AoS How do you deal with archaon the everchosen

Discussion in 'Seraphon Tactics' started by Yoshi, Oct 4, 2016.

  1. Yoshi
    Jungle Swarm

    Yoshi New Member

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    Well, my friend just bought archaon the everchosen. So I am wondering matching point for point on how to defeat him. I am sure we play more than points than what he is worth, but how do you counter him?
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    ASSASSIN_NR_1 Well-Known Member

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    Well, he is does have the keywords "Chaos" and "Daemon", so anything that does extra damage to Daemons might be a good idea. Now I have not played AOS more than once or twice to try it, but I would guess that we are one of the armies better suited to taking him out.

    The units I can think of, that does good damage to daemons are:

    Chameleons skinks (I think these would be a good choice, as you can try to deal with him quickly and can dish out some real pain, granted he does have 20 wounds, but I think you can have a lot of chameloen skinks for his price. You probably would want to split the units up, so he can only wipe out 1 unit at a time).

    Bastiladon, with the solar engine, as that can potentially deal up to 36 wounds (this won't really happen).

    Oldblood on Carnosaur, might do something, iff (this is not a typo) you get him to attack first, and is a bit lucky and gets him pinned down (remember he is a monster). You might also do a little bit of damage with his shooting attack, that does 2 damage to Daemons.

    Kroak, he might be able to more or less just kill Kroak outright (more or less), but Kroak is sort of immune to his instant kill. Kroak also can give some protection to your other options for fighting him (Arcaheon only has -1 rend so mystic shield might do something) Kroak also has his spell, that he can cast 3 times (you would probably want an Astrolith bearer) that does D6 mortal wounds against Chaos Daemons, which might also be the rest of his army, so you might be able to focus more on Archaon, as his other units, might just be obliterated by Kroak. Granted Archaon does have an ability that ignores mortal wounds on a 5 or 6, but Kroak can deal a lot of mortal wounds to him, that it might just be enough, but his ability so he might just ignore the spells, id nasty, but then it is good that Kroak can cast the spell more than once, and probably won't have to fight him alone, with the other options, that you can use to slow him down, and wound him.

    (Make sure that you don't have a ton of heroes, or that the heroes are hard to get to, as he can heal wounds if the kills them)

    Now, go and kill that foul creature, and fulfill the old one's plans (even in space), like we do in the other dimension of the universe, where the old world is still intact.
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2016
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  3. Raptor_00

    Raptor_00 Member

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    Well, Archaeon is prohibitively expensive. So you'll really only see him in 1,500 pts+ so you're going to have a much larger force to attack him with every turn. In a 2,000 point game just getting Battleline and Archaeon leave about 800 point for the rest of their army. So put as much firepower into that list as possible. You need to spread Archaeons attentions in multiple directions at once. ASSASSIN_NR_1 is totally right with Bastiladons, Chameleon Skinks and Kroak to put the hurt on him. Kroak will be weak because of Archaeons ability to ignore magic. So I'd concentrate more on shooting him down.

    A Starpriest would be good to make your units harder to hit. But keep him back so he can't be engaged. Target Archaeon with everything until he dies. Then mop up. You'll have to sacrifice units to Warriors and Knights but it's worth it. Honestly its the one time you want to be spread out so Archaeon can't hit everything quickly. Make him waste turns moving to engage the next target, or bog him down with units of cheap Skinks.

    He's a beast to kill, but not impossible. Your opponent has to sacrifice quantity for a huge beat stick. In my area he's rarely used anymore because he can be beat down by concentrated fire, his points cost is high, and his monetary cost is high.

    Let us know how you do against him. He's scary in combat. Just don't let him get there, or pick the opponents he has to fight.
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  4. PJetski
    Chameleon Skink

    PJetski Active Member

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    Same way you deal with any monstrous creature: tar pit with 2+ rerollable save Guard/Bastiladon and shoot at it with Salamanders and Razordons
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  5. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Many right things were said.
    You essentially have two ways to deal with it. To kill it, or not.

    To kill it, you need heavy damage dealers, supported by solid shooting : sallies and / or basti.
    In CC, you need to tarpit it, or to hit hard : Oldblood on carno is a good possibility, and I would employ the Talon formation.

    Or don’t kill it.
    You are going to outnumber its army : kill asap the other units and win by taking objectives (that's the tactic i successfully used against it the only time i faced it with seraphons)
    Soul Zenmuron and Bowser like this.

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