AoS Multiple lists 2000 points

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Luplon, Sep 1, 2016.

  1. Luplon

    Luplon New Member

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    Hi, i figured out those variable lists after some games with Chaos and Destruction armies, i just need to buy some models but i have many ideas for multiple lists, so please give me any advice you can:

    List 1
    Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur (320)
    - General
    Saurus Scar-Veteran on Carnosaur (260)
    Saurus Scar-Veteran on Cold One (100)
    Saurus Sunblood (120)
    Skink Priest (100)
    - Priestly Trappings
    Saurus Guard x 10 (200)
    Saurus Knights x 15 (360)
    Saurus Warriors x 10 (100)
    Bastiladon (300)
    Bloodclaw Starhost (100)

    Recently used in a match versus Skaven, easy win for me, the bastiladon take advantage of the terrain that give +1 to hit at the cost of d3 mortal (which he can ignore on 4+) and devastate his skryre machines every turn, the knights with the warriors and the oldblood, buffed from priest, destroy almost everything, wipeout on 5 turn. Viable with almost everything i can find at the moment.

    List 2
    Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur (320)
    - General
    Saurus Scar-Veteran on Cold One (100)
    Saurus Sunblood (120)
    Saurus Eternity Warden (140)
    Saurus Scar-Veteran on Cold One (100)
    Saurus Guard x 10 (200)
    Saurus Guard x 10 (200)
    Saurus Guard x 10 (200)
    Saurus Warriors x 10 (100)
    Saurus Warriors x 10 (100)
    Saurus Knights x 10 (240)
    Bloodclaw Starhost (100)
    Eternal Starhost (80)

    I came up with this for fight armies with less models, but stronger. The guards with eternal warden and starhost can tank good, while warriors go for objectives with sunblood, and oldblood, veterans and knights go for the kills. I would like to try this vs Ironjawz, but i miss priest for buff and starpriest for magic, so i have some doubts.

    List 3
    Saurus Scar-Veteran on Carnosaur (260)
    - General
    Saurus Eternity Warden (140)
    Skink Priest (100)
    - Priestly Trappings
    Saurus Guard x 10 (200)
    Saurus Guard x 10 (200)
    Saurus Guard x 10 (200)
    Saurus Knights x 10 (240)
    Saurus Knights x 10 (240)
    Saurus Knights x 10 (240)
    Eternal Starhost (80)
    Freelance Starhost (60)

    A variation of the List 2, i miss the strong bloodclaw for the commands, but i can defend even better with guards+warden+priest, and veteran with knights go for lethal charges in waves

    List 4
    Saurus Scar-Veteran on Carnosaur (260)
    - General
    Saurus Eternity Warden (140)
    Skink Priest (100)
    - Priestly Trappings
    Saurus Guard x 15 (300)
    Saurus Knights x 10 (240)
    Saurus Warriors x 10 (100)
    Saurus Warriors x 10 (100)
    Kroxigor x 3 (180)
    - Drakebite Maul
    - Moonhammers : 1
    Bastiladon (300)
    Stegadon (260)

    Here i need the most advices, i want to try new beast and kroxigors, but i have no clue about how to get them in a formation, i tought about the thunderquake but i have many doubts, that i tried with the last list.

    List 5
    Saurus Scar-Veteran on Carnosaur (260)
    - General
    Engine of the Gods (240)
    Saurus Knights x 10 (240)
    Saurus Warriors x 10 (100)
    Salamanders x 3 (180)
    Skink Handlers x 3 (40)
    Saurus Knights x 10 (240)
    Bastiladon (300)
    Stegadon (260)
    Thunderquake Starhost (120)

    No priest, but the engine can do many things for me, and i have a decent shooting phase, which is rare for me to use (expect for the Bastiladon, which i love^^)

    Please tell me anything you can about those list, i tried only the first in game
    Thank you
  2. Ekko
    Jungle Swarm

    Ekko New Member

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    I like the first one, fast and effective. Your second list however doesn't work because one unit cannot be part of two Battalions. Your Eternity Warden cannot count for the Bloodclaw and the Eternity Starhost at the same time !
  3. Luplon

    Luplon New Member

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    I know, i have one oldblood, 2 scar-veteran and one sunblood for the blood claw, and the warden for eternity starhost
  4. BinaryCat

    BinaryCat Member

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    Cool set of lists! (Disclaimer: while I've been playing AoS since it started, my Seraphon experience is very limited.)

    List 1 looks a lot like the first list I used! Though I only had on Carnosaur at the time, so I had a second Bastiladon instead (those guys, TOTALLY worth their points just in the amount of fire they soak, and they're no slouch in shooting either - dice gods willing, of course). It seems like a solid TAC/generalist list to me. :) Also, I'm a huge HUGE fan of the Bloodclaw host. Stacking up command buffs on our army is huge.

    I think your second list is legal, though. I'm counting five Leader units? So I'm assuming all of them except the Eternity Warden are in the bloodclaw host (along with the warriors and knights), while the Warden chills with the Guard in the Eternal host. I never thought of mixing those two Battalions before. It's very troop-intense, and I worry that two blocks of ten warriors really won't be making the most use of battalion's benefits - but you've got enough strong bodies on the field that a few units like that would be fine.

    I like list 3. On the one hand, you've got the Eternals to hold the lines and beat up those who try to take objectives, while the cavalry does the offensive heavy lifting. Do you have your knights with lances? My aren't, and I've never noticed or missed the occasional mortal wound they would have thrown out otherwise, though I bet it gets a lot more noticeable with the Firelance host. I just tend to find I only get off maybe two charges per game with any one group of knights (if things are going well), so I tend to prefer the more reliable 3+ to hit over the 4+ on the lances, in lieu of a chance for a mortal wound on the charge.

    In list 4, my only suggestion would be to run the warriors in a block of 20 for the +1 to hit and to give them a bit more survivability. It does seem like you have less of a plan for it than the others, being more grab-bag.

    I haven't tried my Thunderquake list yet, but I'm still a big fan of it (I love huge growly monsters though, and what's more awesome than an army of regenerating celestial dinos?). Especially if you have two bastilodons. You can even shuffle things around to get an Eternity host in alongside your Thunderquake. It basically just fits at 2000 points, but (on paper, at least) it's one the most resilient things I've ever seen. I personally prefer using kroxigor for the Thunderquake (though, like I said, my theoryhammering for this list is untested, so take that for the ignorant speculation that it is).

    Some general thoughts: I tend to run the Skink Starpriest over the Priest. The Priest's AoE reroll buff is great, for sure, but with only a 50% chance to go off, I find it really unreliable. The Starpriest has his poison ability (which is great for a huge unit of Knights, or one of the carnosaurs), as well as an amazing personal spell - I've found it can really force your opponent to make tough decisions. Keep attacking a unit protected by a -1 to hit field, or direct their attention to a less attractive but more viable target. And it has a statistically slightly better chance of going off than the Priest's ability, so there's that. But the Priest's buff is really good as well - especially since we ignore rend -1, so we're getting full saves, rerollable, against most attacks in the game. So it may very much be a YMMV situation.

    Anyway, thanks for sharing!
    Bowser and Luplon like this.
  5. Ekko
    Jungle Swarm

    Ekko New Member

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    Sorry my bad !
    Luplon likes this.
  6. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    The first 3 are all great. I also built number 2 yesterday!

    For number 4 you might want to take the Thunderquake and make them savage.
    List Summary
    Saurus Scar-Veteran on Carnosaur (260)
    Saurus Eternity Warden (140)
    Skink Priest (100)
    - Priestly Trappings

    Saurus Guard x 10 (200)
    Saurus Knights x 5 (120)
    - Blade
    Saurus Knights x 5 (120)
    - Blade
    Kroxigor x 3 (180)
    - Drakebite Maul
    - moonhammer
    Bastiladon (300)
    Stegadon (260)
    Troglodon (200)

    War Machines

    Thunderquake Starhost (120)

    Total: 2000/2000
    Make them savage and go to town. Experiment and tweak it as necessary but you never know!
    BinaryCat and Luplon like this.
  7. Luplon

    Luplon New Member

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    Not bad, i think i will try this as well, i'm going to buy a third start collecting box, so i can build a troglodon and use the model of the old blood as eternity warden, restyling it with the remaining bits of the saurus guards. I look the troglodon rules before, i find it a bit too weak, but i think i just need to learn how to use it well. Thank you!
    BinaryCat and Bowser like this.
  8. BinaryCat

    BinaryCat Member

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    I actually just tried out a Thunderquake list (plus a side of Eternal Starhost, with 3 x 10 Guard as my only troops). The Thunderquake formation was very, very solid. Didn't have a steg though, had two bastiladons. Rather slow moving, but terrifyingly hard to kill, and killy enough to push objectives (we had the meteor mission, so there were only two, and I was playing vs. Sylvaneth). I'd definitely say try taking a Thunderquake to a few games and see how it does.

    For it's price, I've generally found the troglodon to be okay. I really like how the kroxigor performed though, for similar points.
    Luplon and Bowser like this.
  9. Luplon

    Luplon New Member

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    List 6

    Engine of the Gods (240)
    - General
    Saurus Eternity Warden (140)
    Salamanders x 3 (180)
    Saurus Guard x 10 (200)
    Saurus Guard x 10 (200)
    Saurus Guard x 10 (200)
    Skink Handlers x 3 (40)
    Bastiladon (300)
    Bastiladon (300)
    Eternal Starhost (80)
    Thunderquake Starhost (120)

    This is a completely new try that comes in my mind after watching some games with heavy shooting phase. I know i have little power in combat, but the engine support plus guards and the fire of salamanders and bastiladons can manage, i think.
    BinaryCat and Bowser like this.
  10. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    This is interesting. Really tanky, could be a tournament list. I think I need to try this one of these days.
    Luplon and BinaryCat like this.
  11. BinaryCat

    BinaryCat Member

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    Awesome list! Fitting both the Eternal and Thunderquake hosts in at 2k doesn't give much wiggle room, but for what you get, it's pretty great. Feel like you're lacking raw offensive power? Just stroll up the field and tank the hits. You'll outlast pretty much everything. :D And that sweet d3 damage when you stop moving. <3

    In my test of the similar list, six Guard beat the crap out of the Spirit of Druthu, even though he had some "ignores rend -1" artifact or trait. It was fun.
    Bowser likes this.

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