so me and my new gaming group are doing a character battle at 4000 pts. of characters so the obvious restrictions are off but we can still only use the magic items allowed so only one cupped hands, one cloak of feathers and such and we can't put more then the points allowed per character such as 100 magic pts. for lords etc. and there will be no special characters i am thinking of running 5 slann and a couple of priests one with cloak of feathers and one with EotG i am also thinking of running 2 carnosars and a chief on ancient with warspear wondering if anyone has any other ideas i will be facing Vampries, O@G, Stunties, Brets, High elves, Wood elves and Chaos (he wanted to bring daemons but we thought 4000 pts. of greater daemons was a bit unfair i can't even imagine 8 thirsters) it will be a tournament at my house so i guess i need to be ready for all of them since i have no idea who i will be facing but i have to say i am fearing vampires and O@G right now vampires for the evil evil characters they can make and O@G for the ammount of characters they can bring any thoughts? anybody
thats an interesting scenario, definately a change from the normal stand and fight... hmm..... many slanns with the same lore and an Eotg to decrease the casting value?Then again, how many chiefs/ priests on stegs could you get.... can't think of any nasty combo's but it sounds like it'll be a hell of a lot of fun regardless! Are you intending to do any type of battle report for us all?
Yeah loads of slann all with full lore and dice and regen and physical immunity (immune to monster attacks like dragons xD) and maybe a couple eotg to back them up (+1 to casting rolls, as they all use the same lore haha). Death sounds like a good plan. Also being 100% ranged gives you a turn or two of blasting them before combat starts. Being locked into combat could be a pain though. Maybe keep a handful of vanilla priests so that your slann can channel magic missiles through their vision.
I don't think you have a chance against Vampires if they are played effectively. 3-4 Vampire lords with Forbidden Lore casting Wind of Undeath would make for a short game. I would suggest a couple of Slann with Lore of Beasts (and free dice and whole lore disciplines as well of course), at least as many as the opponent has ridden monsters. Beast Cowers can be successfully cast with only 1 PD in a pinch but the opponent will have to respond with 3 DD to stop it with any reliability. Hunter's Spear is also a great spell to be throwing around. All the remaining Slann would probably do well with metal for RoBI spam. Other Lores that I would suggest would be Shadow (1 Slann with this is enough to put the fear of grugni into a Dwarf lord) and Lore of Life (gogo Gift of Life! Its like super-IoN!).
Go metal or death. Steal soul would be nice with T4 Warded regen, physical immune toads with 5 basic wounds and more with each steal soul success. Metal would be nice with rule of burning iron and spirit of the forge!