first painted skink and test for color scheme

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Jaspar, Sep 10, 2009.

  1. Jaspar

    Jaspar New Member

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    Well today i decided it is time to test the colors i had in my head

    have to excuse myself for the blury picture

    the skink first had his total body painted in dessert yellow
    then his scales were painted bubonic brown

    the eyes got blood red and blazing orange
    and the comb on his head is in cammo green with some highlights and shades

    the blow pipe is details in old gold (valeho paints) and the rest of the pipe was painted like a bone
    and his handweapon was painted codex grey+old gold and some black wash
    also the pointy bits on his handweapon were painted ase bone
  2. SlannOfItza

    SlannOfItza New Member

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    Interesting color scheme, its a nice fusion of desert and jungle. It would probably make a great all skink list, but your color theme doesn't have to control composition.

    The only thing I'd say is I don't like the bright orange eyes, I think a green would look better.

    Keep up the good work though.

  3. Jaspar

    Jaspar New Member

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    i tried it with bright green and it didn't worked out really well

    i tried bright yellow wasnt good either

    and this orange was the look i wanted on it

    have to say the eye isn't finished yet

    need a little stripe of yellow on it so that it looks like a skink eye

    well in my fluff idea, my arrmie lives in a big oasis in the middle of the dessert
    and the skinks are the ones that guard the edges of the oasis

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