7th Ed. Results for Lizards vs. Star Dragon list!

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Dalkarius, Sep 12, 2008.

  1. Dalkarius

    Dalkarius New Member

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    Alrighty then, we had the battle a few days ago, so this information is...mostly accurate. Here we go!

    Lists: For High elf list, please visit http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/kill-the-dragon.283/

    And my list was the exact same as that one with the edits of the following:

    Replaced CORs with a unit of 4x Kroxs, added one terri per unit and brought in two swarms.

    Terrain: The game started with one relatively small forest and hill on my side of the table, and a hill just outside of my opponent's deploymant zone, but the center of the field was quite clear.

    Magic: My opponent took High Magic, rolling Fury of Khaine and Shield of Saphery on one mage and Vaul's Unmaking, Shield of Saphery, and Flames of the Phoenix on the other.

    I rolled as such;

    Slann: Shadow: Creeping Death, Unseen Lurker, and Pit of Shades. Beasts: The Crow's Feast and The Hunter's Spear.

    Preist with CoF: Portent of Far and Second Sign of Amul

    Preist: Forked Lightening and Uranon's Thunder Bolt

    Deployment: I deployed my Slann in the woods with a bodyguard of swarms, then Krox's on the far left beyond the hill with a skink screen. My salamanders deployed on the hill along with the unit of 5 terris, while my other unit of terris went behind the woods. And lastly, deployed some skinks to the right of the woods and managed to fight a unit of Chameleons and Scouting Skinks behind a hill on my foe's side. I placed my Preists within in woods.

    My opponent deployed a unit of Dp's and Sh' on the left side of the table across from my Krox, then his shooting in the middle along with his Dragon (who faced right to be sure none of my Chameleons would start a close as I'd prefer) and his second unit of dp's formed unto the right as well. His mages joined his archer units.

    TO WAR!

    Turn 1: I managed to roll with the aid of a +1 and took the first move cheerily. Moving my skinks towards his shooting line and using the chameleons to block his RBT's line of sight. My Kroxs moved steadily forward with their skink screen and a sallie unit advancing towards the archer line with devilish grins. My unit of 5 terradons advanced towards the shooting, while I accidently forgot about my unit of 6 terris hiding behind the woods. My priests leapt out of the woods into position so my Slann would have eyes and ears. Then the skink line on the right marched towards the dp's on the right side of the table. No magic due to range, sadly.

    Turn 1b: My opponent swiftly moved his dragon the the back left corner and slightly advanced his cavalry units, then had a non-excistant magic phase due to the Slann and wasted no time obliterating my terradon unit and dealing the Chameleons stifling blows. Despite this, the chameleons passed a Panic test with about 5 men left.

    Turn 2: I inched my Slann forward hoping for some slight chance of causing some hurt, and advanced my Kroxs out of what I estimated to be the charge range of the Dp's, sending the skinks ahead to lure them. My horde of skinks massed by the other dp unit and prepared their blowpipes whilst my chameleons did likewise. I suddenly remembered my terradons and sent them out towards the RBT, also moving my salamanders only 6 inches in a hopeful idea to burn his shooting phase up. As for magic, well, I luckily managed to get an Unseen Lurker off and secure my salamanders to be in range of the archers, then unsuccesfully threw some stuff around in hopes of hitting something. Shooting went well, nearly destroying one archer unit via sallies, wounding a few one the other with Chameleons, and the skinks on the left side sent a horde of darts to deal one wound to the heavily armored princes.

    Turn 2b. My had his sh's charge my sallies and also positioned his skink covered dp's for a future manuever. I quickly responded with a flee reaction only to escape by a hair. His dp's by my Krox's inched forward in an attempt to be sure he made it to the Kroxs when his crushed the skinks, and also moved his dragon behind my Krox's. His magic was, again, uneventful. Shooting turned ugly with two skink units skewered and the chameleons closely after. The dragon unleashed his mighty flame only to be halted by a roll to wound.

    Turn 3: Irked, I charge the wretched RBT with my terris. Then I once again inched my Slann forward with his Swarm guard and manuevered my preists for the lovely view or carnage and potential destruction. I then tended to my Krox's, backing them up slightly in fear of the thought of dp's coming crashing towards me. The good news, however, is that my salamanders rallied beautifully. After that came a delious magic phase where a Second Sign, Uranon's Thunder Bolt, Hunter's Spear, and Crow's Feast swiftly secured a dead unit of silver helms. Skinks brought a unit down to three archers and their wizard. Combat against the RBT porved difficult since only one of my terris could fit without engaging some archers. So I killed one of the crew a managed to suffer a wound.

    Turn 3b. My friend held out yet again with charging with those dp's on the far right, once again moving his dragon for another lovely dosage of dragon flame. Meanwhile the dp's on the opposite side of the board decided to have some fun and came crashing down on my terris massive flank. Once again the magic phase flopped. Shooting now focused fire on my suddenly exposed Priests, the flying Preist survived with a wound, but his friend was not so lucky. The Dragon's fire did one wound, but the Krox's happily passed their Panic test. Combat proved interesting as the terradons lost miserbly, although the Brave managed to permenately disable the RBT by bringing down the final crew member, the terris broke and were caught.

    Turn 4: Determined, I prayed for my Krox and guided my sallies straight for the irriating archer units. My preist hide from the shooting behind the sallies, but still allowed me to see the disturbingly-close-to-my-slann dps. In my magic phase I was suprised pleasently when Creeping Death nearly obliterated the dps, who then were finished off by a Crow's Feat and Hunter's Spear combo. I then laughed heartily as the salamanders mopped the floor with the larger of the archer units, realizing my foe was almost out of men.

    Turn 4b. My opponent refused to give in and finally charged the skink screen, which of course fleed and was caught, leaving an epic moment to see if the dp's or Krox would win the day. Amazingly, the dps came short by 3/4s of an inch, turn my foe pale. His dragon flew off to blast my last unit of skinks to ashes and prepare for a nasty turn. No magic and his shooting phase consisted of three guys shooting twigs at nearby sallies.

    Turn 5. I (of course) sent my Krox's raining hell down upon the heads of the dp's, looking forward to crush them. Then my sallies scooted towards the other archer unit. Magic was so close, I fired of a Pit of Shades only to be stopped by the final scroll of a soon-to-be-dead wizard. Sure enough, that proved to be the wizards last act as the sallies vomited acid. Combat definately turned in my favor, then Kroxs swiftly crushed the Dragon Princes and grinded the expensive unit into dust.

    Turn 5b. Risking true annihilation, the Dragon came down upon my Kroxs, desiring revenge for the swift defeat of his Dps. Since the Dragon was the only thing left, it was a quick fight that was disgustingly one-sided as the krox's never had the chance to strike back... :(

    Turn 6: I had all of my units try and conquer the table edges, and positioned my Slann for one final spell...

    Sadly, Pit of Shades miscast, and the magic phase just wasn't enough to even wound the beastie.

    Turn 6b. My opponent simply laughed and said no thank you.

    Results.....*cue drum roll*

    In the end, for the first time ever, I finally defeated the New High Elves.

    It was a solid victory, the difference being around 643 points. The Slann and Dragon cost about the same, but I still had a Priest, Sallies, and Jungle Swarm left; which turned out to be worth quite a bit.

    So thank you all for your help, it was a great battle me and my foe enjoyed. And if I figure it out, I've got a Tournament I'm hosting this weekend and I'll try to get some good pictures of every turn and post the reports sometime next week.

  2. Dalkarius

    Dalkarius New Member

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    btw, 2250 game if anyone was wondering.
  3. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Right on, I'm glad to hear of high elf death >:)
  4. Lounge_Lizard
    Cold One

    Lounge_Lizard New Member

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    And the pointy eared cheese fest bites the dust!

    Congrats! :D
  5. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    Well done I must say. Despite the super-charged nature of his list you were able to come on top with a very fair list. Im also always very happy when a lone slann list wins :) .

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