike chamo skink/rippers can also hill/harass lone generals/artillery and just wipe them out. Always kill mortal wound/-2/-3 rend.

    Let us know if you do a test game how it turns out. You can just proxy those 10 warriors as the other 10 guard.

    By the way have you heard of the Heavenswatch Starhost? You might like it as an alternative for shooting focus list.

    Heavenswatch Starhost:
    • 1 Skink Starseer
    • 2 Heroes from the following: Starpriest, Priest, Trog
    • 3-6 units from the following: Salamanders, Razordon, Flyers, Skinks, Bastiladon, EotG, Stegadon
    • Target an enemy unit the Starseer can see - everything from the battalion can re-roll hit and wound rolls of 1 against it.
    • Monsters in this battalion heal a wound in each of your hero phases.
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  9. kaintxu

    kaintxu New Member

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    I think Starseer is so usefull, can make me win turn, or fix a crappy bastilodon roll on number of shots or make me reroll for a successfull spell cast or arcane shield or rerolling from the loremaster which improves the bastilodon damage output greatly too.

    I like the list and I have the models and have though of very similar list without the loremaster, for gor now it is missing in those 2 character which I really want to run.

    If anyone can actually convince me the loremaster is not worth the extra 100 points I could probably give it a go :)

    As for the eternal warhost, I have been giving it a though, and it's great, but also takes quiet a lot of points. but is also great for the +1 save, wish it was only 2 forced units of guard and upped. I would totally add it in if I was going seraphon allegiance, let's see if we get new items and spells for seraphon allegiance that make it more worthy :)

    Guys any tactics for the starseer, which number have you found that works out best? A tactic I though about was if enemy has not much shotting go for a 5-6 first turn as if he gets them, they would not be able to make great use of the reroll, but that's as far as I got
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2016
    Bowser likes this.
  10. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    With the starseer remember that it is any single dice. Meaning that if the opponent gets the insights he can force you to reroll a dice as well as per the FAQ. So if you do have a lot of shooting or barely make a spell he could break your first turn with 5-6 dice.
    But curse of fates is an amazing spell. His can be game changing. Take for instance an engine of the gods with a slann. The opportunity to get that extra turn is ao much more likely. Big bad opponent, make him miss his big mortal wound attack, or his save roll. A lot of ways to use that spell.
    kaintxu likes this.
  11. kaintxu

    kaintxu New Member

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    So which number do you put down on the dice for the starseer?

    Mmm given me nice ideas for the engine of the gods, never thought of it. Have you ever pulled it? what does people say?
    Bowser likes this.
  12. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    I did, I cast curse of fates in my Engine. Had my rerolls. Rolled 4 dice got 6-6-3-4 so I rerolled the three with an insight, got a 5, used curse of fates to make that a 6. On the announcement that I was getting an extra turn the opponent forfeit the match! Good sport about it, but he knew he wouldn't win.
  13. kaintxu

    kaintxu New Member

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    would love to work out the chances for it including rerolls but can't be really arsed.

    Feel sorry for the guy but that must have been an awesome moment.

    Which number do you usually put down hidden, which strategy do you follow?
    Bowser likes this.
  14. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    I don't pick a number. I pick up a dice and whatever number happens to be on top is what I get. The opponent almost always over thinks how they would play it. I did give up 5 insights once because of it, but only once!

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