AoS Help newbie. Strategies and what I should make and buy next

Discussion in 'Seraphon Tactics' started by Yoshi, Aug 27, 2016.

  1. Yoshi
    Jungle Swarm

    Yoshi New Member

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    Hello All,

    Newbie to the game. I wanted to get your thoughts on my army, what I should make out of the ones I have not put together yet, who I should look into getting, and of course the strategies I should use with the guys I have for pitched battles specifically. I have not picked up a Slann or Kroak yet.

    I have a group of friends that all bought the starter boxes for Death, Chaos slaves of darkness, Stormcast, and Chaos Demons. They of course added some more guys to their army, but mostly they have those main guys. I bought the starter pack for Seraphon

    I have the following:
    10 Saurus Warriors with clubs
    20 Saurus warriors with spears
    40 Skinks with blowpipes and shields
    1 Scar Vet on Carn
    10 Temple Guard
    1 Star priest
    5 Knights
    1 Priest with trappings
    1 Bastiladon with crystal

    Things I have not constructed yet and need advice on what to make them
    3 Ripperdactyls or Terradons
    1 Engine of the gods or Stegadon
    Killer Angel and Bowser like this.
  2. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Take two if the extra knights, make them stand out, convert them to scar vets on cold ones. Get a sunblood when you can. Trust me when I say the Bloodclaw starhost is a lot of fun to play and makes for a tough list.
    You already have what you need for a shadowstrike Starhost.
    Really read the Rippers and Terradons and find out which appeals to you more. Remember if you are doing matched play the ripperdactyls are affected by the rule of 1.
    As for the steg, if you intend to get a slann, engine. If you want a big stompy monster and some fun shooting stick with yhe stegadon.

    The big question is how do you want your army to play?
  3. Bradifer

    Bradifer Member

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    Stegadon vs. Engine of the Gods is easy to magnetize and you'll be glad you did.

    Just put 2-3 magnets on that square on his back, and you're done.
    Nobody will notice the different horns on the Stegadon :D
    Ecozh and Bowser like this.
  4. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    This is solid advice, why choose one? Get them both!
  5. Yoshi
    Jungle Swarm

    Yoshi New Member

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    I guess I need to rip off their arms for scar veterans on cold ones, I made them all spears for the starter kit warscroll which I find out isn't listed in the generals handbook.

    The rippers, does that mean they can only generate extra attacks once right? It doesn't stop all of his ability right?

    I am not sure how I want to play, I only played one match and I didn't have all the guys I listed. So I have no idea what I am doing...Lol

    Where would the magnets go under what pieces?
    Bowser likes this.
  6. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Rip off the arms, or cut off the spears and give them something else. Rippers still generate one extra attack, so still really solid unit.

    Magnets on the back of the howdah, and some on the front of the howdah to change from ballista to sunfire throwers. Or to change all for the engine.
  7. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    OK, I'm in a hurry, but let's start with some observation:

    For these ones, I don't think you should have problems if you field them as a single unit of 30 saurus, declaring that they are armed all with spears.
    I don't know how your meta is, but i don't think that even the most hard WYSIWYG could object!
    Official tournament is an open question, but even in that case you could have a pass.
    winsha and Bowser like this.
  8. Ecozh
    Cold One

    Ecozh Active Member

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    10 point for the magnets, Im using that on my Bastildon at the moment so I can switch between the Ark and the engine per battle.

    I would add a sunblood and a Eternity Warden (with a Slann later in mind).

    The command ability of the Sunblood is really usefull and the Eternity Warden gives your guard each an extra attack.

    And later on it can defend your Slann.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2016
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  9. Raptor_00

    Raptor_00 Member

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    Rippers for the win!
    But in all seriousness...Rippers for the win. Even with the rule of 1, they are still the glass cannon medium level monster destroyer they were before. Still generating the extra attack on a hit (though only the first time), still re-rolling misses with swooping dive, still getting extra toad attacks.

    For the Stegadon...magnets are the right choice here. Put a large magnet under the Howdah before you glue it down. Put one on the bottom of the EOG piece. I've even got tiny ones in the EOG pieces to still build the flame thrower, though you could just buy bits for that on ebay. Bolt thrower is magnetized too.
    If your magnet game isn't strong yet, just magnetize the EOG and glue down the bolt thrower. Just tell your opponent when the engine is on its the Engine of the Gods, when it's off it's a bolt thrower. Put something else there if it's a flammer (a fire painted burning skink priest perhaps).

    Seraphon are a swiss army knife. The most tools for the most instances than any other army out there. Keep your options open as much as possible with magnets, even if you favor a certain build, there is always a case for the other one at some point.
    N1nj4 and Bowser like this.
  10. Raptor_00

    Raptor_00 Member

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    For additional purchases down the road...
    Bowser is totally right on getting the Sunblood. Buy him, he's worth it.
    I personally love the Saurus Guard so more of them if you like a defensive wall, with an Eternity Warden.

    And Chameleon Skinks. Either convert some from the Skinks you already have or buy the actual models. They are great deepstrike assassins.

    What you have is a great start though.
    Bowser likes this.
  11. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    OK, you have many modelsn and they work better if employed correctly.
    Saurus and ScarVet on Carno are offensive units.
    Temple Gards and Basty are more defensive.

    Also with an eye on your meta, what are the kind of feats that you would like to accomplish with your army?
    Bowser likes this.

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