AoS A few general questions about specific Seraphon things.

Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by atmosaurus, Oct 4, 2016.

  1. atmosaurus
    Jungle Swarm

    atmosaurus New Member

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    Sup everybody, first post here even though I've been lurking for a few weeks. My buddy and I have returned to Warhammer to play AoS, starting some time last month, and I've been having a total blast playing my Seraphon. We started at like 1100 points and have been working up to the 1800 point game we played last night (he's been using some proxies like Elf Spearmen being Phoenix Guard or Swordmasters of Hoeth, things like that, to make more points each game). In the handful of games we've played I've had a few questions come up that we were unable to get a concrete answer on so we would just come to an agreement and play that way for the rest of the game.

    So, first, can Chameleon Skinks phase out if they're engaged in a close combat from a previous turn? My interpretation would say yes because I don't see any rules in the warscroll or rules pages specifically forbidding leaving a combat. This was relevant in the game we played yesterday (the first time I tried Chama Skinks with him), where he charged my unit with his Prince on Griffin after I phased them in for the first time, but only managed to kill ONE somehow. I wanted to phase out in my next hero phase and we weren't sure if that was allowed (ended up playing it that I could do so, as we couldn't find anything restricting it).

    Second, how do you guys determine when a unit counts as being in cover if you don't have big swathes of jungle or only have two or three trees acting as a 'forest'?

    This is what our board looked like. So what we decided mutually as counting as being 'in cover' was having all models in your unit within 2" of one of the walls or rocks. If you could fit all of your models in that space, we assumed that the guys would have enough time and awareness to use the walls, rocks or trees as cover from arrow fire, or to hide behind from blows in combat, etc. Is this fair or should I really work to create patches of terrain that can fit models inside of it? I saw a great battle report on YT last night where the player's board was incredible with these gardens and big swathes of underbrush, fences, gates, etc. Still missing a lot of that kind of stuff.

    Third, if I give a hero Relic Blade and they get +1 damage, but the damage characteristic of their weapon is D3, do you do D3 damage + 1 damage on top of whatever the D3 is, assuming a failed save? (Thinking specifically of Eternity Warden here)

    Fourth, do mounted units (or ground troops for that matter) have to subtract movement to climb over walls? We measured the walls and they're 1" tall, so we said for ground troops to climb directly over the walls they would need to subtract 2" from movement (I know there's no movement penalty for TERRAIN, but the rules say you're supposed to measure vertically when scaling walls, presumably talking about buildings). For mounted units we said that it would only be 1" because you can assume their mounts would just leap over the fence (which would still slow them slightly).

    Finally, we've been a little unclear about vision stuff, but can models of the same height hide behind rank-and-file units to block line of sight if they're in vision to be shot? Like, say my Eternity Warden is the same height as Temple Guard, can he hide behind them out of sight of archers to avoid being shot, as long as the archers are also on foot? I would assume for something like a Stonehorn, you have a higher vantage point so you can't really hide behind other guys if you're in range, only solid cover that would 100% block line of sight, but for something like Archers, who are on the same vertical level as what they're shooting at, does positioning my heroes behind units block line of sight?

    Any answers to ANY of these questions will be very much appreciated, and I'll post more as soon as I remember or think of them.
    Bowser likes this.
  2. scubrat
    Temple Guard

    scubrat Well-Known Member

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    I think a lot of the answers to your questions will be "you decide", that's kind of the nature of AoS, it's not too specific so if you're not sure on something, chat with your opponent and see what they say. I'll have a go though:

    1. I'd say so
    2. That's probably down to you, 2" sounds good
    3. Not sure
    4. You decide
    5. You decide, I play that if the model can be seen from the unit that's shooting, they can be shot.
    Bowser likes this.
  3. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Yes ;)
    Rules don't say you cannot, neither FAQ or whatever, so you can.

    It's up to you. We trace a perimeter, place a tree, and that's a forest.

    it's d3+1, up to a max of 4 dam.

    No, they shouldn't have problems (otherwise you should count also vertical movement if you climb a hill. Hills and walls are not pieces of terrain).
    That said, it's a legitimate house rule, and i approve it.

    Nope. Unless you're in total cover, if I see you I can shoot you. By FAQ I can shoot you even if you are behind a forest!
    Seraphage, Bowser and Raptor_00 like this.
  4. Raptor_00

    Raptor_00 Member

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    Everything Killer Angel said.
  5. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    This is the only one I would contest, but that's another house rule thing. I'm only using three or four trees to count as a forest, so I would still use the forest as cover as if it were full of trees, but modeled for convenience. But absolutely chameleon skinks, if they live can phase out of combat.
    I like your one inch rule with the fence.
    And D3+1 to a max of 4 is correct.
  6. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    That's not baseless. IIRC, FAQ says that you must be able to see the model, and with "official" woods, you always have los. With home made forests, very thick, you could effectively have total cover.
    Anyway, it's odd that by rules you have cover if you are within a forest, but no cover if you hide behind it! :D
    Bowser likes this.
  7. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    That is a very strange rule if a unit is facing said wood and your target is sat behind the forest it should be in cover.
    Bowser likes this.

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