Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by KROQ-GAR and GRYMLOQ, Sep 11, 2016.

  1. SlanntaClause

    SlanntaClause Well-Known Member

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    Slightly better yes but i'm so slow at this :p Gonna post it in here sometime but still working on the rewards table
    Wazz likes this.
  2. SlanntaClause

    SlanntaClause Well-Known Member

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    Okay here is my thing - It was mostly cut and pasted from @Bowser bit as I had no clue what I was doing - I just made a few champion rewards in essence, and then because I missed the deadline rushed the majority of those xd. Anyway here's my entry.

    Ulha'up The Returned

    After countless aeons deep in the lustrian jungles Ulha'up has appointed himself re-claimer of relics. He seeks to heal the world and with unprecedented insight believes there are artefacts he must uncover to cleanse the tainted earth. Beneath him on his quest are a unique band of follower, who have abandoned their conventional roles in society to seek fame fortune and glory. Ulha'up and his band of followers are always on the look out for mysterious trinkets and oddities that they believe may be missing pieces of an enigmatic puzzle.

    Champion Table:

    Lord Ulha'up 12 Followers (Any)

    Oxyotl 6 Followers (Infantry Only)

    Skink Starseer 4 Followers (Any)

    Skink Starseer 4 Followers (Any)

    Kroxigor Named Champion 2 Followers. (Infantry Only)

    Infantry Followers Table:

    D6- Followers

    1-5 Chameleon Skinks

    2-10 Skinks

    3/4-3 Kroxigor

    5/6-5 Saurus Guard/5 Saurus Knight or 10 Saurus Warriors

    Monstrous Followers

    D6 Followers

    1/2/3 - Engine of the Gods.

    4/5/6- Bastiladon with Solar Engine.

    Champion Followers

    D6 Followers

    1/2/3 - Astrolith Bearer

    4/5/6 2 Eternity Wardens

    Followers Reward Table - Unearthed Trinkets
    D6 Reward

    1- Amulet Of Vigor - +1 to the wound total of one figure in this unit.
    2- Emerald Ring - Shinny shinny, just a ring.
    3- Mask of Shadows - +2" to movement value.
    4- Staff of the diplomat- + 1 to initiative.
    5- Swordfish Sword - +1 to attack value.
    6- Sacrificial Dagger - + 1 to attack value. +2 to attack value against wounded enemies.

    Champion Rewards Table - Unearthed Treasures.
    2D6 Result

    2- The Unwinding Clock "A timepiece as ancient as time itself, bought to this world by The Old Ones for unknown purposes"-

    The champion receives the magic item one use only:

    Place a large blast radius indicator over the model all models under or partially under the marker are affected.

    1D6 - On a roll of 2+ the innumerable clock hands spiral uncontrollably in every which dimensional direction. All models affected begin to revert to earlier stages of life until they simply cease to be. Remove all models from the game.

    On a roll of 1 the user of the clock escapes unscathed as life around them bounds backwards, remove all affected models but the user from the game.

    3- Coatl Claw - "Pulsating with magical energies a coatl talon is one of the rarest natural treasures of lustria" A weapon carved from the bones of a Coatl is superior even to The Old Ones technology.

    Melee Weapon - For every successful wound made in melee combat roll a 1D6 - on a roll of 5+ the wounded figure receives an additional wound; repeat this until all the rolls have failed or the figure is dead.
    4- The Makers Anvil
    - "All creations have a makers mark"

    The Makers Anvil affords the champion the replenish ranks special rule. During the casting phase you may attempt to use the anvil.

    Replenish Ranks:

    Successful cast on a 10+

    Chose one unit of followers in a 8" if the unit has a dead figure send forth a suitable replacement to fill its place. (In a points based victory the original slain model is still tallied in the enemies total of figures slain)

    5- The cleansing plaque.

    In the casting phase the owner may use this item. It has an automatic cast against any forces of Chaos. Casting value 8+. Range 8"

    If successfully cast the champion correctly reads the runes on the plaque targeting an enemy figure in range - if they are a champion they suffer 1 mortal wound. If they are part of a unit the figure is cleansed of all chaos and is treated as its own new unit loosing all boons of chaos. (The figure becomes its own unit with base stats only, subsequently cleansed figures may join the new unit).

    6- Giant Tortoise Shell -
    Perhaps one of the more common natural wonders of the Lustrian coastline non the less the Tortoise shell is near impenetrable by conventional means, resistant to the mightiest of Carnosaur bites.

    The shield is so large it cannot be taken by any skink.

    Add 1 to the toughness value of the model. The model is immune from mortal wounds.

    7- Seed of a thousand spawning's - "

    The mechanical thrums from within the seed are ominous and grow with intensity nearer to water.

    Special rule - Unnatural Spawning- if the champion reaches water roll 5D20.

    On a roll of 80+ a Thousand Lizardmen spring forth from the water source - the game is all but lost. (To all intensive purposes this is an invasion mechanic and your opponent must surrender).

    On a roll of 79 or less the Seed makes a large splash.

    8- Temple City Signet Ring -
    "I know things...all sorts of things"

    The champion may wear the sacred ring of a secretive Lizardmen cult. The signet ring grants access to the deepest depths of the Lizardmen temples. There are secrets within even the sacred of places.

    Special Rule: Unfathomable Knowledge - when an enemy moves into combat with the Champion you may roll a 1D6.

    1/2/3 - It's a trap - the enemy unit/figure steps exactly as you had known they would, setting off a trap. The unit or champion suffer 1 mortal wound.

    4/5 - Nothing happens.

    6 - Didn't see that coming - the enemy sets off a trap unfortunately for you it swings right for you, suffer 1 mortal wound.
    9- The Voice Of The Old Ones -

    This small music box plays a melodic tune audible to a select few. A distinctly female voice persists throughout the musical wonder.

    Perhaps the only recording audio of an Old One believed to be Rigg it offers little insight into the Old Ones Plans, however a priceless cultural relic.

    The champion may play the music box after their movement phase, if they do so place a bird of paradise marker on any enemy within 6". When ever that enemy unit or character moves they must roll 1D6. On a roll of 3+ Nothing happens. On a roll of 1 or 2 a Lustrian avian steals from that unit a magic item at random. The item is bought to the music box bearer as tribute. Any magic items stolen may be used in subsequent phases.

    10- The Crown Of Lustria -
    "Now Me Ki..." The final words of the an unnamed Kroxigor

    The enigmatic crown serves its dual functionality thanks to the shrinking technology left behind by The Old Ones. Appearing at times to be a royal piece of headgear but most commonly noted in historical references as being a solid gold Palanquin.

    For a skink priest or Slann:

    The Crown Of Lustria recognises the importance of its owner and their role in the great plan therefore adapts to the whim of the champion. During the deployment steps you may chose from the following two options.

    Palanquin - Grants the champion a 3+ Ward save and flying.

    Crown - The leadership value of this champion becomes 10 - they must be your general.

    All other champions can only use the crown as a headpeice. (Special Rule: Crown).

    11- Celestial Lance -
    "Once you have reached for the heavens there is no limit to the reach of your arm" This mechanical polearm of origins unknown emits sharp piercing beams of energy in tune with the wielders will. The energies that blast from the tip of this elongated spear penetrate all known materials.

    In the shooting phase the wielder has the option of making the following attack:

    Range Strength
    12" 4

    Special Rules:

    Multiple Shots (5)

    Ethereal Penetration - No line of site is needed to the target - any obstructions are ignored for the purposes of this attack.

    12- Sprig Of Yggdrasil
    - "The untelling simplicity of sprig is most misleading to the untrained eye." Clipped from Yggdrasil by The Old Ones in the earliest of ages the sprig was taken to the new world as part of The Old Ones plans. It has yet to grow and yet never withers.

    In the casting phase the bearer may attempt to use the healing properties of the sprig.
    Casting value of 8+

    On successful cast.

    4D6 - Every 5+ heals a wound. If all 6's are rolled all wounds are healed. If all 1's are rolled instead the Sprig saps the life force from the model and it suffers 1 wound.
    Bowser and Wazz like this.
  3. Nielspeterdejong

    Nielspeterdejong Well-Known Member

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    That looks very interesing :) What what kind of model is Ulha'up The Returned ? And what are his stats?
    Bowser and Wazz like this.
  4. SlanntaClause

    SlanntaClause Well-Known Member

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    He's just a Slann from the wiki that goes into the jungle - I don't think he has stats :p so you could just roll a mage priest - or there could be some custom stats made for him :) I'm taking a notepad on the journey to work so I will be able to write stuff back and forth - will work on some stats for him sometime soon
    Bowser and Wazz like this.
  5. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    my favourite item!
    The slann hero is cool, you should definitely give him a stat overhaul, or at least a specialized spell.
    SlanntaClause and Wazz like this.
  6. SlanntaClause

    SlanntaClause Well-Known Member

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    ^.^ thanks @Bowser been busy working and traveling to work this week so will get on it asap - boo for 4hr travel time each way to work -.- (Improved by arranging a lift so next week should be easier :D)
    Wazz and Bowser like this.
  7. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    Chaos ---- Warriors, marauders, minotaurs, beasts, spawn, demons the works?
    Fyre Slayers --- dwarfs with Mohawks
    Iron Jawz ---- black orcs?
    Sylvaneth ---- elves, mostly wood elfs.
    Death ----- vampires, zombies, etc.

    Translations... [?] ...correct?
    Bowser likes this.
  8. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Mostly correct.
    Fyreslayers = Dwarfs with dragons and mohawks
    Sylvaneth = Tree spirits, no elves
    Iron Jawz = Different black orcs with a massive cabbage to ride into battle.
    Crowsfoot, pendrake and Wazz like this.
  9. Wazz

    Wazz Well-Known Member

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    Chaos is mostly the mortal followers of the 4 chaos gods with some random beatmen and monsters thrown in there. Iron jawz is basically Black orcs witha paint job and some cool stuff. Slyventh are actually tree folk no elves in the roster gor path of glory. Death has all their factions with a little more love to the Flesheater courts(crazy cannibals/ghouls)
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  10. Wazz

    Wazz Well-Known Member

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  11. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    A "Cabbage" to ride into battle ?

    This is autocorrupt getting out of hand I suppose. Carriage?
    Bowser likes this.
  12. Wazz

    Wazz Well-Known Member

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    Lol hes a big green dragon and it kinda looks like a cabbage! @pendrake
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  13. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Cabbage is correct. The Maw krusha just kind of looks like a giant mean cabbage.
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  14. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    I see what you mean, how... ...vegetarian.
    SlanntaClause, Bowser and Crowsfoot like this.
  15. SlanntaClause

    SlanntaClause Well-Known Member

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    1 of your 5 a day
    Wazz and Bowser like this.

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