Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Cristhian MLR, Jan 23, 2016.

  1. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Dain Ironfoot is a Forgeworld model, I really like his boar and the Valhallan Blizzard paint looks good, will be getting that to try on my Grey Knight bases.
    Bowser likes this.
  2. Cristhian MLR

    Cristhian MLR Well-Known Member

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    The Starpriest and the Oldblood are included in the app since thy launched it, yet it's nice for collectionist (or resellers) out there.

    Yet, because of the printed hero cards, I would'nt really expect another hero bundle. At least not without an actual new Warhammer Quest game.

    Oh, I skipped something else: a Silver Tower "mega-bundle"; it's in the official page, but there is some kind of inconsistency: the base game, the expansion packs and the cards for 180 pounds (the total price), but the spanish and french versions also says that they include 13 3 ml paint pots, which are actually free considering collectionprice. Weird.

    Now, this week the official blog posted some good ideas to make your own objective markers using some spare bits:


    So, this week GW finally launched a battle mat, made of neoprene 4x4 and at 50 pounds, not so big, either overpriced, which is good:

    It's not a generic desing, it shouts loud "Imperium of Man", so it is, obviously, adecuate for urban battles. They also say that you can iron it (Pro tip: Bad idea. Unless this is the next gen neoprene).

    Will AoS get something similar? well, let's see Warhammer TV on Facebook:

    Last edited: Oct 2, 2016
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  3. Cristhian MLR

    Cristhian MLR Well-Known Member

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    Three weeks of Genestealers, but there's nothing new for AoS community yet.

    Althought, the new texture paints have been released, I have to say that they look quite good, I'm looking towards Sitrland Battlemire and Martian Ironcrust:

    This week, the Salisbury GW shop also announced this:


    There is nothing more specific, but there is a good chance to see some folks returning...

    Lastly, it seems that Blood Bowl will make its return this November 25th.

    Have a great week everyone!
  4. Cristhian MLR

    Cristhian MLR Well-Known Member

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    This monday, 2 big surprises arrived on AoS and 40K pages on Facebook. I you missed them:

    AoS: What appears to be yet another Sigmarine, but the silhouette is quite smaller than the previous heroes. Speculation says that this time the hero could be a wizard, a variant from another hero, or maybe even a female Sigma...nun? Time will thell, but I'm particullary interesed on the last one.

    WH40K: A massive new sneak peek and, well, you have to watch the last part of this video. If you are aware of what they are talking about, you WILL enjoy it.

    Have a good week everyone!
    Bowser likes this.
  5. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Plastic sisters of battle!

    Warden likes this.
  6. N1nj4
    Jungle Swarm

    N1nj4 New Member

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    Was just about to start typing about this before I looked up!
    So excited! I might finally get my hands on Oxyotl or Tehenhauin!
    Bowser likes this.
  7. Essmir
    Chameleon Skink

    Essmir Well-Known Member

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    I must say gw have supriced me latly in actuly being kind of nice it would be great if they updated the systers of battle. By the way Magnus looks asome
  8. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    WHAT? Dang its been a long time.

    Burn the heretics.
  9. Cristhian MLR

    Cristhian MLR Well-Known Member

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    I mean, that Sororitas mention at the end is a joke, but surely at the moment: Skitarii, Cult Mechanius, Harlequins, Deathwatch and now Genestealer Cults, all of them released on the last two years. GW have a year window to release plastic Sisters. If not, well, there will be a witch hunt.

    Aaaand the Blood Bowl Season begins now!:

    And there is also an unboxing video from Warhammer TV too, with 50% discount vouchers for Blood Bowl 2 (the video game)!:

    Gotta be honest: I'm not particularly excited for the game. But those orcs looks AWESOME. I can't wait to see what they will do with Lizardmen.

    If GW keep up this win streak, we could even get good discounts all over their ranges for December!
    Warden, Jorgik, n810 and 3 others like this.
  10. Cristhian MLR

    Cristhian MLR Well-Known Member

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    Ok, there are many thing happening right now:

    - Made to Order program:

    This program had the potential to bring back the models on plastic or resin, but ALL the Imperial Guard range put on restock were metal. But they added this on Facebook today:

    Maybe this could mean that GW will try to re-release this models on plastic since they were so demanded.

    - Webstore updated: What it sound it's what you get, the webstore now has 6 catalogues: News & Exclusive, AoS, 40K, The Hobbit, Painting & Modelling and Boxed Games. AoS, 40K and LotR not only includes the armies (now ordered alphabetically) but also their respective scenery pieces. Painting & Modelling now can browse paints by type and COLOUR. And now there is also a display for their games; that's cool, I'd like to see them finally bringing a good number of boxed games compatible with they wargames, that opens the company to new costumers, by introducing them via accesible games.

    - New Sigmarine, the laziest model in a loooong time:

    The new model is basically a Witch Hunter (, but its almost identical the lamp on foot Sigmarine (

    Well, at least everyone and their dogs love the gryph-hounds.

    And now... oh boy, the big big rumors:

    All extrated from:

    This might be true, I mean, miniwars was one of the very first sites that showed the first Start Collecting boxes back on December last year (, and this is kinda happening right now: Slaves to Darkness and Flesh-Eater Courts had big sets was roaming around since months, and right now they are no longer available; this could also happen to the Beastclaw Raiders' Icewind Assault Box, and there was a big bundle back when the Pestilens clans had their AoS release, but the prices are not as low as they are saying right now: 52% off!

    Oh man, the wonders I could do with those Premium Start Collecting boxes...
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2016
  11. Freddy25

    Freddy25 Well-Known Member

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    Thanks for this post(s), it's nice to hear about all these things! GW is doing a good job in my opinion, with some occasional exceptions...

    ... and speaking of exceptions, you're right saying the Lord Veritant is awkwardly lazy, but let's not forget about this:


    [Can't wait to hear about Blood Bowl's Lizard... wait... Seraphon!]
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2016
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  12. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    Love these news!! Specially the premium SC and the pigmentes and the sales and the scenery!!!
    O gosh excellent to try out my (will be after christmas) new airbrush!!
    Love it!
  13. Cristhian MLR

    Cristhian MLR Well-Known Member

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    Nope, because this Grombrindal is not even a new model. :D

    Speakin about the model, today AoS page on Facebook posted this little demostration of Lord-Veritant capabilities versus a Necromancer, a Vampire Lord, a Daemon Prince and Archaon; go check them by yourself, there is a little mention about the gryph-hounds popularity on one of the images.

    And Blood Bowl is on his own, parallel universe (I mean, the Reikland Reavers are the human team of the starter box), so nope, we still (had to) have Lizardmen.

    In any case, it's better to start saving up right now. This time GW seems to be making proper Black Friday/Christmas deals.

    You done me proud, Kevin.
    Bowser and Freddy25 like this.
  14. Cristhian MLR

    Cristhian MLR Well-Known Member

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    Winter is coming...

    GW is now ASKING for what they should put on Made to Order via Facebook, from two options:

    Miniwars has fresh details about the bases and scenery kits that will be out for Christmas, and apparently will be showed on the next White Dwarf:

    Finally, November White Dwarf will include a gift card for Total Warhammer; this includes a code to get Grombrindal, the White Dwarf as a legendary lord. And if you don't have the game yet you will get a 20% off. The game looks amazing, and it's quite good, yet you have to have a high performance PC to run it properly.
    Crowsfoot and Bowser like this.
  15. Tokek
    Chameleon Skink

    Tokek Well-Known Member

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  16. Cristhian MLR

    Cristhian MLR Well-Known Member

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    So, what do we have this month? Well, everything Miniwars said is happening:

    And there are even more photos (credits to MisterArmarnis):

    This is what we'll have:

    - The hero bases fo 40K and AoS; 40K are exactly what Miniwars described, while for AoS there are 2 stone steps (different heights), 1 Chaos altair, 1 Chaos debris, 1... Arcanabulum? destroyed gears, 1 broken column/wall, 1 broken Sigmar faience, 1 tree tunk (hey, I could put a Skink Chief there!) and 1 rocky base. Just, a rocky base. [Disappoint evident]
    - Haemothrope reactors works pumping martyr blood mixed with promethium. But that's not the only scenery piece this month, for Balewind Vortex and Magewrath Throne return!, each on their own box at only 10 pounds (yet, the original stone skulls are missing now. I have mixed feelings about this; I really liked the skulls as seperate pieces, but I'm also glad that GW is using some less skulls on their products).
    - Oh, and I almost forgot it, there will be "wound trackers" too; simply 10-sided dices. Each pack includes 8 and came on 6 different colours, which are in 2 designs: "units" and "tens" (for particularly large models).

    But wait, there is more! Some guys on DakkaDakka already have their WD issues, and they shared with us some new products too:

    - Silver Tover heroes now will be sold separately at 15 pounds (
    - The new tint set, extra concentrated pigments that will let you reinforce colours, intensify black and make subtle and drastic transitions for your paints, and can be mixed to even whole pots (
    - Khorne battle mat, and a Citadel repair tool. It's a little keyring with a little Citadel mouldline remover. And a little canister to carry a little glue tube!
    It only costs 12 pounds. [...] Yeah, I hope it includes the, oh no wait, no, it does not include the glue tube... [unintelligible Khornate roars]
    - And some Christmas gift ideas; some boxed games, some scenery bundles (just look at that sweet Tau Tidewall Rampart, it's almost 25% off compared to the individual prices) and two special paint sets: the ultimate paint set and the project paint set (

    Well, we're almost there guys! Have a great one!
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2016
    Jorgik, Freddy25 and Bowser like this.
  17. Cristhian MLR

    Cristhian MLR Well-Known Member

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    Well, I was expecting them for late November, not right now.

    The Ultimate Paint set and Ultimate Project set is out, the first costing 440 pounds, and the second costing 140.

    Seems expensive? yes, they are, especially the Ultimate Paint set, but both still offer some savings:

    The Ultimate Paint set comes with 189 (listed as: 35 Base, 15 Shade, 31 Dry, 75 Layer, 8 Edge, 4 Glaze, 11 Texture, 10 Technical paints), one of each normal paint on their respective pots (including the large ones from the recently released Texture paints), and their cost separately should be around 533.95 pounds (certain paints are a bit more expensive, like Retributor Armor), saving around 93.95 pounds, which is not bad at all, considering the box itself is, on their own words "an extremely hard-wearing, rigid box" for storage.

    You are not willing to spend the price worth of a regular laptop on paints? No problem, there is also the Ultimate Project set at 140 pounds. This includes 49 paints, the Project Box and 4 brushes (M Shade and 3 Smalls; Dry, Layer, Base). The paints (

    Eshin Grey
    Ushabti Bone
    Screaming Skull
    Yriel Yellow
    Flash Gitz Yellow
    Evil Sunz Scarlet
    Wild Rider Red
    Skrag Brown
    Deathclaw Brown
    Altdorf Guard Blue
    Calgar Blue
    Cadian Fleshtone
    Kislev Flesh
    Gehenna's Gold
    Auric Armour Gold
    Warboss Green
    Skarsnik Green
    Runefang Steel


    Reikland Fleshshade
    Nuln Oil
    Seraphim Sepia
    Carroburg Crimson
    Biel-tan Green
    Casandora Yellow
    Agrax Earthshade
    Drakenhof Nightshade

    Dry Paint Set:

    Longbeard Grey
    Necron Compound
    Etherium Blue
    Underhive Ash
    Hexos Palesun
    Tyrant Skull
    Golden Griffon
    Eldar Flesh
    Praxeti White


    Macragge Blue
    Waaagh! Flesh
    Bugman's Glow
    Mephiston Red
    Mournfang Brown
    Abaddon Black
    Ceramite White
    Zandri Dust
    Averland Sunset
    Balthasar Gold
    ) come in regular pots, so they should costs 124.95 pounds, and the overpriced brushes costs 15.1 pounds together, so you are basically getting the Project Box for free (it costs regularly 42 pounds).

    Unfortunately, while the paints included work wonder for, say, Ultramarines or Evil Sunz paint schemes, it has no paints for classic Seraphon skin, Spaces Wolves armor or Farsight Tau schemes. Well, that just affects me personally on that regard, but I can see people saying "hey, but I can't paint Pink Horrors with this paints!". Still its a good bundle, as I said before this box is perfect if you are looking to paint Evil Sunz Orks.

    The new Tint Set is also here (and, in fact, the WD page that highlight them too!:, at 30 pounds; it has 10 pots of 3 ml and 3 texture tool. Those tools costs 5 pounds alone, so I would say it is a fair price.

    We also got the new Khorne battle mat (and look quite good TBH) the Hero Bases (8 for 40K, 11 for AoS), the Haemontrope Reactors (25 pounds for 2), the returning Balewind Vortex and Magewrath Throne (both at only 10 pounds) and the wound trackers (10-sided dices).

    Of course we've got no-saving bundles for mats with some scenery, the shamelessly priced Repair Kit.

    The past week the 6 heroes from Silver Tower got their individual releases, each model costing 15 pounds, but while nice to see them on their own sprues, I'm pretty sure that only an extremely small minority will want to get one of them on their own, instead getting the full box. I mean, Silver Tower costs 95 pounds, and the 6 heroes on their own costs 90 pounds...

    Well, so basically everything with some relevance for AoS is already out, just in the first week of November. Seriously, I can't imagine what else could happen on this month now.

    Until the next time!
  18. The Red Devil

    The Red Devil Defender of Hexoatl Staff Member

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    The tint set looks very interesting, so looking forward to read a few reviews of it. If it works as good as it sounds, I will defiantly get one.
  19. Cristhian MLR

    Cristhian MLR Well-Known Member

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    Wanna know when Blood Bowl will be ready for pre-order?

    Price? from DakkaDakka:
    Also, there is a new rumor about the "Premium Start Collecting!" boxes, yet is not exactly from a reliable source (, so be careful:

    Now, I'm trusting completely on this post, I mean, it would be awesome to have that Sylvaneth bundle, but only they for Order, when the poster boys of the game are almost exclusively Sigmarines? Frankly, I doubt it. Still it makes sense to have one box for each Alliance.

    I do think that is quite certain that we will get "returning" expansions for AoS Starter Set, the ones that lasted some months back on the first half of this year, just renaming the box. The was one for Stormcasts and one for Bloodbounds, so there is already a preceding for covering Order and Chaos.

    Meanwhile, I don't know what to expect from Death: Flesh-Eaters? they already had a box like that befor the smaller Start Collecting, and the rest of the factions are really small to make them a bundle, the next biggest are the Vampires/Soulblight, but it could be mixed, just like the Start Collecting Malignants and Skeleton Horde. Meanwhile, Destruction obviously will use Orruks, the safer bet are Ironjawz (I'd LOVE to get one like that), but Bonesplitterz also got an update, and also allegiance abilities.

    Meanwhile, Warhammer 40,000? Tau, obviously. Maybe Eldars, Orks, and Chaos Space Marines, but who knows? Necrons and Imperial Guard also have a good chance.

    Gotta work overtime, right? I'll see you later.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2016
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  20. Cristhian MLR

    Cristhian MLR Well-Known Member

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    Ah, this was the biggest Saturday GW has had on this year. And maybe even on few years.

    Blood Bowl is the biggest success on this year. Granted, I don't have any actual stats to share with you, but since yesterday on late night I've been keeping an eye to the new sales and, guys, BLOOD BOWL IS (almost) OUT OF STOCK OR SOLD OUT IN LESS THAN 24 HOURS. This only happened with Tau's Start Collecting on January and few Space Marines releases.

    There was a major, one-click bundle for all the Blood Bowl new stuff, available on 4 languages, at just 107 pounds, including the game itself, Death Zone Season One booklet, a Skaven team, and Skaven BB dices. Those bundles and dices are no longer available. There are other bundles, cheaper with Blood Bowl box and Season One booklet, but they are out of stock by now, except for the english game, but I'd say that its because GW didn't expected such massive reception in non-English speaking countries. And still, the english version should be out of stock in the next hours.

    The Season One booklet will aslo include rules for the next teams: Skaven, Nurgle, Dwarf, Elven Union, High Elf, Dark Elf and Wood Elf.

    Want some more good news? FREE Fast delivery on Blood Bowl Pre-orders. Order by midnight Wednesday 23rd November and receive your copy on Friday 25th November!

    Damn it, I wanted to get a Kill Team box first, but free fast delivery? Awesome!

    Everyone, have a great season!

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