hi im tym {tim} but with a y. well i am originally from south africa i now live in canada. ive been painting warhammer for about 5 and a bit years now. but i never got a chance to learn how to play. but now i feel its something i really must do. i want to learn so badly it seems like such an amazing game. i also have many different armys. they include {tomb kings,vampire counts, all three armys of chaos,orks and gobbos,ogres,skaven,empire,and of course the best of the best lizardmen.} and for all of them sepratly i have on average 7500 to 8000 points per army. like i said been painting for awhile. well thats a tiny bit bout me anyone wants to know more just ask.
Wow that is an impressive amount of models. I'd be keen to see some of your work, do you have any pics? Welcome to the forum!
In a five year period I would prolly paint like 3000 points, and thats if I'm motivated. You have a fanclub I can join? Oh and welcome
well i just recently moved. so most of my armys are still in boxes. but i do have a bit of my lizards on the table and i will most definatly post some pics of them. and when i find time i will get my other boys out and post them to. but keep some somthing in mind. and i did forget to mention this before and i apologize the tomb kings and vapires still have models needed to be painted but they are there
i dont really know wat a fanclub is so no im sorry but im sure that if i can make one or watever lol i shall as yes u can join it
question anybody.. how dont the posting pics thing work how do i put pics up or do i need like a photo bucket or somthing to do it??
Most of us use a 3rd party website to host photos and link to them in our posts. I know that I use photobucket, but I'm sure there's a whole host of other sites that you can potentially use. At this time, there is no way for LO to host pictures that are uploaded (I could be corrected on this). Hope this helps, looking forward to seeing your pics!