AoS Killer Croc's Lizardsquad

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Killer Croc, Aug 16, 2016.

  1. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    This looks amazingly fun! And super effective!
  2. Draconder

    Draconder Active Member

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    Very nice, it is interesting seeing how effective the Starseer given the re-rolling. I normally haven't considered it because the risk of giving your opponent re-rolls. How often would you say you used the Curse of Fates spell?

    Also, how did you use your skinks your game?
    Bowser likes this.
  3. Killer Croc

    Killer Croc Member

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    Curse of fate was very nice on the hurricanum. Then you have the d6 wounds from the shootingattack on 5+ :D i think is used this 2 times. And 2 shields for the Bastiladon.

    We played the Szenario with the 4 objectives. 2 in the middle which give 2 points. 1 in the Enemy Zone which gives 4 and one in the own Zone which gives 1. the skinks were on the 2 middle objectives. 1 Unit was wiped out in the end.

    Theyre so fast with 8" moving. I think with Stegadon Support theyre much better. And i need chamelon skinks für the enemy backline.
    Bowser likes this.
  4. Draconder

    Draconder Active Member

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    That is what I tend to use skinks for, capturing and holding objectives. That or they would provide a screen by spreading out in a thin line in front of my force to prevent the enemy from charging my main force should the enemy roll first for the turn. I never found them useful for any direct damage dealing.

    Your reports have convinced me to get a Starseer though, I never even considered using a re-roll to see who goes first.
    Bowser likes this.
  5. Killer Croc

    Killer Croc Member

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    Reroll the dice for ini Is so cheesy :D but it works.

    I think about riperdactyls. The roll for the frog to get the 2 extra inch for the final charge. many possibilitys. For now the Star seer is in every single list i build
    Bowser likes this.
  6. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    And that's how it should be! :D
    Bowser likes this.
  7. Killer Croc

    Killer Croc Member

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    I think about a shadowstrike Starhost. What do you think about it?

    Shadowstrike starhost 120
    1 priest100
    10 skinks 80
    5 chameleons 120
    3 ripperdactyls 140
    + en extra Assassin (80 points)
    for some dirty tricks. He can be hide in every unit and can attack in each combatphase (in the enemys too) so a good unit would be the ripperdactyls for a deadly first turn charge to crush a enemy hero + the chameleons with 3+ safe in the enemy lines he has to deal with: ripperdactyls, chameleons and a Assassin. I think that can be very deadly if the enemy makes a mistake.

    so now we add:
    2x10 skinks (battleline) 160
    1 Stegadon for skink support and melee 260
    2 Bastiladon with laser (damage!!) 600
    1 Star Seer (lolz rerollzzz) 160

    =1820 points. 180 left for something i dont know :D maybe you have a idea ?

    But i think with this list we have a massive battleline with 30 skinks and 3 Monsters Supportet by the priestdance and rerolls from Star Seer. Combined with arcane shield the bastiladons got 2+ rerollable safe and the Stegadon 3+.

    In the frontline we have our shadowstrike units combined with an Assassin to catch some heroes or synergie units. Soften from our shadowstrikers the enemy units can be easly crushed by our bastiladons / Stegadon.

    Maybe we should add 1 gryph hound (80points) to protect our priests from enemy shadowstrikers/ Assassins etc....

    What do you think guys?
    Bowser likes this.
  8. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    180 points left?
    80 point gryph hound or 80 points to up those skinks to 20?
    Jade or light battlemage depending on if you want healing or just a few more mortal wounds.

    Either way this looks like an incredibly fun build. The assassin is a brilliant addition!
  9. Killer Croc

    Killer Croc Member

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    Yeah the assassin is pretty nice on paper. I dont know how he performs on the battlefield. whats the exactly definition for "unit" ? can i hide the assassin "in" a Bastiladon for example? :D

    Gryph hound + Mage sounds we can use the mage more offensive, behind the 3 monsters for shield/heal together with the priest . The Star Seer can stay in the Backfield 20" range for cause of fate is pretty nice

    One question about the hound: i dont rly like the a Salamander to big for a "count as" ? I want a Modell that looks more like a Seraphon/Lizard :/

    /edit: instead of the mage we can take a loremaster to reroll hit/wound for 1 Bastiladon each whats better? Defensive way with jade or offensive way with Loremaster?
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2016
    Bowser likes this.
  10. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Minimum and maximum "unit" size for Bastiladon is 1, so it's a technicality but you might be able to get away with it!

    Salamanders might be a bit too big. Gryph hound is on 40 mm round slamander/razordon is in a 30x35 mm oval. But couldn't hurt to see if it fits in the 40mm if not see if you can get the old jungle swarm models and make it a counts as model.
    Killer Croc likes this.
  11. InfamousBeany
    Cold One

    InfamousBeany Well-Known Member

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    That assassin is the spiciest tech I've seen yet, my goodness. He's so flexible- I would definitely put him with either Rippers or Chameleon skinks, you can take out enemy wizards and gunlines so easily with this combination, he needs to be used aggressively to make the most out of him. And so cheap too! The number of times I have had 80 points spare in a list, this guy is a serious contender- Just a shame he takes up a leader slot really.

    I would potentially replace the normal priest with a starpriest, I feel it is always good to squeeze as much magic as possible into lists, particularly at the 2000 point range. This one is absolutely down to personal preference though, take it or leave it.

    On the Loremaster/Jade battlemage dilemma, I have also been toying with this decision too. I think it basically boils down to whether you have a wealth of different effective targets for the loremaster. If for example, you had a single Bastiladon instead of two, but had a Scar-vet on Carno, I would lean towards taking the Loremaster as he would have a variety of targets that have different battlefield roles that make the most of the re-rolls he can provide. As it stands, with the list you have currently, I would shift more towards the Jade battlemage, if nothing else simply for the sheer psychological effect it will have on your opponent. Just think: how much effort do people have to put in to remove one Bastiladon? Then they have to contend the fact that they have to deal with 2 Bastiladons. And then there is some grumpy old man hiding behind them, healing them every turn, as well as giving them a 6+ extra save?? Frankly I feel a bit salty just typing that out. So yeah, I vote for Jade mage here.

    I would also second Bowser's thoughts on using up the 180 points here: a 100 points mage of some description, and 2 Gryph hounds. The Gryph Hounds are absolutely integral in this list, as they will protect your casters from your opponents aggressively deploying units.
    Killer Croc and Bowser like this.
  12. Killer Croc

    Killer Croc Member

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    Haha i like the "salty part" with the old man :D:D :D okay...its the jade mage.

    Yes the assassin looks rly great on paper, lets see how he performs on battlefield. With a little practice i think he can destroy the whole enemy gameplan.

    So now i have to build 2 gryph hounds :/
    Bowser likes this.
  13. kaintxu

    kaintxu New Member

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    Hi, did you get the idea from my list? I'm also toying around the idea of the loremaster, and to be honest, I much rather prefer it to the jade mage. Healing is always handy but maybe people, knowing how hard he is he won't focus it, so healing would not be that useful.

    It is also true that with how hard he is, taking him down in one go is difficult, so healing would keep him around longer, but it's just a D3.

    A bastiladon, on average with 7 shots hitting on 4+ wounding on 3+ does 2.3 wounds before saves. considering a 4+ that goes to 5+ makes a total of 3 wounds after damage is applied.

    With rerolls we have 6 total wounds for the same average numbers, but the good thing is that rerolls also offset the chance of a bad roll, so that can save you from an all 1's and 2's roll.

    Also with Starseer, we can look into rerolling one of those dies for the amount of shots it makes, which will on average mean more dice rolling, so making the rerolls better.

    All in all my bote goes to the loremaster as it increases the effectivenes of the bastilodon by quite a bit and if I start doing more damage soon, that means less enemies to retaliate and put wounds on him, which means less healing requires.
    Bowser likes this.
  14. Killer Croc

    Killer Croc Member

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    Mh...good points for the loremaster. I just try it out. Next wednesday ill play my First 2k game. And no Hurricanum ist in my list :D

    But ill try the shadowstrike starhost combined with assassin behind the enemy lines + the 3 Monsters Supportet by priest, loremaster and starseer protected by 2 hounds. Should be a nice list, even with objectives. The skinks are fast enough to catch objectives
    Bowser likes this.
  15. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    This sounds like it's going to be a fun list full of surprises! Let us know how the game goes
    Killer Croc likes this.
  16. Killer Croc

    Killer Croc Member

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    well i still need 2 "lizard"-looking gryph hounds...what you guys think about the Sabres from the beastclaws? Painted like a tiger or something like that, theyll fit pretty good in a jungle theme
    Bowser likes this.
  17. Bradifer

    Bradifer Member

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    Oh no don't drop the Hurricanum, that was my favorite part!

    After reading that unit in Beany's thread, my eyes were open. A mage casting/shooting storms and comets at you? How cool is that.
    Doesn't hurt to have a source for mortal wounds and an AoE + to hit as well.
    Is the hurricanum easy to protect?

    For Gryph Hounds, you could try Khorne Fleshhounds.
    You could also try out a reaper miniature: 14638: Shade Beast, Darkreach Monster.
    Bowser likes this.
  18. Killer Croc

    Killer Croc Member

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    Problem for me is: i wanted to play double Bastiladon, but i feel that the Stegadon is pretty usefull with all the skinks around him...combined with shadowstrike starhost, there no points left for the hurricanum :/ or i play 1 Bastiladon, 1 Hurricanum and 1 Stegadon for my Main damage
    Bowser likes this.
  19. Killer Croc

    Killer Croc Member

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    another thing that comes in my mind: what about 40 skinks in the shadowstrike star host? 1 unit of 30 and 1 unit of 10. than you can move 40 skinks 2d6 to the middleline. After that you move 1d6 with the alphaskink abillity from Stegadon (at least 1 modell have to be in range of 8" . Easy with 30 skinks) and then you have you move of 8". Thats alot of presure combined with skinks Chief, shadowstrike boni, alphaskink, Hurricanum + the other stuff behind enemy lines (5 charmo skinks, 3 ripperdactyls and the assassin)

    I think its more a psychologic effect, but 40+ modells right in your face in round 1 should work :D
    Bowser likes this.
  20. Bradifer

    Bradifer Member

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    I love me some double bastiladon, but if you are set on using Steg + a buttload of skinks, then I would think you have direct fire shooting covered.

    Hurricanum's +1 to hit on ~30 skinks, 1 Bastiladon, 1 Stegadon, and anything else in range is very strong. It's also your only source of mortal wounds, which could be very important vs. Spirit of Durthu, Alarielle, and any other damage table creatures that get buffed into a 2+ save.

    But you'll probably want to keep a hound near him, as you dont really have much of a frontline or a guard for the hurricanum. So your enemy has a target to deep strike towards.

    Edit: Also the Hurricanum might be the best target on your team for Starseer's Curse of Fates.
    Bowser likes this.

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