AoS 2000 pts - A Couple Lists

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by BinaryCat, Aug 24, 2016.

  1. BinaryCat

    BinaryCat Member

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    I spend way too much time tinkering, theorycrafting, and just in general building list after list. Now, I'm not a huge fan of the basic skink units, personally, and I'm not sure I see their value, even as the cheapest battleline unit in the seraphon toolbox. So I own tons of saurus and a lot of big beasts (and plan on adding more). I also don't have any slann, because I'm not sure they make up their points in magic (I usually find the magic phase a bit underwhelming even if I do get a spell or two off successfully), so I prefer the skink casters.

    All that said, I've got three lists which I think seem half decent. One sheer offensive, one defensive, and one more balanced, and I'd love to get some input on these. I come from a clan Skryre skaven background, and I'm still very new to playing Seraphon (though I've managed to get maybe half a dozen games with them so far), so I'm still getting a hang of how they play. (Note: I think I'm unhealthily enamored with giant monsters.)

    Also, they're kind of fluffy.

    Edit: I'm not against skinks or slann, I'm just not sure they're worth it compared to the other options available based on my limited experience and mathhammering.

    The Molten Host

    As their slann, Ana'akshi, had forseen, the host was needed. In the skies of Ghyran, red motes of fire twinkled...and then grew. So quick was their descent that the thunder of their arrival had not yet reached the battlefield before the shooting stars impacted the verdant earth - yet, despite the power of the impact, only small craters were left in their wake. Out of the lava and clouds of dirt and ash, the blazing physical forms of the Seraphon were formed.

    Scar-vet on Carnosaur

    Skink Starpriest

    Troglodon* (I may switch this out for 3 kroxigar)

    10 Guard
    10 Guard
    10 Knights
    20 Warriors

    This list was one of my earlier ones, designed to be a sort of general list based on what I had available to me. I've got a bit more flexibility, and will have even more in the relatively near future.

    (I have another version of this list which drops the Warriors, one Bastilodon, and the Troglodon, for a couple more leaders (Sunblood and Old Blood on Carnosaur), to make use of the Bloodclaw Starhost. I'm also strongly considering changing out one of the bastiladons for the Dread Saurian.)

    The Eternal Bastion/Immovable Object

    Chaos was at the gates, but the portal to Azyr was just beyond their reach. Before them, Guard wreathed in celestial fire formed a wall, shields interlocked and weapons aflame, while the bastiladons bunkered down behind them, solar engines pulsing with daemon-destroying sunfire.

    Scar-Vet on Carnosaur

    Eternity Warden
    Skink Priest


    10 Saurus Guard
    10 Saurus Guard
    10 Saurus Guard

    Eternal Starhost

    I wanted this list to hold ground and not give up an inch. The priestly buffs keep the Guard strong (while they do d3 damage to anything brave enough to charge), while the bastiladons provide fire support from the rear and the Scar Veteran moves to intercept where the fighting is hottest. I also have a version of this list that uses both the Eternal Starhost and the Thunderquake Starhost (by dropping the excess leaders to pick up the Troglodon and Kroxigar (and the points) needed for it).

    The Hunting Pack

    The war drums thunder is nearly drowned out by the stampede of clawed feet bounding along the ground. Like the hunts of ancient kings, the Oldblood rides alongside his retinue and his favourite bloodhound, the Troglodon, while the rest of the hunt takes the flanks, the knights each lead by a favoured Scar Veteran.

    Oldblood on Carnosaur

    Scar-vet on Carnosaur
    Scar-vet on Carnosaur
    Scar-vet on Cold One


    10 Saurus Knights
    10 Saurus Knights
    10 Saurus Knights

    Firelance Starhost

    This list has 80 points leftover, which is always an annoying number (and seems to happen way too often in my list building), so I was just going to shoehorn a razordon into this list. Ideally, the list is all about ground mobility, but probably includes waaaaaaaaay too many scar-veterans. But 60 wounds of knights should be decently hard to chew through, and it's all about getting charges off ASAP. I can't actually field this list yet - I need to grab two more starter boxes for the carnosaurs and another 15 knights. But I will, sooner rather than later, I think.
    Bowser likes this.
  2. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    I also like to theory hammer! That last list though I would probably pull the trog in favor of a steg. Then you're only down 20 points and can most likely still roll on the triumph table. Or alternatively leave the trog but pick the Bloodclaw starhost to get the other command abilities. Still down 40 points, but it is a decent option.
    BinaryCat likes this.
  3. BinaryCat

    BinaryCat Member

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    I actually didn't even consider the fact that The Hunting Pack was pretty much a Bloodclaw Starhost as well. That makes sense, and that gives me a lot more buffs to work with - getting those extra mortal wounds with the cold ones would be even more potent if they were getting extra attacks on those 6s to hit as well - more chances for more wounds.

    I also considered getting a Starpriest into the list for that poison jaws buff, because a pack of cold ones could go nuts with something like that. And he could even keep up with the rest of them. It just seemed weird to have this one little dude on foot.
    Bowser likes this.
  4. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    You could also pull the trog, put in a sunblood another unit of knights and bloodclaw, use the sunblood in the bloodclaw and get his reroll buff as well.
    The extra group of knights would still be in the bloodclaw and then you could take one of the Scarnos out.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2016
    BinaryCat likes this.
  5. BinaryCat

    BinaryCat Member

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    Oops, sorry! Somehow I missed that there was a reply here. >.>;

    Getting a sunblood in there would be a good option - I love their rules and the model is cool (and should look awesome in my paint scheme!). I tried out a version of a bloodclaw starhost using the models I have available (so it was a lot closer to my general list, sans bastilodons), and it played amazingly well - though luck was on my side a bit. My Scar-vet on Cold One ended up chewing through most of Druthu's wounds on his own, between a billion attacks (5 attacks with the war pick from Oldblood's command, plus an extra rider bite from the battalion, plus an extra cold one bite from his own command ability; I suppose I could have also used one of the Scar Vet commands to generate extra attacks on 6s and the skink priest's poison ability as well, but I thought that was overkill just to buff one model). Anyway, my point being, the synergy in the list was pretty amazing.

    So I took your suggestion and tried to make a Bloodclaw compliant version of my Hunting Pack list (flavour-wise, it's my favourite of the three I listed). Couldn't justify a sunblood in there (didn't want anyone on foot, for the theme), but I think the list looks fun. No idea how it'd fare on the table - it's much better at clearing objectives than it is holding them (I think). I'll be able to field this in a couple weeks, when I pick up a few more starter boxes.

    Scar-vet on Carnosaur

    Behemoth Leaders
    Oldblood on Carnosaur*
    Scar-vet on Carnosaur*

    Scar-vet on Cold One*
    Scar-vet on Cold One*

    10 Saurus Knights*
    10 Saurus Knights*
    10 Saurus Knights*

    3 Terradon Riders

    Bloodclaw Starhost

    *Part of the bloodclaw host

    And when I get my Dread Saurian, I can drop one of the Scar vets on Carnosaurs and the terradons, and that leaves me with exactly 400 points for her.
    Bowser likes this.
  6. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Looks like an amazing list! Even better that you can pull a few things and have the option for the dread saurian! Sounds like an incredibly fun and stompy list!
    BinaryCat likes this.
  7. dwarfepic
    Chameleon Skink

    dwarfepic Active Member

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    Bowser seems to have made some good pointys, and I cant realy improve on the ones he has made. in the molten host one though, I would definitely pull the trog for some kroxigor, as you have enough range support from the bastilidons, and no slann for arcane vassal. the melee power of the trog is nullified by the kroxigors sheer tankyness. also on the first and second ones, there seems to be a distinct lack of high rend. the third is fine due to mortal wounds, but breaking tougher infantry and monsters will be a challenge for the first two (though temple guard can kill lighter monsters without sweating) I like the bloodclaw starhost, and personaly I would never have thought of it. also for he eighty points spare a unit of skinks can fit in for some expendable bodies.
    BinaryCat and Bowser like this.

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