AoS Tactics for other armies: general handbook updates

Discussion in 'Seraphon Tactics' started by dwarfepic, Jul 15, 2016.

  1. dwarfepic
    Chameleon Skink

    dwarfepic Active Member

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    This thread is intended as place to re post armies from the tactics for other armies thread, as well as other new armies you have come up with, all with generals handbook points. I will re post all of my ones in due course, and if people who have already posted lists, re making them to fit the generals handbook and putting them here would be great!

    InfamousBeany likes this.
  2. dwarfepic
    Chameleon Skink

    dwarfepic Active Member

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    Flesh eaters 1000 points

    King on terrorghiest 400
    20 crypt ghouls 200
    3 crypt horrors 140
    3 crypt horrors 140
    crypt haunter courtier 120

    have the crypt haunter courtier as the general, so you get the crypt horrors as battleline.
    king on terrorghiest casts unholy vitality on ghouls.
    command trait ruler of the night. put crypt ghouls in cover.
    crypt ghouls now have a 5+, then a 5+, then another 5+ save, the first a normal one, the second and third against all wounds even mortals. now the crypt ghouls are tougher than varanguard.
    king on terrorghiest can tank in melee and deal a lot of damage and mortal wounds. the crypt horrors will have a 5+ then a 5+, and regen wounds and re roll hit rolls with the king nearby.
    I run this with my flesh eaters, and it works very well
    Bowser likes this.
  3. InfamousBeany
    Cold One

    InfamousBeany Well-Known Member

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    Don't forget, you can't have Flesh Eater Courts Allegiance (and hence take Horrors as battleline) AND take Death allegiance Artefacts and Command Abilities. You would either have to add in another battleline or lose the command trait.
    Bowser likes this.
  4. dwarfepic
    Chameleon Skink

    dwarfepic Active Member

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    Having played a few games with my previous fleash eaters, i have revised my list since the last one.
    2k fleash eaters:
    General: ghoul king on terrorghiest 400
    Hero: ghoul king on foot: 100
    Hero: varghulf courtier: 160
    Hero: crypt ghast courtier: 80

    30 crypt ghouls: 300
    10 crypt ghouls: 100
    10 crypt ghouls: 100

    6 crypt horrors: 280
    3 crypt flayers: 280

    Zombie dragon: 320
    (the flayers are not neccisary, swap them for anything from death if you want)

    Make your allegiance death to gain command traits and artifacts, as you have enough battle line with ghouls. Pick the command trait that lets you add one to your deathless minions roll, and the artifact thet lets your general get back up once per game after dying, with d3 wounds remaining.

    This list is very hard to kill. The varghulf is the ultimate coutier, replenishing all of your units models. Re gaining an average of 2 crypt horrors and 3 crypt ghouls to units near the courtier is realy annoying for opponents.

    The king on terrorghiest is another way of keeping your guys alive with his unholy vitality spell.

    The king on foot when buffing crypt horrors turns them into complete killing machines, grinding almost all infantry into the ground. With re rolls to hit from a nearby king and extra attacks from his spell, they for me have killed thirty bloodrevers in one round.

    Your thirty ghouls are a tank of a tarpit. With extra models coming back from the dead, from both coutiers, theu are insanely hard to chew through. Also if the general is nearby, you get deathless minions.

    Both the terrorghiest and zombie dragon are melee beasts, and are some of the games best monsters for melee. Use them to rip apart elite imfantry and unmounted monsters.

    I will, in the future try to cover most of the death factions, and hopefuly next go for soulblight.
    Killer Angel and Bowser like this.
  5. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Yeah, I was reading the Flesh Eaters court, and man, they're though!
    I'm feeling the power curve is changing. At least in my meta, are quickly increasing armies with big monsters, fast as hell, delivering megadamages, and/or spam of mortal wounds.

    Temple guards, even in eternal starhost, are starting to fall like flies.
    I've the sensation that we are slowly falling behind (or we're losing our initial advantage, which may be more precise)... ad that "order" armies will become a must.
    dwarfepic and Bowser like this.
  6. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Think I might do one up for Skaven Verminous or Pestilens/Nurgle later this week.
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  7. dwarfepic
    Chameleon Skink

    dwarfepic Active Member

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    I feel that at first people found all the easy to find powerfull stuff by looking at base stats. An example would be "oh look an oldblood carno does three damage with its jaws, and it can have re rolls to hit. Lets take that". Now that people are looking closer at warscrolls and their points efficiancy from the general hanbook, then more and more advanced stratagies come out.
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  8. Bradifer

    Bradifer Member

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    Fun FleshEater Court list.

    Looks surprisingly resilient for having 6+ save battlelines.

    My wife just bought the skeleton horde -Death- Starter set (The one with Mannfred/Neferata Mortarch) so we might look into death for ideas.

    I think she prefers the royal vampires over the flesh eater court ghouls however, so perhaps a similar playstyle with different minions!
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  9. dwarfepic
    Chameleon Skink

    dwarfepic Active Member

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    Vampire mix 2k

    Vamipre on zombie dragon 440(general)

    10 zombies: 60
    10 zombies: 60
    10 zombies: 60

    Mortis engine:180
    mortis engine:180
    10 blood knights: 520
    5 hexwraiths: 180
    5 hexwraiths: 180
    5 hexwtaiths: 180

    This is a list im not sure about and will definately need improvment, but it is still good all the same.

    Surround the dragon with everthing except the hexwraiths and the zombies. Put the blood knights in front blocking the dragon. Then have the mortis engines on either side of the blood kights. Leave the hexwraiths back to hit objectives. Summon the zombies to weigh down units that you want to avoid.

    Use the main force to hit the most expensive targets. It is fast enough to hit most things. Buff the blood knights with the lord. Pick the warlord trait giving you plus one to deathless minions. The main tank is allmost unstoppable. Temple guard will melt to mortis engines and zombie dragon breath. Hexwraiths can deal with most other objective holders.
    Bradifer and Bowser like this.
  10. Bradifer

    Bradifer Member

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    Already bought the Skeleton horde so going in this direction:
    (Mortach already built, vampire butts magnetized)
    (Skeleton warriors NOS)
    (Black Knight/Hexwraith) unbuilt, aiming for hexwraith though.

    Mannfred Mortarch Of Night (460)
    Vampire Lord On Zombie Dragon (440)
    - General
    - Vampiric Sword & Shield & Chalice
    - Trait: Red Fury
    - Artefact: Tomb Blade

    Morghast Archai x 2 (240)
    Zombies x 10 (60)
    Zombies x 10 (60)
    Zombies x 10 (60)
    Hexwraiths x 5 (160)

    Total: 1480/2000

    Not sure where to crank it up to 2000.

    At first we were thinking a 40 squad of skeleton backed up by NEcro's Danse. But then you still need more battleline.
    So then we thought about ~40 blob of zombies +Necro + Corpse Cart.
    Seems fun and all, but I'm not sure those slow 1 attack zombies would realy get enough attacks to justify all the points.
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  11. Buldi

    Buldi Active Member

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    My Khorne Bloodbound:

    Lord Of Khorne On Juggernaut (140)
    - General
    - Trait: Lord of War
    - Artefact: Chaos Runeblade
    Bloodsecrator (120)
    Bloodstoker (80)
    Slaughterpriest (100)
    - Bloodbathed Axe
    - Artefact: Chaos Talisman

    Bloodreavers x 10 (60)
    - Meatripper axes
    Bloodreavers x 10 (60)
    - Meatripper axes
    Bloodreavers x 10 (60)
    - Meatripper axes
    Skullreapers x 5 (140)
    - Daemonblades, soultearer
    Skullreapers x 5 (140)
    - Daemonblades, soultearer
    Chaos Marauder Horsemen x10 (200)
    Damned Icon, Flails, Mark of Khorne

    Dark Feast (100)

    Total: 1200
    I added the horsemen in case of battling a shooting army, mainly dark elves. Even if they die, they could buy the time for infantry to close in.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2016
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  12. dwarfepic
    Chameleon Skink

    dwarfepic Active Member

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    With this one, I think that you can always just merge the zombies through shambling horde. its not worth buffing zombies to be damage dealers, they are to be summoned in the way of things. hexwraiths are solid, but in this army, why not dire wolves. if you are going for the zombie and corpse cart + necromancer build, then dire wolves are most fitting.

    you don't need mannfred and the vampire on the dragon. both of them are fulfilling similar roles, so you need only one. having both leaves few points for elite things like hexwraiths and morghasts.

    I like archai, but they are costly and cant be everywhere, so don't get them caught in tarpits. even in a tarpit for the one turn they will take to kill one can swing the game away from you. maybe fill in the extra points with more archai, and either some more hexwraiths or dire wolves.

    I thing that lord on juggernaut is best of in a skullcrusher list, not an infantry one. also I don't think that there is enough holding power. bloodreavers melt like butter, and there are not enough skull reapers to hold objectives with. I would expand the list to 1500, and replace two of the reavers with one unit of ten blood warriors. then swap ot the skull reapers for wrathmongers. use them as units to murder big monsters. watch with glee as gordrakks maw krusha pummels him to death, or the celestant prime hammers itself with ghal maraz, because they hit your guys.

    I like the marauder horsemen, as they add mobity and shooting to your infantry army. maybe another unit of them instead of some of other stuff.

    Nice lists!
    Bowser likes this.
  13. Buldi

    Buldi Active Member

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    JuggLord really boosts my reavers. I attack in waves, using them like in the fluff-as berserkers. They die (screaming WITNESS ME!), bringing down big stuff.
    4 attack, 3+/3+/-1, offen with rerolls of 1 to wound. They always pay off.
    Last battle- 120 points for 440

    I really dislike the blood warriors. No rend, 4+ to wound and have better battleline- the reavers. Also, the skullsruchers in my opinion dont have enough punch.
    There is a error in my list, i field the reavers with axes. Let me correct that.

    And here is the idea for 1500

    Lord Of Khorne On Juggernaut (140)
    - General
    - Trait: Dark Avenger
    - Artefact: Chaos Runeblade
    Bloodsecrator (120)
    Bloodstoker (80)
    Slaughterpriest (100)
    - Bloodbathed Axe
    - Artefact: Chaos Talisman
    Skullgrinder (80)

    Bloodreavers x 10 (60)
    - Meatripper Axes
    Bloodreavers x 10 (60)
    - Meatripper Axes
    Bloodreavers x 10 (60)
    - Meatripper Axes
    Skullreapers x 5 (140)
    - Daemonblades
    Skullreapers x 5 (140)
    - Daemonblades
    Chaos Marauder Horsemen x 10 (200)
    Damned Icon, Mark of Khorne
    Chaos Warshrine x 1 (200)
    Mark of Khorne

    Dark Feast (100)

    Total: 1480/1500

    Dark avenger is swapped for Lord of War if facing non-order armies
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2016
    Bowser likes this.
  14. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Just an idea, tell me if you think it can be improved (weak points and similar).

    We all know how much good shooting can be, so let's try to imagine an insanely powerful army based on this. a Great Classic: the oldhammer historical Allegiance Dwarfs / Empire.

    Storm of fire - 2000 pts

    Battleline (400)
    20 x freeguild handgunners,
    10 x freeguild handgunners
    10 x freeguild handgunners
    (all 3 marksman w hochland)

    Leaders (280)
    freeguild general (100), appointed general
    Grimm Burloksson (100)
    Runelord (80)

    Leader, Behemoth (320)
    Celestial Hurricanum

    3 dwarfs cannons (or 2 cannons and 1 grudge thrower)

    Other (460)
    20 x quarrelers
    10 x Irondrakes

    You can build a castle defense, poor to take objectives, but you have a so huge range that you will simply wipe away enemies from objectives that they try to take.

    Thank Sigmar handgunners are battleline, and they have that wonderful stand and shoot that will make them really Dangerous, so they will screen your unit behind; the Hurricanum, the general's and their own abilities, will make painful for anyone to charge them.
    Your quarrelers will shoot 40 times at 26" (Burlokkson FTW), hitting at 3+ tnx to the hurricanum, possibly with rend -1 for the runelord.
    The 3 cannons will shoot 6 times at 32", hitting at 3+ rerollable and wounding at 2+, for d6 dam.
    the 3 marksmen of the handgunners will shoot at 30", hitting at 2+ with a rend -1 for 2 dam, making them combined a sort of additional cannon.
    If something comes a little nearer, you'll have magic from the hurricanum and also irondrakes' shooting, and even a strong unbind Vs enemy's magic.

    At 2500 pts, I'd add a Steam Tank (nice also for taking objective), other 10 handgunners for the 4th battleline. And I still have 100 pts...
    Bowser likes this.
  15. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    You could add a battlemage with the leftover 100 points. Solid list! Sounds like it would be a fun one to play against.
  16. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    An option could be: Steam Tank, 10 skinks as battleline (not effective as the handgunners, but you already have plenty of light shooting), so you have 120 saved points... Dwarfs Bolth Thrower or Organ Gun. :D
    Bowser likes this.
  17. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Do you want some Death? here, take a look at this.

    1000 pts:

    1 x Necromancer
    3 scorpions
    1 x Screaming Skull Catapult
    2 x 10 zombies

    it's a really strong all-comers list.

    For those that don't know it, the mourngul is a 400 pts monstrosity, with a defense similar to the bastiladon (save 3+, negates rend, ward save 4+ vs mortal wounds), but with 10 wounds and that heals d3 each time it kills a model, imposes penalties to "to hit" based on the opponents' bravery (-1 fr bravery 7 or more, -2 for bravery 6 or less), and at full health delivers 8 attacks 3+ / 3+ / rend -2 / 2 dam
    the catapult imposes -2 to bravery to each unit that it's targeted by its fire (even if it misses)

    The mourngul, backed up by the necromancer and the SSC, is an immortal killer beast.
    the SSC gives maluses to units in combat with the mourngul and (even if unreliable) can always threaten long range and so could kill something as warmachine crew, even if screened by infantry and thus unreacheable by the scorpions
    the zombies are a very cheap battleline tax and they act as protective screen for the necromancer
    the scorpions in group can easily assassinate key units / heroes, or can be fielded as separate units and use their pop ability to conquer distant objectives.

    That's scary, have solid battlefield control and can wreck anything in CC... it's one of the few lists that at 1000 pts can reliably face also that broken beastclaw allegiance with Frostlord on stonehorn and Thundertusk!
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  18. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Another Death list.

    Living dead are THE supernatural horror, by tradition living beings are terrorized by the mere sight of undead legions.
    So, I was thinking on a list based on this idea.

    "Flee before me!"
    "Scream for me!"

    let's start at 1000 pts

    1 x Terrorgheist w ghoul king - general (supernatural horror / cursed book) - 400
    2 x Banshee - 80+80
    1 x Necromancer - 120
    1 x Screaming Skull Catapult - 120
    2 x 10 zombies - 60+60
    80 points in reserve pool for summoning

    The idea here is to exploit that sweet -2 to bravery granted by tomb kings' SSC, given that they don't need to successfully hit for the effect to kick in.

    Banshees and Terrorgheist inflict mortal wounds rolling against enemy's bravery. You'll deliver a nice amount of attacks vs bravery, and you should be able to inflict some serious damage. At that point, the general trait "supernatural horror" (that usually is suboptimal) should increase enemy's losses, doubling the models fleeing for the battleshock test.
    tnx to the-1 to hit granted by the cursed book and the possible +1 to save by mystic shield, your general should be really resilient...
    The zombies are just the battlelines tax, keep them as screen to protect the SSC.
    With the remaining 80 pts, you can summon another screaming banshee, or a fast unit to take objectives (dire wolves), or a bat swarm to give maluses to enemy's shooting.

    at 1500 or 2000 pts, you simply increase the theme:

    another SSC if needed
    crypt flayers (another units that inflicts mw vs bravery, which durability will be increased b the ghoul king)
    Mortis engine (does mw to all units within a variable range, and the reliquiary can cure wounds to the banshee and also to the terrorgheist).

    Obviously, You can have trouble against daemons, seraphon and death, while having a lot of fun otherwise. Any army that doesn't have bravery 10 will cry a lot.
    Bowser likes this.

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